
Modifying existing stuff

  • //move amount direction — move the contents of your selection amount blocks in a given compass direction.
  • //stack number direction — duplicate the contents of the selection number times in the given direction.
  • //set block — fill the entire selection with block.
  • //replace block1[,block2][:damagevalue] [percent%]block3[,percent%block4:damagevalue] — The most powerful and useful WorldEdit command. Replaces block1, and optionally block2 etc with block3, and optionally block4 etc in the optional percentages specified, optionally with specified damage values. Not specifying block1 will lead to every block (not including air) being replaced with the target blocks — this is not the same as //set, and can often be useful.
  • //overlay block — cover every upper-most solid block in the selection with block.
  • //faces block — build a hollow cube out of block.
  • //walls block — like faces, but without a roof or floor
  • //smooth — attempts to average the heightmap within the selection. Dangerous, can cause unpredictable results.
  • //regen — attempts to regenerate the selected region using minecraft’s level generator. Dangerous, not confirmed to work reliably.
  • //copy — copies the selection to your clipboard, relative to where you’re standing — also need to do this before a /save.
  • //rotate degrees — rotates the clipboard contents by degrees clockwise.
  • //paste — pastes the clipboard, relative to where you’re standing.

    • //paste -a — Excludes air blocks from the copy when pasting. Air won’t overwrite existing blocks. Blocks will however overwrite other blocks.
    • //paste -i — Pastes into air blocks only. Existing blocks in the target area are not overwritten.

General Commands¶

(or )

Description WorldEdit commands
Description Displays help for WorldEdit commands
   List sub-commands of the given command, if applicable
   The page to retrieve
   The command to retrieve help for

(or )

Description Get WorldEdit version
Description Toggles trace hook
   The mode to set the trace hook to
Description Reload configuration
Description Complete CUI handshake (internal usage)
Description Set your timezone for snapshots
   The timezone to set
Description Writes a report on WorldEdit
   Pastebins the report

(or )

Description Undoes the last action (from history)
Permissions ,
   Number of undoes to perform
   Undo this player’s operations

(or )

Description Redoes the last action (from history)
Permissions ,
   Number of redoes to perform
   Redo this player’s operations

(or )

Description Clear your history
Description Modify block change limit
   The limit to set
Description Modify evaluation timeout time.
   The timeout time to set


This command is deprecated. //fast duplicates //perf and will be removed in WorldEdit 8.

Please use instead.

Description Toggle fast mode
   The new fast mode state

Toggle side effects for performance

Note that this command is GOING to change in the future. Do not depend on the exact format of this command yet.

   The side effect
   The new side effect state
   Show the info box
Description Sets the reorder mode of WorldEdit
   The reorder mode
Description Toggle drawing the current selection
   The new draw selection state
Description Sets the world override
   The world override

Changes watchdog hook state.

This is dependent on platform implementation. Not all platforms support watchdog hooks, or contain a watchdog.

   The mode to set the watchdog hook to

(or )

Description Set the global mask
   The mask to set

(or )

Description Switch between your position and pos1 for placement

Schematic and Clipboard Commands¶

(or , , )

Description Schematic commands for saving/loading areas
Permissions , , , , , ,

(or , )


List saved schematics

Note: Format is not fully verified until loading.

   Page to view.
   Sort by date, oldest first
   Sort by date, newest first

(or , )

Description List available formats
Description Load a schematic into your clipboard
Permissions ,
   File name.
   Format name.

(or )

Description Delete a saved schematic
   File name.
Description Save a schematic into your clipboard
Permissions ,
   File name.
   Format name.
   Overwrite an existing file.
Description Copy the selection to the clipboard
   Also copy entities
   Also copy biomes
   Set the include mask, non-matching blocks become air
Description Cut the selection to the clipboard
   Pattern to leave in place of the selection
   Also cut entities
   Also copy biomes, source biomes are unaffected
   Set the exclude mask, non-matching blocks become air
Description Paste the clipboard’s contents
   Skip air blocks
   Paste at the original position
   Select the region after pasting
   No paste, select only. (Implies -s)
   Paste entities if available
   Paste biomes if available
   Only paste blocks matching this mask

Rotate the contents of the clipboard

Non-destructively rotate the contents of the clipboard.
Angles are provided in degrees and a positive angle will result in a clockwise rotation. Multiple rotations can be stacked. Interpolation is not performed so angles should be a multiple of 90 degrees.

   Amount to rotate on the y-axis
   Amount to rotate on the x-axis
   Amount to rotate on the z-axis
Description Flip the contents of the clipboard across the origin
   The direction to flip, defaults to look direction.

Инструменты и кисти:


Кисти можно привязать к практически все инструменты, оружие и другие предметы, которые нельзя разместить (палки, перья, огненные стержни и т. д.). Примечание: вы также можете привязать инструмент WE (обычно случайно) к пустой руке, поэтому убедитесь, что вы держите элемент, который хотите использовать в качестве кисти, при вводе команды. Чтобы избавиться от кисти, просто отбросьте элемент (или, если вы хотите сохранить элемент без привязанной к нему кисти WE, введите «//none»)

Сферическая кисть://br s

Цилиндрическая кисть://br cyl

Сферическая кисть создаст шар из блоков, указанных с помощью , размером определяется с помощью . Поскольку диаметр равен радиусу, умноженному на два, а минимальный диаметр кисти равен 1, , равный 3, даст вам шар шириной в семь блоков. В дополнение к , цилиндрическая кисть также принимает значение высоты (если вы этого не сделаете) определите высоту, вы получите диск толщиной в один блок). Итак, «//br cyl 35: 0 3 4» создаст цилиндр из белой шерсти шириной 7 блоков и высотой 4 блока с центром нижнего слоя на блоке, на который вы нажимаете кистью. Значение высоты также может быть отрицательным; в этом случае блок, который вы щелкаете кистью, будет центром верхнего слоя цилиндра. В настоящее время максимальный радиус/высота кисти WE составляет 10.

Damage limitation

Block limits

By default, WorldEdit is configured to stop after 1000 modified blocks — this is to prevent any large-scale accidents.

The user is encouraged to change this limit to fit the job they are undertaking at the time, for example:

  • //limit 20 — for copying and pasting a streetlight;
  • //limit 500 — for demolishing a small house;
  • //limit 5000 — for draining a large lake;
  • //limit -1 — for destroying the universe (seriously, don’t be lazy — set an appropriate limit instead)

Radius limits

There is no radius limit command, so unfortunately nothing can guard you against making a typo with a command radius. Please ensure you don’t. Generally there is no situation where any worldedit command should be executed with a radius of over 100 — in fact most results can be achieved much more safely and with less lag for the clients by a series of much smaller commands.

Tool Listing¶

Tree generation tool

/tool tree 

This tool will generate a tree of the chosen type when you right click a block. Note that it uses Minecraft’s tree generator, and has the same limitations — it will not generate trees on unplantable blocks, or through solid blocks above (unless the tree would normally be able to grow there).

Floating tree remover

/tool deltree

Have players who chop down trees half-way and leave floating tree tops everywhere? This tool, upon right-clicking a floating leaf or log block (or mushroom block), will remove all connected floating tree blocks. This tool will not operate on trees that are still connected to something (such as the ground).

Block replacer tool

/tool repl <pattern>

This tool will replace the right-clicked block with a block from your pattern. You can also left-click a block to replace your current pattern with the left-clicked block.

Long range building tool

/tool lrbuild <leftclick pattern> <rightclick pattern>

This tool allows you to place and destroy blocks at a distance. Just aim and click. Blocks are placed as if you right clicked the block. If you set one of the blocks to air, it will instead delete the block you are targeting.

/tool farwand

This tool works just like the normal selection wand — but at any distance. Instead of being and , it’s and .

Cycler Tool

/tool cycler

This tool can be used to cycle a block’s states. Left-clicking will choose which property to cycle, and right-clicking will cycle the available values of that property. This is useful for example, to rotate individual blocks in place.

Query Tool

/tool info

The query tool will show information about the right-clicked block. It will show the coordinates, the block type, states, light level (emitted/above), and the internal id (if available).

Non-obvious things to note

One important thing to realise is that we are NOT running the latest version of worldedit — since it’s bukkit only (ugh!). So not all of the documentation is in fact accurate, and some of the listed commands don’t yet exist in our version. Having said that, the following are a few less well documented bits of worldedit that DO work on our version, that you, dear reader, may not know about:

  • //set sign:4|Line1|Line2_Text|Line3 — create signs with prewritten text, and a specified orientation. Great for police cordons.
  • //set crops:7 — damage (data) values!
  • //replace dirt,cobble,glass 0 — lists!
  • //set 5%stone,95%dirt — percentages! Set contents to a random distribution. You don’t have to use two, you can use three or more. And they don’t have to add up to 100%… not entirely sure how it handles it if you don’t, though.
  • You can also do all the above with //replace, //fill and //fillr. Careful with the latter two, though!
  • //replace can replace more than one block type at once, to save a lot of typing — i.e. //replace glass,wool stone
  • //overlay <blocktype> — places one layer of blocktype on top of the highest block in the selection. May not always work. This unfortunately doesn’t work with percentages above. The trick — overlay first, then replace the overlay block type selectively!

Brush Commands¶

(or , , )

Description Brushing commands
Description Forest brush, creates a forest in the area
   The shape of the region
   The size of the brush
   The density of the brush
   The type of tree to use

(or )

Description Butcher brush, kills mobs within a radius
   Radius to kill mobs in
   Also kill pets
   Also kill NPCs
   Also kill golems
   Also kill animals
   Also kill ambient mobs
   Also kill mobs with name tags
   Also kill all friendly mobs (Applies the flags -abgnpt)
   Also destroy armor stands
   Also kill water mobs
Description Paint brush, apply a function to a surface
   The shape of the region
   The size of the brush
   The density of the brush

(or )

Description Unbind a bound brush from your current item

(or )

Description Choose the clipboard brush
   Don’t paste air from the clipboard
   Paste starting at the target location, instead of centering on it
   Paste entities if available
   Paste biomes if available
   Skip blocks matching this mask in the clipboard

(or )

Description Gravity brush, simulates the effect of gravity
   The radius to apply gravity in
   Affect blocks between the given height, upwards and downwards, rather than the target location Y + radius
Description Heightmap brush, raises or lowers terrain using an image heightmap
   The name of the image
   The size of the brush
   The intensity of the brush
   Erase blocks instead of filling them
   Don’t change blocks above the selected height
   Randomizes the brush’s height slightly.

(or )

Description Shortcut fire extinguisher brush
   The radius to extinguish

(or )

Description Choose the sphere brush
   The pattern of blocks to set
   The radius of the sphere
   Create hollow spheres instead
Description Raise brush, raise all blocks by one
   The shape of the region
   The size of the brush

Choose the terrain softener brush

Example: ‘/brush smooth 2 4 grass_block,dirt,stone’

   The radius to sample for softening
   The number of iterations to perform
   The mask of blocks to use for the heightmap

(or , )

Description Choose the cylinder brush
   The pattern of blocks to set
   The radius of the cylinder
   The height of the cylinder
   Create hollow cylinders instead
Description Set brush, sets all blocks in the area
   The shape of the region
   The size of the brush
   The pattern of blocks to set
Description Apply brush, apply a function to every block
   The shape of the region
   The size of the brush
Description Deform brush, applies an expression to an area
   The shape of the region
   The size of the brush
   Expression to apply
   Use the game’s coordinate origin
   Use the placement position as the origin
Description Lower brush, lower all blocks by one
   The shape of the region
   The size of the brush
Description Snow brush, sets snow in the area
   The shape of the region
   The size of the brush
   Whether to stack snow

Generation Commands¶

Description Generates a hollow cylinder.
   The pattern of blocks to generate
   The radii of the cylinder. 1st is N/S, 2nd is E/W
   The height of the cylinder
Description Generates a cylinder.
   The pattern of blocks to generate
   The radii of the cylinder. 1st is N/S, 2nd is E/W
   The height of the cylinder
   Make a hollow cylinder
Description Generates a hollow sphere.
   The pattern of blocks to generate
   The radii of the sphere. Order is N/S, U/D, E/W
   Raise the bottom of the sphere to the placement position
Description Generates a filled sphere.
   The pattern of blocks to generate
   The radii of the sphere. Order is N/S, U/D, E/W
   Raise the bottom of the sphere to the placement position
   Make a hollow sphere
Description Generate a forest
   The size of the forest, in blocks
   The type of forest
   The density of the forest, between 0 and 100
Description Generate pumpkin patches
   The size of the patch
Description Generate a hollow pyramid
   The pattern of blocks to set
   The size of the pyramid
Description Generate a filled pyramid
   The pattern of blocks to set
   The size of the pyramid
   Make a hollow pyramid

(or , )


Generates a shape according to a formula.

See also

   The pattern of blocks to set
   Expression to test block placement locations and set block type
   Generate a hollow shape
   Use the game’s coordinate origin
   Use the placement’s coordinate origin
   Use the selection’s center as origin

Выбор региона для редактирования.

После установки мы можем запустить сервер, дабы испытать WorldEdit.  Первым делом необходимо понять как редактируется территория — плагин дает возможность выбрать прямоугольник — «кубоид», отметив 2 точки на местности:

Делается это несколькими способами:

  • Встав сначала на первой точке набираем в чат  
  • Второй способ подойдет для работы с большой дистанции —  выбираем прицелом точки для кубоида и попеременно набираем в чате: 

Ну и третий, самый распространенный способ — следует просто взять в руки нужный инструмент —  деревянный топор. Его можно достать из меню креатива, либо при помощи одной полезной команды, которая является самой основной для этого плагина, а именно //wand. При помощи этого инструмента можно выделить нужную нам территорию. Правой кнопкой мыши вы выделяете одну точку, правой — другую. Кубоид образуется путем проведения диагонали от одной точки к другой. (К слову, это инструмент является неразделимым с другим плагином — WorldGuard, который разработан теми же разработчиками, что и Ворлд Эдит.) Итак, мы можем манипулировать с выделенной территорией. Давайте освоим самые базовые команды.

Selection Commands¶

Description Set position 1
   Coordinates to set position 1 to
Description Set position 2
   Coordinates to set position 2 to
Description Set position 1 to targeted block
Description Set position 2 to targeted block

Set the selection to your current chunk.

This command selects 256-block-tall areas,
which can be specified by the y-coordinate.
E.g. -c x,1,z will select from y=256 to y=511.

   The chunk to select
   Expand your selection to encompass all chunks that are part of it
   Use chunk coordinates instead of block coordinates
Description Get the wand object
   Get a navigation wand
Description Remind the user that the wand is now a tool and can be unbound with /tool none.
Description Contract the selection area
   Amount to contract the selection by
   Amount to contract the selection by in the other direction
   Direction to contract
Description Shift the selection area
   Amount to shift the selection by
   Direction to contract
Description Outset the selection area
   Amount to expand the selection by in all directions
   Only expand horizontally
   Only expand vertically
Description Inset the selection area
   Amount to contract the selection by in all directions
   Only contract horizontally
   Only contract vertically
Description Get information about the selection
   Get clipboard info instead
Description Counts the number of blocks matching a mask
   The mask of blocks to match
Description Get the distribution of blocks in the selection
   Get the distribution of the clipboard instead
   Separate blocks by state
   Gets page from a previous distribution.

(or , , )

Description Choose a region selector
   Selector to switch to
   Set default selector
Description Expand the selection area
   Amount to expand the selection by, can be vert to expand to the whole vertical column
   Amount to expand the selection by in the other direction
   Direction to expand

Special Block Data Syntax¶

Some blocks have additional syntax for setting extra information.

Sign Text

You can set text on signs by separating it with a pipe symbol (). Note that if the text has spaces, you must wrap the entire pattern in quotes .

Example: Setting sign text

Simple Example:

//set oak_sign|Line1|Line2

With spaces and rotation:

//set "oak_wall_sign|Hello world|Second|Third line"

Player Heads

You can set the skin of a player head by specifying a username after the pipe symbol.

Example: Setting a skin on a head

//set player_head|dinnerbone

Mob Spawners

You can set the type of mob to be spawned (again via the pipe symbol). Note that the name of the mob must be an . Prefixing minecraft: is optional, modded mobs must have a namespace.

Example: Creating a squid spawner

//set spawner|squid

Скачать WorldEdit (5.38 Mb, 30-07-2021, 16:56) (4.35 Mb, 30-07-2021, 16:58) (4.11 Mb, 17-01-2021, 14:12) (4 Mb, 17-01-2021, 14:12) (4.1 Mb, 17-01-2021, 14:12) (3.98 Mb, 17-01-2021, 14:12) (4.07 Mb, 17-01-2021, 14:12) (3.96 Mb, 17-01-2021, 14:12) (4.32 Mb, 17-01-2021, 14:14) (70.46 Kb, 17-01-2021, 14:14) (4.13 Mb, 5-08-2020, 11:14) (3.92 Mb, 5-08-2020, 11:14) (4.1 Mb, 5-08-2020, 11:13) (3.51 Mb, 24-01-2020, 10:53) (3.26 Mb, 24-01-2020, 10:53) (2.02 Mb, 23-07-2019, 14:18) (2.09 Mb, 16-06-2019, 12:34) (1.41 Mb, 31-01-2019, 13:26) (1.4 Mb, 31-01-2019, 13:26) (1.4 Mb, 31-01-2019, 13:26) (1.4 Mb, 31-01-2019, 13:25) (1.39 Mb, 31-01-2019, 13:25) (1.38 Mb, 31-01-2019, 13:25) (1.38 Mb, 31-01-2019, 13:24) (1.29 Mb, 31-01-2019, 13:24) (1.39 Mb, 31-01-2019, 13:24) (1.23 Mb, 31-01-2019, 13:24)

Основные команды


Заливки выделение с указанным блоком (блоками).


//установить 4 - заполнить выделение булыжником.//установить 40% 3,40% 13  , 20% 2034: 0 - заполняет выделение 40% грязью, 40% гравием и 20% грязью. 


Заменяет на .


//replace 41 3,13 - заменяет золотые блоки (41  ) внутри выделенной области на грязь и гравий.//заменить 2,3,13 35: 3 - заменить траву, грязь и гравий в выделенной области на светло-голубую шерсть.//заменить 103 - заменить все блоки, не содержащие воздуха в выделении, на  дыни (103). 

//paste (-a)

Вставляет буфер обмена (относительно вашего положения). С -a вы будете вставлять только блоки без воздуха, что полезно в ограниченном пространстве и, как правило, значительно ускоряет вставку больших выделений.


Перемещает выбранные блоки блоков в направлении . Принятые параметры для направления: n, e, s, w, u и d (направления по компасу, вверх и вниз, независимо от вашего положения и ориентации) и f, b, l и r (спереди, сзади, влево, вправо; в зависимости от ваше положение и ориентация). Если вы добавите -s в конце, команда также переместит выделение.


Поворачивает буфер обмена. Допустимые параметры для : 90,180 и 270 (по часовой стрелке) и -90, -180 и -270 (против часовой стрелки). Примечание: в настоящее время пользовательские блоки лестницы не вращаются должным образом.


Перемещает выделение ( примечание: только выделение, а не блоки внутри него ) блоков в направлении .


Изменяет биом выбора на . Чтобы просмотреть список доступных типов биомов и регионов, в которых они должны использоваться, щелкните здесь.

Installation Step-by-step¶

Bukkit / Spigot / Paper

Once you’ve set up your Bukkit-based server (instructions can be found on the respective Paper/Spigot sites), download WorldEdit from the Bukkit dev site. Make sure you get the right WorldEdit download for your Minecraft version.

  1. In your server folder, create a “plugins” folder if one does not yet exist. (It should be created when you first run the server).
  2. Move the WorldEdit .jar file into the plugins folder.
  3. Start your server.

Check your server log for errors. If you encounter errors, see the FAQ page.

Forge Single-Player

First, you’ll have to install Minecraft Forge. There are many third-party launchers designed to easily install modpacks. If you’re using one of those, you can add WorldEdit as a mod through the launcher interface. Otherwise, Forge will install a profile available through the official Minecraft Launcher. After installing Forge one way or the other, download WorldEdit from the CurseForge site. Make sure you get the right WorldEdit download for your Minecraft version and platform (Fabric builds are also there — make sure you grab the right one).

  1. If you’ve installed Forge as a profile in the official Minecraft launcher, follow Mojang’s instructions for finding where your “.minecraft” folder is. If you’re using a third-party launcher, this might be in a different location (consult the launcher’s docs).
  2. Create a “mods” folder inside the “.minecraft” folder if it doesn’t yet exist (it should be created if you’ve run Forge once already).
  3. Place the WorldEdit .jar file inside the mods folder. Start Forge from your launcher. WorldEdit should show up in the mods list.

If you encounter any errors, see the FAQ page.

Fabric Single-Player or Server

First, you’ll have to install Fabric. They have instructions on their website depending on how you’d like to install. The MultiMC instructions are recommended for single-player.

Then, download WorldEdit from the CurseForge site. Make sure you get the right WorldEdit download for your Minecraft version and platform (Forge builds are also there — make sure you grab the right one).

On Minecraft 1.14.x versions, you will also need to install the Fabric API mod. This is not required for 1.15+.

Add the WorldEdit .jar to the “loader mods” section of your MultiMC instance and check to enable it, or add the jar to your mods folder (see Forge instructions above) if you’re installing in the official Mojang launcher.

Forge Server / Sponge

First, you’ll have to install your server software of choice. For Forge, you can download the installer and run from a terminal or command prompt (search online for more comprehensive instructions). Sponge has documentation on setting up a server. After installing your server software, download WorldEdit from Curseforge, if using Forge or Ore, if using Sponge. If you are using SpongeForge, either version of WorldEdit will work (but don’t use both) — the Forge version may perform better in some cases.

  1. Create a “mods” folder if it doesn’t exist (it will be created automatically after running the server once).
  2. Add the WorldEdit .jar file to the mods folder.
  3. Start the server.

Check your server log for errors. If you encounter errors, see the FAQ page.

Want to see selection lines?

To see lines showing your selection, you can either:

  1. Access a limited version of the selection outlines server-side via the command. It works only for cuboid selections that are not larger than 48x48x48 (or 32x32x32 on older versions), and you have to be in creative mode. These limitations are due to how structure blocks have worked in Minecraft for a long time.
  2. Use a third party client-side mod, e.g. WorldEdit CUI (Fabric). Note that this mod requires Fabric, so you will have to install it at first.


If you would like to use an older version of Minecraft (1.12 or earlier), in addition to downloading an older WorldEdit (version 6), you may also need the old WorldEditCUI mod by Mumfrey. Note that this mod requires LiteLoader (installation instructions on that page) instead.


The //undo command is not to be relied upon. Use this in emergencies only — but don’t get into the habit of breaking things and fixing them with undo. It will often break signs, ruin redstone circuitry, break torches, and do terrible things to Craftbook and LionsMod sign-driven systems.

Also, do not confuse Worldedit’s //undo with Cuboid’s /undo! Both can be used for each of the plugins independently, and the two can be used together for some excellent effects. However, you stand a chance of accidentally undoing a previous repair from halfway round the world, and Cuboid cannot always manage /redo.


Super-pickaxes are slightly different than other tools. Instead of being bound to a single item, they are just toggled on or off with their commands. When on, left-clicking with any pickaxe in your hand will trigger the superpick. Unlike normal tools, they are toggled off with .

Single Superpick

/sp single

This super-pickaxe allows you to instantly break blocks. That may seem redundant, but it predates creative mode (creative mode was removed before alpha and wasn’t re-added until Beta 1.8). It also will drop the blocks you break as items (configurably), which creative mode does not do.

Area Superpick

/sp area <radius>

This super-pickaxe will break all blocks matching the same type as the initially clicked block within the radius. Like the single mode superpick, it can be configured to drop items.

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