
Infinity Weapons

A Galaxy Soul can be forged into a galaxy weapon at the cost of 20 Cinder Shards. Doing this 3 times (at a total cost of 3 Galaxy Souls and 60 cinder shards) will turn the weapon into a more powerful «Infinity» weapon. Less or more Galaxy Souls do nothing. The weapons keep their enchantments and forgings when they are made into Infinity weapons.

Image Name Description Ingredients
Infinity Blade The true form of the Galaxy Sword. Galaxy Sword (1)Galaxy Soul (3)Cinder Shard (60)
Infinity Dagger The true form of the Galaxy Dagger. Galaxy Dagger (1)Galaxy Soul (3)Cinder Shard (60)
Infinity Gavel The true form of the Galaxy Hammer. Galaxy Hammer (1)Galaxy Soul (3)Cinder Shard (60)

Heart Events

50 Friendship Points

After earning 50 Friendship points with the Dwarf, enter The Sewers. A Stardrop must have been purchased from Krobus.

Dwarf finds Krobus in the Sewers and blames the Shadow People for the death of their family. Krobus retorts by saying that he only resorted to violence after the dwarves drove them from their ancestral homeland. Krobus gives an apology for what happened to Dwarf’s family but Dwarf doesn’t accept it. They both start fighting. The player descends into the Sewers and gets between them. Dwarf yells, «Let me at him! He’s despicable.» Krobus retorts, «Come and get it, shrimpy.» Suddenly, the Wizard appears and stops the fight. He reminds them that «The Elemental Wars have long been finished» and tells them to make peace for the sake of the humans that live around them. Dwarf consents to this and promises to stay away from the sewers. Krobus once again apologizes for the past and states that he has no personal gripe with Dwarf. The Wizard casts a ‘Seal of Promise’ to finalize the agreement.

Preparing Your First Harvest

Gift from Mayor Lewis

  • Use your axe, pickaxe, and scythe on the logs, stones, grass and bushes on your farm to clear about 15 tiles.
  • Use your hoe to till the soil and plant the 15 Parsnip Seeds provided by Mayor Lewis.
  • Use your watering can to water your seeds and soil.
  • Continue watering your crops every day until they grow in to harvestable crops. Your parsnips will be ready to harvest in 4 days.
  • A helpful tip: Maple, Pine and Oak trees all have the same hit ratio; 10 hits from your axe. The stumps only take 5 hits from your axe.

Watering Can

Main article: Watering Cans

Crops needs to be watered daily in order to grow. The starting watering can only waters one tile at a time and can be refilled at any pond, river, or other body of water. This includes the kitchen sink, after getting your first house upgrade.

Crops need to be watered every day. Crops that are not watered will not die, but they will not grow either.

The best times to upgrade the watering can are the day before it is predicted to rain, as the rain will water the crops, or the 27th day of the season after watering any crops that are expected to ripen on the 28th.
The Blacksmith will need 2 days to upgrade any tools, including the watering can.

, which must be crafted and placed, will automatically water surrounding tiles every morning. Throughout the gameplay, sprinklers become available in 3 tiers that can water an increasing number of surrounding tiles, starting with 4 tiles (immediately adjacent to the sprinkler), 8 tiles (in the surrounding 3×3 area), and up to 24 tiles (in the surrounding 5×5 area).

Начинайте утро с просмотра ТВ

Не забывайте смотреть по утрам телевизор, так как это действительно полезно. С помощью телевизора вы сможете узнать прогноз погоды, что поможет вам решить — поливать огород, к примеру, или нет. Ведь если днем ожидается дождь, то вам не придется тратить время на полив и вы сможете заняться чем-то более полезным.

Также по телевизору показывают такую передачу, как Fortune Teller, которая также поможет вам в принятии некоторых решений. Например, с ее помощью вы можете узнать наиболее благоприятный день для сбора урожая, когда он будет наилучшего качества. Также вы сможете узнать качество различных предметов и руды. Так что, в Stardew Valley телевизор является не извечным средством прокрастинации, а практически элементом успешного бизнеса.

Items Shipped

This tab keeps track of the type and amount of specific items shipped via the Shipping Bin on The Farm.

Wild Horseradish Daffodil Leek Dandelion Parsnip Cave Carrot Coconut Cactus Fruit Banana Sap Iridium Ore Wood Stone Nautilus Shell Coral Rainbow Shell Spice Berry Sea Urchin Grape Spring Onion Cinder Shard Magma Cap Bone Fragment Radioactive Ore Radioactive Bar
Large Egg (white) Egg (white) Egg (brown) Large Egg (brown) Milk Large Milk Green Bean Cauliflower Potato Garlic Strawberry Sweet Pea Common Mushroom Wild Plum Hazelnut Blackberry Winter Root Crystal Fruit Snow Yam Sweet Gem Berry
Kale Rhubarb Melon Tomato Morel Blueberry Fiddlehead Fern Hot Pepper Wheat Radish Crocus Red Mushroom Sunflower Purple Mushroom Cheese Goat Cheese Cloth Truffle Truffle Oil Coffee Bean
Red Cabbage Starfruit Corn Unmilled Rice Eggplant Artichoke Pumpkin Bok Choy Yam Chanterelle Goat Milk Large Goat Milk Wool Duck Egg Duck Feather Caviar Rabbit’s Foot Aged Roe Ancient Fruit Mead
Cranberries Holly Beet Ostrich Egg Salmonberry Amaranth Pale Ale Hops Void Egg Mayonnaise Tulip Summer Spangle Fairy Rose Blue Jazz Apple Green Tea Apricot Orange Peach Pomegranate
Duck Mayonnaise Void Mayonnaise Clay Copper Bar Iron Bar Gold Bar Iridium Bar Refined Quartz Honey (any) Pickles (any) Cherry Bug Meat Hardwood Maple Syrup Oak Resin Pine Tar Slime Bat Wing Solar Essence Void Essence
Jelly (any) Beer Wine (any) Juice (any) Clam Poppy Copper Ore Iron Ore Coal Gold Ore Fiber Battery Pack Dinosaur Mayonnaise Roe (any) Squid Ink Tea Leaves Ginger Taro Root Pineapple Mango

Page One

Wild Horseradish Daffodil Leek Dandelion Parsnip Cave Carrot Coconut Cactus Fruit Banana Sap
Large Egg (white) Egg (white) Egg (brown) Large Egg (brown) Milk Large Milk Green Bean Cauliflower Potato Garlic
Kale Rhubarb Melon Tomato Morel Blueberry Fiddlehead Fern Hot Pepper Wheat Radish
Red Cabbage Starfruit Corn Unmilled Rice Eggplant Artichoke Pumpkin Bok Choy Yam Chanterelle
Cranberries Holly Beet Ostrich Egg Salmonberry Amaranth Pale Ale Hops Void Egg Mayonnaise
Duck Mayonnaise Void Mayonnaise Clay Copper Bar Iron Bar Gold Bar Iridium Bar Refined Quartz Honey (any) Pickles (any)
Jelly (any) Beer Wine (any) Juice (any) Clam Poppy Copper Ore Iron Ore Coal Gold Ore

Page Two

Iridium Ore Wood Stone Nautilus Shell Coral Rainbow Shell Spice Berry Sea Urchin Grape Spring Onion
Strawberry Sweet Pea Common Mushroom Wild Plum Hazelnut Blackberry Winter Root Crystal Fruit Snow Yam Sweet Gem Berry
Crocus Red Mushroom Sunflower Purple Mushroom Cheese Goat Cheese Cloth Truffle Truffle Oil Coffee Bean
Goat Milk Large Goat Milk Wool Duck Egg Duck Feather Caviar Rabbit’s Foot Aged Roe Ancient Fruit Mead
Tulip Summer Spangle Fairy Rose Blue Jazz Apple Green Tea Apricot Orange Peach Pomegranate
Cherry Bug Meat Hardwood Maple Syrup Oak Resin Pine Tar Slime Bat Wing Solar Essence Void Essence
Fiber Battery Pack Dinosaur Mayonnaise Roe (any) Squid Ink Tea Leaves Ginger Taro Root Pineapple Mango

Page Three

Cinder Shard Magma Cap Bone Fragment Radioactive Ore Radioactive Bar


Image Name Description Ingredients Recipe Source
Torch Provides a modest amount of light. Wood (1)Sap (2) Starter
Campfire Provides a moderate amount of light. Stone (10)Wood (10)Fiber (10) Starter
Wooden Brazier Provides a moderate amount of light. Wood (10)Coal (1)Fiber (5) Carpenter’s Shop for 250g
Stone Brazier Provides a moderate amount of light. Stone (10)Coal (1)Fiber (5) Carpenter’s Shop for 400g
Gold Brazier Provides a moderate amount of light. Gold Bar (1)Coal (1)Fiber (5) Carpenter’s Shop for 1,000g
Carved Brazier Provides a moderate amount of light. Hardwood (10)Coal (1) Carpenter’s Shop for 2,000g
Stump Brazier Provides a moderate amount of light. Hardwood (5)Coal (1) Carpenter’s Shop for 800g
Barrel Brazier Provides a moderate amount of light. Wood (50)Solar Essence (1)Coal (1) Carpenter’s Shop for 800g
Skull Brazier Provides a moderate amount of light. Before 1.5

Hardwood (10)Solar Essence (1)Coal (1)
After 1.5
Bone Fragment (10)

Carpenter’s Shop for 3,000g
Marble Brazier Provides a moderate amount of light. Marble (1)Aquamarine (1)Stone (100) Carpenter’s Shop for 5,000g
Wood Lamp-post Provides a good amount of light. Wood (50)Battery Pack (1) Carpenter’s Shop for 500g
Iron Lamp-post Provides a good amount of light. Iron Bar (1)Battery Pack (1) Carpenter’s Shop for 1,000g
Jack-O-Lantern A whimsical fall decoration. Pumpkin (1)Torch (1) Pierre’s stand at Spirit’s Eve festival (2,000g)


Все действия игры будут происходить на одной локации, а именно на участке земли, который достался вам по наследству от вашего родственника. В начале игры это будет простой участок земли, который нужно будет обрабатывать, ведь он зарос полностью травой. Вы будете покупать семена, садить рассаду, заниматься фермерской деятельностью, чтобы постоянно накапливать себе очки в игре. Стройте новые поселения, выращивайте овощи, создайте фруктовый сад, даже можно охотиться на животных и ловить рыбу в игре. То есть, как вы видите, работы в игре будет невпроворот. Ваши фермерские владения будут атаковать даже монстры и чудовища, поэтому помимо исследовательской деятельности вам нужно еще собирать подручные средства и превратить их в оружие.

Fish Size & Quality

Article Stub

This article is marked as a stub for the following reason:

Needs to be updated as of v1.5 (levels 15-16 fishing)

Fish size & quality is dependent on fishing zone and fishing level, with some randomness. Perfect catches also influence the fish size somewhat. Below is the table for the chances of getting certain fish sizes and quality based on particular fishing zones and fishing levels. Note that the Base Fish Quality does not take into account improvements in quality from perfect catches or from the Quality Bobber. fFishSize is a variable used to calculate variations in fish sizes: a value of 0.00 for fFishSize will result in the least possible fish size while 1.00 for fFishSize will result in the highest possible fish size. Bubbles do not affect fish size or quality.

Fishing Zone Fishing Level fFishSize Base Fish Quality (% chance) Perfect Fish Size (inches)
min max Normal Silver Gold Sardine Herring
1 0-1 0.04 0.22 100 2 — 4 9 — 11
1 2-3 0.07 0.22 100 2 — 4 9 — 11
1 4-5 0.11 0.22 100 3 — 4 10 — 11
1 6-7 0.14 0.22 100 3 — 4 10 — 11
1 8-9 0.18 0.22 100 3 — 4 11
1 10-11 0.22 0.26 100 4 11 — 12
1 12-13 0.25 0.31 100 4 — 5 12
1 14 0.29 0.35 67 33 5 12 — 13
2 0-1 0.07 0.44 73 27 2 — 6 9 — 14
2 2-3 0.14 0.44 67 33 3 — 6 10 — 14
2 4-5 0.22 0.44 56 44 4 — 6 11 — 14
2 6-7 0.29 0.44 33 67 5 — 6 12 — 14
2 8-9 0.36 0.44 100 5 — 6 13 — 14
2 10-11 0.43 0.53 100 6 — 7 14 — 15
2 12-13 0.50 0.62 100 7 — 8 15 — 16
2 14 0.58 0.70 67 33 8 — 9 15 — 17
3 0-1 0.11 0.66 42 57 1 3 — 9 10 — 16
3 2-3 0.22 0.66 27 71 1 4 — 9 11 — 16
3 4-5 0.32 0.66 3 95 2 5 — 9 12 — 16
3 6-7 0.43 0.66 98 2 6 — 9 14 — 16
3 8-9 0.54 0.66 95 5 7 — 9 15 — 16
3 10-11 0.65 0.79 10 90 9 — 10 16 — 18
3 12-13 0.76 0.92 100 10 — 12 18 — 20
3 14 0.86 1.00 100 11 — 13 19 — 21
5 0-1 0.18 1.00 20 39 41 3 — 13 11 — 21
5 2-3 0.36 1.00 49 51 5 — 13 13 — 21
5 4-5 0.54 1.00 32 68 7 — 13 15 — 21
5 6-7 0.72 1.00 100 9 — 13 17 — 21
5 8-9 0.90 1.00 100 11 — 13 19 — 21
5 10-11 1.00 1.00 100 13 21
5 12-13 1.00 1.00 100 13 21
5 14-15 1.00 1.00 100 13 21
5 16 1.00 1.00 100 13 21


Minerals do not have to be shipped or donated to the Museum to count towards the Collections Tab of the player menu. They only need to be picked up.

Note that minerals found in may not appear as found on the collections tab. Dragging the mineral outside the inventory window and allowing it to be taken back into inventory may correct this. Holding the mineral in inventory overnight may also correct this.

Note also that minerals’ descriptions appear on the collections tab as soon as they are found, even while the inventory description says «Gunther can tell you more about this if you donate it to the museum.»

Emerald Aquamarine Ruby Amethyst Topaz Jade Diamond Prismatic Shard Quartz Fire Quartz
Frozen Tear Earth Crystal Alamite Bixite Baryte Aerinite Calcite Dolomite Esperite Fluorapatite
Geminite Helvite Jamborite Jagoite Kyanite Lunarite Malachite Neptunite Lemon Stone Nekoite
Orpiment Petrified Slime Thunder Egg Pyrite Ocean Stone Ghost Crystal Tigerseye Jasper Opal Fire Opal
Celestine Marble Sandstone Granite Basalt Limestone Soapstone Hematite Mudstone Obsidian
Slate Fairy Stone Star Shards
Emerald Aquamarine Ruby Amethyst Topaz Jade Diamond Prismatic Shard Quartz Fire Quartz
Frozen Tear Earth Crystal Alamite Bixite Baryte Aerinite Calcite Dolomite Esperite Fluorapatite
Geminite Helvite Jamborite Jagoite Kyanite Lunarite Malachite Neptunite Lemon Stone Nekoite
Orpiment Petrified Slime Thunder Egg Pyrite Ocean Stone Ghost Crystal Tigerseye Jasper Opal Fire Opal
Celestine Marble Sandstone Granite Basalt Limestone Soapstone Hematite Mudstone Obsidian
Slate Fairy Stone Star Shards


Warning: Spoilers

This page or section contains unmarked spoilers from update 1.5 of Stardew Valley. Mobile players may want to avoid or be cautious toward reading this article.

By fishing in certain locations, gift boxes containing furniture or hats may be obtained. These include:

Image Name Location
‘Boat’ Fish at the southwest spot of the Beach Farm.
Decorative Trash Can Fish in the fountain west of the Community Center in Pelican Town. This item can also be found in the Furniture Catalogue.
Foliage Print Fish in the river at the west of Ginger Island North.
Frog Hat Fish in Gourmand Frog’s cave on Ginger Island.
Gourmand Statue Fish in the Pirate Cove on Ginger Island.
Iridium Krobus Fish at the southernmost point of Cindersap Forest near the entrance to the Sewers with a fishing level of at least 15.
Lifesaver Fish in the backroom of Willy’s Fish Shop.
‘Physics 101’ Fish in the Volcano Caldera.
Pyramid Decal Fish in the southern pond in the Calico Desert.
Squirrel Figurine Fish at the west edge of the river in an area on Ginger Island accessible through the volcano.
‘Vista’ Fish in the pond outside the Spa to find a ‘Vista’ painting. (Cannot be obtained in Winter.)
Wall Basket Fish in the Secret Woods pond during any season.


Energy & Health

Main article: Energy

Energy limits productivity. One of the main ways to overcome this is by eating food. Eating food is an action, for which default controls are Right Click or type X with the food highlighted in your inventory and then click Yes in the confirmation dialogue to eat the food. Most crops and many foraged items can be eaten in order to regain energy.

Sleeping at the end of the day will restore the players’ energy. After 12:00AM, the player won’t restore 100% of the energy. If the player is exhausted when they go to bed or forced sleep at 2:00AM, they’ll wake up in the morning with their energy level about half restored.

On Multiplayer, lying in bed will regain energy over time.

The Spa will fully restore energy over a short period of time.


Main article: Mining

Mining skill is increased by breaking rocks. Each level adds +1 to Pickaxe .
Mining skill points are awarded when rocks are destroyed — it doesn’t matter if this is done by Pickaxe, , or by the action of Monsters.

Different rock types give different numbers of experience points.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Crafting Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Cooking Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Choose a Profession:
Cherry Bomb Staircase Miner’s Treat Miner

+1 ore per .

Chance for to appear in pairs.
(50% chance per . Also applies to spawned from breaking rocks.)
Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
Crafting Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Miner: Geologist:
Bomb Transmute (Au) Mega Bomb Crystalarium Blacksmith

Metal bars worth 50% more.
(Applies to Copper, Iron, Gold, & Iridium Bars)

Chance to find doubled.
(Applies to all 4 types of geodes)

Chance to find coal doubled.

Gems worth 30% more.
(applies to Minerals and Gems)


  • It’s possible to clip through to the space around any map area (e.g., the black area around the Farmhouse

    To return from the normally unreachable area, simply walk into the exit point.

    ) by repeatedly swinging a sword while standing just inside the exit point.

  • It is possible to use a club weapon’s secondary attack several times in quick succession by right clicking then mashing left click (or the C key) before the attack animation is over. This can be useful while attacking higher level enemies with a low level weapon.
    • Pressing left click too early will result in a normal swing to take place rather than the secondary attack.
    • This glitch will occasionally soft-lock the game, if an additional animation occurs while spamming left-click/C.
  • If you block with a sword while interacting with an object at the same time, such as a bush or a villager, you can make your sprite break, showing both the blocking sprite, and facing towards the screen sprite at the same time. You will be stuck like this until you use the block again.

Recurring Easter Eggs

There are a few Easter eggs that are recurring or interlinked in Stardew Valley.


Hats can be placed on…

  • Children (of toddler age) and . They can be removed by holding another hat and clicking on them again; that will pop off the old hat, but won’t place the new hat unless you do it again.
  • . They can then be swapped with another hat, but can only be fully removed by breaking the rarecrow which drops both items.
  • Sea urchins in fish tanks by holding the hat and clicking the fish tank. They can be removed by opening the fish tank inventory and taking the hat.

Lucky Purple Shorts

Mayor Lewis’ have a number of secrets.

Trimmed Lucky Purple Shorts

  • Giving Lewis his lucky purple shorts while he’s visiting Ginger Island will cause him to wear them as beach attire for 28 days.
  • Putting them in the Luau soup gets a unique response from the Governor and Lewis.
  • Putting them in the Stardew Valley Fair grange display disqualifies the player, and Lewis gives the player 750 star tokens as a bribe to keep his secret. Marnie also gives unique dialogue at the Fair after seeing the shorts in the display.
  • Tailoring them with a gold bar produces Trimmed Lucky Purple Shorts. These are equivalent to the Lucky Purple Shorts for completing the quest or triggering the other secrets, but can also be worn by the player for an amusing reaction from Marnie and Lewis.
  • Trimmed Lucky Purple Shorts can also be acquired by placing a staircase into the player’s pants slot.

Dove Children

unlocks several Easter eggs.

You may receive a mysterious telephone call: «You place the receiver to your ear, and are met with a roiling, abrasive static. But wait… beneath it all, you can make out something else… an otherworldly voice… ‘Y-O-U H-A-V-E F-O-R-S-A-K-E-N U-S'». This no longer happens once you unlock the cursed doll spawn below.

On the standard farm, watching TV on Fall 26 (the day before Spirit’s Eve) and choosing «???» will show an Ancient Doll on the TV screen with an eerie message («You’ve brought this upon yourself… now I’m free… Hee hee hee!»), and an Ancient Doll will pop out of the TV. Thereafter, a cursed Ancient Doll will fly around and attack players in front of the Dark Shrine of Selfishness. When slain, it will turn into a large black bird and fly away. Exiting and re-entering the Witch’s Hut will respawn the doll. (Killing this doll counts toward the Monster Eradication goal of killing 200 bats.)

On the Four-Corners Farm, players may catch an Ancient Doll once while fishing.

If you’ve turned multiple children into doves, there’s a 15% chance they’ll fly past in formation at The Summit.

Bad at Music

In multiplayer mode, if a player’s randomized unique multiplayer ID (only editable in the save file) is divisible by 111, music they produce will sound off:

  • The music emote will produce a random off-tune strum instead of one of the normal melodies.
  • The piano in Elliott’s Cabin will play off-key tones (F4, C5, D5, G#5) instead of the usual ones (B4, D#5, E5, F#5), and the won’t trigger.

Fishing Poles

Used to catch fish. Hold down left click to power-up the cast, use WASD or the arrow keys to slightly adjust the placement of the hook.

Image Name Cost Improvements Location Requirements
Training Rod 25g Easier to use (only catches common Fish). Buy from Willy’s Fish Shop
Bamboo Pole 500g Given to the player by Willy

Buy from Willy’s Fish Shop

Fiberglass Rod 1,800g Able to use bait. Buy from Willy’s Fish Shop Fishing Level 2

(The player receives a letter the day after it becomes available)

Iridium Rod 7,500g Able to use bait & tackle. Buy from Willy’s Fish Shop Fishing Level 6

(The player receives a letter the day after it becomes available)


Certain cooked dishes will temporarily increase farming level. Qi Seasoning can be applied to further increase the stat buff for dishes cooked by the player.

Image Name Description Ingredients Restores Buff(s) Buff Duration Recipe Source(s) Sell Price
Complete Breakfast You’ll feel ready to take on the world! Fried Egg (1)Milk (1)Hashbrowns (1)Pancakes (1) 200 90 Farming (+2)Max Energy (+50) 7m
The Queen of Sauce
21 Spring, Year 2
Hashbrowns Crispy and golden-brown! Potato (1)Oil (1) 90 40 Farming (+1) 5m 35s
The Queen of Sauce
14 Spring, Year 2

for 50g

Pepper Poppers Spicy breaded peppers filled with cheese. Hot Pepper (1)Cheese (1) 130 58 Farming (+2)Speed (+1) 7m

Shane  (Mail — 3+ )

Tom Kha Soup These flavors are incredible! Coconut (1)Shrimp (1)Common Mushroom (1) 175 78 Farming (+2)Max Energy (+30) 7m

Sandy  (Mail — 7+ )

Farmer’s Lunch This’ll keep you going. Omelet (1)Parsnip (1) 200 90 Farming (+3) 5m 35s

Farming Level 3

Maple Bar It’s a sweet doughnut topped with a rich maple glaze. Maple Syrup (1)Sugar (1)Wheat Flour (1) 225 101 Farming (+1)Fishing (+1)Mining (+1) 16m 47s
The Queen of Sauce
14 Summer, Year 2

List of Quest Items

Quest Items are items that do not have any use outside of their intended quests, aside from occasional easter eggs.

They cannot be sold. If a quest item is lost, it can be retrieved from the lost & found box in Mayor Lewis’s house.

Image Name Description Quest
Lost Axe Robin’s been looking everywhere for it.
Lucky Purple Shorts Better not inspect these too closely.
Berry Basket The fibers are stained with berry juice.
War Memento It’s a faded photograph of a soldier…
Gourmet Tomato Salt A rare, delicious and savory salt.
Stardew Valley Rose A rose that reminds you of the valley. It smells heavenly.
Advanced TV Remote It has more buttons than a regular remote. Perfect for the avid TV watcher!
Arctic Shard This shard glows with an otherworldly blue light.
Wriggling Worm It’s a wriggling, wet worm.
Pirate’s Locket It’s an old pirate’s keepsake.


  • Placing Mayor Lewis’ Purple Shorts in the grange display results in him becoming upset and giving the player 750 star tokens to keep his secret. Marnie also comments on the «purple lettuce» in the display.
  • When going to the barbecue where Gus is preparing food, Evelyn comments that she wishes that he would provide vegetarian options. However, the Survival Burgers that are being served are made out of vegetarian options (bread, cave carrot, and eggplant).
  • If the player speaks to Caroline, she says that Pierre has «been setting aside the best-looking produce for weeks in preparation» for the fair. However, his grange display contains produce that would spoil after sitting for weeks in real life.
  • When playing the Smashing Stone game, if the player hits the stone when the bar is at the very bottom, the player is awarded a single star token and given the dialogue,
“Wow. Zero strength. I’m actually impressed with how weak you are. Here’s a star token.”


Main article: Fishing

Fishing Skill is increased by catching Fish, Trash, Seaweed, Green Algae, or White Algae with a Fishing Rod/Pole or by harvesting Crab Pots.

Each level grants +1 Fishing Rod , increases the minimum fish size (in/cm) and bobber bar height, and decreases the max amount of time before fish bite. Fishing skill also increases the chance to find quality (silver or gold star) fish.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Crafting Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Crafting / Cooking Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Choose a Profession:
Casting distance increased by one tile Bait

Fiberglass Rod & Bait unlocked in Willy’s Fish Shop

Crab PotDish O’ The Sea

Crab Pot unlocked in Willy’s Fish Shop

Recycling Machine

Casting distance increased by one tile


Fish worth 25% more.

Resources required to craft crab pots reduced.
Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
Crafting Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Crafting Recipes: Crafting / Cooking Recipes: Fisher: Trapper:
SpinnerTrap Bobber

Iridium Rod, Lead Bobber, Spinner, & Trap Bobber unlocked in Willy’s Fish Shop

Cork BobberTreasure Hunter

Cork Bobber & Treasure Hunter unlocked in Willy’s Fish Shop

Worm BinBarbed HookDressed Spinner

  • Barbed Hook
    & Dressed Spinner unlocked in Willy’s Fish Shop
  • Casting distance increased by one tile
Seafoam PuddingMagnet

Magnet unlocked in Willy’s Fish Shop


Fish worth 50% more.

Crab pots no longer produce junk items.

Chance to find doubled.

Crab pots no longer require bait.

List of Mr. Qi’s Special Orders

On , after reaching 100 Golden Walnuts, is Mr. Qi’s room. Inside, he provides a similar to the one in town, which refreshes with two new quests to choose from every Monday. Quests will repeat over time, regardless of whether they have been successfully fulfilled in the past.

Quest Name Quest Text Maximum Timeframe Requirements Rewards
Qi’s Crop I’ve hidden Qi Beans throughout the world. Find them, grow them, propagate them, and ship 500 Qi Fruit within the time limit. 28 days Ship Qi Fruit (500). 100
Let’s Play A Game Think you can score 50,000 points in Junimo Kart endless mode? Prove it. 7 days Score 50,000 points in Junimo Kart endless mode. 10
Four Precious Stones Find 4 prismatic shards. Place them in my collection box. 28 days Collect Prismatic Shard (4).

(Unlike other quests, the player does not have to earn them while the quest is active. They can use 4 Prismatic Shards that have been previously obtained.)

Qi’s Hungry Challenge Your task is to make it to level 100 in the Skull Cavern. However, you can’t eat or drink anything while there. 7 days Reach level 100 of the Skull Cavern without consuming any food items. This can be done using staircases. While this quest is active, will occasionally spawn with a heart in them that will recover 10 HP when dropped. Another strategy to regain health during the quest without eating food is to equip one or more Vampire Rings which restore 2 HP every time a monster is slain. Buffs from food or drinks (better prepared with Qi Seasoning) consumed before entering the cavern stay active. 25
Qi’s Cuisine Ship 100,000g worth of freshly cooked items. 14 days Ship 100,000g worth of freshly cooked items. Only items cooked after accepting the special order count, and these items have «Fresh» in their name.

Two easy ways of completing this special order are:

  1. Buy or brew 669 coffee and cook 223 Fresh Triple Shot Espresso
  2. Grow 1667 wheat, turn them into Wheat Flour (or purchase 1667 wheat flour), then cook 1667 Bread.
Qi’s Kindness Give 50 loved gifts in one week. 7 days Give 50 loved gifts in one week. 40
Extended Family Family members of the legendary fish have returned to the valley. You have three days to catch Ms. Angler, Glacierfish Jr., Son of Crimsonfish, Radioactive Carp, and Legend II. 3 days Catch Ms. Angler, Glacierfish Jr., Son of Crimsonfish, Radioactive Carp, and Legend II. They can be caught in the same locations as the older generation of fish but the fishing bar is not distinctly marked as it is with the original legendary fish. Note that it does not have to be raining for Legend II to appear, as the original Legend. 20
Danger In The Deep The mine elevator system has been reset, and new dangers have emerged from deep underground. Make it to the bottom of the mines in one week. 7 days Reach the bottom of the mines in the mountains. This can be done using staircases. Note that this quest will also reset unlocked purchasable gear from the Adventurer’s Guild. 50
Skull Cavern Invasion The Skull Cavern has been invaded by powerful monsters. Make it to level 100 in one piece. 7 days Make it to level 100 of the Skull Cavern. This can be done using staircases. 40
Qi’s Prismatic Grange Find 100 each of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple items. Place them in my collection box. 14 days Place 100 , , , , , and items into Qi’s collection box.Note that the quest is more strict than dye pots are. For a list of eligible items, see . Deposited items will not be returned. 35


Geodes are mineral deposits that contain other minerals. They can be found primarily by breaking rocks in The Mines.

Geodes must be processed either using a Geode Crusher or at the Blacksmith to obtain the minerals inside. The Geode Crusher requires 1 Coal for each Geode processed, and Clint charges 25g each. Certain minerals are only available from certain types of Geodes, but Omni Geodes can contain any mineral.

Note: The Blacksmith is unavailable for processing geodes during tool upgrades.

Image Name Description Location Used in
Geode A blacksmith can break this open for you.
  • The Mines (Floors 1-39)
  • Duggy (25%)
  • Tilling on The Farm
  • Feast of the Winter Star
Fish Pond (Quest)
Frozen Geode A blacksmith can break this open for you.
  • The Mines (Floor 41-79)
  • Tilling on The Farm (Winter)
  • Feast of the Winter Star
Fish Pond (Quest)
Magma Geode A blacksmith can break this open for you.
  • The Mines (Floor 81-120)
  • Boxes/barrels in the Skull Cavern
  • Tilling on The Farm
  • Feast of the Winter Star
Omni Geode A blacksmith can break this open for you. These geodes contain a wide variety of Minerals.
  • The Mines
  • Skull Cavern
  • Carbon Ghost
  • Panning
  • The Oasis (Wednesdays)
  • Krobus (Tuesdays)
  • Volcano Dungeon
, (Loved Gift)Fish Pond (Quest)


  1. Crab pot contents are determined by CrabPot::DayUpdate. For mariners, there is no chance of junk, and all creatures are equally likely. For non-mariners, there is a 20% chance of junk, then each creature is checked sequentially using the chances specified in Fish.xnb. One result of this algorithm is that the actual chance of finding a given creature is smaller than the value in the input file, because it can only be found if junk items and all previous creatures failed their tests.
  2. Clams are not categorized as Fish by the game. Therefore they cannot be used in Fish recipes, do not benefit from Fishing price bonuses, do not show up in the of the collection tab, and do not count towards the four fishing .
  3. In the game data (ObjectInformation.xnb) the type assigned to Seaweed and Algae is «Fish», but it is not assigned the Fish category (-4). The label displayed in-game and most uses are controlled by the category.

Crafted goods outside the farm

It is possible to place chests and other crafted items outside the farm. Chests are useful for storing gifts close to the homes of Villagers who prefer them or to allow additional storage when Mining, Fishing, or Foraging. Worm Bins can be placed near fishing spots, Furnaces can be placed at the entrance to The Mines, and entire sections of the Valley may be utilized for Keg or Preserves Jar processing. can be planted in tillable soil and tapped.

If a villager walks through the square where a crafted item was placed, the item will be destroyed. Below are player-created maps to indicate which tiles on the map are safe from villager-pathing. The tiles with the Rotten Plant should be safe.

Note that items placed on the docks at the beach may be destroyed by villagers during the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. The image below is accurate for players who do not attend the festival.

  • Pelican Town

  • Cindersap Forest

  • The Bus Stop

  • The Railroad

  • Calico Desert

  • The Beach

  • The Mountain as of v1.4

In-Game Menus

Shipping Screen

A few rare animations can be seen in the background of the Shipping screen at the end of the day depending on certain conditions.

  • Numbers over 999,999 will overflow on the blank space and will move up and down in a wave pattern.
  • On the 24th of Winter, Santa Claus can be seen with a few reindeer crossing the top of the screen.

If it is not the 28th and it did not rain, there is a 0.001% chance of a UFO crossing the top of the screen.

On nights with a full moon, clicking it several times will cause the man in the moon to reveal himself.

Lonely Stone

«The lonely stone on the Stardew Valley map.»

The lonely stone is not an area, but it has a location on the Stardew Valley map. Upon clicking the lonely stone on the map, a rock sound effect will play. After clicking on the lonely stone and around the time when the rock sound effect is played, the map screen will close entirely.

The lonely stone also hasn’t been mentioned by any villagers/characters nor is there any lore about it hidden in-game files or mentioned by ConcernedApe.

Gift Log

Clicking on the NPC picture from the gift log (accessed from the friendship tab by clicking on a character) will show a special animation for that character.
Note: This only works if your relationship with the character is four hearts or higher.


Warning: Spoilers

This page or section contains unmarked spoilers from update 1.5 of Stardew Valley. Mobile players may want to avoid or be cautious toward reading this article.

  • : Willy will send you a letter on the 2nd of Spring asking you to meet him on the beach south of town. The reward is a Bamboo Pole.
  • : Willy will send you a letter on the 2nd of Winter asking you to catch and bring him a Squid. The reward is 800g and 1 Friendship heart.
  • : Willy will send you a letter on the 13th of Winter, year 2, asking you to catch and bring him a Lingcod. The reward is 550g and 1 Friendship heart.
  • : Willy may place a requesting 100 pieces of Bug Meat to be used for bait. Completing this quest will reward the farmer with 3,000g and the Quality Bobber recipe and it triggers a cutscene.
  • Fishing: Willy may randomly request that you catch a certain number of a specific fish from the current season at the outside Pierre’s General Store. The reward is 3x the fish’s base value (per fish). (You get to keep the fish).
  • Item Delivery: Willy may request that you bring him a random item at the outside Pierre’s General Store. The reward is 3x the item’s base value and 150 Friendship points.
  • If the Community Center isn’t repaired and you walk into his shop, there’s a cutscene where he tells you about his backroom but doesn’t show what’s inside.
  • Willy is to be gifted the Wriggling Worm in quest.


Ferngill Republic

The nation in which Stardew Valley is located. Kent is a soldier for the Ferngill Republic, and is a survivor from a Gotoro prison camp. Morris believes that the Joja Corporation is good for the country as a whole.

A plaque on the waiting room wall of Harvey’s Clinic reads «This clinic is licensed for medical practice by the Ferngill Republic Health Authority.»

In Livin’ Off The Land, on the 25th of Fall, Year 2, the host mentions that «it’s just a couple of days until communities around the Ferngill Republic celebrate Spirit’s Eve!» This suggests that the holiday is celebrated only in the Republic, but this is not elaborated further.

Gotoro Empire

A nation at war with the Ferngill Republic. Located across the , south of Stardew Valley. The Traveling Cart contains goods smuggled out of the Gotoro Empire.

Trash Cans

Main article: Trash Cans

Used to delete items from the Inventory.

Upgraded trash cans will return some gold for trashed items.

Image Name Cost Ingredients Improvements
Trash Can Starter Tool N/A Used to delete items from the inventory menu.
Copper Trash Can 1,000g Copper Bar (5) When deleting items, reclaim 15% of their monetary value.
Steel Trash Can 2,500g Iron Bar (5) When deleting items, reclaim 30% of their monetary value.
Gold Trash Can 5,000g Gold Bar (5) When deleting items, reclaim 45% of their monetary value.
Iridium Trash Can 12,500g Iridium Bar (5) When deleting items, reclaim 60% of their monetary value.
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