Ice and fire mod 1.17.1/1.16.5/1.15.2


How to install Ice and Fire Mod

Ice and Fire aims to bring a revolutionary experience of dragons to Minecraft players. This modification allows role players and mod makers to access all the basic and advanced needs of a dragon hunter and a tamer role.

To install this great modification to Minecraft, you just have to follow the following steps that we will show next:

  1. Mainly as in the rest of the Minecraft mods, make sure you have downloaded Minecraft Forge Mod before, in this case version 1.15
  2. After that, download and install LLibrary version 1.15.
  3. Now download the Ice and Fire 1.14 mod
  4. You must click on the file you have downloaded from Forge to start the Ice and Fire installer
  5. Copy and paste the file you have downloaded from Library into the folder where your .minecraft / mods is located
  6. Do the same steps but with the file you have downloaded from the mod in the same folder as .minecraft / mods

If you have followed these steps as we have just explained, you can go to look for dragons in Minecraft, although we recommend that you go well prepared and equipped.

(fan) Forest Dragon

The Forest Dragon is a lumbering
dinosaur-like sub-species dragon that has front legs instead
of wings and is only rarely spotted in Roofed Forests. They
don’t have any elemental attacks, but have a larger variety of
close-combat attacks.

  • 1 Appearence
  • 2 Spawning
  • 3 Drops
  • 4 Behavior
  • 5 Abilities
  • 6 Hatching

    6.1 Breeding

  • 7 Skeletons
  • 8 Other

    8.1 Dragon Fan

  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 Gallery

This dragon walks instead of flying because it’s wings turned
back into front limbs for added mobility among the dense roofed
forest. It has a large dorsal fin to regulate heat, to scare off
predators, and to compete with males, hence the sails being twice
as big as the females’ (the picture is a female). They also
sport a large fin on the tail for waving away leaves and debris,
like humans. Their …

Warning to those using Biomes o’ Plenty…

So, I was unfortunate enough to find the horrors behind the
Xeric Shrubland, a biome added from the Biomes o’ Plenty mod. Turns
out, the Xeric Shrubland is home to cockatrices, deathworms, myrmex
(desert variant), and LOTS of all of them. I haven’t explored the
entirety of the Xeric Shrubland I have found, but in less than half
of the biome, I’ve counted somewhere between 12 to 14 cockatrices,
5 to 10 deathworms (I was more focused on counting the
cockatrices-), and two myrmex colonies (one was MASSIVE, with 3
entrances). Although this biome does also spawn desert temples, I
don’t see any worth in risking this biome, unless 1, you’re already
kitted out with powerful gear and/or strong pets, or 2, you’re a
masochist and enjoy suffering. ¯\_…

The Dread Queen vs Lightning Dragon vs The Fire Boss

One day,on a snowy and cold night,Cyronathe Dread Queen,her
dragon(Black Frost) and a undead army where marching through a
Tundra,destroying villages and killing innocent people.The Dread
Queen laughed.Black Frost growled.

Dread Queen:You,Dread Lich,search around that black

A Dread Lich nodded and looked around a black structure,which
was really a Nether portal.

Dread Queen:*drinks soda*ahh…it feels good to be ruler of the
Dreadlands.Nobody can kill me.

Black Frost:*says something in a low voice*

Dread Queen:What?

A Dread Knight:He said we should fight Nightkiller,the strongest
of Lightning Dragons.

Dread Queen:I thought only there where only 2 types of
dragons:Ice Dragons and Fire Dragons.

Black Frost:Lightning Dragons are stronger t…

Phase 2


  • Hydra: A venomous, multi-headed serpent that can regenerate any of its heads if they are severed.
  • Lightning Dragon: An elusive, nocturnal dragon that bombards foes with a deadly stream of electricity.

Upcoming Mobs

  • Wendigo: A voracious sylvan demon that disguises as innocent animals before pouncing on unwary prey.
  • Vampire: An undead horror that rises from its lair at night to feed on the blood of the living.
  • Werewolf: An unfortunate commoner cursed to become a vicious wolf-like beast under the full moon light.
  • Automaton: A ramshackle machine that springs to life to terminate any sentient being that comes near.
  • Goblin: A greedy imp that raids nearby villages and steals treasure to hoard it in its own fort.
  • Unicorn: A mystical one-horned beast that boasts the power to bless its allies and curse its foes.

Strongest Mobs from My Work-in-Progress Mods

Note:These mobs are NOT in order and are not MEANT to be fought
in survival



Bite:does 8003 damage+massive knockback

Swipe:does 8003 damage+massive knockback

Tail Smack:682 damage+massive knockback

Roar:gives you slowness IV


Acid Spew:deals 50 damage per second and has 50% chance to set
you on fire


SCP-682 is very fast and will attack EVERYTHING except for The
Scarlet King,SCP-058,SCP-1765,SCP-029,SCP-239,The Black
Queen,SCP-053 and other 682s.SCP-682 will break anything as hard as
or weaker than obsidian to get to it’s target.However,submerging
SCP-682 in acid will render it unable to move.

Other Info

SCP-682 can be killed with the mob killer or the sword of the
Cosmos.However,when killed,SCP-6…

Ice and Fire-esque Enderdragon Texturepack

For a long time, It has bugged me how the dragons of ice and
fire have outshined the ender dragon and made him look like the sad
bum on the side quest. It has saddened me that the developers will
not give him love, so I put out a request to all you out there that
feel the same as me about our poor final boss, what I want to do is
make an optifine texture pack the overhauls the looks of our poor
boy, and makes him at least look like half the fight he deserves to
be. But I can’t do this alone, I am not very good with optifine
models and don’t have the first clue on turning a tabula model to
an optifine entity. I have however made a sub-par texture for our
boy, and if someone is able to make this into a texture pack, I
would be overjoyed!

creation of dragons

i came up with this idea its not cannon at all but it works
really well

i dont know why its in past tense

In the beginning there was one dragon. An incredibly powerful
creature, it slaughtered anything that came into its sight. It was
so powerful it was named the Ender Dragon. But for its extreme
violence the monster was exiled into the void.

But before its departure, it laid many eggs. These eggs hatched
into the different kinds of dragons. These dragons weren’t nearly
as powerful as their mother, but they were still a major threat.
When a dragon grew old, it would breed with another dragon and dig
its way into the ground. The males would hoard treasure for the
rest of their lives, while the females incubated an egg. This
generally resulted …

Dragon life cycle

This is what I think the dragon life cycle would be: 

When the dragon hatches from its egg and stays with its mother
and father in there cave. They will stay in the cave until the
dragon is stage three. When it becomes stage three the dragon will
dig out of the ground, now able to fend for itself. Its primary
source of food are sheep, villagers, and humans. But it will go
after anything smaller than it, including other smaller fire/ice
dragons if its hungrey enough. When the dragon reaches stage 4 it
will dig underground and create a dragon cave. It will then sit
there until somthing comes into its cave in wich it will attept to
tear the creature to shreds. When this happens the dragon will
probably bust out of the cave and rein terror on t…

Добавленные существа

Пассивные мобы

  • Снежный Житель: мирный житель, который живет в ледяных деревнях, расположенных в снежных биомах мира.
  • Пикси: легкомысленная лесная фея, которая любит красть предметы у ничего не подозревающих исследователей.
  • Гиппокамп: изящный морской зверь, которого можно приручить и использовать как универсальное скоростное животное.

Нейтральные мобы

  • Гиппогриф:горный летающий хищник, которого можно приручить и использовать как выносливое летающее ездовое животное. 
  • Амфитер: тропическая змея с перьями, которую можно приручить и использовать как эффективное воздушное средство передвижения.

Враждебные мобы

  • Огненный дракон: безжалостная крылатая рептилия, которая путешествует повсюду, чтобы уничтожить деревни своим огненным дыханием.
  • Ледяной Дракон: зимний, родственник огненного дракона, источающий ледяное дыхание изо рта.
  • Горгона: отвратительное, извращенное чудовище, которое может превратить любое живое существо в камень своим ужасным взглядом.
  • Циклоп: раздражительный гигант, который пасет стадо овец в каменной, заполненной сокровищами приморской бухте.
  • Сирена: Морская бестия, которая соблазняет моряков очаровательными песнями, прежде чем раскрывать свою ужасающую истинную форму.
  • Червь Смерти: хищный червь, который копается в песках пустыни и поглощает все, с чем сталкивается.
  • Василиск: мерзкое, похожее на курицу существо, убивает врагов своим пронзительным взглядом.
  • Стимфалийская Птица : свирепый хищник, который обрушивается на добычу своим медным клювом и острыми, с медным отблеском, крыльями.
  • Тролли: отвратительные твари, которые скрываются в пещерах и жестоко избивают всех нарушителей границ их территории.
  • Мирмекс : злобное насекомое, которое живет в подземных гнездах и поддерживает высоко структурированную кастовую систему.
  • Морской Змей (или Левиафан): страшный змееобразный морской монстр, который беспощадно атакует всех мелких существ в поле зрения.

Characteristics of Ice and Fire mod

Eliminating one of these dragons is not a simple task, much less trying to tame them, but it is not impossible, if you can achieve it only that it is not so easy. When these dragons are domesticated, your character can fly with them, use their attacks, they can also add armor.

Even in Ice and Fire you will find dragon caves where you will find them and you will be able to fight against them. Each time you eliminate a dragon, you can acquire relevant treasures, including dragon eggs with which you can have dragon babies that will develop over time as a real life.

In addition, in Ice and Fire Mod you will also find skeletons of dragons in the deserts, skeletons that can be used to create weapons, armor and tools based on important dragon bones.

How to get the mod for PC

Note: Ice and Fire for 1.15.2 requires citadel instead of
llibrary. There is a link to it on the CurseForge page, so you just
need to make sure you’re using the right dependency.

Many people ask this question, so I decided to write this to
provide some assistance. This should work for any mod, not just Ice
and Fire.

Note Pocket (Mobile) and Bedrock (pretty much everything but
Mobile and PC/Mac) Editions are not moddable.

First, you’ll have to buy Minecraft. If you’ve never played it
before, try it without any mods to get used to the game. Ice and
Fire makes it a lot harder.

After you have Minecraft, get Minecraft Forge. You need this for
most mods, because it allows them to work without modifying the
game’s code. The official website is scam…

The Dragon’s Cave

There was a poor man in a cave,

Who mined his halls of stone!

He raced towards an early grave,

That held but crumbling bone!

One day he found rock of black,

While mining in his mine!

He leaned, the rock behind his back,

And held a torch of pine!

He mined the rock and saw a shine,

‘Twas of a greenish rock!

He sniffed a smell, and gave a whine,

The smell was like a sock!

He found more rocks of green and blue,

Stuck in the blackish stone!

He grew so rich, and happy too,

And never would he moan!

He grew too bold, and hacked the stone,

And then saw terror’s face!

His flesh was chilled up to the bone,

A dragon filled that place!

With scales of red the dragon lay,

In deep and restful sleep!

In darkness far from waking day,

In a caves of treasure deep!

The poor man brave…

Существа в разработке


  • Грозовой Дракон: неуловимый ночной дракон, который атакует противников смертельным потоком электричества.
  • Гидра: ядовитая, многоголовая змея, которая может регенерировать любую из её голов, если они отрублены.
  • Вендиго: ненасытный лесной дух, который маскируется под невинных животных перед тем, как наброситься на неосмотрительную добычу.
  • Вампир: нежить, которая поднимается из логова ночью, чтобы питаться кровью живых.
  • Оборотень: несчастный простолюдин, проклятый, чтобы стать злобным волкоподобным зверем при свете полной луны.
  • Автоматон/Автомат: ветхая машина, оживающая, чтобы уничтожить любое живое существо, которое подошло слишком близко.
  • Призрак: мстительный дух, который преследует свое прежнее тело и нападает на любого нарушителя без предубеждения.
  • Гоблин: жадный чертёнок, который совершает набег на близлежащие деревни и крадет сокровища, чтобы спрятать его в своем собственном убежище.
  • Кракен: чудовищный левиафан, который поднимается из глубины, ради уничтожения всего живого на поверхности.


  • Королева ужаса: Тиран-нежить, восседает верхом на истощённом ледяном драконе и управляет армией приведений.
  • Ифрит: жестокий огненный демон, который владеет гигантским горящим мечом и обитает в глубинах Нижнего Мира.


A small stage one silver ice dragon was walking in the
snowstorm. It was trying to get away from the stage five fire
dragon that had just ripped its way into this dragons home. It had
eaten its parents, they were only early stage four ice dragons.
This small ice dragons name was Everfrost. The fire dragon was
flying above the clouds. It was waiting for the storm to end so it
could look for any survivors of its attack. Ever frost was wounded
though, when the fire dragon had gotten into the caveren it shot
lots of fire. Everfrost had been hit by some of this fire. Then
everfrost saw a cave. Mabye he could hide in there? He walked
slowly toward it. Then he looked inside it, it looked safe so he
went in. He found some water in the cave so he c…

Jungle Dragon

Note:This contains information about a fan-made mob.

Jungle Dragons are a species of dragon that roam jungles and
progress through 5 stages,where they get bigger,stronger and
scarier.They are known for there ability to spit poison at their
targets as well as their flight ability.

  • 1 Stats
  • 2 Appearence
  • 3 Spawning
  • 4 Drops
  • 5 Behavior
  • 6 Abilities
  • 7 Combat
  • 8 Hatching
  • 9 Breeding
  • 10 Usage

    • 10.1 Equipment
    • 10.2 Tamed
  • 11 Triva


Stage 1:20 to 112

Stage 2:116 to 208

Stage 3:212 to 304

Stage 4:308 to 400

Stage 5:404 to 500


Stage 1,2,3,and 4 Jungle Dragons look like the Ender Dragon but
dark green.Like fire dragons,ice dragons and lightning
dragons,Stage 5 Jungle Dragons are quadrupedal reptiles with
massive wings, long tails, spike-laden backs, and massive ja…

Characteristics of Ice and Fire dragons

Fire dragons

  • These dragons are one of the species that you can find in the other world of Minecraft. They are known for their great breathing and flying abilities, as well as for their formidable reputation.
  • In addition, these dragons develop through five stages of evolution where they become stronger, bigger and more terrifying. Its appearance is as it is typical representation of a dragon, large reptiles with legs of three claws, large leathery wings, and thorns on his back.
  • This dragon species is very hostile and usually attacks any species that approaches it. These are accustomed to biting, whipping with their tail, shaking and squeezing their enemy, they have breath of fire, they throw fire bombs, among other attacks.

Ice Dragons

  • Like the fire, this species wanders the other world and are known for their ability to breathe ice, as well as the skills they contain to fly, walk, and even swim.
  • Like dragons of fire, these dragons progress through five stages where they evolve stronger and, have several natural attacks that can defeat your character in seconds, are hostile and look like a typical dragon only in In this case, ice is thrown out of his mouth.

Game Crash, Modifying Config Files, Changing Spawn Rates, Suggestions, Updates and development questions

I need help!

You can join the discord for faster responses to questions. Crash logs should be posted to the issues github so they can be fixed by the development team.

Before you write a new issue, you should be able to see if a similar issue has been posted. If there has, there is no need for you to make a new issue. Doing so makes it take longer for the dev to work on the ice & fire mod. However if the issue has not already been reported, please make the report as it tells the dev what is going wrong.

You should post a copy of your crashlog, which you can find using this guide, and copy-and paste it into your report. Here is an example of a good crash report.

If you feel like there might be a mod conflict, you should include what mod-pack you are using.

Will you add X mob to 1.12.2?

The hydra was the last major update for 1.12.2. The Dread Queen, which was delayed, and all other phase 2 mobs will be for minecraft versions above 1.12.2. Currently, ice & fire is regularly updating to minecraft versions 1.16.3 & 1.15.2.

My game crashed!

Please post your CRASHLOG, a summary of what went wrong, other mods you have installed, and other information at Alexthe666’s issues Github.

When is ___ being added/coming out/releasing?

We do not answer ETA(s). Out of respect for the development team you should not be asking this question, the updates come when they come out.

You can check Alexthe666’s or the mod’s Discord server to keep up-to-date with the latest developments. For the discord server, see the #announcements and #development-images channels.

Will you add ___?

No. You may post your ideas to the suggestions channel, but do not expect it to be added. The development team already has a full plate to work on.

Can I disable, modify, or change (griefing, hatch time, spawning etc)?

Modify the mod’s config. It should be under Mod options > ice and fire. Here is a tutorial on how to do that. <— Only works for 1.12.2.

For any minecraft version above 1.12.2, you will need to follow this guide.

That’s not a dragon, that’s a wyvern!

The development team has decided to call their creations a dragon, and out of respect for them you should leave it be. If you want to debate about it, there are other communities for that. Ice & fire for modded minecraft is not one of them.

Phase 1

Passive Mobs

  • Pixie: A frivolous forest sprite that enjoys stealing items from unsuspecting explorers.
  • Hippocampus: A graceful seafaring beast that can be tamed and handled as a versatile speed mount.

Neutral Mobs

  • Hippogryph: An alpine flying predator that can be tamed and handled as a sturdy flying war mount.
  • Amphithere: A tropical feathered serpent that can be wrangled into an efficient flying speed mount.

Hostile Mobs

  • Siren: A seaside fiend that seduces sailors with charming songs before revealing its horrifying true form.
  • Death Worm: A ravenous worm that digs through the desert sands and devours anything it comes across.
  • Cockatrice: A vile chicken-like creature that brings death upon its foes with its piercing stare.
  • Stymphalian Bird: A fierce raptor that descends upon prey with a bronze beak and sharp, metallic pinions.
  • Troll: A hideous brute that lurks in caves and savagely bludgeons any trespassers upon its turf.
  • Myrmex: An ornery insect that lives in underground nests and maintains a highly-structured caste system.
  • Sea Serpent: A frightful reptilian sea monster that relentlessly attacks all smaller creatures on sight.


  • Fire Dragon: A ruthless winged reptile that travels far and wide to raze villages with its fiery breath.
  • Ice Dragon: A wintry, ice-bound cousin of the fire dragon that exudes a freezing gale from its mouth.
  • Gorgon: A repulsive, twisted monstrosity that can turn any living thing to stone with her terrible gaze.
  • Cyclops: An irritable giant that tends to a flock of sheep in a stony, treasure-filled seaside cove.

Bear Mutant Boss Mob

Note:This is not cannon,so don’t expect this to be added anytime
soon,or maybe at all.

Health:700 hearts

Attack Damage:36 hearts of damage

Is immune to status effects

Is immune to the gorgon’s gaze


Spawns:In the Bear Mutant Cave

It is recommend to bring enchanted diamond/netherite armor with
Protection IV,a diamond/netherite sword with Sharpness V,Knockback
II and Fire Aspect II,a flint and steel,TNT,a bow with
Infinity,Power IV and Flame I and enchanted golden apples.The Bear
Mutant has high health and can knock you back far so bring ender
pearls to get away.You can also bring your pet dragons with you
because they can kill the Bear Mutant for you.Once the Bear Mutant
is defeated,it will fall to the ground as a corspe and disa…

The Attack Part 1

This is the sequal to «Life In The Forest».

«Finally, I’m here… I’m in the glaciers. This is where she has to
be…» I said.

I saw a skeletal creature roaming in the snow, riden by a
Sorcerer of sorts. «What the-» The sorcerer attacked.

«Theres a human! Theres a human! All forces gather up!» Said the

Many more skeletal figures appeared, and came to a halt.

«Humans! Humans! It must die!!» Said the group of armored

They attempted to ram me with their horses, but that only gave
me a chance to kill them. I killed a few, while others got

«He is dangerous!… Capture him! Take his weapon-» They all
halted. They gasped. They saw I had their queen’s weapon.

«What.. How.. He… He stole our queen’s weapon?» They said.

«Oh yes, yes I…

Enchantment Ideas

Here are some enchantment ideas.

  • 1 Armor

    1.1 Burning

  • 2 Sword and Axe

    • 2.1 Dragon Slayer

      • 2.1.1 Serpent
        Killing Demon and Undead
        Ruler Destroyer

When you are wearing armor enchanted with Burning Thorns,any mob
or player that attacks you with meele or ranged attack will be set
on fire.Burning Thorns has 3 levels.Burning Thorns I sets the
target on fire for 9 seconds.Burning Thorns II sets the target on
fire for 1 minute.Burning Thorns III sets the target on fire for 1
minute and 30 seconds.This enchantment is useful for fightning

This enchantment can be applied to both swords and axes.Any
sword or axe enchanted with Dragon Slayer will deal more damage
towards dragons(including the Ender Dragon).Dragon Slayer …

Earth and Air Bosses

The Ground lord has 400 hearts and several attacks:

Ground Slam:he slams the ground,dealing 24 hearts of damage and
knocking back all nearby mobs

Hammer Swing:He hits you with his hammer,dealing 8 hearts of
damage and knocking you back

Boulder Throw:he throws a boulder at you,dealing 36 hearts of

The Call:he summons 4 Earth Knights,which spawn wearing
Earthsteel armor and wield a Earthsteel Sword,they attack players
and Dread Knights.Earth Knights deal 5 and a half hearts of damage
but have a 5% chance of dealing 11 hearts of damage.

Green Energy Beam:He shoots a green energy beam out of his
mouth,dealing 55 hearts of damage

Ultra Slam:he slams the ground,dealing 100 damage.

The Ground Lord would spawn in a stone arena with towers made of

(Fan) Pixie Dragon

The Pixie Dragon is a neutral sub-species of dragon that grows and
maintains the Dark forests in which they reside.

  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Spawning
  • 3 Drops
  • 4 Behavior
  • 5 Abilities
  • 6 Hatching
  • 7 Breeding
  • 8 Skeletons
  • 9 Other

    • 9.1 Pixie
    • 9.2 Pixie Dragon
  • 10 Gallery

This dragon is like all dragons and are quadrupedal and have
wings as the front two limbs like most dragons. This dragon has
gold curled horns on the top back edge of their heads and are like
a ram’s on the males to let people know they mean business. They
also a golden fan tail that can be used to cut foes, blow away
debris, or blow out fire. They come in the pretty colors of Spinel,
Rosegold, Lime, and Violet. They also sport beaks and have flat
teeth that signify that they’re herbivorous.

This drago…

Astral dragon

The astral dragon is a unique dragon that has the power of the
stars flowing from it. Its roar does not inflict weakness onto a
player but causes the dragon to emit a pulse that will blind nearby
players with its starlight. This attack an be seen when the
constellations on the dragons body start to glow brightly and it
will rear onto its hind legs and emit its blind pulse. The dragon’s
breath weapon is altered due to the nature of its starlight,
instead of the chaotic and random blasts of normal dragons, astral
dragons fire a powerful ray of concentrated starlight, this ray
resembles a beacon beam. The dragon can also shoot a bright ball of
energy that resembles a small supernova, this ball will turn the
area it strikes into lava while dea…

Ice and fire fan dragon

My idea was to create a new dimension that is an opposite to the
dreadlands and the travel mechanic relies on dragons. The dragon I
propose is the astral dragon, a mighty beast who fire burns so
bright it melts stone into lava. These dragons spawn when you find
a new structure called an altar of combat. You must bring an
offering to the alter and depending on what you bring a different
stage astral dragon will spawn in the form of a star falling to
earth. If you manage to slay this beast you will find that rewards
will have appeared in the astral chest back at the altar of combat.
These rewards will range from astral stone to an astral dragon egg
at the highest tier. The materials required for these offerings are
expensive. At the max they…

the great escape

As i rushed towards the nest i saw another band of hunters i
stepped into the nest as my parents prepared to escape and fly from
the hunters.  then i saw several humans fighting the hunters
but whoever  the chief hunter was he had a lot of
friends  we were pushed back to a cliff with the surviving
dragons of my family holding the hunters back. the battle was
turning ugly and then i saw the man with the ice sword with a girl
who was clinging on to him in fear then she saw me «aw such a cute
little» then the hunter ran towards me ice sword in hand i blasted
him with electircity then shoved him of the cliff i turned towards
the stunned girl when i saw an ender pearl out of the corner of my
eye.  the hunter slashed me twice before i jumped

The mythos of dragons

The myths of dragons is the first of three lightning dragon
related short stories.   this one is the first and it
will explain the lore and ancient history of the lightning dragons
the story is told from the perspective of seragortal a lightning
dragon scholar about 700 years after the event.

legend says that when the gods made the world they created 5
demigods to rule over it in there absence and to command the
vicious dragons so they would not ravage humanity they created
queens of the five ancient kingdoms of dragons at this time some
adventurous dragons ventured into the ocean becoming sea serpents
likewise other creatures began to evolve and were split like the
dragons amongst the demigods one such race were the weavers strange

note on the changes to the wiki

This wiki has moved. I am sure all of you know of this. though
this does mean a few changes, namely:

a lot of comments that were deleted a long time ago have… Been
UN-deleted as an unintended side effect. I am looking at a certain
wiki manager for having me be unable to do this disaster, however,
I am aware that I can remove messages from my wall. Though not
without a chonk full of lag. oh, and yes, lag from here on is going
to be far more potent. Though I do wish to become an admin one last
time to remove these comments, I’d doubt that a certain person I’m
looking at would not allow that, so I guess that’s a lot of work to
do on the admin’s part, though I guess I’m going a bit to far into
criticism. Anyway, the other thing:

the features a…

The Tale of Blazing Frost pt. 2

((Ok so I have decided to stop putting this off and just write

«I’ve never heard of a lightning dragon,» Blazing Frost narrowed
her eyes.

«We stay out of sight most of the time,» Shadow Storm

«It just seems suspicious, is all,» She said.

«Oh, it is,» Shadow Storm said, «But that doesn’t mean I’m

«Can you show me your island?» She asked, «Because I might be
more inclined to trust you if I knew where you lived.»

«Hmm,» He replied, «Let me ask Mother.»

«Sure,» She shrugged.

He flew up towards the floating island. Soon he disappeared over
the top of it. After a few minutes, he glided back down. «She says
fine,» he reported.

«Okay,» She said, flying upwards quickly but not very

As soon as they reaced the top, she saw a…



Изображение Название Описание
Снежный житель Мирный сельский житель, который живёт в ледяных деревнях, находящихся в снежных биомах.
Фея Легкомысленный лесной дух, который любит красть предметы у ничего не подозревающих игроков.
Гиппокамп Изящное мореходное чудовище, которое можно приручить, что позволит вам на нём передвигаться.


Изображение Название Описание
Гиппогриф Альпийский летающий хищник, которого можно приручить и использовать в качестве крепкого летающего боевого маунта.
Амфитер Тропический пернатый змей, которого можно приручить и использовать в качестве быстрого летающего маунта.


Изображение Название Описание
Огненный дракон Безжалостная крылатая рептилия, которая путешествует повсюду, чтобы уничтожать деревни своим огненным дыханием.
Ледяной дракон Зимний, амфибийный кузен огненного дракона, который источает ледяной шторм из своей пасти.
Горгона Отвратительное, извращенное чудовище, которое может превратить любое живое существо в камень своим ужасным взглядом.
Циклоп Раздражительный гигант, который пасет стадо овец в каменистой морской бухте.
Сирена Приморская злодейка, которая соблазняет моряков очаровательными песнями, прежде чем раскрывать свою ужасающую истинную форму.
Червь смерти Хищный червь, который копается в песках пустыни и пожирает все, с чем сталкивается.
Василиск Мерзкое похожее на курицу существо, которое своим пронзительным взглядом приносит смерть своим врагам.
Стимфалийская птица Свирепый хищник, который спускается за добычей с бронзовым клювом и острыми металлическими крыльями.
Тролль Отвратительное животное, которое скрывается в пещерах и жестоко избивает любого нарушителя на своей территории.
Мирмекс Злобное насекомое, которое живёт в подземных гнездах и поддерживает высокоструктурированную кастовую систему.
Морской змей Ужасное морское чудовище-рептилия, который беспощадно атакует всех мелких существ в поле зрения.

МодификацииПросмотр: Шаблон:Модификации/Содержимое

General Game-play questions. Read HERE before you read the bug list.

A female fire dragon didn’t drop an egg!

Make sure it was a stage 4 or 5 dragon, if it was, make sure you do not have any conflicting mods. You should get at least ONE egg after looting the corpse, but you cannot loot the dragon corpse for blood AND get an egg, be warned.

Can I transport my OTHER tamed mobs in a dragon horn?

No, only dragons. If you need to transport other mobs you will need another mod that adds such utility, such as animal-nets, etc.

Why is nothing spawning?

If you are using any 2.0 version of ice & fire (AKA, you’re playing on 1.15 or 1.16) make sure you are 1,000 blocks out from your spawn. There is a 1,000 block radius around spawn that is «safe» from ice & fire mobs.

Is this mod compatible with X Mod?

There shouldn’t be any mod not compatible with ice & fire, that said, older mods, such as iseedragons, or dragoncrystal, do not work with newer versions of ice & fire.(PS your game crashes is you try and morph out of a dragon or cyclops using morph mod)

My Dragon won’t power the forge!

It has to be *very* close to the forge for it to work. Keep moving it around.
Also, you may need to break the aperture and replace it if that still does not work and try moving the dragon closer to it again.

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