Список экшен игр с элементами рпг по рейтингу:

Игры по категориям:

По жанру:






открытый мир












для детей







градостроительный симулятор

тайм менеджмент



симулятор жизни

гоночный симулятор





hack and slash



симулятор бога

защита замка


По типу:

экзотическая местность



шутер от третьего лица





дикий запад


наше время

открытая местность

шутер от первого лица



научная фантастика




путешествия во времени






спасение человечества


пошаговая стратегия

стратегия в реальном времени


онлайн игра








космическая фантастика








вторая мировая война




непрямой контроль

тактический шутер



альтернативная история




японская мифология





экономическая стратегия



сбивание соперников


с подземельями







крутые машины




боевые искусства







битвы машин

джипы 4х4







По платформам:

PlayStation 3

PlayStation 4

на ПК

Xbox One

PlayStation 2

Xbox 360



Nintendo DS




PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Portable


8 Grim Dawn

  • Release year: 2016
  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows

Some gamers might not have heard of this one but that doesn’t mean Grim Dawn is worse than others in this list. In fact, the opposite is more believable: Grim Dawn is a sleeper hit. It has one of the more compelling plots to an isometric aRPG ever and, of course, a dizzying loot system. Still, Grim Dawn’s signature lies in its class customization.

After leveling up a few more times after selecting their initial class in Grim Dawn, gamers will be presented with the dual-class system. It essentially lets them combine the skills and dispositions of two classes (no matter how different they are) and create something that’s entirely unique. Not only does this add to replay value, but it also gives players more means to experiment with gameplay.

Серия The Witcher

О трилогии, посвященной приключениям ведьмака Геральта, знает, наверное, каждый, кто причисляет себя к геймерам. Поляки из CD Projekt RED сумели на голом энтузиазме создать масштабную вселенную, в основу которой лег одноименный фэнтезийный цикл за авторством Анджея Сапковского.

Интересные факты: Первоначальный капитал основатели CD Projekt сколотили на продаже пиратской продукции, лицензию на игры по «Ведьмаку» приобрели у Сапковского за копейки ($4000), а движок для первой части игры им любезно одолжила BioWare.

Игра The Witcher стала своеобразной (и весьма успешной) «пробой пера» для разработчиков, сиквел закрепил успех, ну а третья часть, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, по праву может считаться одной из лучших игр не только в жанре, но и всей индустрии. Отличный сюжет, ставящий точку во всем цикле (в том числе книжном), интересные квесты, шикарная графика и невероятно харизматичный главный герой – все это делает Wild Hunt почти идеальным приключением (да, недостатки есть везде, и здесь тоже, но они слишком незначительны) для каждого геймера.

Серия игр Diablo

Лишь не многие фанаты могут оспорить тот факт, что серия игр Diablo компании Blizzard является самой лучшей игрой своего жанра. Действие игры происходит в темном и суровом мире, в котором необходимо бороться за небольшой уголок для жизни человечества, святилища, проводить битвы между святым добром и испепеляющим злом.

В играх Diablo представлен динамичный и насыщенный сюжет с возможностью перехода на уровни, заработка очков, получения монет, сражения с магическими силами, получения доспехов (только в версии Diablo 3). Все три версии игр разработаны на платформе BattleNet, или другое ее название Blizzard tech, играть можно совместно с друзьями.

Diablo 1 — особое название, хотя есть дополнение к игре Hellfire, которое выпустила в 1997 году компания Siera (не Blizzard), Siera добавила больше локализации и скорости игре. Diablo 2, по мнению многих пользователей, самая лучшая серия игр, в которой есть дополнение Lord of Destruction. Diablo 3 и дополнение к ней Reaper of Souls — современная версия этой серии, содержит сотни игровых часов, пройти которые можно небольшими этапами.

3 Titan Quest

  • Release year: 2006
  • Platforms: Android, PlayStation 4, iOS, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

Grim Dawn’s intuitive dual-class system was first featured in Titan Quest. It even came from the same game studio. First released back in 2006, fan demand earned the game a re-release in 2016 with better graphics and the same gameplay.

Many fans agree that Titan Quest is an isometric aRPG done right. The loot was compelling, the story was easy to understand, and the customization was rewarding. Not to mention it was set in a Greek world setting then transitioned into Egypt and eventually into Asia. Basically, it’s a globe-trotting journey for the best loot ever… and also to kill the Titans of Olympus causing havoc on Earth.

#15 Diablo III

Diablo III was a big success and it was a game that also played out much like the past two installments for the franchise. Players are given the ability to pick out a class and start their journey battling all sorts of hellish demonic creatures in search of new loot and gear. It’s a classic series at this point with fans waiting on the next thrilling mainline game to hit the marketplace. If you somehow missed this game when it first launched then you’re in luck because there is the Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition available which comes with the base video game and the expansion pack to give you even more content to play through.

#10 Horizon Zero Dawn

Guerrilla Games was known for the Killzone franchise, but surprisingly they brought out a brand new IP during the PlayStation 4 generation called Horizon Zero Dawn. It dropped the FPS genre in favor of a brand new open-world RPG that was set in the distant future. Mankind has fallen and what’s left of the metal era before has been long forgotten. Now humanity has dwindled to small native tribes that give way to the giant mechanical beasts that roam the world.

Players are taking the role of Aloy, a young huntress that was an outcast as a baby. Taken in by another outcast and raised, Aloy’s goal becomes not only working to establish herself as part of the community tribe once again but to learn why she was an outcast as a newborn and where exactly she came from. This game was such a massive hit that it was the first Sony exclusive title to be ported over onto the PC platform with a sequel currently being developed.

Серия Mass Effect

Одна из самых культовых франшиз в жанре Action/RPG, у которой даже имеется собственный всемирный день N7. В 2007 году вышла первая часть, с потрясающей боевой системой, графикой, ошеломительной проработкой мира и увлекательной историей. Хоть мастера из BioWare и назвали начало трилогии «Бракованным Шедевром», большая часть фанатов считает ее и вторую часть лучшими играми за всю жизнь бренда Mass Effect. Чем дальше шла серия, тем лучше была проработана экшн составляющая, которая, стоит признать, прекрасно работала с тамошней ролевой.

Последняя игра – спин-офф Andromeda, полностью меняет концепцию боя и добавляет вертикальный геймплей, чего не было в трилогии. Огромное количество комбинаций, система профилей и самый большой выбор вооружения, позволяют стать ей лучшей боевой системой в серии.

Наконец, в 2021 году вышло издание Mass Effect Legendary Edition, которое включает трилогию со всем ранее вышедшим контентом, обновленной графикой и поддержкой 4K-разрешения.

Весь этот отличный геймплей в Mass Effect всегда сопровождался интересными компаньонами, потрясающим сюжетом про спасение мира и тонной моральных дилемм. Конечно, четвертая игра во франшизе оказалась не совсем такой, какой ее ожидали фанаты, но если выбирать игру исключительно из-за шутерной составляющей, то Андромеда вполне может затянуть на пару сотен часов.

12 Victor Vran aRPG

  • Release year: 2015
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, Nintendo Switch, Macintosh operating systems, Xbox One

Much like the Vanhelsing games, Victor Vran has a few issues; thankfully, none of them are truly game-breaking (sorry Vanhelsing fans). The isometric title features a main character with some disembodied voice that pesters him while he goes about his hunting business. It features co-op and controller support for more casual play.

But the best thing about the title is its unique incorporation of cards. While Victor can also use Demon Powers, Destiny Cards have unique attributes to boost Victor’s abilities. It’s a neat twist on how games like Diablo use gems to the same end. Another great thing about this game is that you can pick it up and put it down whenever you want.

1-е место: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Как хорошо, что чудесная игра 2012 года неожиданно получила ремастер под названием Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. Благодаря ему с проектом могут ознакомиться те, кто пропустил его несколько лет назад, и вполне возможно, игра наконец приобретет популярность, которую заслуживает.

Здесь игрок буквально влияет на свою судьбу, выбирая класс, прокачивая характеристики и используя различное оружие. Все это делает геймплей поистине уникальным. Игровой процесс лучше всего описывается высказыванием главного разработчика: смесь лучших сторон God of War и The Elder Scrolls.

В общем, сейчас лучшее время, чтобы приобщиться к шедевру 38 Studio!

3-е место: Skyrim

За прошедшие несколько лет Skyrim стал классикой среди ролевых игр, получив такие регалии абсолютно заслуженно. Приключение в заснеженных (и не только) местностях Тамриэля, которые наполнены городами, поселениями, подземельями, пещерами и многим другим — это то, что должен попробовать каждый геймер.

Фэнтезийные RPG от первого лица выходят очень редко. Такое положение камеры эффективно погружает в боевой процесс, а если вооружиться фаерболом в одну руку, и клинком в другую, то подобное явно будет интереснее любого огнестрела. С таким широким перечнем возможностей проведения битвы, каждая встреча с противником становится уникальной. Исход боя зачастую зависит от окружения, тактики, выбора оружия и противника.

11 Warhammer Chaosbane

  • Release year: 2019
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One

With the likes of Total War: Warhammer and other Warhammer titles in the strategy genre strengthening the franchise once more, Warhammer Chaosbane was only a matter of time. It’s an isometric aRPG based on the Warhammer Fantasy universe. As such, it’s gritty and dystopic, even more so than the Diablo games which popularized the isometric aRPG genre.

Compared to most isometric aRPGs in this list, though, Chaosbane’s length and replay value are not too competitive. Some players even regard it as a little too short for a game made for grinding. Thankfully, Chaosbane makes up for that in terms of its action and graphics and the general feeling of being a badass in a world like Warhammer.

#27 Tom Clancy’s The Division 2

Tom Clancy’s The Division was a unique new tactical shooter for the Tom Clancy name. This was an MMO game that followed an agency that essentially acted as the last stand for the nation. Since the first installment that followed a pandemic crippling the nation, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 continues with this agency as a means to now protect the government from homeland terrorist organizations that seek to dismantle it. Again, this is an MMO title that will require players to connect online to go through it.

Overall, players are starting the game out in Washington D.C. as you aid the government in taking down hostile organizations around the area. Players can unlock new gear and weapons to use as their loadout while being able to freely explore the open city along with battling against the hostile forces that will appear throughout the map. Quests will pop up as well around the city which you can either take on yourself or get paired up with other players online or with friends if you don’t want to play this as a solo venture.

#4 Mass Effect Trilogy

BioWare has had a strong line of iconic RPG titles in the past and one of the video game series that will continue to stand the test of time is Mass Effect. This trilogy was such a big deal back in the day as we were going through an epic adventure full of characters we’ve watched grow and the storyline adapts to the choices we made. While the third mainline installment didn’t end in a way that pleased everyone, which is a bit hard to do, it’s still a trilogy highly regarded, not only as a fantastic science fiction narrative but as an incredible RPG in general. You can go through the games individually, but this is one trilogy that might be best held off until we receive the remaster collection coming out later this year called Mass Effect: Legendary Edition which bring out an enhanced edition for players to enjoy on modern platforms.

#36 Phantasy Star Online 2

Phantasy Star Online was a massive hit when it first launched and it helped move Sega Dreamcast consoles into the marketplace. While fans adored this online MMORPG, it was a game that eventually grew old. Fortunately, the franchise had a new installment released into the marketplace with Phantasy Star Online 2. The problem was this game launched in 2012 exclusively within Japan and it took several years before it finally found its way to Western markets.

Now that the game is available, players can go through this new Phantasy Star Online 2 game, which is broken down into season chapters for the storyline. Here players are recruits of ARKS a task force that monitors different planets for signs of corrupted force seeking to destroy the universe. This game is completely free so nothing is stopping you from trying it out, but just know that this storyline eventually bleeds into the latest MMORPG installment, Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.

Early Access action-RPGs to keep an eye on

(Image credit: Novorama)

Killsquad sets itself apart with its sci-fi setting and arcade-like combat. It strips away most loot and standard level progression in favor of jumping into enemy-filled missions with up to four players. Combat is much more focused on player skill and coordination rather than who has the bigger numbers and better loot, and thus depends on matchmaking and population (if you don’t have your own go-to squad) more than other action-RPGs. It’s also the best-looking game of the bunch. Hopefully Killsquad can build its audience as I’ve liked what I’ve played so far.

(Image credit: Eleventh Hour Games)

Last Epoch is gunning to be the next Grim Dawn, but where Grim Dawn uses Titan Quest as its base model, Last Epoch unapologetically worships Diablo 2. Map and enemy designs leave much to be desired but the classes, loot, and skill trees check all the right boxes. I especially love the option to specialize in certain skills, opening up entirely new skill upgrades. The unique time-traveling campaign is inspired by Chrono Trigger’s time-hopping story, as you work to reverse the apocalyptic end of the world. Last Epoch is a bit rough around the edges but is off to a promising start. It’ll supposedly be out of Early Access in spring 2020.

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen

Action RPG Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen долго была консольным эксклюзивом, но в 2016 году все же добралась до РС. И ожидание было не напрасным: это захватывающее приключение в живописном открытом мире.

Игра отличается от других проектов в жанре сразу по нескольким аспектам. Во-первых, здесь вы найдете необычный сюжет о герое, который охотится на дракона, забравшего его сердце. Во-вторых, разработчики приготовили множество невероятных монстров, с которыми можно сразиться по ходу прохождения. Наконец, в-третьих, в Dragon’s Dogma реализована уникальная система ИИ-пешек, чьи способности и стиль игры основаны на боевых умениях настоящих игроков.

#6 Demon’s Souls Remake

We made mention of the Souls franchise a couple of times in this list. It’s an immensely popular franchise, but some fans may have never played the original Demon’s Souls. That game came out back in 2009 exclusively for the PlayStation 3 so there was plenty of players that either missed it from not having a PlayStation 3 or simply just get into the franchise until moving on with Dark Souls. Fortunately, we have a remake available right now thanks to Bluepoint Games and it’s received some critical acclaim.

Bluepoint Games has delivered some solid remastered ports and remakes in the past, but this studio was able to bring out an incredible solid remake as a launch title to help give fans something to enjoy with the PlayStation 5. While the PlayStation 5 is still hard to come by if you happen to find a console then treat yourself with a copy of Demon’s Souls Remake along with it.

#33 Yakuza Kiwami

The Yakuza series had a following but the series is a bit old today after first getting started on the PlayStation 2. Fortunately, the developers opted to bring the game series back with a few remakes under the Kiwami name. This game not only veterans a chance to replay the storylines once again but also provided modern gameplay mechanics for newcomers as well. It sparked a new resurgence to the Yakuza franchise as we were going through the storyline of the series protagonist Kazuma Kiryu, a member of a high-ranking Yakuza family.

When Kazuma Kiryu was falsely accused of murder of a family boss, Kiryu ends up in prison. It’s only after a decade in prison that our protagonist is freed that he finds his old friend Akira Nishikiyama has become a powerful Yakuza boss and his childhood friend Yumi has since gone missing. Players are then going through a quest to figure out what has happened since he left along with tracking down Yumi. If you’re familiar with the Yakuza franchise then you know that this series has a very over-the-top action brawler combat system.

More about ARPG Games of 2021

Most of ARPG Games of 2021 feature an immersive plot that leads the players through most of the in-game locations and unlocks additional features. That may include repetitive challenges, side quests and character perks. Some specific abilities allow you to return to previous areas to find more secrets and acquire additional rewards. Exploration is the core aspect of these games, and there are plenty of areas that the main storyline does not involve in the missions.

ARPG Games of 2021 offer a wide variety of possible customization systems. In some cases, you may modify the outlook of the premade characters, and other games allow you to create an entirely new avatar using the character creation system. You may also change these features throughout the game, and the equipment provides additional changes to them. You may also change the playstyle by picking specific abilities and tweaking them through the in-game skill tree. That directly affects dynamic real-time combat, and different enemies require different approaches.

ARPG Games of 2021 are perfect for casual and hardcore gamers because of the gameplay flexibility and a wide variety of customization functions. The main plot and numerous side activities keep the players involved, and there is always more for them to explore in massive online worlds.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Эта экшен-РПГ вышла на ПК и консолях прошлого поколения и, к сожалению, провалилась в продажах, лишив геймеров надежды на возможные продолжения. Все дело в том, что авторы кардинально сменили концепцию в процессе разработки: изначально Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning задумывалась как MMORPG, но позже было решено сделать ее однопользовательской. Это, конечно, не могло не повлиять на геймплей и квесты: огромный открытый мир, разбитый на разнообразные локации, под завязку забит однотипными заданиями уровня «убей-принеси-передай».

Впрочем, достоинства у игры тоже есть, и именно за них ее любят многочисленные поклонники. Во-первых, здесь реализована очень интересная вселенная за авторством известного писателя Роберта Сальваторе. Во-вторых, зачистка локаций от монстров сопровождается весьма зрелищными сражениями – местами Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning напоминает даже не экшен, а слэшер, с ударами, блоками и перекатами. Из этого вытекает «в-третьих»: снаряжения здесь не просто много, а очень много, что наверняка придется по душе тем, кто любит собирательство.

#17 Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Final Fantasy has a huge fan base and with the franchise being decades old there’s a ton of hype based around each installment released with veteran players holding certain game releases on a pedestal. One of the video game titles that have done incredibly well with fans pleading Square Enix to deliver a remake was Final Fantasy 7, which came out on the original PlayStation console. It took several years before Square Enix finally caved and announced a remake for the PlayStation 4. The game only released just last year which dropped the turn-based RPG combat that the original title was known for.

Instead, we get an action RPG with players freely moving around during combat and being able to deliver a barrage of attacks of dodges. Unfortunately, this is not the full game as the developers opted to release this game in episodic-style installments. Currently, we don’t even know just how many installments there will be before Final Fantasy 7 Remake is finished, but for now, you can enjoy the first part of the remake.

#7 Bloodborne

Bloodborne comes from the legendary development team FromSoftware, the studio responsible for the iconic Souls franchise. Keeping up with the same mechanics, this studio brought out a new IP called Bloodborne, which was a game that was released exclusively on the PlayStation 4. Within this game, players stepped into the role of a Hunter who was traveling through the city of Yharnam.

It’s here that we discover the city was cursed by some kind of unique disease and players are looking to figure out what’s going on and taking out all kinds of grotesque monsters along the way. It’s a game that was a big hit and there’s plenty of fans hoping for a successor to Bloodborne to perhaps make a release on the PlayStation 5. Speaking of the PlayStation 5, there is a solid Souls game to pick up which we’ll be covering next.

17 Last Epoch

  • Release year: 2019 (early access)
  • Platforms: macOS, Linux, Microsoft Windows

Last Epoch is another strong title that’s yet to leave the early access category. Don’t be fooled by the incomplete game tag, it’s every bit as innovative as the latest aRPG titles if not more so. That’s because the Last Epoch combines many elements and layers of complexity that previous aRPGs have incorporated.

It includes time travel and several skill trees for highly customizable builds. One of the biggest problems with aRPGs is that low-level gameplay is often seen as boring. That’s not the case with Last Epoch. Even low-level spells or skills have a certain weight to them that makes for satisfying leveling.

13 Minecraft Dungeons

  • Release year: 2020
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X and Series S

Minecraft Dungeons is one of the latest additions to the loot-based aRPG genre. It’s also made quite a stellar entrance thanks to the branding attached to its parent franchise. In terms of gameplay, it’s very much a familiar experience.

The difference is that Minecraft Dungeons touts itself as a family-friendly aRPG. That alone makes it quite unique as most other games in the genre are typically grim-dark and are made for the hardcore audience. Like Minecraft, Minecraft Dungeon can be a game for all ages.

#2 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

CD Projekt Red was at their height with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. So many fans around the world couldn’t wait to dive into this conclusion and it was clear that the developers took a ton of time building up this game. Visually the game was stunning at the time, there were countless quests and quite a few of them were so well written.

Fans looking for a high-fantasy RPG can’t get much better than The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The only problem some players may have today is if they go into this title blind without any backhand knowledge of this IP. So you might want to do yourself a favor and give a couple of YouTube videos a watch that helps breakdown the history of the past two installments to get you started for The Witcher 3 along with its DLC expansions.

#30 Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact was a game that took immediate attention online as it was a title that visually was comparable to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. On top of that, it was a game that was available for a wide range of platforms, from PC, consoles to even smartphones. This is a fantasy game that has players taking the role of a traveler that becomes separated from their sibling and trapping them into the new world.

Now players will embark on a big journey as they attempt to track down their sibling. However, along the way, you’ll meet characters that all could use your help in providing aid within the community. Best of all, this is a completely free-to-play game so why not give it a chance today?

2 Warframe

  • Release year: 2013
  • Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S

If players are torn with Borderlands’ run and gun play style by wanting swords and awesome melee combat, then look no further than Warframe. Warframe’s actually a futuristic space ninja looter shooter (if that makes sense) but leaves gamers with no shortage of options on how they want to play the game.

Want to mow down hordes of alien enemies with the biggest gun ever? Done. Or maybe players prefer getting up close and personal before slicing enemies in half? Melee weapons it is then. The choices for customization or builds are limitless. The best part is that all of this is can be done in a 3D third-person over-the-shoulder view for the best perspective of the action. When it comes to animations and graphics, it’s also safe to say that Warframe has the best among all the games on this list. Oh, did we also mention the game is completely free-to-play?

Серия Fable

Легендарный геймдизайнер Питер Молинье любит рассказывать сказки, нахваливая свои игры – название серии ролевых экшенов Fable стало в некотором роде символичным: большинство басен разработчика о «Басне» оказались нереализованными.

Но даже то, что получилось, сделало франшизу знаменитой и любимой геймерами. Более того, Fable 2, ставшая эксклюзивом для Xbox 360 и не выходившая на РС, считалась достаточным мотиватором для покупки этой консоли.

Чем же ценна Fable? В первую очередь, влиянием практически всех действий игрока на персонажа и окружающий мир. Кормите героя мясом и пирогами – получите толстяка. Часто пропускаете удары – протагонист покроется шрамами. Много машете мечом – воин нарастит мышцы. Совершаете плохие поступки – ваш злодей получит симпатичные рожки и светящиеся красным глаза. Кроме этого, каждая часть серии может похвастать увлекательным сюжетом, системой домовладения, возможностью ухаживать за NPC, обзаводиться семьей и детьми, и многими, многими другими геймплейными возможностями.

Vendetta — Curse of Raven`s Cry

Польская студия Reality Pump работает по принципу известных мастеров из Obsidian, только конечно в масштабе поменьше. Взяв за основу успешную идею, поляки дополняли и улучшали её, часто выпуская игры, опережающие своё время. Если их EARTH 2150 являлась вольной интерпретацией WARZONE 2100, а серия Two Worlds робко ютилась в одном углу с Elder Scrolls, то Vendetta — Curse of Raven`s Cry претендовала на практически пустующую нишу «Корсаров».

Этот проект пережил сложный путь: несколько перевыпусков и изменений названия, но всё-таки смог выжить и преодолеть все невзгоды. Ценность игра представляет прежде всего для любителей моря и пиратской романтики. Только в отличие от многих произведений на данную тему, сюжет и персонажи тут вполне серьёзны и реалистичны.

Помимо следования захватывающей истории, здесь можно и погулять в своё удовольствие. И погулять, кстати, есть по чему. Города, порты и острова сделаны качественно и детализировано, вполне передавая дух эпохи. Боевая система одновременно как на море, так и в пеших схватках довольно динамичная, но и более глубокая чем в Assassin`s Creed: Black Flag. Конечно, проблемы, оставшиеся от сложной судьбы, остались в виде багов и проблем баланса. Но учитывая небольшой застой в жанре, Vendetta — Curse of Raven`s Cry – достойный внимания продукт как для фанатов «Корсаров», так и для любителей пиратской романтики.

#37 Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen

Within Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen, players are put into a high fantasy world where dragons have appeared, leaving nothing but destruction across the lands. It’s here that our protagonist has attempted to fight off the dragon but after failing to do so, the dragon consumes their heart leaving the hero as what’s called an Arisen.

Now your life has been dedicated to fighting off dragons and helping those in need. This game had a pretty decent following with fans waiting for Capcom to bring out another installment but so far that’s never happened. However, it’s worth pointing out that Capcom’s leaked list of projects which came from an online attack recently unveiled that a sequel is being worked on. We’re just waiting for that official announcement to come out at this point.

#34 Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Middle-earth: Shadow of War is the sequel to Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and honestly the first installment is a thrilling game to try out as well. I would encourage you to give that game a go first, but with that said on our list I went with Middle-earth: Shadow of War. The game once again puts players into the role of the ranger Talion along with the spirited Elf Lord Celebrimbor. Here players are fighting off a slew of hostile forces across the open-world like orcs. Most would say that the combat is a lot like the Batman Arkham games, where it’s very action-oriented as you drop into a group of orcs, deliver a barrage of attacks while countering the visual cues given on the display.

One of the elements that had the player’s interest was the Nemesis system. When you battle an enemy like a normal orc, if you end up losing that individual will remember you, they’ll sometimes have scars from your last bout and when you meet them again in battle they may bring up references to your last fight. It was a really interesting concept after the developers first introduced it in Shadow of Mordor and fortunately they brought it back with the latest installment, Shadow of War.

5 Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor — Martyr

  • Release year: 2017
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One

One of the beautiful things about the Warhammer universe is that so many game studios have crafted their own takes on it. Fans can access Warhammer (40K or otherwise) games of many genres including Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor — Martyr.

It gives fans a futuristic setting that still maintains the gothic feel of a Diablo game. Players can craft gear, create unique builds with the huge skill trees, and get some sweet isometric combat in. The only downside is that the game has just 3 classes in the base game: Crusader, Psyker, and Assassin.

Fallout 4

Дата выхода: 2015 годЖанр: action RPG в мире постапокалипсисаРазработчик: Bethesda Game StudiosИздатель: Bethesda Softworks

Игра все так же поддерживает работу со Steam: более тысячи модификаций позволяют изменить игру до неузнаваемости. Fallout 4 начинается с ролика, в котором главный герой рассказывает о прапрадеде, воевавшем в армии в годы второй мировой войны. Сбросив бомбы на Хиросиму и Нагасаки, американское правительство стало использовать атомную энергию как новый источник энергии. Домашние роботы и футуристичные машины — это все стало возможным в Fallout 4.

Скриншоты Fallout 4

Действие начинается до ядерной войны, когда среди мирной жизни в одной из сцен выбирается протагонист, настраивается внешность у персонажа.

Crossout — создай безумную машину
Безбашенные гонки на выживание в мире наступившего постапокалипсиса. Круши, громи в лучших традициях безумного Макса!


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