Aliens: colonial marines (2013 video game)


  • The weekly salary of a Marine is $500-760.
  • While never officially stated, it seems likely that the USCM was inspired by the United States Marine Corps, which was formed in 1775 and has fought in dozens of conflicts, including World War II and the War on Terror. The US Marines specialize in force projection operations far from home bases, much like the USCM. However, while the US Marines rely on the United States Navy for their mobility, the USCM is apparently a combined force capable of self-contained mobility and combat operations.
  • In reality, only Great Britain has ever fielded a professional military force known as Colonial Marines (officially titled the Corps of Colonial Marines), which it did twice — the first Corps served in the Caribbean from 1808 to 1810, while the second, more substantial Corps operated in America from 1814 to 1816. During the American Revolutionary War, a group of militiamen also operated under the title of American Colonial Marines, although it was an irregular unit.
  • A Colonial Marine Corps appears in the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica television series, which also featured Predator actor Bill Duke in a guest role in its second season.
  • The actors playing the Colonial Marines in Aliens were required to read the Robert A. Heinlein novel Starship Troopers as part of their preparations prior to filming, and also took part in a training boot camp run by the SAS (Special Air Service), the UK’s elite special forces regiment, to help them effectively portray military combat personnel on screen.


  1. «Aliens: Colonial Marines Wii U Gets Cancelled». (2013-04-06). Retrieved on 2013-04-06.
  2. Thomas Whitehead (05 Apr 2013). «Aliens: Colonial Marines Cancelled on Wii U». Nintendo Life. Retrieved on 2013-04-7.
  3. ‘Aliens: Colonial Marines’ Actor Michael Biehn Says Working On The Game ‘Wasn’t Fun At All’ (
  4. Michael Biehn: voicing Hicks in Aliens Colonial Marines «wasn’t fun at all» | PC Gamer
  5. Michael Biehn: Working on Colonial Marines ‘wasn’t fun at all’ | Engadget
  6. Lara, James (March 22, 2013). «Aliens: Colonial Marines Bug Hunt DLC Review». MP1st. OPNetwork. Retrieved on March 29, 2013.

Voice Talents[]

  • Dwayne Hicks …. Michael Biehn
  • Bishop …. Lance Henriksen
  • Drake …. Mark Rolston
  • Apone …. Al Matthews
  • O’Neal …. Travis Willingham
  • Christopher Winter …. Derek Phillips
  • Bella …. Nisa Ward
  • Cruz …. Jason Douglas
  • Keyes …. Matthew Mercer
  • Reid …. Ashly Burch
  • Hudson …. Andrew Bowen
  • Jennifer Redding …. Kimberly Brooks
  • Demarcus Short …. Markus Lloyd
  • Guillermo Quintaro …. Jason Liebrecht
  • Michael Weyland …. Lance Henriksen (uncredited)
  • Marines ….
    • Adam Ray
    • Anastasia Munoz
    • James Logan
    • Joel Johnstone
    • Sam Riegel
    • Steve Braun
    • Tiffany Hobbs
    • Khary Payton
    • Paul Brindley
  • Weyland-Yutani ….
    • Feodor Chin
    • Dave Fouquette
    • Jesse Mackey
    • Dan White
    • Peter Jessop
    • Sunil Malhotra
    • Arif S. Kinchen
    • Keith Silverstein
  • Additional Voices ….
    • Adam Epstein
    • Jason Foster
    • Zach Hanks


17 недель после событий иностранцев , то Sephora космического корабль посылает полный батальон Colonial Marines , чтобы исследовать Sulaco космического корабля, теперь на орбите вокруг LV-426 Луны . Внутри Сулако обнаружено массовое заражение ксеноморфами, и несколько морских пехотинцев были убиты в результате первоначального нападения. Капрал Кристофер Винтер, рядовой Питер О’Нил и рядовой Белла Кларисон обнаруживают, что враждебные наемники, работающие на корпорацию Вейланд-Ютани, командуют Сулако и разводят ксеноморфов на борту для изучения. Незадолго до того, как оба корабля будут уничтожены в последовавшей конфронтации, морские пехотинцы вместе с командиром капитаном Крузом, андроидом Сефора Бишоп и пилотом лейтенантом Лизой Рид сбегают на борту десантного корабля и укрываются в руинах колонии Хэдли Хоуп на LV-426.

Хотя морпехи узнают, что Кларисон подверглась нападению и нуждается в медицинской помощи, Круз приказывает Винтер отправиться в соседний исследовательский центр Вейланд-Ютани, расположенный рядом с заброшенным космическим кораблем Ксеноморф, и найти манифест, который идентифицирует неизвестного заключенного из Сулако . Пытаясь спасти Кларисон, Уинтер и О’Нил принимают миссию и сопровождают ее на объект, где они намереваются убедить выживший персонал удалить эмбрион Ксеноморфа из ее тела. Однако по прибытии допрошенный медицинский офицер Вейланд-Ютани объясняет им, что жизнь Кларисон не может быть спасена, потому что инвазивная плацента существа является злокачественной и в конечном итоге убьет ее, даже если эмбрион будет успешно извлечен. Clarison умирает вскоре после chestburster люков от нее.

Уинтер и О’Нил восстанавливают манифест, который они были отправлены, чтобы найти и спасти заключенного, которым оказывается капрал Дуэйн Хикс . Хикс объясняет, что Вейланд-Ютани перехватил и поднялся на борт « Сулако» до его прибытия на планету Фиорина 161. Пожар в гиперсонной бухте впоследствии привел к тому, что выжившие в Сулако Эллен Рипли , Ньют и Бишоп были выброшены с корабля вместе с телом неопознанного человека, которого приняли за капрала. Хикс сам был захвачен сотрудниками Вейланд-Ютани и подвергали пыткам во время допроса, под контролем андроида Майкл Вейланд в попытке узнать больше о Xenomorphs’ происхождении и получить контроль над Sulaco » оружейных систем с. От Хикса морские пехотинцы также узнают, что к исследовательскому центру пришвартован корабль, способный к сверхсветовой дальности, что представляет собой последний шанс для морских пехотинцев сбежать с Луны.

Собрав оставшийся персонал Sephora в колонии, Круз приказывает всемерно атаковать комплекс Вейланд-Ютани в надежде захватить сверхсветовое судно. Винтер и Хикс возглавляют наступление, но корабль уходит незадолго до того, как они достигают его. В последней отчаянной попытке Круз пилотирует десантный корабль к спасающемуся судну и врезается в его ангар. Винтер сталкивается с королевой ксеноморфов в ангарном отсеке и пытается выбросить ее с помощью системы запуска груза, но терпит неудачу, когда она снова забирается на борт. Круз жертвует собой, когда запускает искалеченный десантный корабль прямо в королеву, выталкивая обоих из судна. Винтер, О’Нил, Рид, Бишоп и Хикс противостоят Вейланду, который в конечном итоге казнен Хиксом. В поисках полезной информации Бишоп подключается к разрушенному андроиду и заявляет, что у него есть «все».


A previous game titled with the same name was developed by Check Six Games and was to be published by Fox Interactive and Electronic Arts for the PlayStation 2 in 2001, but was cancelled before its release. A more traditional first-person shooter, it shared the same subject matter and setting as the upcoming Gearbox-developed game. Its story was to be set between the events of Aliens and Alien 3, concerning a rescue team of Colonial Marines searching for the Sulaco. Despite the similarities in gameplay and story, however, Gearbox has claimed that their upcoming game is unrelated to this early version.

On December 11, 2006, Sega announced they had purchased the electronic rights to the Alien franchise from 20th Century Fox. On December 15, Gearbox Software and Sega announced that they were working on a completely new game based on the franchise. In February 2008 the game’s title was officially announced as Aliens: Colonial Marines and it was featured as the cover story of Game Informer magazine.

The development team took great pains to recreate the vehicles and settings of the films by using original set designs to recreate the exterior and interior of the Sulaco and LV-426. Concept artist Syd Mead, who had worked on Aliens, was hired to design areas of the Sulaco that did not appear in the film but would be used in the game.

A Shacknews article dated November 21, 2008, reported that the Aliens: Colonial Marines game had been delayed, supposedly because of layoffs at Gearbox Software. However, Gearbox president Randy Pitchford insisted that development on the game continues.

According to a Kotaku article, Sega said that their new Aliens vs. Predator game is to be released in early 2010 would be the first of their Aliens games to be released, meaning that Aliens: Colonial Marines will be sometime afterwards.

At the 2010 Penny Arcade Expo (PAX), Gearbox showed five new screenshots and stated that the game remains a priority for them.

In the beginning of June 2011, Gearbox unveiled a teaser trailer and officially announced that Colonial Marines would be presented on E3 2011 and that the game is expected to be released in spring 2012.

On January 26, 2012, Sega announced that it had decided to delay the game yet again, pushing it to a fall 2012 release date. In addition, Gearbox Software also announced that they would be releasing a new trailer. On May 21, 2012, Gearbox Software has announced a February 12, 2013 launch for Aliens: Colonial Marines on PS3, 360 and PC with Wii U version announcement «at a later time».

Gearbox Software has officially announced that Aliens: Colonial Marines is now finished and will meet it’s February 12th release date.


The contents of the Collector’s Edition.


Promotional image for the game.

Soldier multiplayer skin.

Lurker multiplayer skin.

Spitter multiplayer skin.

Boiler multiplayer skin.

Crusher multiplayer skin.

Concept art

Concept art for the main Marines (O’Neal, Winter, Reid, and Bella).

Winter concept art.

O’Neal concept art (note the dog).

Reid concept art.

Marine squad concept art.

Monday as Hudson concept art.

Concept art of Monday as a PMC and colonist.

Weyland-Yutani PMC concept art.

Hazmat PMC/scientist concept art.

Assorted Hazmat concepts.

Weyland-Yutani mech concept art.

Concept art of the «Ranger’s» head.

Concept art of the Raven Xenomorph


Concept art of the Raven’s head.

Concept art of various heads and tails for the Raven.

Concept art of a Power Loader.

FTL ship concept art.

G2 Electroshock Grenade concept art.

M41A Pulse Rifle MK2 concept art.

M42A Scope Rifle concept art.

M39 Submachine Gun concept art.

Benelli Super 90 concept art.

Colt M1911 concept art.

NSG 23 Assault Rifle concept art.

XM99A Phased Plasma Pulse Rifle concept art.

Weyland-Yutani modified APC concept art.


Kale Menges concept art of a Xenomorph.

Kale Menges concept art of various Xenomorph types, including what looks like a Praetorian and Snake Alien.


Kale Menges concept art of what looks like an early rendition of the Crusher.

BDUs (Battledress Utilities)

Standard USCM battledress utilities (BDUs) are two-piece, lightweight polycotton coveralls with pockets secured by silent fasteners. BDUs are issued in several different patters for deployments to temperate, desert and jungle zones. The disruptive pattern of the fabric is printed in at least three colors, dependant on the design, and the different high-temperature dyes used in the print process are each designed to absorb infrared radiation at different frequencies, effectively breaking up the wearers IR signature. The dyes’ IR properties break down after time, especially after repeated washing, and so uniform utilities have to be replaced on a regular basis.

Normal utility fatigues, shirts, caps etc. have no special thermal properties, although USCM issue body warmers, ponchos and arctic clothes are designed to a ‘blackbody’ standard that provides a complete thermal shield.

«One of the most important pieces of protection I was issued were my shades. They were BiMex polarised filters with a non-reflective surface, designed to protect against lasers and nuke flash. I wore them damn things all the time, man. Never once saw a nuke, but I saw too many guys get blinded by sniping lasers.«
―PFC Harry Harris, 2/2 Colonial Marine, 8 Eta Boötis III, Chinese Arm (from Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual, p. 27)


  • Commercial Industrial Boots (steel toe protection) — (Logistics Duties)
  • M3 Boots (leather upper)
  • M7 Jungle Boots (breathable nylon and leather upper)
  • M8A2 Thermal Line Arctic Boots

Issues fixed[edit]

Failed to start game (app already running) erroredit

There is no universal fix, however these are confirmed to work for some users.
Delete appcache folder
  1. Go to the Steam installation folder.
  2. Delete the folder.
  3. Restart Steam, game should update itself.
Set Steam language to the same language as the game
If that does not work, try changing also operating system language

Failed to start game (RU release doesn’t work when English language is selected)edit

This solution is probably applicable to other non-English releases.
The game crashes to desktop after trademark screen, shows one of the error messages from previous issues.
Copy INT folders from Russian version
  1. Set game language to Russian (within Steam select game Properties -> Language -> Русский(Russian))
  2. Wait until the game download localization files.
  3. Locate and folders and copy their contents somewhere safe (You need only INT subfolders, they contain different files, don’t mix them up!).
  4. Set game language to English.
  5. Wait until the game chop it’s legs off (it removes said INT folders needed for game to function).
  6. Copy both INT subfolders you saved earlier back to and accordingly.

Blue screen on AMD CPUedit

There seems to be problem with game running on AMD FX processors where game crashes to BSOD or freezes system. Issue is similar to Borderlands 2 BSOD and fix also works with Aliens: Colonial Marines.
Update BIOS
Update procedure varies and can cause motherboard to malfunction when update is interrupted or applied incorrectly. Read carefully manual to your motherboard and instructions on screen when updating.

No texturesedit

Forcing anti-aliasing via drivers on Nvidia GeForce cards will result in missing textures and black game scene.
Disable anti-aliasing in graphics adapter

Game Freezes / Crashes during Sessionedit

Due a memory restriction (x86 build), the game is limited to work with a maximum of 2GB of VRAM. Try either:
Lower V-ram intensive graphics settings such as Resolution
Play in Full Window mode instead of Fullscreen

GPU detection fixedit

Game has problems with detecting some graphic adapters — mainly mobile GPUs and new graphics. Because of this, game can select wrong settings profile for your system.
1. Checking GPU detection
  1. Edit
  1. Locate line where X,Y and Z values are assigned grade of your system. Value of 5 is the highest grade for high end hardware.

If you have got powerful hardware and you are not getting high enough grades, follow guide in next fixbox. Otherwise you don’t need to change anything.

2. Adding your GPU to the hardware list
  1. In file locate these lines:
     Log: GPU stats:
     Log: 	VendorID: 0000YYYY
     Log: 	DeviceID: 0000XXXX
     Log: 	DriverVersion: <numbers>
     Log: 	DeviceName: <GPU name>
  2. Edit
  3. Locate section for your vendor — search for value.
  4. Add line into your vendor section for your graphics adapter. Use information from file like so:
    YYYY        -  last four digits from VendorID
    G           -  your desired hardware grade - 1 lowest, 5 highest
    <GPU name>  -  string from DeviceName

Example 1:

 Log: GPU stats:
 Log: DeviceID: 00001244 
 Log: DeviceName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti

will result in

Example 2:

 Log: GPU stats:
 Log: 	VendorID: 00001002
 Log: 	DeviceID: 00006738
 Log: 	DriverVersion:
 Log: 	DeviceName: AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series

will result in

3. Additional graphic enhancement for high-end hardware
This step is optional. It will force maximum quality level of detail for grade 5 hardware.
  1. Edit
  2. In section search for these lines:
  3. Change ones to zeros and save the file. Additionally you can tweak some other options in this section.

Unresponsive controlsedit

Unplug all USB game controllers, alternatively disable them in Device manager
.ini edit
  1. Open
  2. Locate line in section and change 1 to 0.

Collector’s Edition

As well as various standard editions, a deluxe Collector’s Edition of the game was also made available, containing both bonus items available to the player in-game and exclusive physical memorabilia. This edition came packaged in a «Xeno Hive» cardboard box. The exclusive in-game content was later made available separately as DLC, but the physical items remain exclusive to the Collector’s Edition.

The exclusive items packaged with the Collectors’ Edition include:

  • A Power Loader figure depicting a Marine fighting a Xenomorph Drone
  • A USS Sephora blueprint
  • A USS Sephora mission briefing printout
  • A USCM graduation certificate
  • A USCM recruitment card
  • An LV-426 reconnaissance photograph
  • Two iron-on USCM badges


The USCM is the major striking element of the United Americas Allied Command, and is the nation’s only major means of forcibly entering a hostile area from space. Its ability to project power on distant worlds makes it an essential element to the nation’s security, and as such its versatility and responsiveness are key in any crisis.

While the USCM is not directly controlled by Weyland-Yutani, they are often called upon as a security force when the interests of the company are at risk, as the business generated by their ventures is considered a great asset by the UA administration.[citation needed]


Private First Class William L. Hudson in his combat gear.

The Multi-Cam Combat Fatigue Uniform, commonly referred to as Utilities or Cammies by the Marines who wear them, is a three-piece uniform consisting of (from head to toe):

  • Multi-Cam Cover, or hat with Eagle, Globe and Anchor affixed in the front above the bill
  • Multi-Cam Blouse with reflective nametapes above the left and right breast pockets
  • Multi-Cam trousers with six pockets

This uniform is one of two fatigues, or work uniforms worn by Colonial Marines. This uniform is worn during combat manoeuvres or field time, or on deployments where combat is supposed to be imminent. Several identifying patches and badges can be worn on this uniform depending on rank, location and Standard Operating Procedure of the Marines assigned command.

Essential improvements[edit]

Edit PecanEngine.ini
  1. Edit
  2. Change each instance of to
  3. Save your changes and close the file.

Another method is to simply edit your shortcut target and add a space at the end of the path, followed by . This has the advantage of also bypassing the legal screen as well. Note, however that this method will also skip the in-game intro movies.

Edit a spelling mistake in PecanEngine.ini
  1. Edit
  2. Find
    ClassRemapping=PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachXenoToTether -> PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachPawnToTeather

    and change it to

    ClassRemapping=PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachXenoToTether -> PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachPawnToTether
  3. Save your changes and close the file.
Edit a spelling mistake in DefaultEngine.ini
  1. Edit
  2. Find
    ClassRemapping=PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachXenoToTether -> PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachPawnToTeather

    and change it to

    ClassRemapping=PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachXenoToTether -> PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachPawnToTether
  3. Save your changes and close the file.

Publisher’s Summary

#1: Meet Lt. Joseph Henry; the son of one of the most influential politicians on Earth, a proud member of the United States Colonial Marine Corps, and a poor slob in a heap of trouble. Lt. Henry, after yet again being charged with insubordination, is put in command of a platoon of the absolute worst Marines in the sector and assigned the lowest detail in the corp — checking up on a toxic waste dump! What Lt. Henry and company don’t know is that this mission is about to go from bad to worse, because a strangely organized batch of Aliens has taken over the waste dump!

#2: Private Carmen Vasquez has joined the corp and is working hard to become as tough as her legendary big sister. What Carmen and the rest of her platoon don’t know is that their mission will bring them face-to-face with the terror that took her sister’s life, and has haunted her dreams ever since… ALIENS! Take a gruesome tour of a derelict space station with a group of Aliens who know the meaning of Semper Fi!

#3: Lt. Henry and his crew of ne’er-do-wells are — to put it simply — in the soup. Stranded in a space station with a pack of bloodthirsty Aliens waiting behind every access hatch, this platoon of Colonial Marines will leave no shell unfired in their struggle to survive. And as the pulse-fire echoes through the corridors, a hideous plan of mutating humans into Aliens is uncovered, leading Lt. Henry to wonder if this is more than just a random infestation.

#4: After barely escaping the rail-gun station known as the , our not-so-happy band of Marines is looking forward to a little R&R on the backwater (and we do mean water) planet Bracken’s World. Guess again! The mysterious «father» from last issue has already established a foothold on the dreary little planet, and isn’t about to let Lt. Henry interfere with his schemes. Get ready for aquatic action and intrigue as our hapless heroes are betrayed from within by the only person that can save them!

#5: Our merry band of Marines has holed up in the only major city on Bracken’s World, and as Lt. Henry attempts to rally the local colonists against the approaching Alien army, he begins to suspect Beliveau’s real reason for being on this mission. After all, why would a high-powered Company man have any interest in such a remote section of the galaxy? Does Beliveau hold the secret to the bizarre Alien/human hybrid they captured at the railgun station? Could he even be responsible for these well-organized Alien attacks? Intrigue, action, and rusty rooftops — what more could you want?

#6: The showdown on Bracken’s World comes to a skull-crunching climax as Marines and colonists go toe-to-toe with the forces of the maniacal Bug-Men. And lest you think we would forgo plot development for the sake of action — Beliveau fesses up as to the identity of the enigmatic «father» of the Bug-Men! The plot is thickening quickly, folks, so don’t miss this pivotal issue!

#7: Stranded in a remote sector of space with only a Dropship for transportation, Lt. Henry strikes an uneasy deal with Beliveau, the secretive company man who has many hidden, deadly agendas.

In return for the aid of the Colonial Marines, Beliveau leads Henry to an Alphatech storage facility piled high with state-of-the-art weapons designed to «eliminate» Aliens. The hardware will indeed come in handy, but the sole occupants of the complex — outdated maintenance robots — are already using them to ward off the latest Alien incursion!

#8: Armed with prototype weapons and a powered-up Dropship, Lt. Henry begins the final assault against the Alien menace. While he is planning his strategy, his crew is succumbing to strange withdrawal symptoms, and the ones still on their feet are plotting mutiny!

Henry’s only hope is to reprogram Liston, the high-powered synthetic, to follow his every command — even if it means killing a human being. The air is thick with tension, and a traitor will step out of the darkness with a gun in his hand and murder in his heart. A guaranteed shocker!

#9: This is it: the endgame! Lt. Henry has tracked the «father» of the Alien forces — a rogue colonel pursuing a mad dream of cosmic purity — to a subspace communications relay, and plans an all-out assault against him! His command is weak, the Marines around him are planning mutiny at the first opportunity, and now the captive «bugman» is beginning to mutate into something that will shock the entire crew! Lt. Joseph Henry has never taken the easy path, and this time it just may kill him!

#10: The pulse-pounding conclusion to this action-packed series! Face to face with the deadly leader of this system-wide Alien infestation, Lt. Henry begins a suicide mission to fulfill his mad obsession: to kill the «father» of the Aliens, no matter what the cost.

Tactical Weapons

These include hand grenades and placed mines and are stored as part of the player’s inventory.

M40 HEDP Grenade

Main article: M40 HEDP Grenade

Composition B15 fragmentation grenade used in both the U1 Grenade Launcher attachment and as a hand-thrown time-delay explosive. In the latter role, the timed fuse can be «cooked» by holding the fire button.

U4 Firebomb

Main article: U4 Firebomb

A Napalm B-based incendiary explosive; creates lasting chemical fires that reach temperatures of 1200 degrees Celsius. Detonates on impact, it cannot be cooked. Can either be thrown or fired off by its specially designed grenade launcher attachment.

M20 Claymore Mine

Main article: M20 Claymore Mine

A laser-triggered directional fragmentation anti-personnel mine. Consists of an explosive charge embedded with ball bearings. Designed for area defense or to slow an enemy advance.


Aliens: Colonial Marines is a sci-fi/horror first-person shooter which puts the player in the role of a United States Colonial Marine as seen in the film Aliens. Players have access to iconic weapons from the movie such as the flamethrower, pulse rifle, smartgun, pistol, RPGs, and robotic sentry turrets, they will also be able to use welding torches to seal doors and motion trackers to detect unseen enemies (as in the films).

The game is a drop-in/drop-out game, players are AI controlled with the ability of allowing other players to join in co-op.

Gameplay types have been described as «Gauntlet Runs», where players must fight enemies as they travel from point A to point B, and «Last Stand» moments, where players must defend a specific area by welding doors and/or setting up automated sentry turrets.

In Aliens: Colonial Marines players will gain experience points when killing enemies and completing certain objectives. These experience points allow players to customize the appearance of their character, purchase upgrades for weapons, and unlock other skill sets. All of which carry over to other gameplay modes.

The primary enemies of the game are the Xenomorphs from the first two films, which include the Facehugger, Chestburster, the «Lurker» alien from Alien, the «Soldier» and the «Queen» from «Aliens». The game also features 4 never before seen xenomorph types: The Raven, Boiler’s, Spitter’s, and The Crusher. Along with being able to traverse different surfaces from any angle, Gearbox and Sega have also stated that the aliens’ all will use the environment to set up sneak attacks, and group tactics to overwhelm the player. Not all enemies are aliens as players will find themselves also fighting human enemies in the form of Weyland-Yutani grunts, burts and hazmats.

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