Командный блок

Special Block Data Syntax¶

Some blocks have additional syntax for setting extra information.

Sign Text

You can set text on signs by separating it with a pipe symbol (). Note that if the text has spaces, you must wrap the entire pattern in quotes .

Example: Setting sign text

Simple Example:

//set oak_sign|Line1|Line2

With spaces and rotation:

//set "oak_wall_sign|Hello world|Second|Third line"

Player Heads

You can set the skin of a player head by specifying a username after the pipe symbol.

Example: Setting a skin on a head

//set player_head|dinnerbone

Mob Spawners

You can set the type of mob to be spawned (again via the pipe symbol). Note that the name of the mob must be an . Prefixing minecraft: is optional, modded mobs must have a namespace.

Example: Creating a squid spawner

//set spawner|squid


Once you have something in your clipboard, you can paste it to world. The last argument is optional: if you want the copy to paste at the same point that it was copied at, type , otherwise the paste will be placed relative to you. Remember that if you are pasting relatively, it will be relative to where you were when you made the initial copy. For example, if you were on top of your castle when you copied it, pasting it would result in the castle being pasted under you.

A primer on how relative positions work for clipboards

Like the copy/cut commands, the paste command also allows the same three flags:

  • can be specified to also paste entities, if your clipboard contains any
  • can be specified to also paste biomes, if your clipboard contains any
  • can be used to specify a mask of blocks to paste. Blocks that do not match the mask will not be pasted.

In addition, there are some additional flags:


//wand — дает вам деревянный топор (топор редактирования). ЛКМ по блоку деревянным топором назначает первую позицию, ПКМ по блоку назначает вторую позицию.

//toggleeditwand — отключает деревянный топор. Теперь им можно пользоваться по прямому назначению.

//sel <cuboid|poly> — выбор формы выделяемого региона. cuboid — выделяет куб. poly — выделяет только в плоскости.

//pos1 — назначает первой позицией для выделения блок на котором вы стоите.

//pos2 — назначает второй позицией для выделения блок на котором вы стоите.

//hpos1 — назначает первой позицией для выделения блок на который вы смотрите.

//hpos2 — назначает второй позицией для выделения блок на который вы смотрите.

//chunk — выделяет весь чанк на котором вы находитесь.

//contract <amount> — уменьшает выбранный вами регион на amount блоков в направлении, в которое вы смотрите.

//contract <amount> <direction> — уменьшает выбранный вами регион на amount блоков в направлении direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).

//contract <amount> <reverse-amount> — уменьшает выбранный вами регион в двух направлениях. amount — количество блоков уменьшения в первом направлении, reverse-amount — количество блоков уменьшения в противоположном направлении, direction — направление (north, east, south, west, up, down). Например: //contract 10 7 south — уменьшит выбранный регион на 10 блоков к югу (south) и на 7 блоков к северу (north).

//expand <amount> — расширяет выбранный вами регион на amount блоков в направлении, в которое вы смотрите.

//expand <amount> <direction> — расширяет выбранный вами регион на amount блоков в направлении direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).

//expand <amount> <reverse-amount> — расширяет выбранный вами регион в двух направлениях. amount — количество блоков расширения в первом направлении, reverse-amount — количество блоков расширения в противоположном направлении, direction — направление (north, east, south, west, up, down). Например: //expand 10 7 south — расширит выбранный регион на 10 блоков к югу (south) и на 7 блоков к северу (north).

//expand vert — максимально расширит выбранный вами регион вверх и вниз.

//outset <amount> — Расширяет выбранный регион в каждом направлении.

//inset <amount> — Сужает выбранный регион в каждом направлении.

//shift <amount> — перемещает регион выбора. Не перемещает содержимое региона. amount — расстояние, direction (north, east, south, west, up, down).

//size — введите что-бы узнать размер выделенного региона.

//count <block> — введите что бы узнать сколько блоков чего либо (block) находится в выбранном регионе.

//distr — введите для получения списка блоков находящихся в выбранном регионе.

Изменение региона

Расширение региона

Эти команды позволяют легко увеличить регион по-разному:

  • Определяя направление.
    • north — север.
    • south — юг.
    • west — запад.
    • east — восток
    • up — вверх.
    • down — вниз.
  • Глядя на одну из сторон света.
  • К небу и к коренной породе.

Чтобы указать направление можно использовать короткие названия сторон (N, S, W, E, U, D). Если Вы в качестве параметра направления напишите «me», то расширение произойдет в сторону взгляда. Вы можете указать два числа и область будет расширена в двух направлениях одновременно.

Расширение вверх

Используете если хотите расширить область до неба и коренной породы.

Эта команда аналогична //expand.

Перемещение выбранного региона

//shift дальность направление

Сдвигает регион. эта команда работает как //expand и //contract одновременно с одной дальностью и противоположными направлениями. Команда сместит регион на определённую величину, при этом не перемещает блоки в регионе (для этого напишите команду //move в чат).



Since the underlying platforms are often in various states of development, not all settings will work on all platforms. Please notify us if you find this to be the case.

Setting Default Description
defaultLocale default The default locale to use for translations, defaults to the system locale.
profile false Whether to print out a blocks changed/time info after each operation.
traceUnflushedSessions false Display a debug message when an edit isn’t completed properly.
disallowedBlocks <list of blocks> A list of blocks that cannot be used in patterns (mostly physics blocks that will “pop off” and may severely lag or crash the server if thousands of items are spawned).
defaultChangeLimit -1 The default amount of blocks that can be set in one operation.
maxChangeLimit -1 The maximum amount of blocks for the change limit (set with in-game)
defaultMaxPolygonalPoints -1 The default amount of polygonal points that can be used (), -1 means use maximum
maxPolygonalPoints 20 The maximum amount of polygonal points that can be used (, used if you have )
defaultMaxPolyhedronPoints -1 The default amount of polyhedron points that can be used (), -1 means use maximum
maxPolyhedronPoints 20 The maximum amount of polyhedron points that can be used (, used if you have )
snapshotRepo   If not left empty, the directory name to look for snapshots
snapshotsExperimental false If true, uses the new snapshot code. Try it out and report bugs!
maxRadius -1 Maximum radius of commands that take a radius
maxSuperPickaxeSize 5 Maximum size of super pickaxe tools
maxBrushRadius 6 Maximum size of brushes
logCommands false Whether to log more informative information on command usage.
logFile   If logCommands is true, the file to log to.
logFormat : %5$s%6$s%n The format of command logging
wandItem minecraft:wooden_axe The default item used for selection regions, overriden by existing sessions
superPickaxeDrop true Whether the single super pickaxe mode will drop items for blocks it breaks
superPickaxeManyDrop true Whether multi super pickaxe modes will drop items for blocks they break
useInventory false Require players to have items in their inventory to make edits (this option is not well supported and not recommended)
useInventoryOverride false Allow a permission node to override the above setting
useInventoryCreativeOverride false Allow creative mode to override the above setting
navigationUseGlass true Whether the and commands should place a glass block for the player to stand on if in mid-air
navigationWand minecraft:compass The default item used for the navigation wand which allows and as left-click/right-click, overriden by existing sessions
navigationWandMaxDistance 50 The max distance the navigation wand should trace to find a block to jump to
scriptTimeout 3000 The maximum time a craftscript can run before it is terminated
calculationTimeout 100 The default time an expression can run before it is terminated
maxCalculationTimeout 300 The maximum time an expression can run before termination (changed in game with )
allowedDataCycleBlocks   If not empty, a whitelist of blocks which the data cycler tool can be used on
saveDir schematics The directory in which to save schematics (relative to the worldedit folder)
scriptsDir craftscripts The directory in which to look for craftscripts
allowSymlinks false Whether to allow the above to be symlinked locations (useful for sharing between servers)
butcherDefaultRadius -1 The default radius of the command (-1 for infinite)
butcherMaxRadius -1 The maximum radius of the command
serverSideCUI true Whether to allow the usage of
defaultVerticalHeight 256 The height to use for commands that take an optional height.
extendedYLimit false If true, use slower but unbounded positions. This should only be needed with a mod that extends the height limit.


Sometimes you may want to rotate your copy. The command currently lets you rotate your copy
around the Y (up-down) axis 90 degrees or at any multiple of 90 degrees. To be accurate, it actually allows you to
revolve your copy around the relative offset that you were at when you originally made the copy. If you wanted to rotate
a copy around its center, you would have had to stand in the middle of the copy when you had made it.

Note that the rotate command can also take an angle to rotate around the X or Z axis, though you must specify 0 for the
axes that you don’t use, e.g. for X axis rotation , and for Z axis . These two axes
can be used to make something vertical, horizontal, or vice versa.

Generation Commands¶

Description Generates a hollow cylinder.
   The pattern of blocks to generate
   The radii of the cylinder. 1st is N/S, 2nd is E/W
   The height of the cylinder
Description Generates a cylinder.
   The pattern of blocks to generate
   The radii of the cylinder. 1st is N/S, 2nd is E/W
   The height of the cylinder
   Make a hollow cylinder
Description Generates a hollow sphere.
   The pattern of blocks to generate
   The radii of the sphere. Order is N/S, U/D, E/W
   Raise the bottom of the sphere to the placement position
Description Generates a filled sphere.
   The pattern of blocks to generate
   The radii of the sphere. Order is N/S, U/D, E/W
   Raise the bottom of the sphere to the placement position
   Make a hollow sphere
Description Generate a forest
   The size of the forest, in blocks
   The type of forest
   The density of the forest, between 0 and 100
Description Generate pumpkin patches
   The size of the patch
Description Generate a hollow pyramid
   The pattern of blocks to set
   The size of the pyramid
Description Generate a filled pyramid
   The pattern of blocks to set
   The size of the pyramid
   Make a hollow pyramid

(or , )


Generates a shape according to a formula.

See also

   The pattern of blocks to set
   Expression to test block placement locations and set block type
   Generate a hollow shape
   Use the game’s coordinate origin
   Use the placement’s coordinate origin
   Use the selection’s center as origin

Available Patterns¶


This list may be incomplete as patterns are added to WorldEdit. In addition, our API allows other plugins to register new patterns, which will not be listed here.


Here’s a video detailing some of these patterns which were added in WorldEdit 7:

Single Block Pattern

The most basic pattern of just a single block. A block is identified by two parts: the , and additional block states. These two links to the Minecraft Wiki, along with WorldEdit’s in-built tab-completion for commands, should guide you in specifying the block you want. Additional states are always appended to the type using the syntax . Note that when states are not specified, or if some are left out, the default values will be used for those states.

Example: Single block patterns

Setting a selection to stone:

//set stone

Setting a selection to a note block with a specific instrument and pitch:

//set note_block

Setting a selection to an oak stair block facing east with the bigger part on top:

//set oak_stairs

Random Pattern

This pattern allows setting random blocks from any number of other patterns. The basic form is as simple as a comma-separated list of patterns, which will be chosen from evenly. You can also specify weights for each pattern with .

Example:: Random Patterns

Setting a selection to different types of stone, equally distributed:

//set stone,diorite,andesite,granite

Setting a selection to mostly red wool, with a small amount of glass (5:1 ratio, see note below):

//set 50%red_wool,10%red_stained_glass


Despite the percentage sign, weights need not add up to 100. They are cumulative and will be divided by the total. That is, means 25% of blocks will be dirt, and 75% will be stone. In other words, weights are relative to each other, not to 100. Because of that, the pattern isn’t valid. If you only want to set 5% of blocks to dirt, you should use the .


You can use any other pattern as one of the choices, not just the single block pattern. Keep reading to see more patterns…

Random State Pattern

Prefixing any block type with an asterisk () will randomly choose between all states for that block for each position.

Example: Random State Pattern

Setting oak logs facing in random directions:

//set *oak_log

Clipboard Pattern

The pattern will take blocks from your clipboard in the same arrangement. This makes it easy to build one part of a repeating complicated pattern by hand, and then repeat it over and over. You can also offset the pattern by adding .

Example: Using the clipboard pattern

Replacing to your clipboard:

//replace #existing #clipboard

Using the clipboard in the first image to replace a hill. Note the repeating layers.

Using an offset to align the clipboard:

//set #clipboard@

Type or State Applying Pattern

This pattern, prefixed by , lets you set the type or states of a block without modifying everything else. This pattern will, for example, allow you to change a spiral staircase from oak to acacia without having to worry about the stairs facing in different directions and so on. You can either specify a block type (to change block type but not states, where applicable), or any number of states (to only change those states, where applicable).

Example: Type/State Applying Patterns

Replacing all oak stairs to acacia stairs, while maintaining orientation, etc:

//replace oak_stairs ^acacia_stairs

Removing the water from all waterloggable blocks:

//set ^

Doubling up all slabs:

//replace ##slabs ^

Выбор кубоидов

На данный момент WorldEdit позволяет выбирать «кубоиды» (прямоугольные параллелепипеды), выбрав две точки. На рисунке ниже показано, как две точки образуют кубоид. Они выбираются только с выравниванием по осям (нельзя повернуть под углом).

Есть несколько различных способов выбора этих двух точек, и Вы можете их смешивать и сочетать.

Выделение инструментом


Это самый интуитивно понятный способ выбора региона. Чтобы её получить, наберите в чате //wand (по умолчанию появится деревянный топор). Щелкните левой кнопкой мыши, чтобы выбрать первую точку, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы выбрать вторую точку.

Выделение на своей территории

Эти команды выбирают первую и вторую точки над блоком, на котором Вы стоите. Как правило, инструментом гораздо удобнее, и Вы, наверное, нечасто будете пользоваться этим способом. Обычно он удобен для тех случаев, когда нужно выделить точку, где нет блоков поблизости — например, высоко над землей или под водой.

Выделение с помощью прицела

Эти команды выделяют первую и вторую точки на которые Вы прицелились. Это позволяет с лёгкостью выделять большие регионы издалека.

Schematic and Clipboard Commands¶

(or , , )

Description Schematic commands for saving/loading areas
Permissions , , , , , ,

(or , )


List saved schematics

Note: Format is not fully verified until loading.

   Page to view.
   Sort by date, oldest first
   Sort by date, newest first

(or , )

Description List available formats
Description Load a schematic into your clipboard
Permissions ,
   File name.
   Format name.

(or )

Description Delete a saved schematic
   File name.
Description Save a schematic into your clipboard
Permissions ,
   File name.
   Format name.
   Overwrite an existing file.
Description Copy the selection to the clipboard
   Also copy entities
   Also copy biomes
   Set the include mask, non-matching blocks become air
Description Cut the selection to the clipboard
   Pattern to leave in place of the selection
   Also cut entities
   Also copy biomes, source biomes are unaffected
   Set the exclude mask, non-matching blocks become air
Description Paste the clipboard’s contents
   Skip air blocks
   Paste at the original position
   Select the region after pasting
   No paste, select only. (Implies -s)
   Paste entities if available
   Paste biomes if available
   Only paste blocks matching this mask

Rotate the contents of the clipboard

Non-destructively rotate the contents of the clipboard.
Angles are provided in degrees and a positive angle will result in a clockwise rotation. Multiple rotations can be stacked. Interpolation is not performed so angles should be a multiple of 90 degrees.

   Amount to rotate on the y-axis
   Amount to rotate on the x-axis
   Amount to rotate on the z-axis
Description Flip the contents of the clipboard across the origin
   The direction to flip, defaults to look direction.

Указание блоков

Блоки-аргументы могут быть указаны как по (1, 3, 35), так и по названию (stone, grass, wool). Если блок имеет дополнительное значение, оно может быть указано после двоеточия (35:14, wool:red). Можно комбинировать разные способы указания блока.

Большинство команд может оперировать сразу с несколькими видами блоков, для этого нужно указать блоки через запятую без пробела. Например:

  • //replace grass,dirt stone — заменит землю и траву на камень.
  • //set wool,wool:red,wool:green — заполнит выделение белой, красной и зеленой шерстью в случайном порядке (в тех же пропорциях т.е. 33,3% — белой, 33,3% — красной и 33,3% — зеленой).
  • //set 10%wool:blue,90%wool:orange — заполнит выделение на 10% синей шерстью и на 90% — оранжевой (при указании более 2-х аргументов могут быть баги).
  • //overlay 5%torch,95%air — покроет 5% выделения факелами.
  • //set sign:3|строка1|строка2|строка3|строка4 — Указание строк для табличек.

Loading and Saving¶

WorldEdit can work with “schematic” files to save or load your clipboard to disk.

To save your current clipboard to file, use .

To load a saved schematic, use .

A note on schematic formats

Before WorldEdit version 7 (corresponding to Minecraft 1.13), the files were saved with a “.schematic” file extension in a format that was compatible with many other software such as MCEdit, Redstone Simulator, and more. Unfortunately, the format wasn’t suited for the new block format Mojang was migrating to, so a new format was devised — named the Sponge schematic format, using the extension “.schem”.

Note that WorldEdit can still import old “.schematic” files saved in older versions (or third party programs) through a legacy compatibility layer, but they can no longer be written to.

Relative positions and schematics

Both the origin of the copy and your offset to the copy are saved with the file so that you can load it back later on and paste the copy at its original location or relative to you as if you had copied it. You should be familiar with how and store your relative position.

Note that third party software which uses the format may not necessarily use relative positions as WorldEdit does, so they may not have that information.

Schematic Management

List available schematics

//schem list  

The or flag may be used to sort by newest/oldest file modification time. The flag will get a specific page number. Note that the output of this command is interactive — the arrows at the bottom will retrieve the previous/next page automatically, and the “button” on the left will load the schematic.

Deleting schematics

//schem delete <filename>

Listing available formats

//schem listformats

Although the note above only mentions the older “MCEdit” schematic format and the newer “Sponge” schematic format, WorldEdit actually has no limit on how clipboards are stored. Third-party plugins can register new formats with WorldEdit for saving and/or loading.

Schematic Storage

Schematics are saved to and loaded from WorldEdit’s schematic folder, which is named by default, but
can be changed in the config. The folder is not created until you save a schematic in-game.
If you’ve downloaded a schematic somewhere and want to add it, you can make the folder manually. The folder needs
to be inside WorldEdit’s config folder, which is on Bukkit/Spigot/Paper, and
on other platforms. This means that by default the schematics folder is located at or


If you want to share schematic folders between servers/installations, or simply want to store them elsewhere, you will have to enable the “allow-symbolic-links” option in the config.


The save and load commands, although they ask for a file name, can take , in which case a sub-folder will be created in your schematics folder. This can be useful to organize your schematics.

Selection Commands¶

Description Set position 1
   Coordinates to set position 1 to
Description Set position 2
   Coordinates to set position 2 to
Description Set position 1 to targeted block
Description Set position 2 to targeted block

Set the selection to your current chunk.

This command selects 256-block-tall areas,
which can be specified by the y-coordinate.
E.g. -c x,1,z will select from y=256 to y=511.

   The chunk to select
   Expand your selection to encompass all chunks that are part of it
   Use chunk coordinates instead of block coordinates
Description Get the wand object
   Get a navigation wand
Description Remind the user that the wand is now a tool and can be unbound with /tool none.
Description Contract the selection area
   Amount to contract the selection by
   Amount to contract the selection by in the other direction
   Direction to contract
Description Shift the selection area
   Amount to shift the selection by
   Direction to contract
Description Outset the selection area
   Amount to expand the selection by in all directions
   Only expand horizontally
   Only expand vertically
Description Inset the selection area
   Amount to contract the selection by in all directions
   Only contract horizontally
   Only contract vertically
Description Get information about the selection
   Get clipboard info instead
Description Counts the number of blocks matching a mask
   The mask of blocks to match
Description Get the distribution of blocks in the selection
   Get the distribution of the clipboard instead
   Separate blocks by state
   Gets page from a previous distribution.

(or , , )

Description Choose a region selector
   Selector to switch to
   Set default selector
Description Expand the selection area
   Amount to expand the selection by, can be vert to expand to the whole vertical column
   Amount to expand the selection by in the other direction
   Direction to expand


//repl <block> — Делает инструмент в вашей руке «заменителем», правой кнопкой меняет выбранный блок на указанный.

//toggleplace — переключение между первой позицией и вашим текущим положением.

//fill <block> <radius> — заполнить отверстия блоком block, в радиусе radius и в глубину depth.

//fillr <block> <radius> — рекурсивное заполнение отверстий блоком block, в радиусе radius.

//drain <radius> — осушить бассейны воды/лавы в радиусе radius.

//fixwater <radius> — уровень близлежащих водоемов.

//fixlava <radius> — уровень близлежащих бассейнов лавы.

//removeabove — убрать блоки над вашей головой.

//removebelow — убрать блоки под вашими ногами.

//replacenear <size> <from-id> <to-id> — заменить блоки на расстоянии size, заменить блоки from-id на блоки to-id.

//removenear — удалить блоки block на расстоянии size.

//snow <radius> — покрыть все снегом в радиусе radius.

//thaw <radius> — убрать снег в радиусе radius.

//ex — потушить огонь на расстоянии size. По умолчанию в радиусе 40 блоков.

//butcher — убить всех мобов в радиусе radius. По умолчанию во всем мире.

// — если ломать блоки киркой, то они ломаются очень быстро.

//regen — востанавливает выбранный регион. Заново его генерирует.

//limit <limit> — максимальное количество блоков используемое при командах. Действует только на вас. Используется для предотвращения катастрофических инцидентов.

Copy and cut¶

The command copies your current selection to your session’s clipboard, keeping track of where you are relative to the copy. The second part of that sentence is very important; if you want to later paste, for example, a bridge so that it is under where you are standing, you must stand in a location above the bridge when you make the copy. This method allows you to easily align your later paste because you can plan ahead a bit; it requires some spatial abilities to master the copying process but you will find it particularly helpful once you get the hang of it.

works just like except that it also deletes the selected area afterwards. By default, it leaves air, but you can also specify a different block to leave behind.


This remembers your current position relative to the copy. This is a very important concept to grasp otherwise you will not be able to control where you paste your copy!

Both commands have three additional flags:

Utility Commands¶

Description Fill a hole
   The blocks to fill with
   The radius to fill in
   The depth to fill
Description Fill a hole recursively
   The blocks to fill with
   The radius to fill in
   The depth to fill
Description Drain a pool
   The radius to drain
   Also un-waterlog blocks

(or )

Description Fix lava to be stationary
   The radius to fix in

(or )

Description Fix water to be stationary
   The radius to fix in

(or )

Description Remove blocks above your head.
   The apothem of the square to remove from
   The maximum height above you to remove from

(or )

Description Remove blocks below you.
   The apothem of the square to remove from
   The maximum height below you to remove from

(or )

Description Remove blocks near you.
   The mask of blocks to remove
   The radius of the square to remove from

(or )

Description Replace nearby blocks
   The radius of the square to remove in
   The mask matching blocks to remove
   The pattern of blocks to replace with

(or )

Description Simulates snow
   The radius of the cylinder to snow in
   The height of the cylinder to snow in
   Stack snow layers

(or )

Description Thaws the area
   The radius of the cylinder to thaw in
   The height of the cylinder to thaw in

(or )

Description Converts dirt to grass blocks in the area
   The radius of the cylinder to convert in
   The height of the cylinder to convert in
   Also convert coarse dirt

(or , , , , )

Description Extinguish nearby fire
   The radius of the square to remove in
Description Kill all or nearby mobs
   Radius to kill mobs in
   Also kill pets
   Also kill NPCs
   Also kill golems
   Also kill animals
   Also kill ambient mobs
   Also kill mobs with name tags
   Also kill all friendly mobs (Applies the flags -abgnpt)
   Also destroy armor stands
   Also kill water mobs

(or , )

Description Remove all entities of a type
   The type of entity to remove
   The radius of the cuboid to remove from

(or , , , )

Description Evaluate a mathematical expression
   Expression to evaluate
Description Displays help for WorldEdit commands
   List sub-commands of the given command, if applicable
   The page to retrieve
   The command to retrieve help for

Tool Commands¶

Description Binds a tool to the item in your hand
Description Block stacker tool
   The max range of the stack
   The mask to stack until
Description Selection wand tool
Description Tree generator tool
   Type of tree to generate
Description Block replacer tool
   The pattern of blocks to place
Description Wand at a distance tool

(or )

Description Unbind a bound tool from your current item
Description Floating tree remover tool
Description Long-range building tool
   Pattern to set on left-click
   Pattern to set on right-click

(or )

Description Flood fill tool
   The pattern to flood fill
   The range to perform the fill
Description Block data cycler tool
Description Navigation wand tool
Description Block information tool


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Unbind a bound tool from your current item

(or )


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Selection wand tool

(or )


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Navigation wand tool


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Block information tool


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Tree generator tool
   Type of tree to generate


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Block replacer tool
   The pattern of blocks to place


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Block data cycler tool

(or )


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Flood fill tool
   The pattern to flood fill
   The range to perform the fill


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Floating tree remover tool


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Wand at a distance tool

(or )


This command is deprecated. Global tool names cause conflicts and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Long-range building tool
   Pattern to set on left-click
   Pattern to set on right-click

(or )

Description Toggle the super pickaxe function
   The new super pickaxe state
Description Set the brush mask
   The mask to set

(or )

Description Set the brush material
   The pattern of blocks to use
Description Set the brush range
   The range of the brush
Description Set the brush size
   The size of the brush

Region Commands¶

Description Sets all the blocks in the region
   The pattern of blocks to set

Draws line segments between cuboid selection corners or convex polyhedral selection vertices

Can only be used with a cuboid selection or a convex polyhedral selection

   The pattern of blocks to place
   The thickness of the line
   Generate only a shell

Draws a spline through selected points

Can only be used with a convex polyhedral selection

   The pattern of blocks to place
   The thickness of the curve
   Generate only a shell

(or , )

Description Replace all blocks in the selection with another
   The mask representing blocks to replace
   The pattern of blocks to replace with
Description Set a block on top of blocks in the region
   The pattern of blocks to overlay

(or )

Description Set the center block(s)
   The pattern of blocks to set
Description 3 layers of dirt on top then rock below
Description Build the four sides of the selection
   The pattern of blocks to set

(or )

Description Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection
   The pattern of blocks to set

Smooth the elevation in the selection

Example: ‘//smooth 1 grass_block,dirt,stone’ would only smooth natural surface terrain.

   # of iterations to perform
   The mask of blocks to use as the height map
Description Move the contents of the selection
   number of times to apply the offset
   The offset to move
   The pattern of blocks to leave
   Shift the selection to the target location
   Ignore air blocks
   Also copy entities
   Also copy biomes
   Set the include mask, non-matching blocks become air
Description Repeat the contents of the selection
   # of copies to stack
   How far to move the contents each stack
   Shift the selection to the last stacked copy
   Ignore air blocks
   Also copy entities
   Also copy biomes
   Use block units
   Set the include mask, non-matching blocks become air
Description Regenerates the contents of the selection
   The seed to regenerate with, otherwise uses world seed
   Regenerate biomes as well

Deforms a selected region with an expression

The expression is executed for each block and is expected
to modify the variables x, y and z to point to a new block
to fetch. See also

   The expression to use
   Use the game’s coordinate origin
   Use the placement’s coordinate origin
   Use the selection’s center as origin

Hollows out the object contained in this selection

Thickness is measured in manhattan distance.

   Thickness of the shell to leave
   The pattern of blocks to replace the hollowed area with
Description Make a forest within the region
   The type of tree to place
   The density of the forest
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