Tinkers’ construct

Material Stats

Material Head Durability Extra Durability Handle Durability Handle Modifer Mining Level Mining Speed Attack Value Head Traits Extra/Handle Traits Drawspeed Range Multiplier Bonus Damage Arrow Shaft Modifier Bonus Ammo
12.00 15.00 5.00 0.10 Stone 0.51 0.05 Writable Writable 0.67 0.40 -2.00
25.00 6 6 0.80 Diamond 4.70 4.00 Thermal Inversion Thermal Inversion 1.82 1.50 5.00
25.00 2 35.00 1.00 Stone 2.00 2.00 Ecological Ecological 1.00 1.12 1.20
35.00 15.00 25.00 1.00 Stone 2.00 2.00 Ecological Ecological 1.00 1.00 1.00
5 25 -25.00 1.10 Iron 12.00 3.00 Shocking Shocking 0.67 1.00 4.00
12 2 -5 0.50 Iron 4.00 3.00 Cheapskate Cheap 5.00 0.40 -1.00
139.00 9 -10 0.90 Cobalt 7.07 4.20 Duritae Duritae 5.00 0.40 -1.00
15 4 -6 0.60 Iron 5.00 2.90 Crude II Crude 5.00 0.40 -1.00
20 65.00 5 1.10 Iron 5.09 2.50 Splintering Fractured 1.05 1.15 0.90 5.00
204.00 5 6 0.85 Diamond 6.00 4.00 Magnetic II Magnetic 2.00 1.50 7.00
21 10 3 1.05 Iron 5.30 3.00 Well-Established Well-Established 1.67 1.45 5.00
21 5 2 0.85 Iron 4.00 3.40 Prickly Spiky 0.95 0.90
25 15 5 0.95 Iron 5.00 5.00 Holy Holy 0.83 0.80 2.00
27 75.00 -15 0.85 Iron 4.50 3.00 Aridiculous Hellish 5.00 0.40 -1.00
334.00 10 -5 0.70 Iron 5.25 3.50 Poisonous Poisonous 2.50 1.30 3.00
38 17 -10 1.20 Obsidian 6.20 4.50 Baconlicious, Tasty Tasty 1.67 1.40 7.00
42 42.00 0.85 Obsidian 3.23 3.23 Alien Enderference 5.00 0.40 -1.00
43 8 7 1.10 Diamond 6.80 3.50 Dense Dense 1.82 1.50 6.00
43 10 -15 0.60 Iron 5.50 6.00 Jagged Aquadynamic 5.00 0.40 -1.00
54 25.00 15 0.90 Obsidian 7.00 6.00 Sharp Stiff 2.50 2.00 9.00
55 15 -20 1.00 Stone 6.00 5.50 Autosmelt Autosmelt 1.00 1.00
60 15 -20 0.85 Stone 2.10 7.00 Superheat Flammable 0.91 1.05 1.00
78 30 10 0.90 Cobalt 12.00 4.10 Momentum Lightweight 1.33 1.30 3.00
78 20 -5 1.30 Stone 4.03 1.80 Slimy Slimy 0.95 1.00
82 5 25 0.50 Cobalt 7.02 8.72 Insatiable Cold-Blooded 1.54 1.20 4.00
85 125.00 50 0.50 Obsidian 5.80 5.10 Crumbling Unnatural 2.50 2.00 2.00
99 45 -20 1.40 Cobalt 3.50 3.60 Stonebound Petramor 2.22 0.80 1.00
1.00 35 0.70 Stone 4.24 1.80 Slimy Slimy 1.18 1.30
1,05 25 25 1.20 Stone 3.02 Squeaky Squeaky 0.87 0.75

Compatible Mods

Redstone Stew

Copper, Tin, and Aluminum are used in some recipes.

Biomes O’ Plenty

Amethyst can be used in tools.

  • Buildcraft pipes and storage units can be used to transport and store Smeltery liquids.
  • Item pipes can be used to extract blocks from the casting basin.


Chromastone can be used in tools.

  • Cleavers and other weapons with beheading can get more heads from mobs than just zombie, skeleton, wither skeleton, player, and creeper.
  • Allows for hundreds of new heads, most from vanilla and players, but many from mods.

Magic Bees

Ardite, Cobalt, and Manyullyn Bees produce hard-to-get Tinkers’ Construct metals. Requires Forestry.

  • Titanium can be melted down in the Smeltery to make Molten Titanium.
  • Titanium can also be made into tools using Tinkers’ Construct methods.


Metals can be processed by the Smeltery.

*Needs ExtraTiC and Metallurgy Core to function.

Minefactory Reloaded

Adds pink slime tools.


Flamestring can be used to make Bowstrings.

*Needs ExtraTiC to function

  • Thaumium can be used to make tool parts in the Part Builder.
  • Enchanted Fabric can be used to make Bowstrings.
  • Flux Capacitors can be added to tools to make them chargeable with Redstone Flux.
  • Thermal Expansion metals (Ferrous, Lead, Silver) can be melted down in the Smeltery to create corresponding liquids (Nickel, Lead, Silver) and can be combined with other liquids to make TE3 alloys (Invar, Electrum).
  • You can make tools out of TE3 metals and alloys.
  • Itemducts and Fluiducts can be used to insert/extract items and pump fluids in and out of the smeltery.
  • TE Portable Tanks can be used to store molten metals.
  • In  TE4, the alloys Enderium, Signalum and Lumium can also be made in the smeltery and used to make tools.
  • Thermal Foundation required.
  • Metals such as Limonite can be made via the Smeltery.
  • Rosite and Blood Stone are also compatible.

*Needs ExtraTiC to function.

Metroid Cubed 3

Chozo Compounds (Yellow, Red, Orange, Purple), as well as Phazon, can be used to make tools.

Twilight Forest

Adds the metals from Twilight Forest.

See more at other websites

Mystical Agriculture adds crops for TiC Materials (e.g. Cobalt, Manyllyn, Ardite, etc)


Adds molten infinity

Adding Modifiers[edit]

Paper tool parts give +1 additional modifier per piece. (i.e. Using a paper binding allows the tool to have 4 modifiers. Making a tool all out of paper means will have 6 modifiers, but will have a slow mining speed and low harvest level).

1x Diamond + 1x Gold Block = 1 additional modifier. Can only be used once.
1x Enchanted Golden Apple + 1x Diamond Block = 1 additional modifier. Can only be used once.
1x Nether Star = 1 additional modifier. Can only be used once.

Non-paper tool: 3 modifiers (max. 6 with additional modifiers)
Tool with paper binding: 4 modifiers (max. 7 with additional modifiers)
Full-paper tool: 6 modifiers (max. 9 with additional modifiers)
(If you have Extra Utilities installed) Full-magical wood: 11 modifiers (max. 14 with additional modifiers)

Table of Material Stats

This information is valid for version TConstruct-1.7.10-1.8.8. For higher versions, see this page.

Material Require Smeltery? Durability Handle Mod. Full Tool Durability Mining Speed Mining Level Base Attack Material Trait
Wood No 97 1.0x 97 3.5 1 (Iron) 0 Hearts None
Stone No 131 0.5x 65 4.0 1 (Iron) 0.5 Hearts Stonebound I
Iron Yes 250 1.3x 325 6.0 2 (Redstone) 1 Heart Reinforced I
Flint No 171 0.7x 119 5.25 1 (Iron) 1 Heart None
Cactus No 150 1.0x 150 5.0 1 (Iron) 1 Heart Jagged I
Bone No 200 1.0x 200 4.0 1 (Iron) 0.5 Hearts None
Obsidian No 89 0.8x 71 7.0 3 (Obsidian) 1 Heart Reinforced III
Alumite Yes 700 1.3x 909 8.0 4 (Cobalt) 1.5 Hearts Reinforced II
Netherrack No 131 1.2x 157 4.0 2 (Redstone) 0.5 Hearts Stonebound I
Blue Slime No 1200 2.0x 2400 1.5 0 (Stone) 0 Hearts Slimy
Green Slime No 500 1.5x 750 1.5 0 (Stone) 0 Hearts Slimy
Paper No 30 0.3x 9 2.0 0 (Stone) 0 Hearts Writable
Cobalt Yes 800 1.75x 1400 14.0 4 (Cobalt) 1.5 Hearts Reinforced II
Ardite Yes 500 2.0x 1000 8.0 4 (Cobalt) 1.5 Hearts Stonebound II
Manyullyn Yes 1200 2.5x 3000 9.0 5 (Manyullyn) 2 Hearts None
Copper Yes 180 1.15x 207 5.0 1 (Iron) 1 Heart None
Bronze Yes 550 1.3x 715 8.0 2 (Redstone) 1 Heart Reinforced I
Steel Yes 750 1.3x 974 10.0 4 (Cobalt) 2 Hearts Reinforced II
Pig Iron Yes 250 1.3x 325 6.0 3 (Obsidian) 1 Heart Tasty, Reinforced I
Lead Yes 250 1.1x 275 9.0 1 (Iron) 1 Heart Heavy
Silver Yes 80 1.3x 103 12.0 2 (Redstone) 1.5 Hearts Shiny
Ferrous Yes 750 1.35x 1012 11.0 2 (Redstone) 1 Heart Reinforced I
Shiny Yes 1050 1.5x 1575 14.0 4 (Cobalt) 2.5 Hearts Dense
Electrum Yes 90 1.4x 125 17.0 1 (Iron) 1 Heart Reinforced I, Fancy
Invar Yes 450 1.4x 629 7.0 2 (Redstone) 1 Heart Reinforced I
Magical Wood No 97 1.0x 97 1.5 1 (Iron) 0 Hearts Modifiable
Bedrockium Yes 7500 1.75x 13125 8.0 7 2 Hearts Heavy
Unstable Induced Yes 100 0.6x 60 7.0 4 (Cobalt) 1 Heart Mathematical!, Reinforced IV / Unbreakable


Trait Description
Alien Tool has a random bonus to Durability, Speed, and Attack that slowly takes effect over time.
Aquadynamic Speed boost while underwater or it is raining. Underwater, tool will mine at normal speed.
Aridiculous Mine faster and inflict more damage when it is hot and dry. If it is only dry, take a slight penalty instead.
Autosmelt Items mined with this tool are smelted as if in a Furnace.
Baconlicious 5% chance to drop bacon when killing mobs, 0.5% chance when breaking blocks.
Beheading Each level adds a 10% chance to get the enemies head on kill. Beheading II is applied to cleavers by default when constructed.
Breakable Arrows have a chance to break and cannot be retrieved.
Cheap Tool gains an additional 5% to restored durability when repaired.
Cheapskate Tool is 20% less durable than the stats of its components would suggest.
Cold-Blooded 50% extra damage if the target is at full health.
Crude 5% extra damage against unarmoured targets.
Crude II 10% extra damage against unarmoured targets.
Crumbling Double mining speed if the block doesn’t require a tool to break.
Dense Reduced chance of using durability if the tool is already damaged.
Depth Digger Digs faster the lower the player is (approximately 1.03x faster per level below y=72).
Duritae Each time the tool is used, 10% chance of using double durability, 40% chance to use none.
Ecological 1 in 800 chance of repairing a point of durability every tick.
Enderference Endermen cannot teleport away for a few seconds after being damaged.
Endspeed Arrows travel instantly to where the player is aiming; no travel time.
Fire Storm Bonus fire damage and sets hit mobs on fire.
Flammable Blocking with this weapon sets attackers on fire and prevents the player from being damaged by fiery attacks.
Fractured Deals 1.5 Hearts of bonus damage.
Freezing Mob moves slower and slower the more they are hit.
Hellish Deals 2 Hearts of bonus damage to Mobs that do not usually spawn in the Nether.
Holy Deals 3 Hearts of bonus damage to undead enemies.
Hovering Arrow moves slower but ignores gravity.
Insatiable Hits after the first will deal progressively more bonus damage but also consume more and more durability.
Jagged Tool does more damage as it loses durability, but mines slower.
Lightweight 10% bonus mining speed and attack speed.
Magnetic Item drops are drawn to the player.
Magnetic II Item drops are drawn to the player at a wider range than Magnetic.
Momentum Mining blocks increases the player’s speed as long as they keep mining.
Petramor When mining stone, there is a 10% chance to repair some durability.
Poisonous Poison is inflicted on target when hit.
Precipitate Tool speed is inversely proportional to remaining player health.
Prickly Enemy sustains an additional 0.5 to 1.5 hearts of armor-penetrating damage when hit.
Sharp Inflicts bleeding status effect on an enemy when hit, inflicting 0.5 hearts of damage per second for a few seconds.
Shocking Running around, breaking blocks, or hitting things charges the player’s tool. Hitting an enemy discharges it, dealing damage and providing a speed boost. Mining a block discharges it, giving a mining speed boost.
Slimey (Green) Tool has a chance to spawn a green slime.
Slimey (Blue) Tool has a chance to spawn a blue slime.
Spiky Upon being hit, inflict 1/3 of the tool’s damage value to the enemy as cactus damage. There is a short cooldown before the effect occurs again.
Splintering Successive hits on the same mob inflicts more damage.
Splitting Chance to fire 2 arrows instead of 1 upon firing. 2nd arrow does not have 100% accuracy.
Squeaky Grants Silk Touch but negates all damage.
Stiff Reduces damage to a maximum of 1 heart of damage when blocking.
Stalwart Hitting an entity can bestow Resistance for 30 seconds.
Stonebound Tool mines faster as it loses durability, but inflicts less damage.
Superheat Deal bonus damage to enemies on fire.
Tasty Tool has a chance to drop food when hitting a mob
Twilit Tool operates faster in the Twilight Forest; it inflicts more damage outside the Twilight Forest.
Unnatural The tool mines faster the higher its mining level is above the required one.
Well-Established Slightly increased XP drop rate, and XP drops are larger.
Writable +1 modifier slot.
Writable II +2 modifier slots.
Veiled Projectile will be invisible


Another One Bites the Dust

Adds the ability to process previously incompatible Tinkers’ Construct metals (Cobalt, Ardite, Aluminum) with IC2’s Macerator and TE3’s Pulverizer.

Construct’s Armory

Adds the ability to construct armor with Tinker’s Construct parts.


Adds compatibility with Metallurgy 2, Natura, Mekanism, EnderIO and more allowing you to make TConstruct tools/parts out of these mods’ metals.


Successor to ExtraTiC, adds new tools to and integrates various mods with Tinkers Construct.

Iguana’s Tinker Tweaks

Increases the difficulty of progressing through Tinkers’ Construct, but also makes it much easier to upgrade and repair your tools.

Tinkers’ Defense

This is an inbetween mod for Tinkers’ Construct and Mine and Blade Battlegear 2 that adds tinkerable shields for use in the Mine and Blade hotbar.

Tinkers’ Mechworks

Adds various Redstone related machines, including a Drawbridge and Igniter.

Tinker’s Steelworks

Adds a new way to obtain Steel.

Material Traits

  • Reinforced: +10% chance per level of not using durability.
  • Stonebound: Mines faster as it wears out, but does less damage.
  • Jagged: Deals more damage as it wears out, but mines slower.
  • Writable: One extra modifier per «Writable» piece.
  • Tasty: Occasionally drops Bacon.
  • Slimy: Occasionally spawns Blue Slimes.
  • Heavy, Shiny, Dense, Fancy: Flavor text; does not do anything.
  • Modifiable: Gains modifier slots per Modifiable part; +1 at 1 Modifiable, +2 at 2 Modifiable, and +8 at 3+ Modifiable. If the tool uses less than three parts, using only Modifiable parts can also grant +8 modifiers.
  • Heavy: Decreases movement speed by 10% per level when held.
  • Mathematical!: Flavor text.
  • Unbreakable: Only applies to tools made 100% out of Unstable Ingots. Effectively identical to Reinforced X (100% chance not to consume durability).


Each Material Trait is used in different ways, traits can activate in the following ways; only when used to attack, only when used to mine, both attacking and mining, passive abilities that activate on their own, abilities that alter the weapon’s stats just by having the ability, and abilities that activate whenever it is used at all.

Trait Description
Alien Tool has a random bonus to Durability, Speed, and Attack that slowly takes effect over time.
Aquadynamic Speed boost while underwater or it is raining. Underwater, tool will mine at normal speed.
Aridiculous Mine faster and inflict more damage when it is hot and dry. If it is only dry, take a slight penalty instead.
Autosmelt Items mined with this tool are smelted as if in a Furnace.
Baconlicious 5% chance to drop bacon when killing mobs, 0.5% chance when breaking blocks.
Beheading Each level adds a 10% chance to get the enemies head on kill. Beheading II is applied to cleavers by default when constructed.
Breakable Arrows have a chance to break and cannot be retrieved.
Cheap Tool gains an additional 5% to restored durability when repaired.
Cheapskate Tool is 20% less durable than the stats of its components would suggest.
Cold-Blooded 50% extra damage if the target is at full health.
Crude 5% extra damage against unarmoured targets.
Crude II 10% extra damage against unarmoured targets.
Crumbling Double mining speed if the block doesn’t require a tool to break.
Dense Reduced chance of using durability if the tool is already damaged.
Depth Digger Digs faster the lower the player is (approximately 1.03x faster per level below y=72).
Duritae Each time the tool is used, 10% chance of using double durability, 40% chance to use none.
Ecological 1 in 800 chance of repairing a point of durability every tick.
Enderference Endermen cannot teleport away for a few seconds after being damaged.
Endspeed Arrows travel instantly to where the player is aiming; no travel time.
Fire Storm Bonus fire damage and sets hit mobs on fire.
Flammable Blocking with this weapon sets attackers on fire and prevents the player from being damaged by fiery attacks.
Fractured Deals 1.5 Hearts of bonus damage.
Freezing Mob moves slower and slower the more they are hit.
Hellish Deals 2 Hearts of bonus damage to Mobs that do not usually spawn in the Nether.
Holy Deals 3 Hearts of bonus damage to undead enemies.
Hovering Arrow moves slower but ignores gravity.
Insatiable Hits after the first will deal progressively more bonus damage but also consume more and more durability.
Jagged Tool does more damage as it loses durability, but mines slower.
Lightweight 10% bonus mining speed and attack speed.
Magnetic Item drops are drawn to the player.
Magnetic II Item drops are drawn to the player at a wider range than Magnetic.
Momentum Mining blocks increases the player’s speed as long as they keep mining.
Petramor When mining stone, there is a 10% chance to repair some durability.
Poisonous Poison is inflicted on target when hit.
Precipitate Tool speed is inversely proportional to remaining player health.
Prickly Enemy sustains an additional 0.5 to 1.5 hearts of armor-penetrating damage when hit.
Sharp Inflicts bleeding status effect on an enemy when hit, inflicting 0.5 hearts of damage per second for a few seconds.
Shocking Running around, breaking blocks, or hitting things charges the player’s tool. Hitting an enemy discharges it, dealing damage and providing a speed boost. Mining a block discharges it, giving a mining speed boost.
Slimey (Green) Tool has a chance to spawn a green slime.
Slimey (Blue) Tool has a chance to spawn a blue slime.
Spiky Upon being hit, inflict 1/3 of the tool’s damage value to the enemy as cactus damage. There is a short cooldown before the effect occurs again.
Splintering Successive hits on the same mob inflicts more damage.
Splitting Chance to fire 2 arrows instead of 1 upon firing. 2nd arrow does not have 100% accuracy.
Squeaky Grants Silk Touch but negates all damage.
Stiff Reduces damage to a maximum of 1 heart of damage when blocking.
Stalwart Hitting an entity can bestow Resistance for 30 seconds.
Stonebound Tool mines faster as it loses durability, but inflicts less damage.
Superheat Deal bonus damage to enemies on fire.
Tasty Tool gets eaten if the player is hungry.
Twilit Tool operates faster in the Twilight Forest; it inflicts more damage outside the Twilight Forest.
Unnatural The tool mines faster the higher its mining level is above the required one.
Well-Established Slightly increased XP drop rate, and XP drops are larger.
Writable +1 modifier slot.
Writable II +2 modifier slots.
Veiled Projectile will be invisible

Thank you for the table Branditobandito

Tool Ability Modifiers[edit]

Material Ability Items Per Modifier Comment
Diamond +1 Durability Mining level increased to 3 1 Single use only
Emerald +50% Durability Mining level increased to 2 1 Single use only. When used in conjunction with the Diamond modifier, the 50% bonus is applied last, regardless of the order the modifiers were added.
Redstone +0.08 Mining Speed / Redstone dust (+4 Speed in total) 50 Also improves draw speed of shortbows. Increasing Melee Attack Speed on 1.12.2
Ball of Moss Tool Regeneration Stackable 1 Repairs 1 Durability at semi-random intervals. At Auto-Repair I the average interval length is 20s. This average is halved for every level of Auto-Repair. In sunlight Auto-Repair level goes up by 2. Auto-Repair will fix Broken Tools, but will remain with broken debuff until completely fixed. Auto-Repair does not repair while tool is in use.
Lava Crystal Auto-Smelting 1 Also sets mobs on fire. Stacks with Luck. Not compatible with Silk Touch
Lapis Lazuli Luck (Fortune / Looting) 450 Luck increases with use. 100 lapis = Fortune I/Looting I, 300 lapis = Fortune II/Looting II, 450 lapis (max) = Fortune III/Looting III. Not compatible with Silk Touch. Consumes one slot at Looting III.
Nether Quartz Extra damage 72 (144 on early version) All Weapons Get +.5 Damage at 1 Quartz, 24 Quartz, 48 Quartz and 72 Quartz. Less effective on Piercing Weapons (such as the Rapier which doesn’t get the original +.5 at 1)
Blaze Powder Fire 25 Target burns for 1 second / 5.6 powder
Necrotic Bone Necrotic 1 Heals you 1 Heart / Bone per strike
Silky Jewel Silk Touch 1 Not compatible with Luck or Auto-Smelt. Halves damage. Reduces mining speed by 2. Single use only
Reinforcement Reinforced trait increased by 20% 1 Potentially stacks to Reinforced V, which results in Unbreakable (unlimited durability). One stack consumes on modifier slot.
Piston Knock-Back 10 Stacks for greater knock-back distance
Obsidian+ Ender Pearl Beheading 1 Stacks for greater chance of obtaining heads all the way to X (10) with 100%. Less effective against Wither-Skeletons although around twice as effective as Loot modifier (sample size ~64).
Fermented Spider Eye Bane of Arthropods Extra damage to Spiders 4 1-2 Hearts per level
Consecrated Soil Smite Extra damage to Undead 36 1-2 Hearts per level
RE Battery+ Electronic Circuit Uses EU instead of durability 1 Requires IndustrialCraft 2 or IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental. If the item has the Stonebound or Jagged trait, it can be used almost to breaking, then modified to Electric to retain its higher speed or damage. Single use only. Removed in MC 1.7.
Flux CapacitorOREnergy Cell ORCapacitor Bank Uses Redstone Flux instead of durability 1 Requires Thermal Expansion. Will only work if the tool have a max durability value of at least 1/1000th of the RF capacity of the capacitor being used. (Example : A tool with 80 max durability can use a Leadstone Flux Capacitor but not a Hardened Flux Capacitor)Single use only
Diamond+ Block of Gold +1 Modifier slot 1 Single use only
Nether Star Soul Bound After the player dies, they respawn with the tool. (After MC 1.10) +1 Modifier Slot (Pre MC 1.10) 1 Single use only
Enchanted Golden Apple+ Block of Diamond +1 Modifier slot 1 Single use only (doesn’t work in 1.6.4) — (DOES work in 1.6.4)
Infinity Catalyst +5 Modifier Slots 1 Single use only

Getting Started

Tinkers» Construct is a mod about putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. The tools never disappear and can be named and changed to your heart»s desire. Once you make them, they»re yours forever. Many different materials can be used to make your tools.

To get started you need a few tables and a place to put your patterns.

Be sure to put the pattern chest by the part builder, as you can access them together. Use the Stencil Table to craft the patterns, and craft tool parts from them using the Part Builder. The part builder also displays information about the material used.

Next step is the Tool Station, where you build, modify, and repair tools like so.

The next step is to build a Smeltery, so you can process metals and use them for tool parts as well. All you need is some gravel, sand and clay.

You can even automate your Smeltery. There»s some new friends included as well.

The mod also brings a few new things to the world, like these fellows here.

Material Traits

  • Alien: Gain random amounts of durability, speed, and damage over time. See note for details.
  • Aquadynamic: Operates at normal speed underwater and operates faster when raining.
  • Aridiculous: Mining speed increases based on biome temperature.
  • Autosmelt: If the broken block is smeltable, it will drop that item (logs drop charcoal).
  • Beheading: Much higher chance of mobs dropping a head.
  • Cheap: 10% bonus durability when repairing.
  • Cold-blooded: Adds 50% additional damage if target has full health.
  • Crude: 10% bonus damage to armored enemies.
  • Dense: Chance to use less durability. Increased chance as the tool gets more damaged.
  • Duritae: 10% chance to use double durability, 40% chance to use no durability.
  • Ecological: 1% chance every second to restore 1 durability. 1% chance on use to deal armor-piercing damage to the wearer.
  • Enderference: Prevent an enderman from teleporting for 5 seconds after hitting it.
  • Fractured: Bonus 1.5 damage.
  • Flammable: Sets attackers on fire while blocking.
  • Hellish: Adds +2 damage (1 heart) against non-nether enities.
  • Insatiable: Using the tool adds a level of insatiable for 15 seconds, limited to 10 levels. Increases speed and damage by (level / 3).
  • Jagged: Gains bonus damage when tool is damaged. The more damaged it is (difference, not percentage), the more damage it deals. SAee note for details.
  • Lightweight: Bonus 10% mining speed, attack speed, bow draw speed.
  • Magnetic: Pulls in items from ~2 blocks away when used.
  • Momentum: When tool is used, increases tool’s mining speed up to 40%. Momentum is lost when tool stops being used.
  • Petramor: 10% chance to consume mined stone-type blocks to restore 5 durability.
  • Poisonous: Applies poison for 5 seconds on damage.
  • Prickly: Deals armor-piercing damage to enemies hit and to player when mining.
  • Sharp: Applies bleeding for 6 seconds.
  • Shocking: Builds electric charge as you move. Deals 5 bonus damage (2.5 hearts) when fully charged.
  • Slimy: 0.3% chance to summon a small slime corresponding to the color of the tool part. (Tools made of both blue and green slime have separate chances to spawn blue and green slimes.)
  • Stiff: When blocking, reduce damage by 1 damage (0.5 hearts). Will not reduce damage to below 1.
  • Superheat: 35% bonus damage to burning enemies.
  • Spiky: Enemies that touch you while blocking take damage.
  • Splintering: Attacks apply a level of «Splintering», up to 5 levels. Deal +0.3 bonus damage per level of Splintering.
  • Squeaky: Tool has silk touch but doesn’t do damage.
  • Stonebound: Mines faster and deals less damage as durability lowers.
  • Tasty: If player has less than half hunger, 0.2% chance each tick to «consume» your tool, removing 100 durability and restoring 1 bar of hunger. When breaking blocks, 0.5% chance to get bacon. When killing mobs, 5% chance to get bacon.
  • Thermal Inversion: Applies slowness in hot biomes, or burning in cold biomes.
  • Unnatural: 36% bonus mining speed for every harvest level tool has above block you are breaking.
  • Well-Established: 25% bonus experience. 3% chance for 1 XP from blocks that normally give none.
  • Writable: Bonus 1 modifier. If the whole tool is made of paper, you gain 2 modifiers.

ExtraUtils2 traits

  • Whispering: Whispers secrets to you.
  • Magically Modifiable: Adds 3 Modifiers
  • Magically Brittle: Adds a chance for the tool to break upon durability lost. (Either 1/100 or 1/(Max Durability*Max Durability, which ever is lower)

Twilight Forest traits

  • Stalwart: Hitting an enemy gives a chance to gain resistance. This effect stacks for higher resistance levels from I to III. Or 20% to 60% damage reduction. The effect increases up to 30 seconds.
  • Twilit: +2 mining speed in the twilight forest. +2 damage (or one heart) outside the twilight forest.
  • Synergy: Having steel-leaf in your hotbar automatically repairs your tool.


  1. Randomly distribute 800 points between durability, speed, and damage. Each point adds 1 durability, 0.007 speed, or 0.005 attack. Maximum possible bonus for each stat is 800 durability, 5.6 speed, 4 attack. It takes about 50 minutes for all bonus stats to be applied.

  2. If two weapons have 10 uses remaining, the one with higher max durability will gain a higher bonus. Examples: and

What changed since 1.7.10?

  • Materials changed, each material has unique traits
  • Some new materials
  • Part materials matter more. Some traits can only be obtained by using a material as a tool head
  • Part replacement
  • Tools with mutliple head materials can be repaired with all of them
  • Tinkers» Construct does not come with copper ore, tin ore, etc. anymore but instead supports them
  • More slime island fun
  • Single-Use Clay casts
  • Right clicking a drain with a bucket puts the liquid into the smeltery
  • Sharpening kits so you can have any harvest level desired
  • No more extra-modifiers
  • New modifiers: Soulbound (Nether Star) and Width/Height (Expander)
  • New improved GUIs
  • Slimesling and Slime boots

Q: Where did Copper, Tin, Aluminum. go?

A: Tinkers» does not add any ore generation besides Cobalt and Ardite anymore. It does however support any mods that add them automatically.

Q: The Smeltery is missing!

A: Go to your config directory. There you»ll find a TinkerModules.cfg. Enable the Smeltery there.

A: Active development always focuses on the current version of Minecraft. There will be no backports to older/previous versions.

Q: Optifine crashes my game with Tinkers»!

A: Optifine changes how rendering works. If it crashes the game, there»s nothing I can do about that. Tinkers» Construct does not use any special rendering.

Tinkers» Construct 2

  • KnightMiner — Developer
  • mDiyo — Original Author of the mod
  • Alexbegt — Developer/Updating
  • Firedingo — General Task Support
  • Drullkus — Villager textures
  • Anbaric — Pattern chest and part chest model

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