Gta vice city multiplayer & online


Поддержка версий

Табл. 4-16  Продукты и версии, поддерживающие VCMP


Модель продукта

Версия ПО


S12708, S12712

V200R005C00, V200R006C00, V200R007C00, V200R007C20, V200R008C00, V200R009C00, V200R010C00, V200R011C10, V200R012C00


V200R010C00, V200R011C10, V200R012C00


V200R008C00, V200R009C00, V200R010C00, V200R011C10, V200R012C00

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Подробная информация о сопоставлениях программного обеспечения см. Hardware Query Tool.

Характеристики зависимости и ограничения

  • Интерфейсы XGE, подключенные к платам ACU2, ET1D2IPS0S00, ET1D2FW00S00, ET1D2FW00S01 или ET1D2FW00S02, не поддерживают VCMP.

  • Функция VCMP может помочь сетевому администратору синхронизировать информацию VLAN, но она не используется для динамического назначения VLAN. VCMP часто используется с LNP для упрощения пользовательских конфигураций. Для получения подробной информации о LNP см. пункт «LNP» раздела «Конфигурирование VLAN» в Руководстве по конфигурированию — Ethernet-коммутация соответствующей версии продукта.

  • Пакеты VCMP передаются только в VLAN 1. По умолчанию все интерфейсы включены в VLAN 1. Для предотвращения образования петель вместе с VCMP нужно реализовать протокол предотвращения образования петель, например, STP.

  • По умолчанию коммутатор является клиентом VCMP.

  • VCMP синхронизирует только идентификатор VLAN в текущей версии.

  • Один коммутатор может присоединиться только к одному домену VCMP, и только один VCMP-сервер существует в домене VCMP.

  • Если установлен пароль аутентификации домена VCMP, убедитесь, что сервер VCMP и клиенты используют один и тот же пароль аутентификации домена VCMP.

  • Если сети VLAN, созданные или удаленные с сервера VCMP, являются управляющими VLAN Ethernet-коммутатора защиты кольцевой сети (ERPS), протокола защитного переключения в кольцевых сетях (RRPP), протокола интеллектуального Ethernet (SEP), Smart link или зарезервированных VLAN стека, клиент VCMP не создает и не удаляет сети VLAN.

  • Если включен общий протокол регистрации VLAN (GVRP) VCMP может выполнять роль только «прозрачного» или «тихого» коммутатора. Если роль VCMP установлена для клиента или сервера, не используйте GVRP.

  • Невозможно сконфигурировать субинтерфейсы терминирования на клиенте VCMP. Подробная информация о том, как настроить субинтерфейс терминирования, см. в разделе «Конфигурирование субинтерфейса» в «Конфигурирование логического интерфейса» в Руководстве по конфигурированию — Управление интерфейсомсоответствующей версии продукта.

  • На клиенте VCMP нельзя настроить функцию коммутатора VLAN. Перед тем, как поменять VCMP-сервер, на котором сконфигурирована функция коммутатора VLAN, на клиент VCMP, удалите конфигурацию коммутатора VLAN.

  • После удаления VLAN на сервере VCMP клиенты VCMP удаляют VLAN, но не удаляют конфигурации в VLAN. Также генерируется команда vlan vlan-idconfiguration в конфигурационном файле, и настройки удаленной VLAN, заданные командой vlan-id, перемеходят в режим конфигурации VLAN.
  • Когда устройство, используемое в качестве клиента VCMP, которое подключается к серверу VCMP, перезапускается, вступает в силу конфигурация VLAN, выполненная до перезапуска. Чтобы сохраненная конфигурация VLAN вступила в силу, воспользуйтесь одним из следующих методов для удаления файла vlan.dat, затем выполните перезапуск устройства:
    • Выполните команду vcmp role { server | silent | transparent } для изменения роли устройства на non-client.
    • Выполните команду startup saved-configuration configuration-file, чтобы создать новый конфигурационный файл. Убедитесь, что имя нового конфигурационного файла отличается от имени текущего конфигурационного файла.
    • Выполните команду reset saved-configuration для очистки сохраненного конфигурационного файла. Эта команда сбрасывает всю конфигурационную информацию.


    Если в отчете о выполнении команды Server ID in the display vcmp status содержится информация (т.е. он не пустй), это означает, что устройство-клиент VCMP подключено к серверу VCMP.

vcmp device-id


The vcmp device-id command sets the device ID of the VCMP server.

The undo vcmp device-id command deletes the device ID of the VCMP server.

By default, no device ID is set for the VCMP server.


Parameter Description Value

Specifies a device ID.

The value is a string of 1 to 31 case-sensitive characters without spaces.When double quotation marks are used around the string, spaces are allowed in the string.

Usage Guidelines

Usage Scenario

A device ID identifies the VCMP server so that other roles in a VCMP domain can identify the VCMP server.


The device ID can be set only for the VCMP server.

vcmp disable


The vcmp disable command disables VCMP
on an interface.

The undo vcmp disable command
enables VCMP on an interface.

By default, VCMP is enabled on
all interfaces of a switch.


GE interface
view, XGE interface view, 40GE interface view, 100GE interface view, Eth-Trunk
interface view, port group view

Usage Guidelines

Usage Scenario

By default, VCMP is enabled on all interfaces of a switch.
If an edge switch in a VCMP domain requires VCMP management but its
peer end does not require VCMP management, run the vcmp disable command on the edge switch Layer 2 interface connected to the peer
end to disable VCMP. The peer end then does not receive VCMP packets.


The interface connected
to the peer end has been configured as a Layer 2 interface using the command.


# Disable VCMP on GE1/0/1.

<HUAWEI> system-view
 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
[HUAWEI-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] vcmp disable

VCMP Implementation

VLAN Synchronization When the VCMP Server Configuration Changes

When the VCMP server configuration changes, for example, creating and deleting VLANs, changing the VLAN name, VLAN description, VCMP domain name, or device ID, or restarting the VCMP server, the VCMP server sends a Summary-Advert packet and a Subset-Advert packet to instruct VCMP clients in the local VCMP domain to synchronize VLAN information.

VLAN Information Synchronization When a VCMP Client Is Added

To ensure VLAN information synchronization between the VCMP server and clients, the VCMP server sends a Summary-Advert packet every 5 minutes to notify switches in the local VCMP domain of the domain name, device ID, and configuration revision number. The VCMP server also sends a Subset-Advert packet to notify switches of the VLAN names and descriptions that change. When a VCMP client is added or a VCMP client restarts, the VCMP client sends an Advert-Request packet to the VCMP server to request VLAN information on the VCMP server.

Multi-Server Trap

Only one VCMP server exists in a VCMP domain. To prevent attacks of bogus VCMP servers, the VCMP server matches the VCMP domain name, device ID, and source MAC address in the received Summary-Advert packets with local ones. If the VCMP domain name and device ID match local ones but the source MAC address in the packet is different from the system MAC address, the VCMP server sends a trap about the multi-server event to the NMS.

To prevent the VCMP server from being affected by too many traps, the VCMP server sends traps to the NMS once every 30 minutes.

VCMP Authentication

When an unauthorized switch joins a VCMP domain, VLAN information on the switch may be synchronized in the VCMP domain, affecting network stability. To prevent unauthorized switches from joining a VCMP domain and enhance VCMP domain security, configure a VCMP domain authentication password on the VCMP server and clients.

If the VCMP domain authentication password is configured on the VCMP server or a VCMP client, the VCMP server or VCMP client uses the password character string (empty character string is used by default) as the key and performs SHA-256 for the VCMP domain name and device ID to obtain a digest. The digest is sent in a Summary-Advert, a Subset-Advert, or an Advert-Request packet. When each VCMP client in the VCMP domain receives a Summary-Advert packet or a Subset-Advert packet from the VCMP server, the VCMP client uses the locally configured password to perform SHA-256 for the VCMP domain name, device ID, and configuration revision number, and compares the calculated digest with the digest in the Summary-Advert or Subset-Advert packet. If the calculated digest matches the digest in the Summary-Advert or Subset-Advert packet, the Summary-Advert or Subset-Advert packet passes authentication and further VCMP processing is performed. Otherwise, the Summary-Advert or Subset-Advert packet is discarded. When the VCMP server receives an Advert-Request packet from a VCMP client, authentication and processing are similar.

If no domain authentication password is set, VCMP packets pass without authentication.

VLAN Information Synchronization When a VCMP Client Is Added

To ensure VLAN information synchronization between
the VCMP server and clients, the VCMP server sends a Summary-Advert
packet every 5 minutes to notify switches in the local VCMP domain
of the domain name, device ID, and configuration revision number.
The VCMP server also sends a Subset-Advert packet to notify switches
of the VLAN names and descriptions that change. When a VCMP client
is added or a VCMP client restarts, the VCMP client sends an Advert-Request
packet to the VCMP server to request VLAN information on the VCMP
server. The following describes how the VCMP client synchronizes VLAN
information. Assume that the VCMP server uses the default VLAN name
and description. That is, no Subset-Advert packet needs to be sent.

In :

  • SwitchA: VCMP server
  • SwitchB: VCMP transparent switch
  • SwitchC and SwitchE: VCMP silent switches
  • SwitchD: VCMP client
  • SwitchF: new VCMP client

Figure 13-3 VLAN synchronization when a VCMP client is added

After SwitchF is
configured with VCMP and specified as a VCMP client, SwitchF becomes
the new VCMP client.

  1. SwitchF sends an Advert-Request packet to SwitchD to request
    VLAN information on SwitchA.

  2. SwitchD forwards the Advert-Request packet to SwitchB.

  3. SwitchB forwards the Advert-Request packet to its neighbors.

  4. In the following situations:

    • When the VCMP server receives an Advert-Request packet:

      • The VCMP server performs for the Advert-Request packet according to the configured authentication
        password, and VCMP domain name, device ID, and configuration revision
        number in the Advert-Request packet. After the Advert-Request packet
        is authenticated, the VCMP server proceeds to the next step.
      • If the VCMP domain name or device ID in the Advert-Request packet
        is not empty but is different from the VCMP domain name or device
        ID on the VCMP server, the VCMP server discards the Advert-Request
        packet. Otherwise, the VCMP server replies with a Summary-Advert packet
        carrying its VLAN information.
    • The VCMP silent switch directly discards the received Advert-Request
  5. After SwitchD, SwitchB, SwitchC and SwitchE, and SwitchF receive
    the Summary-Advert packet from SwitchA, the Summary-Advert packet
    is processed according to . SwitchD
    compares the locally configured VCMP domain name, device ID, and configuration
    revision number with those in the Summary-Advert packet. If they are
    the same, SwitchD directly forwards the packet. SwitchF synchronizes
    VLAN information on SwitchA. If the VCMP domain is not configured
    on the SwitchF, SwitchF learns the VCMP domain name and device ID
    on SwitchA.

Главный герой

Главным героем является, в общем-то, неплохой парень по имени Томми Верчетти. Ему предстоит пройти долгий путь от обычного вышибалы в захудалой кафешке до влиятельного в криминальных кругах человека. Путь этот будет очень тернистый и небезопасный, тем более что в первой же крупной сделке он потеряет все, что имел на тот момент. Но теперь надо выходить из этого положения и выживать во что бы то ни стало. Порою нашему персонажу кажется, что весь город восстал против него и пытается его уничтожить. Выход только один – стать одним и них, то есть криминальным авторитетом, и подмять постепенно под себя весь город. Чтобы узнать, способны вы на это или нет, стоит скачать GTA: Vice City через торрент.

display snmp-agent trap feature-name vcmp all

Usage Guidelines

Usage Scenario

After the trap function of
a specified feature is enabled, you can run the display snmp-agent
trap feature-name vcmp all
command to check the status of
all traps of VCMP. You can use the command to enable the
trap function of VCMP.


SNMP has been
enabled. See .


# Display all trap functions of the VCMP module.

<HUAWEI>display snmp-agent trap feature-name vcmp all
Feature name: VCMP
Trap number : 2
Trap name                       Default switch status   Current switch status
hwVcmpServerMacConflict         on                      on
hwVcmpRevisionConflict          on                      on

Table 5-74  Description of the display snmp-agent trap feature-name
vcmp all
command output



Feature name

Name of the module to which a trap message belongs.

Trap number

Number of trap messages.

Trap name

Name of a trap message of the VCMP module:

  • hwVcmpRevisionConflict: A Huawei proprietary trap when the server
    in a VCMP domain receives a VCMP packet with a higher revision number.
  • hwVcmpServerMacConflict: A Huawei proprietary
    trap when multiple servers coexist in the same VCMP domain.

Default switch status

Status of the default trap function:

  • on: The trap function is enabled.
  • off: The trap function is disabled.

Current switch status

Status of the current trap function:

  • on: The trap function is enabled.
  • off: The trap function is disabled.

To specify the parameter, run the command.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Download Gta Vice City Multiplayer With Modification {Part 1}

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Download Gta Vice City Multiplayer With Modification {Part 2}

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Vice CityGetting started: * Download * Install to your Vice City directory * Run "vc-mp.exe" (in your Vice City directory) * Enter nickname, IP and port and click Launch Game Servers can be found in the next post * Play.

Download Gta Vice City Multiplayer With Modification {Part 3} Server List (Updated)

Here we go welcome to this post and to gta vice city multiplayer fresh server list :)This server list will be update periodically with every new server add :after you see this video here are some tips:

VCMP Implementation

VLAN Synchronization When the VCMP Server Configuration Changes

When the VCMP server configuration changes, for example, creating and deleting VLANs, changing the VLAN name, VLAN description, VCMP domain name, or device ID, or restarting the VCMP server, the VCMP server sends a Summary-Advert packet and a Subset-Advert packet to instruct VCMP clients in the local VCMP domain to synchronize VLAN information.

VLAN Information Synchronization When a VCMP Client Is Added

To ensure VLAN information synchronization between the VCMP server and clients, the VCMP server sends a Summary-Advert packet every 5 minutes to notify switches in the local VCMP domain of the domain name, device ID, and configuration revision number. The VCMP server also sends a Subset-Advert packet to notify switches of the VLAN names and descriptions that change. When a VCMP client is added or a VCMP client restarts, the VCMP client sends an Advert-Request packet to the VCMP server to request VLAN information on the VCMP server.

Multi-Server Trap

Only one VCMP server exists in a VCMP domain. To prevent attacks of bogus VCMP servers, the VCMP server matches the VCMP domain name, device ID, and source MAC address in the received Summary-Advert packets with local ones. If the VCMP domain name and device ID match local ones but the source MAC address in the packet is different from the system MAC address, the VCMP server sends a trap about the multi-server event to the NMS.

To prevent the VCMP server from being affected by too many traps, the VCMP server sends traps to the NMS once every 30 minutes.

VCMP Authentication

When an unauthorized switch joins a VCMP domain, VLAN information on the switch may be synchronized in the VCMP domain, affecting network stability. To prevent unauthorized switches from joining a VCMP domain and enhance VCMP domain security, configure a VCMP domain authentication password on the VCMP server and clients.

If the VCMP domain authentication password is configured on the VCMP server or a VCMP client, the VCMP server or VCMP client uses the password character string (empty character string is used by default) as the key and performs SHA-256 for the VCMP domain name and device ID to obtain a digest. The digest is sent in a Summary-Advert, a Subset-Advert, or an Advert-Request packet. When each VCMP client in the VCMP domain receives a Summary-Advert packet or a Subset-Advert packet from the VCMP server, the VCMP client uses the locally configured password to perform SHA-256 for the VCMP domain name, device ID, and configuration revision number, and compares the calculated digest with the digest in the Summary-Advert or Subset-Advert packet. If the calculated digest matches the digest in the Summary-Advert or Subset-Advert packet, the Summary-Advert or Subset-Advert packet passes authentication and further VCMP processing is performed. Otherwise, the Summary-Advert or Subset-Advert packet is discarded. When the VCMP server receives an Advert-Request packet from a VCMP client, authentication and processing are similar.

If no domain authentication password is set, VCMP packets pass without authentication.

vcmp domain


The vcmp domain command configures a VCMP domain.

The undo vcmp domain command deletes a VCMP domain.

By default, no VCMP domain is created.


Parameter Description Value

Specifies the name of a VCMP domain.

The value is a string of 1 to 31 case-sensitive characters without spaces.When double quotation marks are used around the string, spaces are allowed in the string.

Usage Guidelines

Usage Scenario

VLANs created and
deleted on the VCMP server are synchronized to VCMP clients in the
local VCMP domain by sending VCMP packets.

A VCMP domain specifies the scope for managed switches. All VCMP clients are managed by the VCMP server. You can run the vcmp domain command to
configure a VCMP domain.


All switches in a VCMP domain must use the same domain name either through manual configuration or automatic learning. If the domain name is not set on a VCMP client, the VCMP client learns the
domain name in the first received VCMP packet.

Each switch can be added to only one VCMP domain. Switches in different VCMP domains cannot synchronize VLAN information.

VCMP Authentication

When an unauthorized switch joins a VCMP domain, VLAN information
on the switch may be synchronized in the VCMP domain, affecting network
stability. To prevent unauthorized switches from joining a VCMP domain
and enhance VCMP domain security, configure a VCMP domain authentication
password on the VCMP server and clients.

If the VCMP domain
authentication password is configured on the VCMP server or a VCMP
client, the VCMP server or VCMP client uses the password character
string (empty character string is used by default) as the key and
performs SHA-256 for the VCMP domain name, and device ID to obtain
a digest. The digest is sent in the Summary-Advert, Subset-Advert,
or Advert-Request packet. When each VCMP client in the VCMP domain
receives a Summary-Advert packet or a Subset-Advert packet from the
VCMP server, the VCMP client uses the locally configured password
to perform SHA-256 for the VCMP domain name, device ID, and configuration
revision number, and compares the calculated digest with the digest
in the Summary-Advert or Subset-Advert packet. If the calculated digest
matches the digest in the Summary-Advert or Subset-Advert packet,
the Summary-Advert or Subset-Advert packet passes authentication and
further VCMP processing is performed. Otherwise, the Summary-Advert
or Subset-Advert packet is discarded. When the VCMP server receives
an Advert-Request packet from a VCMP client, authentication and processing
are similar.

If no domain authentication password is set, VCMP
packets pass without authentication.

  • In a VCMP domain, the VCMP domain authentication password on the
    VCMP server and clients must be the same.
  • To ensure device security, change the password periodically.

display vcmp counters

Usage Guidelines

If VCMP configured on a switch does not take effect, run
the display vcmp counters command to view
statistics on VCMP packets. The statistics helps you determine whether
data on the switch is incorrect and locate faults.


# Display statistics on VCMP packets.

<HUAWEI> display vcmp counters
VCMP statistics:
Received summary packets                        : 0
Received request packets                        : 0
Sent summary packets                            : 0
Sent request packets                            : 0
Received packets with ethheader error           : 0
Received packets with version error             : 0
Received packets with type error                : 0
Received packets with digest error              : 0
Received packets with domain error              : 0
Received packets with deviceid error            : 0
Failed to receive packets for bad vcmp state    : 0
Failed to send packets for bad vcmp state       : 0
Failed to receive packets for bad vlan          : 0
Failed to send packets for bad vlan             : 0
Failed to receive packets for bad link state    : 0
Failed to send packets for bad link state       : 0
Failed to receive packets for bad link type     : 0
Failed to send packets for bad link type        : 0
Failed to receive packets for bad forward state : 0
Failed to send packets for bad forward state    : 0

Table 5-75  Description of the display vcmp counters command output



VCMP statistics

Statistics on VCMP packets.

Received summary packets

Number of received VCMP Summary-Advert packets.

Received request packets

Number of received VCMP Advert-Request packets.

Sent summary packets

Number of sent VCMP Summary-Advert packets.

Sent request packets

Number of sent VCMP Advert-Request packets.

Received packets with ethheader error

Number of received VCMP packets with an incorrect Ethernet

Received packets with version error

Number of received VCMP packets with an incorrect protocol

Received packets with type error

Number of received VCMP packets of an incorrect type.

Received packets with digest error

Number of received VCMP packets with an incorrect digest.

Received packets with domain error

Number of received VCMP packets with an incorrect VCMP domain

Received packets with deviceid error

Number of received VCMP packets with an incorrect device

Failed to receive packets for bad vcmp state

Number of packets that failed to be received due to incorrect
VCMP status.

Failed to send packets for bad vcmp state

Number of packets that failed to be sent due to incorrect
VCMP status.

Failed to receive packets for bad vlan

Number of packets that failed to be received due to incorrect
VLAN information.

Failed to send packets for bad vlan

Number of packets that failed to be sent due to incorrect
VLAN information.

Failed to receive packets for bad link state

Number of packets that failed to be received due to incorrect
link status.

Failed to send packets for bad link state

Number of packets that failed to be sent due to incorrect
link status.

Failed to receive packets for bad link type

Number of packets that failed to be received due to an incorrect
link type.

Failed to send packets for bad link type

Number of packets that failed to be sent due to an incorrect
link type.

Failed to receive packets for bad forward state

Number of packets that failed to be received due to incorrect
forwarding status of the Layer Ethernet interface.

Failed to send packets for bad forward state

Number of packets that failed to be sent due to incorrect
forwarding status of the Layer Ethernet interface.

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