Mass effect 2 guide



  • Availability: | First Playable: after Dossier: The Convict
  • Specialty: Biotics, Combat support
  • Weapons: , Heavy Pistols
  • Unique Upgrades: (+20% biotic damage)



Jack specializes in biotic crowd control but her ability to wield shotguns gives her above-average firepower as well. Her bread-and-butter power is Pull, which should be maxed out and evolved into Pull Field. Jack is the only squad member with Shockwave, more situational but useful for masses of enemies, penetrating cover, staggering protected enemies, and knocking unprotected ones off their feet. If used against enemies already suspended by other biotic skills, Shockwave can send targets flying, often to environmental deaths.

Jack’s unlockable Warp Ammo is the only ammo power that deals bonus damage to barriers in Mass Effect 2, making her a powerful tool against the Collectors once the power is max level and evolved for squad sharing. Her Subject Zero class power provides a bonus to her power recharge times, giving her more power casts during fights than the average squad member; however, for her abilities to have their maximum impact, enemy defenses must be stripped.

Locations Of Sub-Machine Gun Upgrades In Mass Effect 2

  • +10% Damage Upgrade (x 6)
  • +50% Shield Piercing Upgrade
  • +50% Extra Rounds Upgrade

+10% Damage Upgrade — Garrus Recruitment Mission

On Garrus’ recruitment mission, before meeting him, you’ll traverse through a merc base. Once you pass through the Blood Pack room (to be extra sure, bring Grunt with you, because he comments on it) go left and bypass the locked door to get this weapon damage upgrade for your submachine guns.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Thane Recruitment Mission

While you’re trying to reach Thane and recruit him, you need to fight your way up a building called Danius Tower Two. Eventually, you reach the roof and fight a few Vanguards and Commandos. Once they’re dealt with, you can go down to the end and find this weapon upgrade. If you’ve reached the long, narrow walkway (often dubbed the «windy bridge»), you’ve gone too far.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Miranda Loyalty Mission

This submachine gun upgrade is found during Miranda’s loyalty mission, once you arrive in the container transfer area. It isn’t long after you step off the elevator that it will be found. Listen to Miranda’s advice about the situation before being attacked. When you’ve taken out the enemies, progress and find the weapon upgrade on top of a desk inside one of the containers.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Lair of the Shadow Broker Mision

The submachine gun upgrade is available as a delivery, once you’ve completed the Shadow Broker missions. One is available per day (or per mission), so you’ll just need to wait till this weapon upgrade comes around.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Citadel: Rodam Expeditions

To unlock this weapon upgrade, purchase it from Rodam Expeditions. It’s a store on the Citadel’s Zakera Ward, in the Mid-Wards District.

+50% Shield Piercing Upgrade

You will unlock this upgrade automatically, assuming you’ve already invested in two of the damage upgrades for shotguns.

+50% Extra Rounds Upgrade

Again, after investing in three of the damage weapon upgrades for shotguns, Shepard will automatically receive this one.

Locations Of Sniper Rifle Upgrades In Mass Effect 2

  • +10% Damage Upgrade (x 6)
  • +50% Armour Piercing Upgrade
  • +50% Headshot Damage Upgrade

+10% Damage Upgrade — Grunt Recruitment Mission

When on Grunt’s recruitment mission, you will fight through the outskirts of the research base where he is kept. After fighting several waves of Krogan in this region, you’ll have to head up some stairs. There, you find a scannable sniper rifle that will provide this 10% bonus damage to sniper rifles weapon upgrade.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Garrus Loyalty Mission

Progressing through Garrus’ Loyalty mission has you up against a number of Blue Suns mercenaries. Just before moving to the exterior of Fade’s hideout, your squadmates will comment that something is incoming — a YMIR Mech. Kill it and move into the office where there are shutter controls, but grab the loot (including hacking the terminal for the sniper rifle weapon upgrade) before accessing them.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Reaper IFF

This sniper rifle damage upgrade is found shortly after entering the inside of the Reaper during this story mission. You’ll have to fight a group of husks, and then head down a walkway. You’ll hear gunfire — someone else is shooting husks, and your party comments on it. At the end of the walkway, a Cerberus Rifle you find will give the weapon upgrade.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Lair of the Shadow Broker Mission

The sniper rifle upgrade is available as a delivery, once you’ve completed the Shadow Broker missions. One is available per day (or per mission), so you’ll just need to wait till this weapon upgrade comes around.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Citadel: Rodam Expeditions

Rodam Expeditions, a store on the Citadel managed by a Turian named Etarn Tiron, will sell you one of these weapon upgrades. To find it, head to the Zakera Ward’s Mid-Wards District.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Omega: Omega Market

The Omega Market is exactly what it sounds like — a market on Omega. It’s run by a fellow named Marsh, and can sell you one of your weapon damage upgrades.

+50% Armour Piercing Upgrade

You’ll need to invest some time and resources in your snipers before getting this one, since it’s automatically awarded to Shepard once you already have two of the weapon upgrades.

Как получить худшую концовку Mass Effect 2

Конечно, получить лучшую концовку Mass Effect 2 — это хорошо, но что если вы просто хотите посмотреть, как горит мир, и получить вместо этого худшую концовку? В этом случае выполните следующие действия:

  • Не покупайте никаких защитных или наступательных улучшений.
  • Не нанимайте Заида, оставьте Грунта в стазис-капсуле и наберите минимальный экипаж для начала миссии «Корабль-коллекционер» во втором акте.
  • Сразу же после этого выполните миссию «Жнец IFF» во втором акте, и не набирайте Легион, когда найдете их.
  • После похищения экипажа «Нормандии» выполните четыре или более других заданий, прежде чем отправиться через ретранслятор «Омега-4». В результате доктор Чаквас останется единственным выжившим.
  • Во время миссии «База коллекционеров» Акта 3: Проникновение», выберите нелояльных или неквалифицированных членов отряда, чтобы открыть двери и возглавить второй отряд.
  • Во время миссии Act 3 Collector Base: Долгий путь» выберите нелояльных или неквалифицированных членов отряда, чтобы создать биотическое поле и возглавить второй отряд. Не сопровождайте выживший экипаж обратно на «Нормандию».

На этот раз, после финальной стычки, когда вы попытаетесь сбежать в «Нормандии», Джокер попытается поймать вас, но не сможет, и вы упадете навзничь. После этого вы увидите, как Джокер встречается с Иллюзорным человеком вместо Шепарда, а затем Джокер оплакивает все гробы погибших членов экипажа, включая гроб Шепарда со знаком отличия N7

Обратите внимание, что если Шепард погибнет, вы, естественно, не сможете продолжить игру после этого

Кибернетические улучшения[]

Жесткое укрепление кожи 1 — 7 (Сквозной проход)

Стоимость исследования: 2 500 / 5 000 / 7 500 / 10 000 / 12 500 палладия или 90 000 кредитов (75 000 со скидкой). 
Ваш уровень здоровья возрастает на 10% с каждым улучшением (только Шепард).
В кожу вплетаются прочные синтетические волокна, значительно снижающие урон от большинства видов повреждений. Кроме того, эти волокна служат проводниками панацелина, улучшая эффект от лечения.
Примечание: Жесткое укрепление кожи 6 доступно, только если установлен DLC «Властелин». Жесткое укрепление кожи 7 требует DLC «Прибытие».

Жесткое укрепление костей (Скелетная решетка)

Стоимость исследования: 25 000 палладия. 
Урон, который получает Шепард в ближнем бою, снижается на 50%.
Скелет укрепляется синтетическими волокнами, из-за чего кости становятся почти неразрушимыми. В случае перелома волокна служат проводниками панацелина, что позволяет полностью восстановить кость за несколько дней.
Примечание: Доступно после исследования «Жесткое укрепление кожи — 2».

Жесткое укрепление мышц (Микроволокно)

Стоимость исследования: 15 000 палладия. 
Шепард становится опасней для противника в ближнем бою (+25% к урону).
В мускулы вводятся микроволокна, многократно увеличивающие силу и снижающие вероятность травм от перенапряжения.
Примечание: Доступно после исследования «Жесткое укрепление кожи — 3». В официальном переводе, в описании указано, что требуется «Жесткое укрепление кожи — 1», что может ввести в заблуждение.


  • Availability: | First Playable: after Dossier: The Justicar*
  • Specialty: Biotics, Combat
  • Weapons: , Submachine Guns

*Morinth playable after Samara: The Ardat-Yakshi (outcome dependent)

*Morinth onlyOverview

Samara and Morinth are very similar, with class powers that increase their recharge speeds making them both formidable biotic powerhouses especially with Pull Field. The only functional difference between their kits is in their loyalty powers, though this is significant.

Samara’s Reave is comparable to Warp and is effective against armor and barriers; though it can’t detonate unprotected targets, it will cripple organics while simultaneously bolstering Samara’s own health. Reave shines at Rank 4 with the Area Reave evolution, making Samara the best squadmate by far for dealing with mass barriers, and she is truly deadly versus the Collectors.

Morinth’s Dominate can be thought of as AI Hacking for organic enemies. Dominated enemies are protected by a biotic barrier instead of a shield at higher levels. Because organic enemies are much more common throughout the game than mechs or geth, Dominate can find a great deal of utility, though just as with AI Hacking, it only affects unprotected enemies.


External video settings, see to access.

In-game video settings.

Graphics feature State WSGF Notes
Widescreen resolution Vert- See .
Multi-monitor See .
4K Ultra HD Vert- See .
Field of view (FOV)
Borderless fullscreen windowed
Anisotropic filtering (AF) Can be set to x16 in
Anti-aliasing (AA) See the for potential workarounds.
Vertical sync (Vsync) Enabled by default; see .
60 FPS
120+ FPS See .

Widescreen resolutionedit

Allows changing FOV
Doesn’t work with Origin version properly
Use ThirteenAG’s Mass Effect Trilogy FOV Fix
  1. Download and extract the archive to the game directory, where the exe is located ( or )


Automatically corrects in-game FOV (Hor+)
Works with Origin version.
Works with Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 3
16:9 only[citation needed]

Field of view (FOV)edit

This method involves . Make sure you have understood what this means.
Modify field of view[citation needed]
  1. Go to the .
  2. Backup then open .
  3. Add the following line under the section:
    Bindings=( Name="Period", Command="set SFXGame.SFXCameraMode FOV 100" )
  4. Edit the key name and FOV value to your liking.
  5. Save changes


Can be used in conjunction with Flawless Widescreen providing that «FOV Limiting» is disabled.

High frame rateedit

Arrange frame rate smoothing[citation needed]
  1. Go to the .
  2. Open .
  3. Add one of the following lines under the section:
    to completely disable the FPS cap
    to raise the FPS cap (where XX is the threshold)
  4. Save changes


You also need to disable Vsync for this to work (see ).

Downloadable Content

Main article: Downloadable Content

The development team planned for much more extensive downloadable content than what was available in Mass Effect, and a large portion of the Mass Effect 2 team moved to DLC after the game’s release. Episodic combat, weapon and armor packs, characters, worlds, and full campaign expansions are available for download.

At the time of the game’s release, those who bought a new copy of the game got a free activation code to the Cerberus Network, while those who rented or bought used copies had to pay a 15-dollar activation fee; presently however the Cerberus Network is a free download. Periodic updates were provided via the in-game ‘Cerberus Network’ as well as external DLC channels. Mass Effect 2 DLC found outside the Cerberus Network varies in price.

The following listed Cerberus Network DLC and paid DLC game packs are all included with Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

Cerberus Network

  • Zaeed — The Price of Revenge: featuring Zaeed Massani, a human bounty hunter and mercenary hired by Cerberus to join Shepard’s squad. Also includes an associated set of missions, a new Achievement, and a new heavy weapon.
  • Normandy Crash Site: allowing the player to explore the crash site of the SSV Normandy.
  • Cerberus Weapon and Armor: which includes the Cerberus Assault Armor, a combat armor which boosts health, shields, and heavy weapon ammo, and the M-22 Eviscerator Shotgun, a longer-range shotgun with armor-piercing rounds.
  • Arc Projector: a heavy weapon that ionizes targets with a non-visible laser to ready them for a high-voltage electrical attack.
  • Firewalker Pack: including 5 new missions for use with the new Hammerhead hover tank.

Game Packs

  • Alternate Appearance Pack 1: a new costume for Garrus, Jack, and Thane.
  • Kasumi — Stolen Memory: featuring a new squad member and associated set of missions, as well as a new Achievement and the Locust submachine gun.
  • Equalizer Pack: adds the , , and Inferno Armor to Shepard’s armor locker.
  • Overlord: containing four new missions involving a rogue VI rampaging through a Cerberus facility and two new Achievements.
  • Aegis Pack: adds the M-29 Incisor sniper rifle and Kestrel Armor set.
  • Firepower Pack: which contains the M-5 Phalanx heavy pistol, the M-96 Mattock assault rifle, and the Geth Plasma Shotgun.
  • Lair of the Shadow Broker: containing a new mission in which Commander Shepard and Liara T’Soni team up to confront the Shadow Broker, as well as five new Achievements.
  • Alternate Appearance Pack 2: a new costume for Grunt, Miranda, and Tali.
  • Arrival: was the final DLC made for Mass Effect 2 linking to Mass Effect 3. The pack contains one assignment and deals with the Reapers’ initial arrival in the Milky Way.
  • Mass Effect: Genesis: backstory comic for Mass Effect 2 that allows players to make key plot decisions from Mass Effect that affect Mass Effect 2.

Xbox 360 items

  • The Squad Picture Pack: containing 5 Gamerpics featuring Commander Shepard, Grunt, Thane, Tali, and Samara. Priced at US $1.00.
  • The Squad Picture Pack 2: contains 5 Gamerpics featuring Miranda, Garrus, Jack, Zaeed, and Jacob. Priced at US $1.00.
  • The Character Picture Pack: containing 5 Gamerpics featuring a Collector, the Illusive Man, Legion, an Eclipse Mercenary and Renegade Commander Shepard. Priced at US $1.00.
  • Omega Premium Theme: available via Xbox Live. Priced at US $2.99.
  • Avatar items have been released containing items from Mass Effect 2. Items are available via Xbox Live, priced from US $1.00 to US $3.99.


Во-первых, визуализация. Игровой мир стал намного больше. Стоит подметить, что звездных систем стало куда больше, чем в первой части. Жаль, конечно, но больше половины из них не задействованы в сюжете. За то можно вдоволь накататься по просторам игровой вселенной, потратив не менее 80 часов (а то и больше!). Кроме того, графика в игрушке также стала несколько лучше. Разработчики добавили современные спецэффекты, качественную анимацию, а сам «виртуальный оператор» научился выбирать более выгодные ракурсы, отчего повысилось качество срежиссированных кат-сцен. Стоит подметить, что количество оружия в игрушке также намного стало больше, что не может не радовать. Поэтому, если вы желаете оценить второй «Масс эффект» с графической точки зрения, тогда без стеснения нажимайте на ссылку: скачать Mass Effect 2, через торрент для чего вам не нужно даже регистрироваться.

Talent Points Leveling Progression

See also: Experience Guide

To advance the levels of the various talents, players are awarded 100 points between the character levels of 1-60 to place where they see fit, in addition to the 2 points that are automatically assigned to two starting abilities (one point each). At very low character levels (1-11) there is a limit on how many points can be allocated to a single talent, with the limit raising by one level per level gained. Once level 11 is reached talents can be maxed out with a full 12 points allocated if desired. The player is automatically awarded for becoming a Spectre, and gains points in and for advancing the Paragon and Renegade meters respectively. Advancing said meters can also provide unique enhancements to Shepard’s combat prowess (see Morality for more details).

Each NPC squad member, on the other hand, receives 80 points between the levels of 1-60 to place where players see fit, in addition to the 2 points that are automatically assigned to two starting abilities. Points for both the player and squadmates are assigned from the Squad menu screen.

Note: In a player’s very first playthrough of the original version of Mass Effect, Shepard and NPC squadmates can only reach a maximum of level 50. It is also basically impossible to reach level 60 starting from level 1 in one playthrough of the story even once the level 50 cap no longer applies.

Legendary Edition: In Mass Effect Legendary Edition there is no level cap on a first playthrough and experience scaling is improved in various ways to make reaching level 60 considerably easier. There is also an option to scale character levels to the 1-30 scale used in the subsequent games in the trilogy. This does not affect total talent points awarded.Shepard:

  • Levels 1-5: 3 points per level
  • Levels 6-35: 2 points per level
  • Levels 36-60: 1 point per level

Total: 100 points

NPC squad members:

  • Levels 1-20: 2 points per level
  • Levels 21-60: 1 point per level

Total: 80 points

Warning: Point assignments for both the player and squadmates can only be undone or adjusted for a character while their screen in the Squad menu is open; once it is closed or switched to a different character, chosen point allocations become completely irreversible for the rest of the current playthrough of the game’s storyline. The chosen point allocations will even carry over to any future Mass Effect playthroughs with the same character. Only the talent point assignments for NPC squadmates are reset on starting a new playthrough of the story and can be reassigned differently if desired. For this reason, it is a very good idea to create permanent save points before choosing point assignments.

Player Exclusive

The following miscellaneous talents are available to Commander Shepard only:

Spectre Training

Main article: Spectre Training

Unlocked after a Spectre. The talent provides a small but across the board increase to health, and to the accuracy/effectiveness of all attacks, talents, and abilities. Advancing ranks of Spectre Training also unlock and improve the unique Unity ability, one of the only ways to squadmates that fall in battle.


  • Opens Charm options in conversation
  • Decreases the cost of items in stores
  • Charm options in conversations will be grayed out if you do not have a high enough skill rank.
  • New skill ranks will unlock when you become a Spectre and as you earn Paragon points.
Talent Ranks
Level 1: Sets Charm score at 1; opens up new dialog options
Level 2: Sets Charm score at 2; opens up new dialog options
Level 3: Sets Charm score at 3; opens up new dialog options
Level 4: Sets Charm score at 4; opens up new dialog options | Store Discount: Gives a 2% discount at stores
Level 5: Sets Charm score at 5; opens up new dialog options
Level 6: Sets Charm score at 6; opens up new dialog options
Level 7: Sets Charm score at 7; opens up new dialog options
Level 8: Sets Charm score at 8; opens up new dialog options | Store Discount: Gives a 5% discount at stores
Level 9: Sets Charm score at 9; opens up new dialog options
Level 10: Sets Charm score at 10; opens up new dialog options
Level 11: Sets Charm score at 11; opens up new dialog options
Level 12: Sets Charm score at 12; opens up new dialog options | Store Discount: Gives a 8% discount at stores


  • Opens Intimidate options in conversations
  • Increases credits gained when selling items in stores
  • Intimidate options in conversations will be grayed out if you do not have a high enough skill rank.
  • New skill ranks will unlock when you become a Spectre and as you earn Renegade points.
Talent Ranks
Level 1: Sets Intimidate score at 1; opens up new dialog options
Level 2: Sets Intimidate score at 2; opens up new dialog options
Level 3: Sets Intimidate score at 3; opens up new dialog options
Level 4: Sets Intimidate score at 4; opens up new dialog options | Motivated Buyer: Sell items to stores for 2% more credits
Level 5: Sets Intimidate score at 5; opens up new dialog options
Level 6: Sets Intimidate score at 6; opens up new dialog options
Level 7: Sets Intimidate score at 7; opens up new dialog options
Level 8: Sets Intimidate score at 8; opens up new dialog options | Motivated Buyer: Sell items to stores for 5% more credits
Level 9: Sets Intimidate score at 9; opens up new dialog options
Level 10: Sets Intimidate score at 10; opens up new dialog options
Level 11: Sets Intimidate score at 11; opens up new dialog options
Level 12: Sets Intimidate score at 12; opens up new dialog options | Motivated Buyer: Sell items to stores for 8% more credits

С чего всё начиналось

В 2148 году человечество обнаружило на Марсе руины древней цивилизации, в которых сохранилось вполне адекватное описание технологий, основанных на нулевом элементе, а также запасы этого самого нулевого элемента. Люди обрадовались и принялись строить корабли, путешествующие со скоростью выше световой, чтобы наконец-то исследовать Солнечную систему. На задворках Плутона исследователи обнаружили действующий ретранслятор массы, не замедлили им воспользоваться и — вуаля! — оказались в обитаемой галактике. Первый контакт с другой разумной расой — турианами — вышел не слишком приятным, но в конце концов человечество более-менее нормально обосновалось среди звёзд. Тридцать пять лет спустя, на момент действия основных событий, к людям уже все привыкли, хоть они и не всем по душе.

Squad members

There are two major roles you want for your team members; the ability to take down shields, and the ability to get kills at long-range. When entering an unknown mission, you’ll want at least one person who specialises in taking down shields. The Adept is nearly useless when it comes to taking down shields so having a squadmate with the Overload ability will be the best thing to bring along on most missions. Squadmates like Garrus, Miranda, or Kasumi, are ideal. Garrus might be more useful since Miranda and Kasumi have exactly the same weapons as an Adept does, although Miranda’s Warp and Kasumi’s Shadow Strike are not to be underestimated.

Having squad members that can kill at a distance to cover for the Adept’s lack of long-range capability is something that is useful on any mission. Garrus, Thane, Legion and Zaeed are good in that respect because they have weapons that can be used at long-range, such as sniper rifles. With Grunt’s shotgun, he is more suited to close combat; however his assault rifle and tank-like strength make him a good squadmate in many situations.

Bringing another biotic with the squad tends to be redundant since their powers are, in most cases, already available to the Adept. Nevertheless, for the Adept who likes to use biotic combos (Warp explosions or throwing lifted enemies), bringing the appropriate complement can make this task much easier and faster. A squadmate’s instant Slam or Pull is in some situations more effective the Adept’s own similar power, which can easily miss when enemies run around or seek cover.

Thane’s powers don’t trigger reliably when he is using a sniper rifle, there is often a significant delay. He should be switched to the SMG when using his powers for biotic combos.

Game data[edit]

In-game general settings.

Game can lose saves when the path has been customized

Configuration file(s) locationedit

System Location
Windows \Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\BIOGame\Config\\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Profile\Player1.prf
Steam Play (Linux) /steamapps/compatdata/24980/pfx/
Many other settings can be adjusted inside .

Save game data locationedit

System Location
Windows \Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save\\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Profile\Player1.prf
Steam Play (Linux) /steamapps/compatdata/24980/pfx/
For the folders used for importing saves see Mass Effect.


«Самоубийственная Миссия» — самое удивительное и волнующее задание во всей трилогии Mass Effect. Ничто так не мотивирует проходить игру заново, как желание сохранить команду. Выжившие встретятся в третьей части или будут вскользь упомянуты.

Концовка Mass Effect 2 зависит от принятых решений и целостности команды: сначала диалог с Призраком, затем сцена на корабле. Если командир не пережил финальный бой, то с главой «Цербера» говорит Джокер.

А Жнецы в любом случае уже близко…

Для истинных фанатов Mass Effect мы подготовили гайды по всем любовным линиям: 

  • Любовь и страсть в Mass Effect 1: все романы
  • Романы в Mass Effect 2: все чувственные любовные линии
  • Страсть и ненависть: все романы в Mass Effect 3


По сюжету игры, прошло два года с того момента, когда командор Шепард остановил «Пожинателей» и смог спасти все человечество. Однако, отдыхать бравому солдату нет никакого времени, потому что на горизонте появился новый противник, который методично истребляет целые колонии людей на окраине исследуемого космоса. Шепарду ничего не остается, как сотрудничать с циничной организацией «Цербер», целью которой является сохранение человечества любой ценой. После этого, Шепарду дали возможность собрать самую лучшую команду, кроме этого, в его распоряжении были самые лучшие корабли, которые доступны людям. Однако, не смотря на это, в успех Шепарда почти никто не верит. Вам предстоит доказать, что они ошибаются, но перед этим вам необходимо Mass Effect 2 скачать торрент от Механиков бесплатно на нашем игровом потрале. Представленная система игры дает возможность создать команду, в которой каждый солдат по-своему уникален. Конечно же, у него будут свои достоинства и слабости, но, исходя из всего этого, вам предстоит обмундировать их и правильно ими командовать на поле боя.

Особенности Mass Effect 2 Механики

  • В игре у вас есть возможность создать свою собственную команду из лучших и уникальных бойцов, а после этого посетить самые опасные уголки Вселенной!
  • Если вы прошли полностью первую часть игры Mass Effect, то здесь вы сможете загрузить все сохраненные данные и продолжить историю командора Шепарда с того самого момента, на котором они остановились. Но, не стоит расстраиваться и новым пользователям, ведь их приключения будут не менее увлекательными, тем более, вторая часть игры намного превосходит первую практически по всем параметрам.
  • Вам необходимо изучить все основы тактики, возглавить самый элитный отряд, освоить 19 уникальных классов оружия, и, конечно же, обрушить всю свою ярость на противников, применяя новую улучшенную систему боя.
  • На этот раз новая система управления, рассчитана на динамические сражения, которые позволяют вам полностью контролировать всю обстановку и добиться победы в совершенно любых условиях.
  • В игре вас ждут самые отдаленные и опасные уголки обитаемого космоса. Посетите таинственные планеты, которые населены большим количеством колоритных героев.
  • Изучите уникальные планеты и выполните дополнительные задания для того, чтобы узнать больше о вселенной Mass Effect.

На этой странице по кнопке ниже вы можете скачать Mass Effect 2 Механики через торрент бесплатно.

Miranda Lawson

  • Availability: | First Playable: Freedom’s Progress
  • Specialty: Biotics, Tech, Combat support
  • Weapons: Submachine Guns, Heavy Pistols


*Miranda Lawson and Jacob Taylor can each have 31 points maximum available for distribution, not the 30 that is usual for squadmates.


Miranda is the definition of versatility, as all of her powers are useful in almost any mission. The challenge comes from choosing which of her powers to invest in first. On higher difficulties, Overload should be maxed and evolved for area damage first, as shielded enemies are nearly ubiquitous in the early game where Miranda is one of the only squad members. Warp provides sufficient supplemental damage even at Rank 1, and enemies with barriers are fairly rare until later. Warp should be maxed out eventually and evolved to Unstable Warp for a reduced cooldown time and more powerful combos.

Slam, which only gets unlocked in the mid-game, fills in one of the only major gaps in Miranda’s kit: lack of a true disabling power. There’s really no need to invest more than the single point Slam automatically gets; this leaves another full 10 points available to max out Cerberus Officer, one of the strongest class passives in the game, buffing the health and weapon damage of the entire party. This bonus layers with the additional damage an ammo power provides. Pairing Miranda with a party member that can combo with her Warp is generally desirable; Jacob is a natural choice early on and his Incendiary Ammo makes the two a good pairing throughout the game.

Locations Of Shotgun Upgrades In Mass Effect 2

  • +10% Damage Upgrade (x 6)
  • +50% Shield Piercing Upgrade
  • +100% Extra Rounds Upgrade

+10% Damage Upgrade — Jack Recruitment Mission

When Jack escapes her bondages and you follow her during the recruitment mission, you’ll fight a few prisoners and mercenaries before a huge YMIR Mech shows up. Once Shepard and friends manage to take it down, you’ll cross a bridge towards the back and head out. As you pass through — but before reaching the U-shaped corridor — scan the shotgun to unlock this weapon upgrade.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Reaper IFF

This shotgun weapon upgrade is found on a story mission where you’re trying to find a Reaper IFF device. You’ll travel inside a Reaper and end up on the outside, where a cutscene will play in which a sniper — wearing bits of N7 armor — shoots a few Husks nearby. You’ll then deal with a few husks and abominations, head up the stairs, around, and down the stairs again. At the bottom of these stairs, a Cerberus Shotgun will give you the weapon upgrade.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Lair of the Shadow Broker Mission

The shotgun upgrade is available as a delivery, once you’ve completed the Shadow Broker missions. One is available per day (or per mission), so you’ll just need to wait till this weapon upgrade comes around.

+10% Damage Upgrade — Tuchanka: Fortack’s Defense

Other than Ratch’s Wares, Fortack’s Defense is the only shop on Tuchanka. He sells the weapon upgrade, assuming you’ve got the credits to spare.

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