
General wiki templates


{{clr}}, plus {{clrl}} and {{clrr}}

  • This template is used to reduce the amount of non-wikicode used on pages, replacing the code . Its use should generally be avoided.
  • You can use {{clr}} instead of the HTML tag that clears space below things like images, pictures and tables, so the following stuff doesn’t begin until the bottom of the image, picture or table box.
  • You can also use {{clrl}} or {{clrr}} to clear only left or right floats.


Use at the top of articles as a simple «for x see y» template.

{{main|<main article>}}

Use at the start of a section to link to the main article on it.

Right-aligned Table of Contents


This template floats the table of contents (toc) on the right. It should only be used when absolutely necessary, to keep consistent design.


A template that should be used to head up all Project:Sandbox pages.


This template allows you to show example template code (with a link to the templates) without using the template itself. It is used extensively on this page.


{{welcIP}} and {{welcome}}

  • The first (with longer version «welcomeIP» for those of you who like typing more) is to welcome new non-vandalistic contributors who are «anonymous», identified only by their IP number; it encourages them to register.
  • The second template is for welcoming new registered users. Should be customized for the wiki, indicating the pages we most want newcomers to visit.
  • The above two templates are very suitable for having «subst:» prefixed, because they can be edited with additions or deletions appropriate to the apparent strengths of the person being welcomed; e.g. if the contributor has already demonstrated good wiki editing skills you could delete references to pages about «how to edit».


{{wikipedia}}, {{wikipedia-deleted}}

Wikipedia-related templates. Use {{wikipedia}} for articles taken directly from Wikipedia, and {{wikipedia-deleted}} for articles deleted from Wikipedia.

What are templates?

Wiki templates provide a means to insert the same content over and over in different (or the same) pages. This saves editors the hassle of duplicating the same text again and again, and also helps ensure consistency.

Templates are generally shown with the format required to use the template (e.g. ). Clicking the template name takes you to the template’s page, where you can see what it looks like and how it is used.

Detailed instructions on the usage of each template should exist on:

  1. a subpage using {{documentation}}; or
  2. the template page itself (inside «noinclude» tags); or
  3. the template’s talk page.

For more information on templates, see Help:Templates.

Act 7

Monster Name Looks Appears in Special Attacks


7-1 Deep Space
Skeleton Ghost 7-1 Deep Space
Armored Knight 7-1 Deep Space
Propeller 7-2 Event Horizon

7-3 Black Hole

Triangle 7-2 Event Horizon

7-3 Black Hole

Ambush: Hides in a smaller form of

itself, until players come close, then

it will charge at them.

Ball 7-2 Event Horizon

7-3 Black Hole

Cube 7-2 Event Horizon

7-3 Black Hole

Gnarler 7-4 Parallel Dimension

7-5 Subconcious Mind

7-5 Boss Dungeon,

The Verge of Insanity

Nightmare Priest 7-4 Parallel Dimension

7-5 Subconcious Mind

7-5 Boss Dungeon,

The Verge of Insanity

Casket Horror 7-4 Parallel Dimension

7-5 Subconcious Mind

7-5 Boss Dungeon,

The Verge of Insanity

Haunted Book 7-5 Subconcious Mind
Headless Butler 7-5 Subconcious Mind
Rat Hut 7-2 Event Horizon

7-3 Black Hole

7-4 Parallel Dimension

7-5 Subconcious Mind

Maggot Cave 7-3 Black Hole

7-4 Parallel Dimension

7-5 Subconcious Mind

Skeleton Cave 7-3 Black Hole

7-4 Parallel Dimension

Goblin Cave 7-5 Subconcious Mind


Tier Name Sprite Stats Sockets Damage Types Ability
B Cobra Blood Vial

(1 Handed)

18900 Base Damage

1.57 Aps

3100 Energy

2375 Stamina

4800 Damage

105% Damage

355 Mana per Second

1 All Talents

0.51% Life per Hit

1 — 5 Poison ——
AA Doctor’s Potion

(1 Handed)

12500 Base Damage

1.63 Aps

3100 Energy

1100 Stamina

3500 Damage

85% Damage

10% Attack Speed

0.26% Life per Hit

1.01% Mana per Hit

1 — 5 Poison Doctor’s Medkit
C Demon Blood Flask

(1 Handed)

15500 Base Damage

1.56 Aps

4100 Energy

15% Attack Speed

10% Critical Rate

42% Critical Damage

275 All Stats

0.26% Life per Hit

1.01% Mana per Hit

1 — 5 —— ——
B Ancient Mucus

(1 Handed)

12480 Base Damage

1.63 Aps

3100 Energy

5% Energy

1500 Stamina

1100 Damage

80% Damage

7% Cdr

200 All Stats

100% Magic Find

1 — 5 Poison ——
AA Spirit Urn

(1 Handed)

8500 Base Damage

1.95% Aps

3100 Energy

1500 Stamina

2500 Damage

85% Damage

30% Attack Speed

1% Health per Second

2.01% Mana per Hit

1 — 5 Poison ——
Doomweed Vial 8748 Base Damage

2.08 Aps

4755 Energy

4755 Stamina

36% Damage

4259 Damage

24% Attack Speed

1% Life per Hit

1% Mana per Hit

1-5 Poison


There are currently two main currencies in the game:

  • Rubies
  • Jade Ore

Rubies: Can be dropped from enemies, bosses and found in the world in chests. This is the primary currency and is used to trade for gear from other players.

Jade Ore: This is a new currency that some people use to trade with instead. Jade ore is used to craft specific items to upgrade your items further. It can be found in Ruby Veins with a slight chance.


Just like in most other ARPGs, Hero Siege has seasons. This means that during a season, you can choose to create a seasonal character, you get the chance to compete with other seasonal players on the leaderboard.

A season usually lasts 3 months, and when a new season starts your old seasonal characters will be converted into non-seasonal characters and you’ll have to begin from scratch again.

It’s also important to note that seasonal can only play with other seasonal players, which also applies to softcore, hardcore and non-seasonal players. Hardcore players can not play with softcore players, and so on.

Reaching the top 35 of the leaderboards of a season will award you with unique cosmetics.

What is the End-Game like?

The end-game in Hero Siege is to min-max your items until they can’t get any better; by upgrading them to level 10 and 115% quality, which is a lengty process. After that you’ll need to do Wormholes so you can get a seasonal leaderboard placement for your class.

Article management templates

Nominate an article for deletion


Add this to an article to nominate it for deletion. It will add the article to Category:Candidates for deletion.


Add this to an article for pages that qualify for speedy deletion.

Disambiguation articles


If you have several articles that have similar or identical names, you may wish to create a «disambiguation» page at the main article name, with the articles taking an extra phrase in brackets afterwards. For example:

The Prince <— disambiguation page, with links to:

The Prince (frog)
The Prince (human)
  • Using {{disambig}} marks an article as a disambiguation page by adding a banner to the article and categorizing it under Category:Disambiguations. Add links to the various articles under the banner.
  • For more information, see Help:Disambiguation.



  • When a page has little or no useful information, then it is likely a stub. This template will include them in Category:Article stubs, and is used to list which articles need expanding.
  • For more information, see Help:Stubs.

Act 6 (The Holy Grounds)


  • Collect 20 Essence and one Book of Command in Zone 1 (Highland Graveyard)
  • Items are dropped by monsters
  • Unlocks: Shut down

Shut down

  • Use the Book of Command to close 10 demonic portals in Zones 1 or 2 (The Cathedral, Prison Dungeon)
  • The Book of Command is an Active Relic dropped by the NPC at the beginning of the quest
  • Demonic portals are red, and appear on the mini map as quest objects
  • You need to use the Book of Command next to a red portal, which links you to the portal
  • You must then wait until the portal is closed, and kill monsters that go out of it
  • You must stay at close range during the process, or the link breaks
  • Closing a portal takes 10 seconds
  • Unlocks: Highway to hell

Highway to hell

  • Clear 6 cogs out of mysterious vines in Zone 4 (Steam Train)
  • Cogs appear on the mini map as quest objects
  • You must hit each cog 4 times
  • Unlocks: Summon Satan

What if you get stuck?

If you get stuck while leveling, it’s as easy as going back a few levels and killing enemies of lower levels until you get better gear or get a few more level points to put into your skills. It can be frustrating at times, but it all depends on the class you play as all classes have their own weaknesses and strengths.

What to do after hitting level 100

Good job on hitting that sweet level 100! This is where the real game starts. By now you’ve hopefully unlocked the Hell difficulty and you’re ready to begin farming for Satanics. These items appear with a red name and a red glowing aura around them when they drop on the map, and appear as a red star on your map. These are items with fixed stats that you will use to grind in the end game.

The most important thing to do before attempting to really begin that satanic grind, is getting your mining to 500 and eventually maxing it out. This is because drop rates are not a certain thing and you can sometimes go many hero levels without a single drop, and mining in Hell difficulty will provide you with ruby and jade ore which you either can trade or craft satanics and runes with.

Basically, these are the things you will do after hitting 100:

Max out your mining.

Get a Satanic piece of gear in every slot.

Upgrade your satanics to level 10.

Use re-roll tokens and satanic dice to improve the quality (%) of your gear.

Understanding Satanics

Satanics always have fixed stats. This means that end-game builds will use specific satanics that benefit their playstyle, and satanics actually don’t all share the same drop location or drop chance either.


Tier Name Sprite Stats Sockets Damage Types Ability







St. Meese’s Longsaw

(2 Handed)

30600 Base Damage

1.63 Aps

2000 Armor

3520 Strength

3800 Stamina

10% Armor

10% Attack Speed

11% Cdr

10% Damage Reduction

4 All Talents

8400 Damage

105% Damage

0.51% Life per Hit

6 Elemental Big Joe
A Doublesaw 4000

(2 Handed)

28800 Base Damage

25 Speed

4220 Strength

4200 Stamina

7650 Damage

105% Damage

16% Cdr

0.51% Life per Hit

2 — 6 Physical ——
B The Annihilator

(2 Handed)

29600 Base Damage

1.11 Aps

10% Block Chance

2120 Strength

2400 Stamina

2650 Damage

30% Damage

15% Critical Rate

42% Critical Damage

0.26% Life per Hit

2 — 6 Physical


C Vorpal Sharktooth

(1 Handed)

17333 Base Damage

1.94 Aps

2020 Strength

2020 Stamina

8% Strength

3750 Damage

75% Damage

25% Attack Speed

2.01% Mana per Hit

1 — 5 Physical


A Doomsaw

(2 Handed)

28200 Base Damage

1.45 Aps

2720 Strength

3700 Stamina

5650 Damage

90% Fire Damage

6% Cdr

0.26% Life per Hit

2 — 6 Fire Hellfire
C Sawgun

(1 Handed)

12600 Base Damage

1.87 Aps

3120 Strength

3125 Stamina

3150 Damage

65% Damage

20% Attack Speed

10% Critical Rate

33% Critical Damage

0.26% Life per Hit

1 — 5 Physical


AA Lumberjack’s Chainsaw

(2 Handed)

28025 Base Damage

1.12 Aps

3900 Strength

3900 Stamina

7080 Damage

100% Damage

6% Cdr

10% Damage Reduction

0.26% Life per Hit

1.01% Mana per Hit

2 — 6 Physical Lumberjack’s Forestry Gear





Candy Shredder

(1 Handed)

6892 Base Damage

2.73 Aps

4642 Strength

4642 Stamina

12% Strength

38% Fire Damage

4791 Damage

24% Attack Speed

15% Ability Power

1-5 Fire Fire Break





Royal Decapitator

(2 Handed)

23243 Base Damage

.90 Aps

5181 Strength

5181 Stamina

43% Physical Damage

79% Critical Damage

4727 Damage

24% Cdr

10% Damage Reduction

1% Life per Hit

1% Mana per Hit

1-6 Physical


Tier Name Sprite Stats Sockets Damage Types Ability







St. Neri’s Rainbow Lance

(1 Handed)

4787 Base Damage

2.70 Aps

60 Speed

24% Attack Speed

2256 All Stats

1 All Talents

3478 Damage

47% Damage

5 Elemental Neris Radiance
SS Odin’s Battle Spear

(2 Handed)

28499 Base Damage

1.88 Aps

30 Speed

11100 Damage

120% Damage

28% Attack Speed

10% Damage Reduction

1500 All Stats

0.26% Life per Hit

1.01% Mana per Hit

6 Lightning Elemental Break
B Wargod’s Wrath

(1 Handed)

18460 Base Damage

1.24 Aps

10% Dodge

1120 Strength

1500 Stamina

1700 Damage

85% Damage

10% Attack Speed

1 — 5 Physical Piercing
SS Crusader’s Halberd

(2 Handed)

28762 Base Damage

1.54 Aps

30 Speed

3288 Strength

3200 Stamina

11100 Damage

120% Damage

15% Attack Speed

10% Damage Reduction

2 — 6 Physical Armor Break
C Imperial Glaive

(1 Handed)

17000 Base Damage

1.39 Aps

2200 Strength

2200 Stamina

2100 Damage

35% Damage

20% Attack Speed

10% Critical Rate

33% Critical Damage

2.01% Mana per Hit

2 — 6 Physical


A Thunderfury

(1 Handed)

15999 Base Damage

1.88 Aps

999 Strength

1100 Stamina

3600 Damage

90% Damage

20% Attack Speed

1 — 5 Lightning Lightning Fury
C Poseidon’s Might

(2 Handed)

21762 Base Damage

1.61 Aps

15 Speed

2388 Strength

2200 Stamina

45% Attack Speed

25% Critical Rate

38% Critical Damage

100% Magic Find

2 — 6 —— ——
B Serpent’s Tooth

(1 Handed)

14460 Base Damage

1.43 Aps

10% Dodge

1420 Strength

1500 Stamina

3950 Damage

90% Damage

15% Attack Speed

1 — 5 Poison Poison Nova
D Crystal Infused Javelin

(1 Handed)

3050 Base Damage

1.71 Aps

10 Speed

5% Attack Speed

1% Critical Rate

275 All Stats

325 Damage

1 — 3 Elemental ——
A Valkyries Lightning Spear

(1 Handed)

15499 Base Damage

1.77 Aps

999 Strength

1100 Stamina

2900 Damage

85% Damage

18% Attack Speed

1 — 5 Lightning Valkyries Battle Gear





Deep Sea Glaive

(1 Handed)

7711 Base Damage

2.44 Aps

4968 Strength

5110 Stamina

43% Lightning Damage

4826 Lightning Damage

43% Poison Damage

4826 Poison Damage

24% Attack Speed

1-5 Lightning Burst Shot


A wormhole can only be opened in Hell difficulty, by going to the NPC in the top left corner of Town of Inoya.

When opening a wormhole for the first time, it will be a level 1 wormhole, which means that the mob level will be around 140. Every additional wormhole level increases the mob level slightly. The point of a wormhole is to kill all enemies before the timer (the blue bar at the top of the screen) runs out.

At the end of a wormhole, you’ll be summoning a powerful boss (which includes bosses that are harder and unique to wormholes) that you have to kill. When the boss is killed, and if you killed all enemies before the timer ran out, a red button will appear. Clicking this button will advance your wormhole progression by +1 level, however, if you don’t complete it in time no button will spawn and it will all be for nothing.


Tier Name Sprite Stats Sockets Damage Types Ability
A Feral Talons

(2 Handed)

27262 Base Damage

1.64 Aps

14% Block Chance

4500 Armor

20% Armor

2348 Strength

8% Strength

2200 Stamina

105% Damage

10% Attack Speed

2 — 6 Physical Butcher
B Hemorrhage

(2 Handed)

16262 Base Damage

1.25 Aps

12% Dodge

2348 Strength

4200 Stamina

1635 Damage

75% Damage

48% Attack Speed

15% Critical Rate

38% Critical Damage

0.26% Life per Hit

1.01% Mana per Hit

2 — 6 Physical ——
A Talon’s of Wisdom

(2 Handed)

20100 Base Damage

1.43 Aps

10% Dodge

1120 Strength

5400 Energy

1200 Stamina

5062 Damage

110% Damage

22% Attack Speed

6% Cdr

2 — 6 Magic Lightning Fury
B Elemental Claws

(2 Handed)

11100 Base Damage

1.63 Aps

13% Block Chance

1400 Strength

1400 Energy

2300 Stamina

10% Attack Speed

3900 Damage

100% Damage

2 — 6 Elemental ——
C Storm Fury

(2 Handed)

14762 Base Damage

1.74 Aps

12% Dodge

1120 Strength

2288 Energy

1200 Stamina

4162 Damage

105% Damage

22% Attack Speed

6% Cdr

2 — 6 Lightning Lightning Fury
C Molten Paw

(2 Handed)

26762 Base Damage

1.10 Aps

13% Block Chance

2120 Strength

1248 Energy

2200 Stamina

4100 Damage

105% Damage

5% Attack Speed

9% Cdr

2 — 6 Fire Hellfire
AA Earth Shapers Talons

(2 Handed)

18100 Base Damage

1.39 Aps

3500 Armor

10% Dodge

4400 Energy

5300 Stamina

4562 Damage

105% Damage

11% Cdr

2 — 6 Magic Earth Shaper’s Pride

Act 2

Name Looks Appears in Special Attacks
Skeleton Archer 2-1 Crystal Village

2-3 Arctic Tundra

Grim Reaper’s Dungeon

Arrow Rain: A barrage of Arrows will rain down on a specific spot, heavily damaging Players in it. (Nightmare+;

Rare+ Variant)



2-1 Crystal Village Bone Boomerang: Throws a Bone that

explodes into a fan of Icicles after a specific distance is reached. (Nightmare+; Rare+ Variant)

Skeleton Viking 2-1 Crystal Village

2-2 Chilling Lake

2-4 Snowy Mountains

2-5 The Glacial Trail

Grim Reaper’s Dungeon

Spin: Spins towards the player, damaging every Hero in his Path.


2-2 Chilling Lake

2-4 Snowy Mountains



2-2 Chilling Lake

2-4 Snowy Mountains

Ent 2-3 Arctic Tundra
Big Ent 2-4 Arctic Tundra (Nightmare+) Champion+ Version of the Treant
Frozen Maggot 2-3 Arctic Tundra

2-4 Snowy Mountains

Underground Spikes: Fires Spikes

in 1 or more Rays towards the Player,

damageing them on hit. (Nightmare+)

Yeti 2-4 Snowy Mountains Stomp: Unleashes a big shockwave damaging and stunning players inside it and occasionally flings rocks at random locations.
Chilling Head 2-5 The Glacial Trail
Horror 2-5 The Glacial Trail Multishot (Passive): Shoots multiple Projectiles at once.
Dead Bride 2-5 The Glacial Trail Ambush: Goes Invisible to attack the Player out of stealth.
Skeleton Mage Grim Reaper’s Dungeon
Skeleton Hut 2-1 Crystal Village

2-3 Arctic Tundra

2-4 Snowy Mountains

Spawns different Skeletons.
Rat Den 2-1 Crystal Village

2-4 Snowy Mountains

Spawns Rats.
Ice Goblin Den 2-1 Crystal Village

2-5 The Glacial Trail

Spawns Ice Goblins.
Maggot Cave 2-2 Chilling Lake

2-3 Arctic Tundra

2-4 Snowy Mountains

Spawns Maggots

Act 4

Monster Name Looks Appears in Special Attacks
Wendigo 4-1 Old Mining Village


4-1 Old Mining Village Bomb Rain: Lets Bombs rain from the sky,

severly damaging every player inside of it.

Slowly follows the nearest player around.

Devilkin Goblin 4-1 Old Mining Village

4-2 The Highland Mines

4-3 Mining Site A

Stygian Doll 4-2 The Highland Mines

4-5 The Devil’s Breach

4-5 Boss Dungeon

Damien’s Altar

Maggot 4-2 The Highland Mines Poison Spit: Spits out a puddle of

poison, slowing and damaging

Players that walk over them.

Split: Splits up into smaller Maggots on


Skullcrab 4-2 The Highland Mines

4-3 Mining Site A

Fire Dragon


4-3 Mining Site A
Parasect 4-3 Mining Site A Blood-Laser Barrage: Fires

Bloodstreamsin 4 different directions,

dealing high damage on contact.

Skeleton 4-3 Mining Site A
Armored Knight 4-4 Nightmare

4-5 The Devil’s Breach

Shade 4-4 Nightmare

4-5 The Devil’s Breach

Skeleton Archer 4-4 Nightmare

4-5 The Devil’s Breach

Horror 4-5 Boss Dungeon,

Damien’s Altar

Fire Goblin Den 4-2 The Highland Mines

4-5 the Devil’s Breach

Spawns Fire Goblins
Rat Den 4-2 The Highland Mines Spawns Rats


Tier Name Sprite Stats Sockets Damage Types Ability







St. Draxis Pigstick

(1 Handed)

28825 Base Damage

1.42 Aps

10% Block Chance

2450 Armor

15% Armor

2900 Stamina

21% Stamina

2% Health per Second

6% Cdr

15% Damage Reduction

185% Damage Return

6 —— ——
AA Lancer’s Glory

(1 Handed)

19825 Base Damage

1.33 Aps

5% Block Chance

1685 Strength

1725 Stamina

6% Stamina

5% Armor

1380 Damage

35% Damage

2500 Health per Second

50% Damage Return

1 — 5 Physical Wall of God
B King’s Lance

(1 Handed)

21825 Base Damage

1.20 Aps

2285 Strength

55% Damage

10% Attack Speed

6% Cdr

140% Damage Return

800 All Stats

0.26% Life per Hit

1.01% Mana per Hit

1 — 5 Physical ——
A Jousting Lance

(1 Handed)

19825 Base Damage

1.18 Aps

5% Block Chance

1885 Armor

5% Armor

1385 Strength

2525 Stamina

6% Stamina

6% Health

1% Health per Second

5% Damage Reduction

1 — 5 —— ——
B War God’s Lance

(1 Handed)

17825 Base Damage

1.58 Aps

10 Speed

2385 Strength

1200 Damage

25% Damage

15% Attack Speed

5% Critical Rate

38% Critical Damage

0.26% Life per Hit

3.01% Mana per Hit

1 — 5 Physical ——
C Golden God’s Gladius

(1 Handed)

17825 Base Damage

1.38 Aps

2385 Strength

2000 Stamina

3150 Damage

80% Damage

1 All Talents

1 — 5 Physical ——
AA Champion’s Flag Lance

(1 Handed)

17825 Base Damage

1.45 Aps

4685 Strength

10% Strength

2100 Stamina

5380 Damage

80% Damage

30% Attack Speed

1 — 5 Physical Champion’s Valor





Dark Knight’s Lance 10958 Base Damage

1.66 Aps

10% Block Chance

10 Speed

4166 Strength

4046 Stamina

13669 Damage Return

71% damage Return



Effect Name Description
Giant’s Strength 5% chance on being hit to gain a shield for 2% of your max HP over 5 seconds. Stacks 3 times
Angel’s Vibrance Grants you power of the Angels providing you and your allies every buff in the game
Khamsin Has a 10% chance to proc Sandstorm on attack
Eternal Flames Your attacks apply a singular stack of burning on the target dealing substantial damage
Elementium Defense When hit gain a shield based off 100% of your elemental damage (specifically elemental damage) total for 2 seconds on a 20 second CD
Critical Strike Hits have a chance to inflict bonus damage
Holy Freeze Grants you and your allies a chilling aura
Mana Shield Ability: A portion of damage is taken from Mana before Life
Mending Grants you an aura that increases you and your allies health regeneration
Holy Shock Periodically Shocks and damages enemies around the player
Thorns Grants you an aura that increases you and your allies damage return
Gladiator Increases your attack power based on your damage return


These are the talents that have a small chance to activate when you do a certain task. For example, reading the description of a talent can tell you it has a chance to proc when attacking, this means that it as X% chance to activate when you hold down the attack button. For these kind of talents, attack speed is what usually makes them proc more, and thus make them better.

Primary Stats

The primary stats in the game are:

  • Energy: Increases your max mana pool.
  • Strength: Increases your base attack damage.
  • Stamina: Increases your max health.
  • Armor: Increases your Damage Reduction

Elemental Damage

Elemental Damage is what boosts all of your damage output in the game, specific or generic.
There are currently 7 elements you can use: Wind, Cold, Fire, Poison, Lightning, Physical, Magic, Elemental.

  • Physical Damage increases the damage of your physical based attacks and abilities.
  • Magic Damage increases the damage of your magic based attacks and abilities.
  • Wind Damage increases the damage of your Wind based attacks and abilities.
  • Cold Damage increases the damage of your cold based attacks and abilities.
  • Fire Damage increases the damage of your fire based attacks and abilities.
  • Poison Damage increases the damage of your poison based attacks and abilities.
  • Lightning Damage increases the damage of your lightning based attacks and abilities.
  • Elemental Damage increases damage done by all elements (Including Physical).


Equipment is how you become stronger. You find them by killing enemies in the game, by crafting them and by trading them with other people.

There are 8 equipment slots you can use in the game:

  • Amulet
  • Helmet
  • Weapon
  • Chest
  • Shield
  • Gloves
  • Boots
  • Charm
  • Rings
  • Belts
  • Potions

There are also 9 (8 if you don’t count set items as their own quality/tier) item qualities, or tiers, in the game, listed from the most common to the least common:

  • Common
  • Superior
  • Rare
  • Legendary
  • Mythic
  • Runeword
  • Satanic
  • Set Items
  • Chase
  • Angelic

All items up to Legendary quality have random stats when they drop. It is impossible to farm for a specific Mythic or Legendary to help you reach higher difficulties. You’ll have to rely on pure luck of getting the stats you need, and the amount each stat provides increases with each quality.

Act 4 (Highland Caves)

They are Spawning too Fast

  • Complete ACT 4 Zones 1 (Old Mining Village) and 2 in the time limit
  • Timer seems to be roughly 2 minutes, and starts when you enter one of the zones
  • Time is shown as a progress bar below the mini map
  • To complete a zone, you must beat its boss
  • As of Patch, there is currently an easy exploit, which is to clean the zone and exit, then re-enter and kill the boss within two minutes. The timer is reset every time you enter the zone
  • Unlocks: Prove Yourself

Prove Yourself

  • Use the Flail to kill 50 enemies
  • The Flail is an Active Relic dropped by the NPC at the beginning of the quest
  • Unlocks: Damien, Son of Satan

Damien, Son of Satan

  • Kill Damien (ACT 4 Zone 5, The Devil’s Breach)
  • Be sure to go to the next room after killing Damien, as there is a second boss fight
  • Unlocks: ACT 5 Quests

Act 5

Monster Name Looks Appears in Special Attacks
Monk 5-1 Mt. Fuji

5-2 Misty Swamp



5-1 Mt. Fuji

5-2 Misty Swamp

5-3 Fuji Coast

Burning Quiver: Ignites the Player on hit.


5-1 Mt. Fuji

5-2 Misty Swamp

5-3 Fuji Coast

Dash: Dashing three times towards the

player dealing

damage and stunning in an AOE-field

with the last strike.

Skeleton 5-1 Mt. Fuji

5-2 Misty Swamp

5-3 Fuji Coast

5-4 Sea of Carponia

5-5 Temple of Zamjo

5-5 Boss Dungeon,

Karp King’s Temple

Horror 5-2 Misty Swamp Multishot: Shoots multiple Shots at once.
Karp 5-3 Fuji Coast

5-4 Sea of Carponia

5-5 Temple of Zamjo

Splash: Throw out small blue puddles,

severly damaging players inside.

Hollow Stump 5-3 Fuji Coast
Piranha 5-4 Sea of Carponia

5-5 Temple of Zamjo

5-5 Boss Dungeon,

Karp King’s Temple

Teleport: Teleports after a short channel,

leaving a fireball where they left.

Burning Skeleton


5-4 Sea of Carponia

5-5 Temple of Zamjo

Burning Quiver: Ignites Players on hit,

even tho they are underwater.



5-5 Temple of Zamjo Spin: Spins towards the Player, damaging

every Player in its path.

Frozen Skull 5-5 Temple of Zamjo

5-5 Boss Dungeon,

Karp King’s Temple

Blizzard: Summons Icicles which circle

around the Frozen Skull.

Stump Nest 5-2 Misty Swamp Spawns Sumo’s
Rat Den 5-3 Fuji Coast
Piranha Cave 5-4 Sea of Carponia

5-5 Temple of Zamjo

Spawns Piranhas

Offensive Stats

  • Damage increases the damage of your basic attacks.
  • Attack Power increases basic attack damage.
  • Ability Power increases ability damage.
  • Critical Damage increases the damage of your critical attacks.
  • Critical Chance increases your chance of dealing extra damage.
  • Physical Damage increases the damage of your physical based attacks and abilities.
  • Magic Damage increases the damage of your magic based attacks and abilities.
  • Wind Damage increases the damage of your Wind based attacks and abilities.
  • Cold Damage increases the damage of your cold based attacks and abilities.
  • Fire Damage increases the damage of your fire based attacks and abilities.
  • Poison Damage increases the damage of your poison based attacks and abilities.
  • Lightning Damage increases the damage of your lightning based attacks and abilities.
  • Elemental Damage increases the damage of all elemental based attacks and abilities.

Act 6

Monster Name Looks Appears in Special Attacks
Skeleton Ghost 6-1 Highland Graveyard

6-3 Prison Dungeon



6-1 Highland Graveyard
Priest 6-1 Highland Graveyard
Zombie Crawler 6-1 Highland Graveyard
Hellbeast 6-2 The Cathedral

6-5 The Depths of Hell

6-5 Boss Dungeon,

Seventh Layer of Hell

Brimstone: Lets a Stone fall from the

Sky, dealing Damage, follows up on

the Same position with a Fireball,

dealing damage again and leaving

a burning field.

Damned Legion 6-2 The Cathedral

6-4 Steam Train

Charge! (Passive): Is extremely fast.

Judgement: Summons Swords to smite

the Player.

Horror 6-2 The Cathedral

6-3 Prison Dungeon

6-5 The Depth of Hell

6-5 Boss Dungeon,

Seventh Layer of Hell

Multishot: Shoots multiple Shots at once.
Prison Guard 6-3 Prison Dungeon

6-4 Steam Train



6-4 Steam Train Bomb Rain: Lets a barrage of Bombs

fall down in an area, that slowly

follows Players.

Skeleton Archer 6-4 Steam Train
Imp 6-5 The Depth of Hell
Shade 6-5 The Depth of Hell
Parasect 6-5 Boss Dungeon,

Seventh Layer of Hell

Bloodlaser Barrage: Shoots out

Lasers in either a + or x shape.

Skeleton Cave 6-1 Highland Graveyard

6-4 Steam Train

Spawns Skeletons.
Maggot Cave 6-2 The Cathedral

6-4 Steam Train

Spawns Maggots.
Rat Hut 6-3 Prison Dungeon

6-4 Steam Train

6-5 The Depth of Hell

Spawns Rats

Act 7: (The Rift)

Those quests are part of the Mevius DLC.

Technology is great

  • Use the Sucker-5000 to close 8 black holes in Zone 1 (Deep Space)
  • The Sucker-5000 is an Active Relic dropped by the NPC at the beginning of the quest
  • Black holes are black spheres with a purple circling shell, and appear on the mini map as quest objects (purple diamonds)
  • When you activate the Sucker-5000, a cyclone arises south of you and sucks in the black holes
  • You must wait until the black hole moved towards you and is disappeared. It takes about 2 seconds
  • You must stay at close range during the process, or the suction effect disappears
  • Unlocks: Lock & load!

Lock & load!

  • Use the Sucker-5000-B to capture 30 enemies in Zones 2 or 3 (Event Horizon, The Black Hole)
  • The Sucker-5000-B is an Active Relic dropped by the NPC at the beginning of the quest
  • When you activate the Sucker-5000-B, a a black hole arises south of you
  • The black hole stays open for 10 seconds as it moves south
  • Any enemy that comes into contact with the black hole will be captured and killed
  • Unlocks: Clear the area!

Clear the area!

  • Kill enemies in Zones 4 or 5 (Parallel Dimension, Subconcious Mind)
  • The list of enemies is the following:
    • 10 Ghost skeleton (Zone 4, 5)
    • 10 Ghost archer (Zone 4, 5)
    • 10 Armored knight (Zone 4, 5)
    • 10 Headless butler (Zone 5)
  • Unlocks: Master of Destruction

Utility Stats

  • Max Health increases your maximum health.
  • Max Mana increases your maximum mana.
  • Health Per Second increases how much life you regenerate. Reduced by 25% in combat.
  • Mana Per Secondincreases how much mana you regenerate. Reduced by 25% in combat.
  • Life Per Hit increases how much life you regenerate per attack. Has a 0.25 sec cooldown.
  • Mana Per Hit increases how much mana you regenerate per attack. Has a 0.25 sec cooldown.
  • Cooldown Reduction (CDR) reduces the cooldown time for your abilities.
  • Health After Kill increases how much health you regenerate after killing an enemy.
  • Mana After Kill increases how much mana you regenerate after killing an enemy.
  • Exp Gain increases your experience gain from all sources.
  • Magic Find increases your chances of finding higher tier items. Does not affect Rune, Gem or Token drops.

Act 3

Name Looks Appears in Special Attacks
Ethereal Archer 3-1 Mos’Arathim Village
Ethereal Warrior 3-1 Mos’Arathim Village
Shadow Anomalies 3-1 Mos’Arathim Village

3-4 Pyramid Level 1

Maggot 3-2 Dry Hills

3-3 Mos’Arathim Desert

Poison Spit: Spits out a puddle of poison, slowing and damaging Players that walk over them.

Split: Splits up into smaller Maggots on death.

Desert Beast 3-2 Dry Hills

3-3 Mos’Arathim Desert

Bee 3-2 Dry Hills

3-3 Mos’Arathim Desert

Dry Skeleton Warrior 3-2 Dry Hills

Forgotten City

Anubis Tomb

Sand Devourer 3-3 Mos’Arathim Desert
Mummy 3-4 Pyramid Level 1

3-5 Pyramid Level 2

Forgotten City

Anubis Tomb

Stygian Doll 3-4 Pyramid Level 1

3-5 Pyramid Level 2

Decay: Explodes on Death.

Skeleton Archer

3-4 Pyramid Level 1

Anubis Tomb

Burning Arrows (Passive): Inflicts Burn on hit.
Skeleton 3-4 Pyramid Level 1


3-5 Pyramid Level 2
Skeleton Mage 3-5 Pyramid Level 2
Dry Skeleton Cave 3-3 Mos’Arathim Desert

3-5 Pyramid Level 2

Spawns Dry Skeletons.
Maggot Cave 3-4 Pyramid Level 1 Spawns Maggots
Sarcophagus Summoned by Anubis Spawns Mummies, which have a Lightning chain between them
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