Portal gun/переносное устройство создания порталов


  • The Portal Gun is a direct reference to the 2007 puzzle-platform video game Portal. In Portal, the gun is the primary game mechanic, shooting portals that allow the player to travel great distances in a short amount of time. Additionally, the Portal Gun shoots orange and blue portals, the same colors as in the original game. Unlike in Terraria, the portals cannot be placed on every surface even if there is enough space for the portal. (However, with the introduction of Anti-Portal Blocks in 1.4, there is a type of surface that disallows portals in Terraria as well.)
    • The Portal Gun being dropped by the Moon Lord is a reference to the ending of Portal 2, Portal’s 2011 successor, where the player must shoot a portal into the moon in order to defeat the antagonist of the game.
    • The maximum speed a player can obtain through the use of the Portal Gun is the same maximum speed as in Portal.
  • Despite being dropped by Moon Lord, it still only has a rarity of .
  • This is one of the only items in the game, if not the only one, to not posses any description or flavor text at all.


There are a number of variants of the Portal Gun. Each needs to be crafted using the basic Portal Gun.

Any Portal Gun variant may be found in Dungeon chests.

Atlas’ Portal Gunedit

Atlas’ Portal Gun fires a light blue and a purple aperture. These two apertures are shared by all Atlas’ Portal Guns in the game.

You can craft it on:

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P-Body’s Portal Gunedit

P-Body’s Portal Gun fires a yellow and a red aperture. These two apertures are shared by all P-Body’s Portal Guns in the game.

You can craft it on:

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Bacon Gunedit

A Bacon Gun’s apertures are unique to that Bacon Gun, and cannot be altered by using any other Portal Gun (even another Bacon Gun). This makes it very useful for multiplayer.

The Bacon Gun’s aperture colors can be customised by editing the Portal Gun mod’s settings file.

You can craft it on:

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Potato Gunedit

A Potato Gun fires a mauve and a light green aperture. A Potato gun’s apertures are unique to that Potato Gun, and cannot be altered by using any other Portal Gun (even another Potato Gun)

The Potato Gun’s aperture colors can be customised by editing the Portal Gun mod’s settings file.

You can craft it on:

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Single Colored Portal Gunedit

The Single Colored Portal Gun can only fire one aperture rather than two. It is produced by smelting a default Portal Gun in any furnace; the color aperture it will fire is the color of the Portal Gun when it was smelted.

You can craft it on:

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Two Single Colored Portal Guns of different colors can be crafted together to create a default Portal Gun (which fires both apertures).

You can craft it on:

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  • The increased fall speed can be converted into horizontal movement speed by placing the «outlet» portal on a horizontal surface. Falling into a portal at 179 mph results in the extraordinarily high horizontal movement speed of 179 mph (this maneuver is know as ‘flinging’ in Portal). This can be utilized by equipping high-tier wings

    It is possible to apply this conversion of vertical to horizontal velocity to the ridiculous speeds gotten with the Inner Tube. With an ideal set up (that being a water chute with two portals inside at the top, stacked right on top of one another, and entering the water chute at the maximum possible distance without destroying the portals then aligning to the side the portals are on), the player can reach horizontal speeds of at least 514 mph, and with accessories such as the Celestial Starboard and Soaring Insignia, they can maintain the speed and navigate around obstacles (to a degree). However, since the Portal Gun is acquired post-Moon Lord and the setup does take some effort, it is likely to be more of a novelty if a player has other methods of fast travel such as Pylons, which they are likely to have by that point in the game.

    and placing the «outlet» portal in a high, open area.

  • The increased fall speed can also be used to fall through hellevators faster.
  • With enough training, players can entirely avoid an enemy’s or boss’s attack using the Portal Gun, then immediately return to that enemy/boss to continue fighting.
  • Grappling on a portal can launch a player depending on the direction of the portal, similar to how doors behave when grappled.

The introduction of Portal Gun in Minecraft

Making a bit of history, Portal is a game created in 2007 by Valve Corporation, it is a logic game in which several puzzles are solved through the mechanism of teleportation of objects using a device that builds portals that lead to the protagonist of a place another magically.

Minecraft in turn from its origins has invented the way to stay up to date, taking from each previously created game the conditions or elements that would enjoy popularity among the players.

Minecraft through its Minecraft launcher pc executable, you can go from the first to the third person that makes the user without design space imports that test the central character because he is not identified with it, it is only challenging him to reach the goal within of his imaginative creation.

How the Portal Gun Mod Works in Minecraft

The name of the Portal Gun mod refers specifically to the use of a “portal weapon” that places anywhere in the created environments a door that leads to any distant place. The portals can have different colors according to the taste of the designer, to create them just press the left button and the right mouse button at the same time.

To move the blocks through the portals, they are grabbed by pressing the “G” and they are released again by pressing the “G” again, it is important that when moving the objects the player first traverses the portal before the element that is moving.

When the Portal Gun mod is not installed, Minecraft offers other options for teleporting, depending on whether you are using a console, a mobile device, or a computer. Any of these procedures include stopping the game and executing a series of commands that prevent the user’s natural development across the different worlds, so I recommend installing the Portal Gun mod to make it easier to move the character.

Minecraft Portal Gun Features

  • – Requires pre-installation of Minecraft forge mods.
  • – Can not be applied in transparent blocks.
  • – Does not include portal cameras.
  • – When two or more portals are activated, it is possible to observe through each one the vision of the other.
  • – If two portals are fired. One on the ground and one on the moon, all blocks located nearby will be absorbed and moved.
  • – Unlike the Minecraft deco craft mod. Which gives the builder the opportunity to add decorative elements without any functionality. Such as clocks, lamps, beds, tables or dishes, among others, Portal Gun brings the teleportation doors as a non-decorative and utilitarian element.
  • – Can only be used when the game is being developed in the third person.
  • – The portal must be configured with all the details before starting its use since it can not be modified later.


 Desktop version

Desktop 1.3.3: Fixed secondary fire conflicting with Grappling Hooks on Gamepad.

Desktop Portal Gun bolt speed quadrupled to prevent the player traveling faster than the bolt.

  • Desktop

    • Fixed Portal Gun right-click working in Camera Mode.
    • Teleportation should no longer black out the screen if the end point is located on the same screen area.
    • In accordance with the numerous fixes to teleportation and velocity, Portal Gun maximum falling speed has been tripled.

Desktop Introduced.

 Console version

Console 1.0.933.1: Introduced. ()

Console 1.0.750.0: Introduced. ()

 Switch version

Switch 1.0.711.6: Introduced.

 Mobile version

Mobile Introduced.


  • Portals can face up or down, left or right, or diagonal in any direction, and need to have at least three blocks straight in any direction to be applied.
  • Despite being a tool, the Portal Gun cannot be placed on a Weapon Rack.
  • In multiplayer, all players will have different portal colors so players can differentiate between their portals.
  • The Portal Gun alone does not block fall damage, but traveling through a portal will reset fall damage taken.
  • All hooks are released upon teleporting.
  • Teleporting quickly shifts the viewpoint instead of instantly setting it to the destination point if the two portals are within viewable distance of each other.
  • Portals are closed/despawned if the player gets around 1600 feet (800 blocks) away from them, dies, or leaves the world.
  • A mounted

    This trait is shared with derailed players in Minecarts.

    player cannot travel through a portal.

  • The increased fall speed does not work while riding a mount.
  • The effects of touching a block will occur before the player enters a portal. A portal placed on damaging blocks will harm the player, and one placed on Pink Slime Blocks will cause a player to bounce, slowing their fall speed.
  • A portal cannot share a tile with another one, hence shooting a portal at a location which overlaps an existing portal will remove that existing portal in favor of the new one.
  • Actuating or breaking any tile of the surface a portal is placed on removes the portal.
  • Portals can be placed on blocks created by the Ice Rod. They are removed as soon as the supporting blocks shatter.
  • It is possible for the player to have two upward-facing portals be placed and stand on one portal to be teleported instantly back and forth between the two portals.
  • A portal can be placed in a liquid, but will not cause that liquid to flow through that portal, even if it’s linked to another one.
  • Portals cannot be created while the player has the Creative Shock debuff inflicted by an active Old One’s Army event. They can, however, be placed before the event is triggered.
  • In Expert mode, the will not drop a Portal Gun if the player opening it already has one in their inventory.
  • Portals cannot be placed on Anti-Portal Blocks.


The Portal Gun item works in the same way as it does in the Portal game series. Left-click and right-click will produce a portal of the corresponding color, and pressing R will close all portals. The basic Portal Gun fires a blue and an orange portal.
A portal is 2 blocks tall by 1 block wide. It can be placed on any non-transparent surface so long as there is space for it. The outline of the portal can be seen through blocks when the portal gun is held in-hand.

All same-type Portal Guns share the same two portals. One Portal Gun can change the position of a portal fired by another Portal Gun.

A screenshot showing two moved spawners and the birthday cake

The Portal Gun can pick up any solid block or mob by pointing at it and pressing G. The thing being picked up becomes an entity. Pressing G again will place the thing down. This includes spawners, beehives, and rubber tree (including the sap hole); blocks which otherwise cannot be moved. This does not include most machines, warded glass, and non-solid blocks such as torches and flowers.

Entities can move freely through portals, including entities being picked up by the Portal Gun.

The Portal Gun can be fired at the moon. If so, the other end of the portal will suck in all blocks, entities, mobs and players within an 8-block sphere centered on the portal. Anything sucked through is destroyed and/or killed. However, flowers do not seem to be affected by this unless the block they are planted on is sucked in.

On the day after your date of birth (as you indicated when you registered your minecraft account), a cake with a torch (candle) on it will appear in front of all portals, however they are only graphically there, they cannot be interacted with, and you move right through them.

When holding a portal gun and pressing the middle mouse button, it will zoom in. This works with all portal guns.

Rarely, a Portal Gun may be found in Dungeon chests.

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