

  • Daisho is the only weapon in the game that has two non-Mythical enchantments (Precision and Poisoning). It can thus, if enchanted with a Mythical recipe, hold a maximum of 3 enchantments. Re-enchanting it with a Simple or Medium recipe causes it to permanently lose this property, and the two enchantments are replaced with the one newly forged.
  • Overheat is the only Simple recipe which is available on every piece of equipment.
  • Frenzy is the only Medium recipe which is available on every piece of equipment.
  • The Stun enchantment does not work on Titan or during the Underworld.
  • The Monk’s Set items obtained from Ascension are all enchanted with simple enchantments in addition to Tempest Rage.
  • Lynx and May are the only enemies who have 2 enchantments on one gear type; Time Bomb and Poisoning on Lynx’s Claws and Throwing Daggers, Damage Absorption and Regeneration on May‘s helm and armor.
  • Even though the in-game descriptions of Weakness and Enfeeble imply that the enchantments only affect enemy’s melee attacks, they also affect their ranged attacks and magic.
  • The players can increase their Time Bomb damage by equipping a stronger weapon. Additionally, they can reduce the damage from enemies’ Time Bomb by equipping stronger armor.
  • Upon delicate investigation, medium enchantments’ icons appear to have a «glow» aura to them when viewed in the shop. Simple and Mythical enchantments do not have this glow.
  • Upon delicate investigation, mythical enchantment icons have a golden rim around them, even the one that are unobtainable


Have at least one piece with protection, preferably the pants, or just enchant your entire armor set with protection (save for one situational enchantment on the chestplate).

Unbreaking is not as necessary on armor as on tools and weapons. Unbreaking III on a piece of armor only makes it last about 43% longer, but for a tool or a weapon, its durability is effectively quadrupled.


  • Mending
  • Protection IV or Projectile Protection IV or Blast Protection IV or Fire Protection IV
  • Unbreaking III
  • Respiration III
  • Aqua Affinity
  • Thorns III (Optional. Consumes extra Durability)

There are multiple enchantment orders with the same in . At the same total costs in levels the cost in XP can still be different. For example two steps costing 2 and 4 levels require more XP than two steps costing 3 levels each. The optimal enchantment orders is with a cost of 6 + 2 + 2 + 8 + 9 = 27 levels.


  • Mending
  • Protection IV or Projectile Protection IV or Blast Protection IV or Fire Protection IV
  • Unbreaking III
  • Thorns III (Optional. Consumes extra Durability)

The optimal enchantment orders is with a cost of 4 + 2 + 7 = 13 levels.


  • Mending
  • Protection IV or Projectile Protection IV or Blast Protection IV or Fire Protection IV
  • Unbreaking III
  • Thorns III (Optional. Consumes extra Durability)

The optimal enchantment orders is with a cost of 4 + 2 + 7 = 13 levels.


  • Mending
  • Protection IV or Projectile Protection IV or Blast Protection IV or Fire Protection IV
  • Feather Falling IV
  • Unbreaking III
  • Depth Strider III or Frost Walker II (Depth Strider overall preferred, as it is used in more circumstances)
  • Soul Speed III (Optional. Consumes extra Durability)
  • Thorns III (Optional. Consumes extra Durability)

There are multiple enchantment orders with the same in . At the same total costs in levels the cost in XP can still be different. For example two steps costing 2 and 4 levels require more XP than two steps costing 3 levels each. The optimal enchantment orders is with a cost of 6 + 3 + 2 + 9 + 10 = 30 levels.

Секреты книжных полок

Мы уже упомянули о том, что для получения самых мощных заклинаний необходимо обставить стол книгами. Всего потребуется пятнадцать полок. Они должны располагаться на расстоянии в два блока от стола, уровень может быть тем же или немного выше основания. Только правильная расстановка активирует руническую анимацию, о которой мы говорили выше.

Детали, на которые стоит обратить внимание:

  • Действие книжных полок может быть заблокировано снегом или факелами. Стоит учесть эту особенность, когда дело касается низкого уровня.
  • Для создания полки понадобятся три книги и шесть брусков дерева. Весь материал помещается в ячейки верстака.

How to read Minecraft enchantment language

The Minecraft enchanting table language is actually known as standard galactic language, and originated in Commander Keen. There are many, many tools available to convert the letters, but the words don’t correlate to the enchantment you get: it’s nothing but a fun easter egg. So while you can translate the enchanting language in Minecraft, it’s not helpful at all.

And there you have it, all the basics on Minecraft enchantments plus descriptions of every vanilla enchantment in the game. Some of these are especially powerful – we’re big fans of using Punch to knock mobs of ledges – so use them wisely. You can also enchant your Minecraft shield with three different Minecraft enchantments to improve your defence in battle.

{«schema»:{«page»:{«content»:{«headline»:»Minecraft enchantments guide: how to use your enchanting table»,»type»:»guide»,»category»:»minecraft»},»user»:{«loginstatus»:false},»game»:{«publisher»:»Mojang»,»genre»:»Survival»,»title»:»Minecraft»,»genres»:}}}}


Most enchantments have continuous effects or triggered abilities, but some have abilities that can be activated by their controllers.

Enchantments vs. colored artifacts

Enchantments function very similarly to colored artifacts. The main distinction is flavor and what cards can destroy it. As a general rule, artifacts with activated abilities can have a cost that taps the artifact, while enchantments almost never do on the enchantment themselves, instead granting other permanents or the permanent they are attached to an ability that has a tapping cost.

The only three examples of pure enchantments that tap themselves are found on futureshifted cards (Flowstone Embrace, Second Wind, Witch’s Mist).R&D has no further plans to put tapping onto enchantments, because it is one of the few differences still existing between artifacts and enchantments.


Minecraft Dungeons
Dungeons Beta Fixed Surprise Gift not dropping any items
Fixed Consumables spawned by Surprise Gift and Food Reserves not appearing for all players in online co-op
Fixed Radiance and Radiance Shot effects not visible to all players in online co-op. Changed Exploding radius +50%
Changed Fire Aspect damage +100%
Changed Poison Cloud damage +50%
Changed Thundering damage +25%
Changed Radiance range reduced to 750 (matching Radiance shot)
Changed Radiance Shot trigger chance 20% -> 50%
Changed Leeching healing 4/6/8% -> 5/7/9%
Changed Shockwave damage 20 -> 35, speed +13%
Changed Snowball stun duration 3s -> 2s
Changed Health Synergy and Speed Synergy triggers on Lightning Rod and Corrupted Beacon when activated
Changed Soul Speed max stack 100 -> 5, speed bonus 1% -> 5%, duration 2/3/4s -> 3/5/7s, Removed soul-amount multiplier for the speed bonus on collected soul (each visual soul equals one stack)
Changed Anima Conduit healing 1/2/3% -> 2/4/6% per visual soul, triggers on any kill source, removed soul-amount multiplier on soul collection.
Fixed Radiance heal amount to scale twice as much as it should (effective reduction at Apocalypse -50%)
Fixed Shockwave missing notify icon on Heads-up display
Fixed Burning description to state «damages nearby enemies» Added Acrobat, Bag of Souls, Burst Bowstring, Busy Bee, Dynamo Melee, Dynamo Ranged, and Tumblebee.
Changed Light Feather to activate Roll Enchantments Changed Deflecting trigger chance 20/40/60% -> 25/35/45%.
Changed Mob enchantments to be significantly scarier[more information needed]. Changed Shockwave damage 35 -> 30, collides with walls, Swirling damage 45 -> 40, requires that a mob is hit with the attack to trigger.
Fixed Prospector and Looting triggering either once per mission, or not at all..
Minecraft Dungeons Twitter tweeted video revealing Multi-Roll (0:01), Lucky Explorer (0:15) and Illager’s Bane (0:25). The Rushdown enchantment effect is shown at 0:12 with Tempest Knife, 0:32, 0:35, and 0:38 with Chill Gale Knife Added Illager’s Bane, Death Barter, Lucky Explorer, Multi-Roll, Life Boost, Roll Charge, Rushdown.
Changed Prospector and Looting triggers no matter the damage source (includes kills from summons, artifacts, , etc.).
Fixed Deflecting triggering Dynamo Ranged
Fixed Fuse Shot arrows not exploding. Added Gilded Gear, Pain Cycle, Artifact Synergy, Cooldown Shot, Shock Web, Reckless, Beast Burst, Beast Boss, Beast Surge, Fire Focus, Lightning Focus, Poison Focus, and Soul Focus
Changed Max Dynamo Melee and Dynamo Ranged charges Infinity -> 20.
Added Colors to damage numbers: Lightning — Light blue, Fire — Orange, Poison — Green, and Soul — Purple. Added Guarding Strike, Luck of the Sea, Overcharge, Refreshment Melee, Refreshment Ranged, Rush, and Reliable Ricochet property
Fixed Fire Trail launching defeated mobs
Fixed Poison-based damage not power scaling
Fixed Artifact Charge triggering after picking up consumables. Added Ambush, Dipping Poison, Levitation Shot, Shadow Barb, Shadow Blast, Shadow Shot Shadow Surge, Shared Pain, Swarm Resistance, Void Strike Melee, and Void Strike Ranged.
Multiple enchantments have been expanded to new weapon types, the following includes: Committed Ranged, Critical Hit Ranged, Exploding Ranged, Fire Aspect Ranged, Looting Ranged, Prospector Ranged, Soul Siphon Ranged, Smiting Ranged, Unchanting Melee, Weakening Ranged, and Enigma Resonator Ranged.


Bat in a Bucket

Right-click a bat with an empty bucket to capture it (if you can!) and get the Bat in a Bucket.
Right-click to release the captured bat, causing the outline of all entities around you to be visible for a moment.


Combine a snowball with glowstone dust to get a glowball. You can throw it like a snowball and it will leave a little glowing blob where it impacts.

Raid Horns

A Raid Horn may be used to cancel a village raid that is in progress. When there is no raid in progress,
blowing a raid horn will call a wandering pillager patrol group to spawn nearby.

The Raid Horn has a 5% chance to drop from a patrol leader.

Data values[]


Java Edition:

Name Resource location Form Translation key
Enchanted Book Item

Bedrock Edition:

Name Resource location Numeric ID Form Translation key
Enchanted Book Item

Item data

Java Edition:

Main article: Player.dat format

Enchanted books use an NBT tag to indicate the enchantment.
The allowed sub-tags are and , equivalent to the format of the tag that is used for enchantments applied to items.

The following NBT structure is provided to show how the tag is organized, and is not comprehensive above the tag. The full NBT for an item can be found .

  •  tag: The tag tag.

    •  StoredEnchantments: The list of enchantments on this book.

      • An enchantment

        •  id: The enchantment name ID
        •  lvl: The enchantment level

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Item format.

minecraft enchanted book

If you’d prefer the anvil route for using Minecraft enchantments, here’s how to make one:

Block of Iron Block of Iron Block of Iron
None Iron Ingot None
Iron Ingot Iron Ingot Iron Ingot

You make blocks of iron from nine iron ingots. You can make these ingots by smelting iron ore over a furnace, or just a simple campfire. Here’s how you get enchanted books to use with that shiny new anvil:

  • Looting: enchanted books are available in stronghold and temple chests
  • Fishing: though not the fastest way, there is a small chance you can fish an enchanted book as a treasure item
  • Enchanting: you can create an enchanted book yourself, using a book and three lapiz lazuli. You do need an enchantment table for this, however.
  • Trading: librarian villagers can sell you enchanted books for a number of emeralds, based on the enchantment. You can get emeralds in chests, by trading with villages, and by mining emerald ore with an iron pickaxe or better. Emerald ore is often found near lava.

Увеличение навыков

00109632 — Навык Зачарования возрастает на заданное число единиц

0007A106 — Увеличивается урон от атак, совершенных с помощью двуручного оружия

0007A104 — Число монет на предмет становится меньше

0007A103 — Навык Скрытности возрастает на заданное число единиц

0007A102 — Возрастает навык Улучшения оружия и брони

0007A100 — Возрастают шансы удачно осуществить карманные кражи

000D6933 — Увеличивается навык Красноречия

0007A0FF — Увеличивается урон от одноручного оружия

0007A0FC — Взлом становится легче на заданное число процентов 

0007A0FB — Навык Ношения легкой брони возрастает

0007A0F9 — Навык Ношения тяжелой брони возрастает

0007A0F3 — Блок щитом возрастает на заданное число процентов

000F6906 — Успех Красноречия на заданное число процентов

0007A0FE — Урон от лука возрастает на заданное число процентов

0008B65C — Созданные зелья становятся более мощными на заданное число процентов

0003EB29 — Благодаря этому id в Skyrim зачарованние определенного предмета становится мощнее  на заданное число единиц

0049507 — Возрастает выносливость

00049504 — Возрастает мана

000493AA — Возрастает HP

00109630 — Мана восполняется на заданное число процентов

0007A105 — Выносливость восполняется на заданное число процентов

0007A0F8 — HP восполняется на заданное число процентов


See also: Anvil mechanics

In Survival, enchanted books are the only method to obtain certain enchantments on certain tools, such as Unbreaking on shields. Enchanted books have a shine effect on their sprite.

To use an enchanted book, the player must place an item in the first slot in an anvil, and a book in the next. In order to complete the enchantment, the player must have the required amount of experience. Note that using an enchanted book gets significant discounts at the anvil. Enchanted books themselves can be combined to create a single book with increased or multiple enchantments, similar to combining tools or weapons.

When combining items, the compatible enchantments from the book in the second slot are transferred to the item from the first slot, keeping the highest level of any type. If two enchantments have the same level and a higher level is available, they combine into the next level. If a book is applied to an item that can’t take all of its spells, the appropriate spells are transferred, while the unusable ones are lost. Enchanted books are single-use.

Enchanted books do not exhibit their enchantment. For example, a book with Sharpness IV as an enchantment does no more damage than an un-enchanted book, or any non-weapon item, would when used as a weapon. An exception is the Fire Aspect book which can ignite TNT and light campfires and the Mending book if the block mined can be broken by fist. ‌[Bedrock Edition only]

Available items

See also: Enchantments

Enchanted books can enchant the usual items that can be enchanted at an enchanting table, but unlike an enchanting table, they are able to boost enchantments such as Sharpness or Thorns to their maximum power, and may apply the following enchantments to items (the table displays only netherite tools and armor, but any type can be enchanted):

Enchantment Items not enchantableat an enchanting table Note
Efficiency Increases mining speed
Thorns Inflicts damage on attacker
Unbreaking Increasing durability on enchanted tools/armors
Frost Walker Creates walkable ice layer over water
Mending Uses XP Orbs to repair damaged tools/weapons/armors
Curse of Binding Prevents removal of cursed item
Curse of Vanishing Cursed item is destroyed upon death
Soul Speed The wearer’s speed is increased when walking on Soul Sand or Soul Soil.

Creative mode

The player can enchant any item with any enchantment in creative mode, allowing any applied effects to exhibit themselves.‌[Java Edition only] For example, a stick can be enchanted with Silk Touch to allow the player to successfully dig grass blocks. The enchanted item can still be used in Survival mode without any loss of enchantments.

Enchantments that are normally incompatible are still incompatible; for example, Piercing and Multishot cannot be both applied to the same item, even in Creative mode.

If a block is enchanted, it loses the enchantment upon being placed in the world.

Unavailable or Unimplemented Enchantments

Name Image Description
Critical Protection

A 20% chance to reduce damage from an incoming critical hit. Extent of this reduction depends on the power of this enchantment. This enchantment was only available on two helms: the Iron Mask, which can only be bought from the 1.6.1 Starter Pack, and Fur Ear-Flap, the New Year 2018 special helm which can be obtained from Gingerbread Chest.

Static Charge A chance to trigger a short lightning storm targeting your enemy after being hit. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.
Shocking Strike Chance to cause a Shock with a Head Hit is increased. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.

Подготовка к зачарованию: строим стол

Для строительства этого важного предмета необходимо обзавестись одной книгой, двумя алмазами и четырьмя слитками обсидиана

  • Книга изготавливается из одного куска кожи и трех бумажных листов. Еще один способ — это уничтожение книжных полок в библиотеках НПС.
  • За алмазами лучше всего отправляться на залежи алмазной руды, вооружившись железной киркой (лучше двумя). Стоит помнить, что это одна из самых редких руд в «Майнкрафте», поэтому найти ее можно только на глубоко под землей. Иногда алмазы могут выпасть из рандомных сундуков, поэтому нужно смотреть в оба.
  • Для добычи обсидиана придется скрафтить алмазную кирку. Чтобы найти руду, не обязательно отправляться на нижние уровни, достаточно докопать до лавы и залить ее водой.

Получив все необходимые предметы, можно скрафтить стол зачарования. Для того чтобы получить лучший эффект от будущего колдовства, рекомендуется обставить стол книжными полками. Это делается для того, чтобы повысить уровень предметов, которые будут зачаровываться. Процесс накладывания заклинаний сопровождается красивой анимацией: книжные полки, находящиеся поблизости, выпускают магические руны, которые несут в себе особую энергию. Примечательно, что книга зачарования (в Minecraft так называется книга, которую кладут на волшебный стол) всегда поворачивается в сторону игрока.

Небольшой совет: для доступа к абсолютно любым заклинаниям мы рекомендуем построить сразу три стола и расставить их в определенном порядке — один поместить между книжными полками, второй установить рядом с ними, а последний разместить где-нибудь в стороне.


Chest loot

Level-30 books

Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Enchanted Book Jungle temple Chest 1 4.5%
Stronghold Altar chest 1 2.5%
Storeroom chest 1 4%
Library chest 1 67.8%
Java Edition 1.18[]
Enchanted Book Stronghold Altar chest 1 2.5%
Bedrock Edition
Enchanted Book Jungle temple Chest 1 5.3%
Stronghold Altar chest 1 2.9%
Storeroom chest 1 3.8%
Library chest 1 72.9%
  1. ↑ Enchantment probabilities are the same as a level-30 enchantment on an enchantment table that was able to apply treasure enchantments (except Soul Speed), and where the chance of multiple enchantments is not reduced.

Random enchantment books

Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Enchanted Book Dungeon Chest 1 14.9%
Mineshaft Chest 1 14.1%
Desert temple Chest 1 23.5%
Pillager Outpost Chest 1 11%
Underwater ruins Big ruins chest 1 21.7%
Woodland mansion Chest 1 14.9%
Java Edition 1.18[]
Enchanted Book Dungeon Chest 1 14.7%
Bedrock Edition
Enchanted Book Dungeon Chest 1 14.9%
Mineshaft Chest 1 14.1%
Desert temple Chest 1 23.5%
Pillager Outpost Chest 1 11%
Underwater ruins Big ruins chest 1 21.7%
Woodland mansion Chest 1 17.5%
  1. ↑ All enchantments are equally probable, including treasure enchantments (except Soul Speed), and any level of the enchantment is equally probable.

Soul Speed books

Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Enchanted Book Bastion remnant Generic chest 1 11.2%
Bedrock Edition
Enchanted Book Bastion remnant Generic chest 1 11.2%
  1. ↑ Enchanted with a random level of Soul Speed.


Enchanted books can be obtained as a «treasure» item from fishing with a fishing rod as part of the «treasure» category. The book has the equivalent of a level 30 enchantment from an enchantment table, but treasure enchantments are available and the chance of multiple enchantments is not reduced.


In Bedrock Edition, librarian villagers have a 50% chance to sell enchanted books as part of their trades at novice, apprentice, and journeyman-level, and have 1⁄3 chance to sell enchanted books at expert-level as part of their trades, meaning each librarian villager can sell up to four books. They are bought for 1 book and 5-64 emeralds, based only on the level of the enchantment (for example, Infinity and Protection I both cost 5-19 emeralds), although treasure enchantments (such as Mending) double the cost.

In Java Edition, librarian villagers have a 2⁄3 chance to sell enchanted books as part of their trades at the novice, apprentice, and journeyman level, and have a 50% chance to sell an enchanted book at the expert level, meaning each librarian can sell up to four books. They are bought for 1 book and 5-64 emeralds, based only on the level of the enchantment (for example, Infinity and Protection I both cost 5-19 emeralds), although treasure enchantments (such as Mending) double the cost.

They may contain any available enchantment (except Soul Speed) at any available level. See for more information on enchantments and prices.


Vindicators and pillagers that spawn from raids have a small chance to drop an enchanted book with a level 30 enchantment, which may be a treasure enchantment.‌[Bedrock Edition only]


An enchanted book with multiple high level enchantments.

An enchanted book with multiple enchantments that can be applied to the same item.

Players can create an enchanted book by enchanting a book on an enchantment table. Books have a decreased chance of getting multiple enchantments (specifically, if multiple enchantments would be added, then one is removed at random), and have a lower «enchantability level» than most other items. Treasure enchantments such as Mending cannot be obtained from an enchantment table.

Players can barter with piglins by using or throwing gold ingots, and doing so has a 5⁄459 chance for piglins to give the player an enchanted book with any level of Soul Speed. Soul Speed enchanted books are only obtainable through bartering, chest loot inside a bastion remnant, fishing, and raid loot.‌[Bedrock Edition only] They cannot be obtained through enchanting or trading.


0008850D — Кулдаун между ту`умами становится меньше на 20 процентов

000EE5c4 — Зачарование Кольцо Намиры

000F82FF — Дополнительные превращения для оборотня на выбранное число единиц

000F8475 — Ваш персонаж получит Древнюю Маску

0010FC14 — Ваш персонаж получит маску на исцеление либо вызов жреца

00092A57 — Ваш персонаж получит маску, благодаря которой движения довакина будут менее слышны

00092A48 — Бесконечное дыхание под водой

0007A0F4 — Количество веса возрастает

00017120 — Увеличивается класс брони

000FF15C — Скрытые атаки, осуществленные при помощи одноручного оружия наносят в 2 раза больше урона

000424E2 — Повреждения без применения оружия

Simple Recipes

Simple recipes are the first kind of recipe available to the player for forging enchantments. They require only Green Shadow Orbs to forge and take 20 minutes to complete, the shortest wait duration among all recipes.

Name Image Description
Precision A chance to make a Critical Hit with increased damage. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.

Available on Melee Weapons and Ranged Weapons.

Overheat Each strike dealt or each hit taken has a chance to put a buff on you that makes your next strike inflict 200% more damage. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.

Available on all types of equipment.

Poisoning A chance that your enemy will start to lose 3% health (10.2% for magic) per second over 5 seconds after being hit. This chance is proportional to the damage dealt and the power of the enchantment.

Available on Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons and Magic.

Weakness A chance to weaken your enemy’s melee attacks by 50% from a succesful hit.

This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.

Available on Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons and Magic.

Magic Recharge A chance to increase your magic recharge from a successful hit by 300% and from taking a hit by 700%. This chance depends on the power of this enchantment.

Available on Melee Weapons, Armor and Helms.

Bloodrage A chance that you will deal 200% more damage on your hit, but would also lose 30% of damage dealt in own health (10% for Naginata and Ronin’s Dadao). This enchantment won’t work if it would cause you to lose. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.

Available on Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons and Magic.

Rejuvenation A chance to regenerate 3% of your health for 5 seconds after being hit. This chance is proportional to the damage received and the power of the enchantment.

Available on Armor and Helms.

Damage Absorption A chance to absorb all damage dealt to your body or head by a single strike. This chance depends on the power of the enchantment.

Available on Armor and Helms.


Enchantment slots

Weapons and armor each have up to three enchantment slots, with up to three random enchantments choices per slot.

The number of available enchantment slots on collected equipment depends on the difficulty and the player’s threat level.[needs testing] Unavailable enchantment slots or enchantment choices cannot be unlocked.

Type Tier Total
Common 1 2 3 6
Powerful 2 3 4 9
Gilded common 2 3 4 9
Gilded powerful 3 4 5 12

Enchantments behave independently when stacked. A weapon with two Chains III, each having a 30% chance to occur, does not give a 60% chance to occur, but instead a combined 51% chance, including a 9% chance that the effect occurs twice.

Built-in enchantments

When dealing with equipment possessing a built-in enchantment, that enchantment is unavailable as a choice to apply onto that particular piece of equipment, even if the built-in enchant is normally stackable. For example, a Diamond Pickaxe never has Prospector as an option, a Firebolt Thrower never has Chain Reaction as an option, Nimble Turtle Armor never has Rush as an option, and so on.

Built-in enchantments are shown as the enchantment icon with an orange border on the equipment’s properties list and can be visible in-game through the enchantment notify icon, enchantment effects, and the Status Effect icon relating to the enchantment appears on the Heads-Up Display upon the use of non-enchanted equipment. Enchantments that are built-in cannot be upgraded, altered, or removed.

Soul enchantments

Enchantments that involve souls occur only on weapons and armor that provide soul gathering naturally, such as the Soul Knife, Soul Bow, or Soul Robe and their respective uniques, not on equipment that has an enchantment built-in that provides soul gathering — Soul Fists, Soul Hunter Crossbow and Verdant Robe being notable examples.

Soul gathering equipment can possess non-soul enchantments the same as regular equipment.

Anima Conduit, Enigma Resonator, and Soul Siphon are Soul enchantments that occur on both melee and ranged weapons. Soul Speed occurs on armor.

Gilded Gear

Gilded Gear in the inventory.

Obtainable, to a maximum power of 251, from defeating Ancient Mobs during Ancient Hunts or though bartering with the Piglin Merchant using Gold, Gilded Gear are weapons and armors that possess an extra built-in enchantment at tier I, II, or III and costs more enchantment points to activate and upgrade the enchantments within the slots. These appear in the inventory with a gold background and a golden tag adjacent to the rarity.

Gilded gear can be for gold rather than the usual emeralds with regular gear. Ancient Hunts do not allow gilded gear to be used as an offering.

Special event items equipment cannot be obtained gilded.

Enchanted mobs

Main articles: Enchanted Mobs and Ancient Mobs

Enchanted mobs are glowing, slightly larger mobs with 1 or more additional properties that make them more of a threat to players compared to standard mobs. Enchantments can be applied onto mobs from an Enchanter, the Arch-Illager or spawn with enchantments. Passive, such as Sheep, and neutral mobs can also appear with enchantments. Some of these enchantments, such as Heal Allies and Regeneration are exclusive to mobs and not available to players.

How to use a Minecraft enchanting table

Enchanting items in Minecraft comes in three main flavours, each with different rules. The main way to enchant items is to use an enchanting table, which allows you to exchange experience points and Lapis Lazuli to grant special effects to your items. 

There are two other ways of enchanting items. The first of which is to combine an enchanted book with an item that has no enchantments. The other involves combining two enchanted items into one single item that has the enchantments of both. 

To enchant items from scratch, you need to place Lapis Lazuli into the table and then the item you want to enchant. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be shown an enchantments list. Each has a level cost no higher than your current level and the number of Lapis Lazuli in the table. The higher your level, the better the enchantments. That said, there’s no real way to guarantee you get the enchantments you want. 

The Forge

The Forge is a section in the shop that allows the players to enchant any equipment pieces using Shadow Orbs. There are three different types of Shadow orbs: Green, Red, and Purple Orbs. The green orbs are the most common ones. You get them in pretty much every round you fight. The red orbs are the second most common type of orbs. You can get them when you fight in eclipse mode. Purple Orbs are the rarest orbs. You can get them when defeating the demons or when you open the mystery box. This section becomes available in Act II, after the player beats one Tournament stage and makes an upgrade to any armor. However, there is no certainty as to which enchantment they might receive. There are a total of 25 enchantments in the game, of which 8 are simple, 9 are medium, 2 are mythical, 2 are mythical but unimplemented (Searing Luminary and Stone Fetters), one is unobtainable through The Forge but available on some special items (Critical Protection), 2 are completely unavailable to the player (Shocking Strike and Static Charge), and one appears only during certain challenges and stages (Burning).

The available enchantments can be forged from three recipes: Simple, Medium, and Mythical Recipes. After an enchantment forging is started, the player must wait a certain amount of time before the enchantment is ready. The waiting time varies depending on the complexity of the recipe, and it can be skipped using 5 gems. Only one item can be forged at a time, so the player cannot begin enchanting any items before the current forging process is completed, if any.

Whenever an item is enchanted with a Simple or Medium recipe, any previous Simple or Medium enchantments on that item irreversibly disappear and are replaced with the new enchantment.

The Forge Menu.

The message showing the required shadow orbs and forging time, appears as a confirmation before starting the forging process.

An item with enchantment. The players can tap the enchantment icon to check its description.

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