More furnaces


Furnaces cannot be pushed by pistons in Java Edition.


Main article: Smelting

Interface for the Furnace.

The main purpose of a furnace is smelting. Its interface can be opened by pressing the use item button on it. A fuel source (up to one stack of fuel items) is placed in the lower slot, and the items (up to one stack) to be smelted are placed in the upper slot. A furnace smelts items at a speed of one item every 10 seconds, or six items per minute.

The number of items that a fuel source can smelt depends on the type of fuel. As soon as smelting begins, the fuel slot is decremented immediately and that unit of fuel begins burning. The fuel continues burning until it is consumed, regardless of whether the upper slot has any items remaining to smelt. For example, a piece of coal burns for 80 seconds and can smelt eight items, but if only one item is smelted (or if the item is pulled out before smelting is complete), the coal still continues burning for the full 80 seconds, wasting seven items worth of smelting. After it burns out, no additional fuel is decremented from the fuel slot if the upper slot is empty. If the fuel slot is empty and the burning fuel is consumed before an item completes smelting, the smelting stops, the smelted item is unchanged, and smelting must be restarted with new fuel.

Smelting Recipe

Crafting ingredient

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Blast Furnace Iron Ingot +Furnace +Smooth Stone
Minecart with Furnace Furnace +Minecart ‌[Java Edition only]
Smoker Any Log or Stem orAny Stripped Log or Stem orAny Wood or Hyphae orAny Stripped Wood or Hyphae +Furnace

Custom name

By default, the GUI of a furnace is labeled «Furnace», but this name can be customized by naming it in an anvil before placing it, or by changing the tag using the command‌[Java Edition only].


In Java Edition, a furnace can be «locked» by setting its tag using the command. If a furnace’s tag is not blank, the furnace cannot be opened unless the player is holding an item with the same name as the tag’s text. For example, to lock a furnace at (0,64,0) so that the furnace cannot be opened unless the player is holding an item named «Furnace Key», use .


Переплавляют предметы быстрее, чем оригинальная печь.

Ингредиенты Процесс Результат Описание
Железный слиток +Печь Железная печь Переплавляет предметы в 1,5 раза быстрее или 7,5 секунды.
Золотой слиток +Железная печь Золотая печь Переплавляет предметы в 2 раза быстрее или 5 секунд.
Алмаз +Стекло +Золотая печь Алмазная печь Переплавляет предметы в 4 раза быстрее или 2,5 секунды.
Алмазный блок +Лавовый крем +Алмазная печь +Адский кирпич +ТНТ Адская печь Переплавляет предметы в 25 раз быстрее или 0,4 секунды.
Око Края +Звезда Нижнего мира +Адская печь +Камень Края +Адский кирпич Экстремальная печь Переплавляет предметы в 50 раз быстрее или 0,2 секунды.

Data values[]


Java Edition:

Name Resource location Form Translation key
Furnace Block & Item
Name Resource location
Block entity

Bedrock Edition:

Name Resource location Numeric ID Form Translation key
Furnace Block & Item
Lit Furnace Block
Name Savegame ID
Block entity


See also: Data values

In Bedrock Edition, furnaces use the following data values:

Bits Values

A three-bit field storing a value from 2 to 5:

  • 2: Furnace facing north
  • 3: Furnace facing south
  • 4: Furnace facing west
  • 5: Furnace facing east

Invalid values default to 2.

0x8 Unused.

Block states

See also: Block states

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
facing The direction the furnace opening faces.The opposite from the direction the player faces while placing the furnace.
lit If the furnace is lit.

Bedrock Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
facing_direction The direction the furnace opening faces.Opposite from the direction the player faces when placing a furnace.

Block data

A furnace has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.

Java Edition:

See also: Block entity format

  • Block entity data

    • Tags common to all block entities
    •  BurnTime: Number of ticks left before the current fuel runs out.
    •  CookTime: Number of ticks the item has been smelting for. The item finishes smelting when this value reaches 200 (10 seconds). Is reset to 0 if BurnTime reaches 0.
    •  CookTimeTotal: Number of ticks It takes for the item to be smelted.
    •  CustomName: Optional. The name of this container in JSON text component, which appears in its GUI where the default name ordinarily appears.
    •  Items: List of items in this container.

      • : An item in the furnace, including the slot tag:Slot 0: The item(s) being smelted.Slot 1: The item(s) to use as the next fuel source.Slot 2: The item(s) in the result slot.

        • Tags common to all items
    •  Lock: Optional. When not blank, prevents the container from being opened unless the opener is holding an item whose name matches this string.
    •  RecipesUsed

       recipe ID: How many times this specific recipe has been used. The recipe ID is the namespaced ID of the smelting recipe, as used in the /recipe command.

      : Which recipes have been used since the last time a recipe result item was manually removed from the GUI. Used to calculate experience given to the player when taking out the resulting item.

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format.

Tiny fuel generator[]


Tiny Charcoal Generator

View at: Tutorials/Automatic smelting/Tiny Charcoal Generator

This design lets a furnace producing charcoal feed its product back into the furnace to fuel itself. It needs to be started off with one piece of charcoal (or for that matter, any fuel) in the chest. If more than 5-6 stacks of wood are available, another chest for input can be placed atop the upper hopper. Note that this design uses a comparator, which requires access to nether quartz.

The chest will not start receiving charcoal until both the furnace and the hopper feeding it fuel (level 2) are full. However, the hopper can be «stuffed» with four non-fuel items in its last four slots, as long as you leave the first slot open for fuel. Then the chest will start getting charcoal after two stacks of charcoal are produced, which will require 2-1⁄4 stacks of wood.

See the following video for an example of how to make this:


Automatic item Sorting furnace[]

Compact Item Sorting Furnace: Minecraft Redstone Tutorial Video

This fully-automatic build allows for seamless integration into an existing item sorting system, and runs automatically in the background as a predetermined item is collected before reaching its final storage location.

Items collected by the will be smelted by an internal furnace, collected by a set of hoppers, and transported back to the main hopper line with a dropper item elevator to be transported to a chest or storage system. This design will require the occasional addition of coal or fuel, when its corresponding chest runs low, to keep the furnace running.

The following items can be smelted with this automatic furnace design:

  • Cobblestone
  • Sand
  • Iron ore
  • Gold ore
  • Netherrack
  • Wet sponges
  • Clay



Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuationdistance
Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken 1.0 0.8 16
None Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage None 0.5 0.75 16
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken 0.25 0.5 16
Block placed Blocks When the block is placed 1.0 0.8 16
Footsteps Blocks Walking on the block 0.15 1.0 16

Bedrock Edition:

Sound Source Description Resource location Volume Pitch
Blocks Once the block has broken 1.0 0.8
Blocks Falling on the block with fall damage 0.4 1.0
Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken 0.37 0.5
? Blocks Jumping from the block 0.12 1.0
? Blocks Falling on the block without fall damage 0.22 1.0
Blocks Walking on the block 0.3 1.0
Blocks When the block is placed 1.0 0.8


Java Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation key Volume Pitch Attenuationdistance
Furnace crackles ? Plays randomly when active ? ? 16


Ингредиенты Процесс Результат Описание
Жемчуг Края +Лазуритовый блок +Уголь Улучшение эффективности топлива Топливо тратится в два раза медленнее. Одного улучшения хватает на 128 переплавок.
Камень +Кремень +Поршень Улучшение эффективности переплавки Удваивает количество предметов на выходе при переплавке руд. Одного улучшения хватает на 512 переплавок.
Око Края +Алмаз +Слеза гаста +Улучшение эффективности топлива Улучшение эффективности топлива (бесконечное) Аналогично улучшению эффективности топлива, но бесконечно.
Обсидиан +Алмаз +Поршень +Улучшение эффективности переплавки Улучшение эффективности переплавки (бесконечное) Аналогично улучшению эффективности переплавки, но бесконечно.
Стекло +Железный слиток +Ведро Улучшение «Жидкость» Добавляет к печи хранилище для жидкости, в которое можно залить лаву, и использовать её в качестве топлива.
Стекло +Камень +Сундук Улучшение «Хранилище» Удваивает количество слотов для топлива, сырья и продукта. Чтобы использовать, надо кликнуть ⇧ Shift+ПКМ данным улучшением на печь.
Золотой слиток +Железный слиток +Стекло Улучшение «Авто-выход» Позволяет печи автоматически выгружать продукт переплавки в рядом стоящий сундук или устройство. Чтобы выбрать сторону выгрузки, необходимо нажать ПКМ с данным улучшением в руке.
Золотой слиток +Стекло +Алмаз Улучшение «Авто-загрузка» Позволяет печи автоматически забирать сырьё из рядом стоящего сундука или устройства. Чтобы выбрать сторону забора, необходимо нажать ПКМ с данным улучшением в руке.
Алмаз +Улучшение «Авто-загрузка» +Стекло +Улучшение «Авто-выход» Улучшение «Фабрика» Позволяет печи автоматически забирать сырьё и выгружать продукт переплавки в рядом стоящий сундук или устройство. Чтобы выбрать сторону забора, необходимо нажать ПКМ с данным улучшением в руке. Так же, при использовании улучшения «Жидкость», можно настроить сторону забора лавы, если стоит модификация, добавляющий трубы для жидкостей, наподобие BuildCraft.
Жёлтый краситель +Костная мука +Чернильный мешок +Какао-бобы +Золотой слиток +Кактусовая зелень +Красный краситель +Розовый краситель +Лазурит Улучшение «Цвет» Позволяет изменить цвет текстуры печи. Работает на всех печей, кроме железной и оригинальной печи. Чтобы выбрать цвет, необходимо нажать ПКМ с данным улучшением в руке.

Чтобы использовать улучшения, нужно поместить их в слоты для улучшений.

Выделенное красным — слоты для улучшений

Semi-automatic furnace[]




Semi-Automatic Smelter.I is Input (smeltables)F is fuelO is output.

This semi-automatic design uses hoppers, and is not too difficult to build and is inexpensive.

You will need 3 chests, 3 hoppers, and 1 furnace. The raw ingredients for this would be 8 cobblestone, 15 iron ingots, and 12 logs of wood (48 planks).

Build instructions

See below for a step-by-step guide on how to make this semi-automatic furnace design. Sneak (hold down ⇧ Shift) to attach blocks to each block that has an inventory, such as attaching a hopper to a chest. Otherwise you will open the block instead of placing the block.

  • Step 1: Place down a chest on the ground. (This will be the chest in which the smelted/cooked items will be put)
  • Step 2: Attach a hopper to the chest.
  • Step 3: Place the furnace on top of the hopper.
  • Step 4: Place one hopper on the top and 1 hopper on the side (left, right, front, or back) of the furnace. (The top one will insert the items into the furnace, which get smelted / cooked; The hopper on any side-face inputs burnable fuels into the furnace)
  • Step 5: Place a chest on top of each hopper attached to the furnace.

Variations: You may choose to add switches to control the hoppers. Switching off the bottom hopper stops it from taking items out, allowing you to collect the experience from smelting them. Switching off the top hopper allows you to fill the top chest with various items, then eventually smelt them all in one go, reducing the fuel waste normally incurred by smelting partial stacks. The fuel hopper on the side never needs to be switched off.

Multiplayer: On servers that have chest and furnace protections, you may have to unlock these before the hoppers are able to interact with them.

Making two furnaces increases the rate of production much faster. Have a chest on top for the item to be smelted, and at the back, put a fuel chest.




Natural generation

Furnaces can be found in plains, desert, and some savanna village weaponsmiths. Furnaces also generate in some houses in snowy tundra villages, and in one of the taiga/snowy taiga‌[BE only] village houses.

One furnace generates in every igloo.


A furnace can be mined using any pickaxe. A furnace will also drop all of its contents when broken, including XP from smelting items that were extracted by hoppers.

In Java Edition, a furnace mined without a pickaxe drops nothing. In Bedrock Edition, a furnace drops itself when mined by hand or with any tool.

Block Furnace
Hardness 3.5
Breaking time
Default 17.5
Wooden 2.65
Stone 1.35
Iron 0.9
Diamond 0.7
Netherite 0.6
Golden 0.45
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see .

Chest loot

Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Furnace Village Snowy house chest 1 9.9%
Bedrock Edition
Furnace Village Snowy house chest 1 9.9%


Name Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Furnace Any stone-tier block Can use cobblestone and its other variants interchangeably.‌[Java Edition only]
Furnace Cobblestone orBlackstone orCobbled Deepslate Can use one variant of cobblestone only.‌[Bedrock Edition only]

The lit furnace can be obtained in Java Edition only with commands such as , although it does not appear lit in the inventory. In Bedrock Edition, the lit furnace block can be obtained only by inventory editing. It always stays lit, despite containing no items.

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