Mod skin lol pro download (latest official version)

Download Mod Skin LOL Pro 2021

Version Mod Skin LOL Pro 11.23.1
Size 2.27 MB
Requirement Windows 7 +
Last Updated 19 Nov 2021

How to Use and Download Mod Skin Pro

  1. Downloading the software from the download button above.
  2. Go to League of Legends. Open the Mod Skin Lol Pro Program.
  3. Choose champion skin including Champion name.
  4. Click on the blue button to activate. Now you can play with a new look for your champion.

Every champion in LOL wears a skin. These skins can be bought in the LOL official client site depending on your country. And it’ll cost you a lot of money. But on this site, we are going to provide a download link where you can get the LoL Pro Mod Skin for free.

Note: The mod skin can be applied prior to opening the LoL client or while running. Just don’t apply it while you are queued for a match otherwise it will not work. Try re-installing the entire MOD skin LoLPRO 2021 fixes these incompatibility issues.

What is League of Legends or LOL?

League of Legends (LOL) is from Riot Games. It is another Mini Militia for PC. It runs on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. The concept of LOL is that a summoner controls a champion with its abilities. It will then battle against computer champions or a team of other online players.

The main goal is to destroy the base of the opposing team or the Nexus which has defensive structures for protection. The players of LOL start weak. And to become strong they need to acquire items and experiences while playing the game.

The Risk of Using Mod Skin LOL Pro

  • Disclaimer: We have shared this mod skin for educational purposes only. We will not be responsible for any loss that may happen on your account.
  • There are no reports of banned accounts while using Mod Skin LOL Pro. To be clear, it does not have the capability to change the entire game.
  • Mod Skin only provides players with an option to change the look of their characters. However, risks are unavoidable and it usually happens when there’s an update to the game client.
  • When using mod skin, there are cases that you need to reinstall the LoL upon updating the client. Some have claimed that their accounts are banned but it is still not proven.


How do I download Mod Skin LoL?

To download the Mod Skin, go to ; click on the download button. Doing this automatically downloads the file into your default download folder.

How do I use Mod Skin LoL?

Go to League of Legends and then open the Mod Skin Lol Pro Program. Then choose the champion skin including the champion name. Finally, click on the blue button to activate. Now, you can play with a new look for your champion.


You see, Avatar is an icon or figure that represents a person in video games and you can start a match with a badass skin and also enjoy new hero skin and entire skin throughout the game. 

Here’s how you can download the Mod Skin LOL Pro or LoL skin to customize the champion you have chosen to play on. Using the badass MOD Skin, you will be able to achieve a higher winning rate. Thus, playing LoL will be a great experience. 

If you have questions and concerns with the procedure we provided above, please do not hesitate to leave them below, inside the comment box. Do you have questions about how to activate Skin, third-party tools, Skin download, skin offers, external tools, game overview, cosmetic modification tools?

We’ll be glad to help you with whatever we can.

DJ Sona

Sona, Maven of The Strings

Remember that good old song “Last night a DJ saved my life”? If you see this one then you’re damn right!

->With turntables, DJ mixer, and powerful speakers, this skin offers:

  • Powerful DJ effects, like getting hyped for the crowd and she’s doing better than David Guetta!
  • Dropping the beat in mid-game and switching colors of herself and her turntable!
  • Seen her music waves kicking off behind her back.

DJ Sona is available in the client’s store for the price of 3250 RP. It’s one of the few Ultimate skins.

DJ Sona skin’s spotlight URL:


Disruption is the second wave that brings to us one of the most beautiful skin – Project: Ashe. I really like the direction, that was chosen by the Riots, and I hope to see more wonderful Project lol skins in future.

Second Generation of Champions who survived these enhancements – Project Disruption:

  • PROJECT: Ashe
  • PROJECT: Ekko
  • PROJECT: Katarina

Release date of project disruption set of skins: 2 august 2016


In the second generation, first skin in a series is again obtained Legendary status. This time Ashe received the PROJECT: Ashe Legendary skin.

Behind these synthetical enhancements is hiding our beloved Ashe. Her full body was greatly upgraded with the most advanced technologies, and even her left eye was replaced with an artificial eye or a portable scope. Her hairstyle is now different, but we can still be able to see her human nature. Unlike the first generation of PROJECT skins, particle effects and the whole color scheme do not adhere to the red or orange tones. Someone may miss her ice nature, but to compensate it devs decided that PROJECT: Ashe will have a blue color scheme and blue (not digital blue, thank God) particle effects that were applied to all her abilities and attacks.

PROJECT: Ashe is a legendary skin and to match the new status she received whole new animations: abilities, auto attacks, critical hits, emotes, respawn, recall. And do not forget about brand-new sound effects and voice over. Project Ashe is trying to combine cyberpunk and Archer identities into a single whole. So if you like the concept and do not have questions, like “why do somebody would use a bow in the future?”, then just buy it. Especially, taking into the account the fact that Project: Ashe is the Legendary skin from the Project Disruption line.

You can buy PROJECT: Ashe skin for 1820 RP in the LoL in-game store.


Cybernetic suit and glowing futuristic sword are looking great in the contrast of the vintage feel of the classic version. Whole Ekko’s model was remade, but the dark tones of the lower body dilute the details into a gray mass. But the upper body with the augmented or artificial light-colored arms and a light green collar is much more attractive. 

PROJECT: Ekko receive green particle effects to all his actions, and these effects look especially great with Timewinder and Chronobreak abilities. The new SFX, the soft, artificial sounds, complement the abilities’ visuals in the best way. Project: Ekko is an excellent skin that fit into the Ekko’s acrobatics personality. The only thing that surprises me – how this happy guy has survived in the Dystopian world and has not changed in any way. It seems to me that there is not enough dejection or seriousness in this new PROJECT skin for Ekko. 

You can buy PROJECT: Ekko skin for 1350 RP in the LoL in-game store.


This character does not cause me such questions as our last guest. I perfectly understand how Katarina could survive in the Dystopian world and why she decided to join the PROJECT. The augmentation naturally looks on the assassin and her armored body and synthetic parts only emphasize her futuristic aspect. But the huge amount of dark spots on her costume blur the details and in the in-game model, you will not see the same beauty that on the splash. Noticeably stand out her white left hand and long hair combed to the left. Visor and new blades perfectly complement the whole image. To be honest, this is the weakest skin in the Project Disruption line.

Well, let’s move on to the new visual and audio effects. Particle effects follow the whole color scheme (red, btw) but the structure of such effects is repeated between several abilities, which make them appear too similar. Sound effects are similar to the classic ones, but still, cause some virtual feel when you cast the abilities. The only new animation that was added is a Recall with a nicely done acrobatics in it. PROJECT: Katarina is an effective cyborg assassin but in my opinion, she had a much bigger potential on this LoL PROJECT skin.

You can buy PROJECT: Katarina skin for 1350 RP in the LoL in-game store.

Регистрация с бонусами League of legends (LoL) (пошаговая инструкция)

Есть два способа погрузиться в мир Лиги Легенд: скачать с официального сайта стандартным способом или установить, перейдя по специальной промо-ссылке, чтобы получать подарки. Всем интересен второй вариант, потому о нем и расскажем.

Переходим на промо-страницу и заполняем форму, указав почту, нажимаем Начать.

Теперь указываем дату рождения и жмем Далее.

Указываем логин и пароль, ставим галочки в пунктах ниже и жмем Далее.

Остается скачать клиент, установить и запустить. И легенда станет явью!

Бонусы и награды

Зарегистрировавшийся по новичок получит следующие плюшки:

  • Ежедневные подарки за вход в игру.
  • Награды за достижение нового уровня призывателя.
  • Бонусы за победу в схватках.
  • Дополнительный опыт за победы.
  • Удвоение полученного опыта.
  • Дается тройка чемпионов в награду, выбрать можно только одного.
  • Руны, эссенция, эмоции, сундуки и осколки ключей.

God-King Garen

Garen, the Might of Demacia

Unlike Darius, this version of God-King’s is on the Light Side, with his lion beside him, fighting for justice!

->With his white gown and long white sword with a crystal on it, the skin offers::

  • Holding his lion in his hands as he pretends to be a puppet master;
  • Fooling his lion with a laser coming out the edge of his sword;
  • Taking the enemy’s soul to the Gods when he slays one with his ultimate;
  • And finally, sitting on his throne while recalling.

God-King Garen is available in the client’s store for the price of 1820 RP.

God-King Garen skin’s spotlight URL:


Friends if you are using a Mac OS to Play League of Legends game and Want to Download Mod Skin LOL For MAC OS. Then this is very sad because lol mod skin currently available only for Windows operating systems.

If mod skin lol available in the future for MAC OS, then we Provide you imminently. Follow Our Social Media to updated with the latest updates.

How to Update MOD SKIN LOL To Latest Version?

Friends, if you want to update mod skin lol to the latest version then, you visit our website from time to time. Because we provide you latest updates of mod skin lol when it is available.


Friends Almost every modded lol skin users, ask me this question on my social media handle. So I give you a definite answer to this!!!

LOL SKIN MOD is not an official feature of the League of legends game. It is developed by third-party modders.

So if you can use it in the right way, then it is safe for you. But if you never use MOD SKIN LOL in the right Way then, it creates a problem for you or never safe for you.

What is the Right Way to use it?

If you don’t know what is the Right Way to use mod skin lol safely, then read and follow given below steps to use it in the right Way without face any problem.

  1. Never cheat with others player
  2. Use MOD Skin Only for Chance Skin of your Champion
  3. Never try different SKIN in one day.

Friends, this is some tips for using MOD SKIN LOL Safely in your Game.

Примечания к патчу 11.21 League of Legends


E – Героический замах

Базовый урон за выстрел: 30/50/70/90/110 ⇒ 30/45/60/75/90.

E – Quickdraw

Дополнительная броня за стек: 6/9/12/15/18 ⇒ 4/7/10/13/16.


Пассивный – волнуйтесь!

Общая скорость атаки: 15% ⇒ 25%.

E – Flame Chompers!

Дальность: 900 ⇒ 925

R – Супер мега ракета смерти!

Перезарядка: 90/75/60 ​​секунд ⇒ 75/65/55 секунд.

E – Дефиле

Восстановление маны: 20/27/34/41/48 ⇒ 15/25/35/45/55.


Базовая статистика

Скорость атаки за уровень: 1% ⇒ 2%.

Пассивный – Освещение

Обновлено – Давайте зажжем: продолжительность светящейся метки увеличена, если базовая атака Люкс уже летит к цели, или если используется R – Final Spark.

E – Ясная сингулярность

Урон: 60/110/160/210/260 (+ 65% AP) ⇒ 70/120/170/220/270 (+ 70% AP).

R – Последняя искра

Перезарядка: 80/60/40 секунд ⇒ 60/50/40 секунд.

Базовая статистика

Мана: 325,84 ⇒ 300.

W – распорка

Стоимость: 30 ⇒ 45.

W – Обострение чувств

Дополнительная скорость атаки: 20/35/50/65/80% ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60%.


W – Печь души

Щит: 60/85/110/135/160 (+ 40% AP) (+ 8/9/10/11/12% максимального здоровья) ⇒ 60/85/110/135/160 (+ 40% AP) (+ 10/11/12/13/14% максимального здоровья)


Q – Ослепляющий дротик

  • Перезарядка: 8 секунд ⇒ 7 секунд.
  • Длительность ослепления: 1,5 / 1,75 / 2,0 / 2,25 / 2,5 секунды ⇒ 2,0 / 2,25 / 2,5 / 2,75 / 3 секунды.
  • Скорость полета: 1500 ⇒ 2500.


Q – Клинок разрушенного короля

Коэффициент AD: 60% ⇒ 70%.

W – Призрачная пасть

Самозамедление во время зарядки: 15% ⇒ 10%.

R – Сердцеед

Коэффициент вероятности критического удара: 75% ⇒ 100%.


Базовая статистика

Скорость передвижения: 325 ⇒ 330.

Q – Двойные кинжалы

Перезарядка: 10/9/8/7/6 секунд ⇒ 10 / 8,5 / 7 / 5,5 / 4 секунды.



  • Удалено – Регенерация здоровья: больше не дает 150% регенерации здоровья.
  • Удалено – Злоба: больше не дает 0-15% (в зависимости от недостающего здоровья) вашего AD в качестве бонуса AD.
  • Новое – Омнивамп: теперь дает 8% Омнивамп.
  • Жаждущий удар: 100% общей AD ⇒ 175% базовой AD.

Непрекращающийся голод (Goredrinker – Ornn Item)

  • Удалено – Регенерация здоровья: больше не дает 250% регенерации здоровья.
  • Удалено – Злоба: больше не дает 0-15% (в зависимости от недостающего здоровья) вашего AD в качестве бонуса AD.
  • Новое – Омнивамп: теперь дает 13% Омнивампа.
  • Жаждущий удар: 100% общей AD ⇒ 175% базовой AD.

Железный кнут

Полумесяц: 75% общей AD ⇒ 100% базовой AD.


  • Урон от атаки: 45 ⇒ 50.
  • Прекращающий удар: 100% общей AD ⇒ 175% базовой AD.

Dreamshatter (Stridebreaker – Орнский предмет)

  • Урон от атаки: 55 ⇒ 60.
  • Прекращающий удар: 100% общей AD ⇒ 175% базовой AD.



  • Адаптивная сила на стек: 2-5 (в зависимости от уровня) ⇒ 2-4 (в зависимости от уровня).
  • Продолжительность усиления: 6 секунд ⇒ 4 секунды.


Щит: 70-150 (в зависимости от уровня) (+ 15% AP Стража) (+ 9% дополнительного здоровья Стража) ⇒ 50-130 (в зависимости от уровня) (+ 15% AP Стража) (+ 9% дополнительного здоровья Стража).

Осколок здоровья

Дополнительное здоровье: 15-90 (в зависимости от уровня) ⇒ 15-140 (в зависимости от уровня).

Гениальный охотник

  • Скорость базового предмета: 10 ⇒ 20.
  • Скорость предмета в стопке: 5 ⇒ 6.
  • Максимальная скорость предмета при полных стеках: 35 ⇒ 50.

Ненасытный охотник

  • Омнивамп на заряд: 1,5% ⇒ 1,2%.
  • Макс Омнивамп при полных стеках: 7,5% ⇒ 6%.

How To Use MOD SKIN LOL 2021

Here you see the step by Step Guide on League of legends game mod skin installation process.

Follow Given below Steps.

  1. First Download Mod Skin form above given link
  2. Now Open Your Game LOL
  3. Now Run LOL MOD SKIN Software that you download from above link
  4. Now select your Champion
  5. Now Select your Champion Skin
  6. Now Click on Activate SKIN Option
  7. After This, You can Start to Play League of Legends Game
  8. In-Game you see your Champion is in fresh skin
  9. All is Done now you can try different skins and enjoy the Game.

You Can Also Watch This practical Video To See How to Use MOD Skin In LOL Game.

How to Remove (Uninstall) MOD SKIN LOL?

If you Want to remove lol mod skin, for any reason, then it is straightforward to follow given below steps to remove LOL MOD SKIN.

  1. Go to Control panel
  2. Now find LOL Skin program
  3. Now Click on it
  4. Here you See The Uninstall option
  5. Now click on uninstall option
  6. Now LOL MOD SKIN Installation process is started
  7. AFTER Some time uninstallation process is compile

2nd Way to remove lol mod skin

If some reason 1st method is not working, or you’re unable to remove mod skin from your system with 1st trick. Then you try this.

  1. Vist Your PC Home
  2. Now Right Click on MOL MOD Program
  3. Now Find option of File Location and click on it
  4. After this, Now select all files
  5. Now Press > Shift+Delete Button
  6. Now click on yes
  7. All is done, Now LOL MOD Skin Software in remove from your pc

So, friends, this is a simple process of Mod Skin Removal or uninstallation.

7- Battlecast Alpha Skarner


Skin Introduction:
We arrived here in the Top 7 with this legendary Skarner skin, created on 11/25/2014, in order to exalt your gameplay in the jungle.

Basically this skin makes a whole modification of Skarner, bringing a real battle machine, modifying its basic attacks, its style of abilities, voice and much more. 

What makes Skin Amazing?

  • This skin is quite crazy, it comes full of adaptations to the champion, from its use of recall where the champion turns everything into an aspect of shrinkage, the collection of its crystals that are in a cybernetic style, its basic attacks completely modified until its usability of spells.
  • When using his fleeing «W», skarner catches fire and makes his floor tremble, making his enemies scared to death when looking at him arriving at a super speed and using his «R», imprisons the enemies that are on fire.
  • This Skin is simply cabulous.

How to get the Skin?
You can buy it at the Riot store. Battlecast Alpha Skarner, is a Legendary skin from 1820 RP.

Battlecast Skarner (2015) Skin Spotlight — League of Legends 

What Themes Will the 2021 LoL Skins Have?

Crime City Nightmare Twisted Fate will come to League of Legends in the third quarter of 2021 (Credit: Riot Games)

We have seen star guardians, project skins, and so on and so forth. This year we will also see at least two big batches of themed skins which we know, because for 2021 Riot let the community choose their favorite skin theme out of three given topics. This is how the players voted:

  1. Crime City Nightmare: 34.4%
  2. Debonair 2.0: 36.1%
  3. Monster Tamers: 29.5%

LoL Patch 11.17 has arrived and all 5Crime City Nightmare skins are released. Since a lot of fans also voted for Debonair 2.0 Riot decided to make this skin line also a reality this year and should be released in the fourth quarter of the year. I mean we already got a preview of Monster Tamer Janna, Debonair Malzahar.

8- Dark Star Tresh


Skin Introduction:
Dark Star Thresh é um skin lançado em 16/06/2016, e chegou a marcar presença no League of Legends.

Por ser uma pele com peculiaridades únicas e escuras, Thresh fica extremamente bem apresentada e temível com esta pele.

A pessoa que joga com Thresh já é um tipo de pessoa que se deve respeitar, agora com uma pele lendária e macabra como essa, os inimigos deveriam se ajoelhar.

What makes Skin Amazing?

  • Dark Star Thresh is a skin that addresses a complex change of voice, skill animations, borders and rhythms of the game.
  • The real Thresh player, longs for this skin, as it is a strong source of fear for enemies and for giving a high superiority to his master.
  • This skin is amazing! It is worth every RP spent as you will feel very powerful when playing against your opponents.

How to get the Skin?
You can buy it at the Riot store. Dark Star Thresh, is a Legendary skin from 1820 RP.

11- Galaxy Slayer Zed


Skin Introduction:
Galaxy Slayer Zed Skin was launched on 04/18/2019, it is an extremely dark and feared skin.

We are talking here about the shadow lord, our insane mercenary and murderer, Zed.

Zed won this legendary skin in order to make the player feel like the «flames of madness» when playing Zed.

It is an extremely fantastic skin to use, it seems that the character gets even stronger, the feeling of superiority against the opponent is very great.

What makes Skin Amazing?

  • The skin has many animations, has a very striking tone aimed at the insane and has a timeless style.
  • The most interesting thing about this skin, complementing everything else, is that Zed’s face appears, the one longed for by many.
  • The voice is fantastic and extremely crazy, with deep and strong tones, effects on the claws, all extremely cold, dark and cursed.

How to get the Skin?
You can buy it at the Riot store. Galaxy Slayer Zed, is a Legendary skin from 1820 RP.

Galaxy Slayer Zed Skin Spotlight — League of Legends 

2- Infernal Nasus Legendary Skin


Skin Introduction:
Infernal Nasus is a legendary skin created on 11/21/2013, in order to make the lonely players of the top route, feel completely strong and fearless.

The idea of you thinking about buying an 1820 RP skin for Nasus, is something that only lovers of this character will understand.

Everything on the skin has modifications with unique characteristics turned to hell.

This skin enters our Top 2 here as one of the skins that most brings out the force of evil. 

What makes Skin Amazing?

  • When you play with Nasus and use this skin, the first thing that strikes us is the voice.
  • The voice is incredibly deep, has a dark aspect and quite diabolical.
  • The animations of his abilities come with the purpose of devil worship, leaving the cracks of hell and the appearance of death marked on the ground.
  • Now, the most incredible, insane and crazy is the ultimate. The ultimate makes Nasus summon 3 heads and acquire the body totally on fire, making the satan’s strength be at his side.
  • This skin is really incredible, and brings to the user an air of superiority. 

How to get the Skin?
You can buy it at the Riot store. Infernal Nasus, is a Legendary skin from 1820 RP.

Infernal Nasus Legendary Skin 

Dawnbringer Soraka

Soraka, the Starchild

With her angelic body and wings, it feels like Soraka has been God sent to protect her allies!

->The Dawnbringer brings us:

  • No more banana’s ingame, or, wait. Actually we can see the banana as her spirit fruit in her effects!
  • Her dancing moves and the spear’s trail is something that Riot has taken to the next level!
  • And her recall, I can’t put any particular words except lifesaver!

The Dawnbringer Soraka is available in the store for 1820 RP as her opposite skin Nightbringer which is the same price.

Dawnbringer Soraka skin’s spotlight URL:


How to get LoL skins

You can get free lol skins by buying them, winning them, or crafting them via Hextech.

How to download LoL skins

You can download a MOD skin for free at . The application helps you change champion skin in the game easy and fast. It has a simple interface that is easy to use as you can easily choose a skin from a wide range of options and change your champion’s look immediately.

Where to get LoL skins

The best store to buy lol skins is the Rare skin’s store. You can also get free skins from .

Download free lol skins

Go do and download the app for free. Once it is installed, you can also get free skins.

How to update LoL skin

Always make sure you are using the newest version of as it updates all LoL skins automatically.

Can you get lol skins for free?

Yes! You can get free skins from .

True Damage Senna Prestige Edition

Senna, the Redeemer

A woman who came up from the dead and it’s collecting souls while getting stronger. And gun. Big GUN with delighted features! Prestige!

->True Damage Senna Prestige Edition offers:

  • Showing her coolness while leaning on her gun when recalling! She’s not giving a damn!
  • Evolving her gun while casting her ultimate spell!
  • Picking her souls and dropping them to the underground like they are sort of a ball!

True Damage Senna Prestige Edition skin is available during the 2020 season for the price of 100 Prestige Points.

True Damage Senna Prestige Editions skin’s spotlight URL:

5- Dark Candy Fiddlesticks


Skin Introduction:
The skin is incredible since your character is a scarecrow of death.

This skin is intended to make your opponents feel the fear of just seeing the user using it on the game’s start screen.

Fiddlesticks by itself is already a bit of a confusing character to play. Now, using a skin, which is not usually seen around, and which has a very dark aspect, makes the character a complete scarecrow of evil.

What makes Skin Amazing?

  • The skin comes with a series of modifications, mainly after reconstruction and modification of the character.
  • The most incredible novelties of this skin are the recall for base, the modifications in the abilities, mainly its suck life in area and its animation of ultimate with a huge area of blizzard and glacial style.
  • This skin is very insane and those who play Fiddlesticks, certainly crave it for a truly macabre and terrifying style of play.

How to get the Skin?
You can purchase this skin in the “winter season», coming in as an atypical and unusual skin. Where it will be enabled in the store for 975 RP.

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