Где найти все «дешевые журналы» в mafia: definitive edition

Mafia 2 Playboy Magazine Location Guide

Chapter 1
No magazines in this chapter.

Chapter 2
You can find following magazines in this chapter.

  1. Playmate 1, you can find this magazine on Joe’s table.
  2. There are three wrecked cars near Mike’s shop. You can find the magazine placed on the shelf there.

Chapter 3

  1. Playmate 18, outside Derek Papalardo’s Office, you can observe the magazine on the floor while following Steve.
  2. Playmate 4, behind the entrance of doorway in Maria Angelo’s apartment. You can find it near the small shelf.
  3. Playmate 5, you can find it in Industrialist specialist office.
  4. Playmate 40, at the desk of security guard of the first floor of main hall.
  5. Playmate 6, in the basement of large storage room between the two shelves.

Chapter 4

  1. Playmate 9, on the first stairwell near the bookstore. You can find it among them.
  2. Playmate 2, near the Mall’s doors there is another stairwell. You need to look below it for this one.
  3. Playmate 8, you can find it on the floor inside the small rooftop shelter.
  4. Playmate 7, instead of going to Joe’s apartment, go to the basement through stairs and you will find right at the end.

Chapter 5

  1. Playmate 11, when you are to following Henry and Joe, instead of going downstairs with them, go upstairs to find the magazine on the floor.
  2. Playmate 10, the distillery office on the first floor, the magazine is on the 4th shelf there. Make sure you take it before the fire as it will be your only chance to grab it and you won’t be able to grab it on restart.
  3. Playmate 12, as you start protecting injured Henry, you can collect the magazine on the right side of the room.

Chapter 6

  1. Playmate 13, at the start of the chapter, you can have it under the legs of the person sleeping behind the bleachers.
  2. Playmate 14, it’s near the basketball court in the grey shed.
  3. Playmate 15, it’s at the top of the large industrial containers.

Chapter 7

  1. Playmate 16, you will find it just lying next to the Henry’s shop.
  2. Playmate 50, the building where Joe lives, at the end of the top floor hallway.
  3. Playmate 17, you new apartment building, you can have it on the top of the table of second floor.
  4. Playmate 46, on the table of the kitchen of your new apartment.

Chapter 8

  1. Playmate 19, after passing the first foundry corner, you can find the magazine standing on an oil drum in it’s back.
  2. Playmate 21, under some oil drums on the catwalk, you can find it on the ground.
  3. Playmate 20, at the end of the foundry, there is a shelter near the mob. Inside the shelter is the magazine under a cot near the fire.

Chapter 9

  1. Playmate 41, you can find it on the bar near the beer taps.
  2. Playmate 23, after you get sewage dumped on you from above, there is a tunnel to the left. You can find this one there.
  3. Playmate 22, heading towards the first hallway,inside the slaughter house, You can find this magazine neat the metal drum.
  4. Playmate 24, near the entry wall, on the corner shelf.

Chapter 10

  1. In the back of the laundry room at the position near a worker’s sitting place.
  2. Playmate 27, lying on the ground on floor 16. Instead of following Joe upstairs go opposite again this time. You will find the magazine on your way.
  3. Playmate 26, this one is near the lift generator. You should be quick otherwise you won’t be able to get it.
  4. Playboy 48, it can be found on the floor of your bathroom.

Chapter 11

  1. Playmate 47, on the second floor, you can have it on the windows in front of the house.
  2. Playmate 29, it’s in the bathroom of second floor.
  3. Playmate 28, this magazine is lying on the floor of the front door bedroom whose door is opened.
  4. Playmate 49, just next to Joe’s bed.
  5. Playmate 30, in pub Tara, you can find it on the floor at a dead-end hallway.

Chapter 12

  1. Playmate 32, if you move downwards left of your location after you meet the guide, the magazine can be found between some crates and a delivery truck.
  2. Playmate 31, behind the garbage box at the end of a dead-end alley.
  3. Playmate 33, on the right wall of green power unit.

Chapter 13

  1. Playmate 34, in the main dining hall, you can find this magazine somewhere in the left corner.
  2. Playmate 36. it can be found in one of the smoking rooms.
  3. Playmate 35, at the top of the file box in the armory.

Chapter 14

  1. Playmate 44, on the east side of the building, you can have it near the brick wall.
  2. Playmate 37, on the base of the stair’s of the burning floor. You can find it on the top of the pallets.
  3. Playmate 38, in the back corner of the room, it can be found on the floor.

Chapter 15

  1. Playmate 45, in the stairwell room of the first floor. Can be found at the corner.
  2. Playmate 39, on the corner of the observatory’s rooftop.
  3. Playmate 43, on the floor near the telescope.
  4. Playmate 42, near the projector, it can be found near the short wall.

What? don’t tell me that you are now going to buy the game just for these magazines.

Note. SegmentNext wishes to inform you that we only looked at all this for blog research!

Глава 6

Журнал 13: После того, как вы наконец освободитесь, чтобы исследовать тюремный двор, взгляните направо на трибуны в нише. Обойдите их, вы обнаружите, что заключенный спит. Журнал находится у его ног.

Журнал 14: Пройдите от тех трибун через баскетбольную площадку, и вы увидите сарай слева от сторожевой башни. Направляйся к нему. Идите к дальней стороне сарая, и вы увидите следующий выпуск.

Журнал 15: Следующий выпуск появится позже в этой главе, после того, как вы окажетесь в прачечной. Повернитесь к входу в комнату и поверните налево. Вы увидите следующий выпуск на одной из машин. Возьмите его, прежде чем отправиться на встречу со своим посетителем.

Chapter 3

There are 5 magazines to find in Chapter 3.

1. Just outside Derek’s Office on the left when going into the warehouse. #18

2. Just inside the entrance to Maria Agnello’s apartment building, on the floor to the left of the small shelf. #4

3. In the Office of Price Administration on the corner of the guards’ desk in the lobby. #40

4. In the basement of the Office of Price Administration, in the storage room to the right of where the alarm shutoff is located, it is on the floor between two shelves. #6

5. In the Office of Price Administration on the windowsill in the office across from where you get the safe keys. #5

Mafia 2 Playboy Magazine Locations — Chapter 9 and Chapter 10

Chapter 9: There are four playboys hidden in Chapter 9. Thankfully they’re all along the main paths.

Playboy #41 is on the bar back at the Maltese Falcon. Just pick it up from in front of the bartender.

Playboy #23 is inside the sewers below the slaughthouse. You walk right past it during the slaughterhouse mission. Look into the short tunnel on the left after the pipe dumps a bunch of sewage onto Vito.

Playboy #22 is just inside the first part of the slaughterhouse. When you enter the furnace room with the sleeping worker, look to the left in the coal piles for this playboy.

Playboy #24 is found during the sneaking portion. After you go through the freezer and reach the butcher room (the one with the two butchers, some hanging pigs and a counter that you use for cover) look in the back corner past the hanging pigs for a magazine in a basin thing.

Chapter 10: There are another playboys in this chapter.

Playboy #25 is hidden in the laundry area. Once you go through, look for a room on the left side that says “Daily Room.” Go through to find a desk with a playboy on it. You need to get it before you dress up in the uniform. If you get lost, then go forward until you find the guy that opens the gate. Instead of grabbing the uniform right away, back track past the elevators and look for the room on the back wall.

Playboy #27 is pretty easy to find. After you set up the bomb for Room Service and get into the staircase with Joe, go down the stairs. If you go down a few flights you’ll find a cage looking thing. The playboy is lying next to the closed door inside.

Playboy #26 is literally in your path. It’s by the window washing machine. Pick it up while you’re waiting for the lift to come up.

Playboy #48 is inside the master bathroom (the one of the bedroom, not the one off of the hallway). It should be there after you finish the mission.

Chapter 12

Playmate 33: Right after the shootout begins, you’ll run up a staircase onto a catwalk. Head into the narrow hallway the catwalk leads into, and you’ll find the next issue lying on the floor to your right.

Playmate 31: After the shootout in the warehouse, you’ll find yourself on the loading dock. Turn left and head down these stairs:

Hang another left, and you’ll head down this alley:

At the end of the alley, look to your left. The next issue will be hidden in a patch of weeds next to an overgrown dumpster. (You can also find this one at the beginning of the stage, when you’re being led to the deal.)

Playmate 32: From the loading dock, head toward the center of the courtyard and turn right after you pass the semi truck.

Head straight past the gas pumps, and you’ll see a container truck parked next to another loading dock. The next Playboy is lying just behind it.

Глава 3

Журнал 18: Когда вы выходите из офиса Дерека, посмотрите на пол слева от двери. Вы найдете журнал, который Стив читал всего несколько минут назад.

Журнал 4: Когда вы войдете в жилой дом Марии Агнелло, посмотрите налево от полок, стоящих прямо напротив двери. Вы найдете журнал на полу.

Журнал 40: После того, как вы вломитесь в здание, вы найдете журнал на углу стола охранника в вестибюле.

Журнал 6: Лицом к задней части стола охранника, поверните налево и идите прямо к прихожей. Откройте двери и пройдите через следующий коридор, пока не дойдете до синей двери. Откройте ее и спуститесь по лестнице. Вы войдете в прихожую (здесь вы также найдете сигнализацию, если хотите ее отключить). Отправляйтесь на дальнюю сторону, где вы найдете эту еще одну дверь. Зайдите внутрь и идите налево.

Журнал 5: Когда вы доберетесь до кабинета директора (нужен ключ, необходимый для доступа в комнату с сейфом), пройдите через зал и найдите офис. Ищите журнал на подоконнике сразу справа от вас.

Chapter 11

Playmate 47: When you’re sneaking around the house with Leo, head through this door next to his desk:

You’ll see the next issue on a windowsill facing Leo’s front yard.

Playmate 29: Immediately after grabbing Playmate 47, head through the door into Leo’s bedroom. Then go through the door on your right, after which you should head left and open the door to the bathroom. The next issue is sitting on top of a hamper opposite the door.

Note that if you get caught while you’re poking around, you can either «retry mission» to restart in Leo’s office, or just let events play out for a chance to freely explore the mansion.

Playmate 28: As you enter the apartment where Vito confronts Eric, you’ll see a door across the hall from the front door. Open it and go through.

On the other side, you’ll see a passed-out guy with magazines piled around him. The next Playboy is between his legs.

Playmate 49: Once you’ve arrived at Joe’s newly redecorated pad, take a look next to his bed. The next issue’s on the floor alongside a couple of other magazines.

Playmate 30: After you’ve gunned down all your enemies at the King of Tara pub, walk through the swinging double doors at the back of the place, next to the bar.

You’ll find yourself in a dead-end hallway with the next issue of Playboy lying on the floor.

Журналы «Playboy» в Ривер-Роу

Семёрка журналов поджидает нас в этом районе.

Май 1963 года

Для начала попадите в закусочную Baby Beer BBQ. Её расположение можно посмотреть на карте. Заходим внутрь и, проходя за барную стойку, направляемся к двери с надписью «Employeess only». Открываем её, в дальнем противоположном углу комнаты на тумбе с ящиками обнаруживаем журнал.

Расположение журнала на картеРасположение журнала на карте

Нужный барНужный бар

Внимание на тумбуВнимание на тумбу

Октябрь 1967 года

Проследуйте в поселение деревянных хижин, там взломайте дверь у домика с красным спасательным кругом. В дальней комнате на столе находим журнал.

Расположение журнала на картеРасположение журнала на карте

Проход между хижинамиПроход между хижинами

Всё внимание на столВсё внимание на стол

Декабрь 1967 года

Посетите крайним дом справа, отмеченный на втором скриншоте. Взламываем дверь, проходим к двери на противоположном конце, чтобы попасть на крыльцо с видом на реку. На полу обнаруживаем журнал.

Расположение журнала на картеРасположение журнала на карте

Нужный дом — с правой стороныНужный дом — с правой стороны

Журнал на крыльцеЖурнал на крыльце

Май 1966 года

Следуем в переулок, расположение которого указано на одном из скриншотов ниже. У одного из зданий обнаружим металлическую лестницу — смело поднимаемся с её помощью на крышу. После чего входим на лестничную площадку. На одном с ней ярусе на полу обнаружим ещё один журнал.

Расположение журнала на картеРасположение журнала на карте

Правильный переулокПравильный переулок

Журнал на полуЖурнал на полу

Февраль 1966 года

Проследуйте в конец переулка, по левой стороне, прямо на углу, будет находиться нужное вам здание. Взламываем зелёную дверь перед поворотом, входим внутрь и поднимаемся вверх по лестнице. На столе находим журнал.

Расположение журнала на картеРасположение журнала на карте

Дом в конце этого кварталаДом в конце этого квартала

Журнал на столеЖурнал на столе

Июнь 1966 года

Необходимо попасть в отмеченное на скриншоте здание. На столике в левом углу найдёте журнал.

Расположение журнала на картеРасположение журнала на карте

Нужный нам домНужный нам дом

Журнал на столеЖурнал на столе

Июль 1964 года

Посетите здание BAYSIDE SHIPPING на причале. Внутри откройте решётчатую дверь справа, на столе по правую руку находится ещё один журнал.

Расположение журнала на картеРасположение журнала на карте

Нужный складНужный склад

На рабочем столе — журналНа рабочем столе — журнал

Mafia 2 Playboy Magazine Locations — Chapter 12 and Chapter 13

Chapter 12: This has three very easy ones to find once you know that they’re there. They’re all in the Chinese warehouse area.

Playboy #32 is near the front of the yard. It’s to the right as you walk through the gate (if you drove then you passed it. Go to the tanker and then look for a delivery truck over to the left. The playboy is on the ground behind it.

Playboy #31 is also in the main yard. As you go into the back alley with the guys, look to the right for a short side alley with a few dumpsters and a disgruntled worker. Walk to the far back corner and look behind the dumpster. The playboy is wedged behind it.

Playboy #33 is available after you make the deal. After you make it away from the first ambush, you’ll cross a ramp and enter the lackluster cover of the side office. The playboy is on the ground on the right side. If you know to look for it as you go through, then it’s easy.

Chapter 13: There are another three easy to find playboys in this combat mission.

Playboy #34 is on the upper level of the restaurant area. After you clear it out, go up the stairs but turn to the left. It’s on a seat to the far back left.

Playboy #36 is in the large opium den that you reach after the fight through the kitchen. Look into the first little room to find it on a table.

Playboy #35 is right before the drug lab. If you’re sneaking, then it’s the spot where Joe beats up the guy quietly. It’s in the side room with all the grenades and molotovs on a crate to the side.

Magazine Articles

  • January 1964 issue announces the Playboy Playmate Review, inviting readers to send in their vote on their favorite Playmate from the past ten years.
  • February 1964 issue features an article entitled «Georgia Peach» about their February Playmate, Nancy Jo Hooper.
  • August 1964 issue features an article about their current Playmate China Lee titled «China Doll».
  • December 1964 issue features an interview with British rock band The Beatles.
  • March 1965 issue features an article about its current Playmate Jennifer Jackson called «Portrait of Jenny».
  • May 1966 issue contains an interview with historian and social critic Arthur Schlesinger Jr..
  • August 1966 issue features the article «The Bunnies of Dixie», detailing many of the magazines southern Playmates. It also includes an interview with Texas oil tycoon H. L. Hunt.
  • September 1966 issue features an interview with psychologist and psychedelic drug advocate Timothy Leary.
  • November 1966 issue features an interview with socialist Norman Thomas.
  • August 1967 issue features an interview with controversial criminal defense attorney F. Lee Bailey.
  • March 1968 issue features an interview with author Truman Capote.
  • August 1968 issue features an interview with Yale University Chaplin and peace activist William Sloane Coffin.
  • September 1968 issue features an interview with film director Stanley Kubrick.
  • October 1968 issue features an interview with consumer advocate Ralph Nader.
  • November 1968 issue features an interview with Black Panther Party leader Eldridge Cleaver. It also features a tongue-in-cheek edition of Playboy After Hours, where reports of a hippy terrorist dressed in a red suit, known only as S. Claus, was arrested on the rooftop of Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley while trying to break into his home.

Глава 11

Журнал 47: Когда вы крадетесь по дому вместе с Лео, пройдите через эту дверь рядом с его столом. Вы увидите следующий номер на подоконнике.

Журнал 29: Сразу же после предыдущего, пройдите в спальню Лео. Затем пройдите через дверь справа от вас, после чего налево в ванную. Журнал находится на корзине напротив двери

Обратите внимание, что если вас поймают, вы можете либо «повторить миссию», либо просто продолжить свободно исследовать особняк

Журнал 28: Когда вы войдете в квартиру, где Вито противостоит Эрику, вы увидите дверь. С другой стороны вы увидите потерявшего сознание парня с журналами, сложенными вокруг него.

Журнал 49: Посмотрите рядом с кроватью Джо.

Журнал 30: После того, как вы застрелили всех врагов в пабе King of Tara, пройдите через двойные двери в задней части заведения, рядом с баром. Вы окажетесь в прихожей со следующим выпуском Playboy, лежащим на полу.

Mafia 2 Playboy Magazine Locations — Chapter 14 and Chapter 15

Chapter 14: It’s surprising, but there are only three playboys in this long chapter and they are all at the construction site.

Playboy #44 is on the starting level of the construction site. After you escape and take out the guards, look for it in the back right corner of the site. It’s in a little area by the second elevator space, close to the guard that moves around and doesn’t just wait for you to push him off the building.

Playboy #37 is close to the second floor of the construction site. After you go down the stairs and trigger the fire that seals off the main entrance, look to the left for a playboy on the ground. Grab it before you slide over the obstacles with Joe.

Playboy #38 is just past #37. After you jump over the obstacles and take out the bulk of the guards, move over to the right side of the site. The playboy is lying on the ground in a corner of the side room.

Chapter 15: All four of the last playboys are at the planetarium. Pick them up as you go through the fight.

Playboy #45 is at the first spot where you enter the building. There’s a chandelier and a man on the roof who will fire through the glass at you. After you take out the first group of guards, the resulting damage of the man falling should move the obstacles aside. Go down the steps until you reach a little room before. Grab the playboy.

Playboy #39 is on the rooftop just after #45. Once you go up to the roof and clear out the guards, approach the door to the real planetarium, but turn to the right. There’s a little hidden niche in the corner at the front of the building that has a playboy on the ground. Grab it.

Playboy #43 is just past #39. After you enter the room with the giant telescope, walk around it and look for a playboy on the ground behind it. It’s by the wall that prevents you from dropping off onto the stairs, if that helps.

Playboy #42 is in the real planetarium where you fight Falcone. After you kill Falcone, walk up to the projector in the center and enter the box. The playboy is on the ground right next to it. Grab it and walk out with Joe.

Congratulations! With this playboy, you should get the Ladies Man achievement (it takes a second for it to come up, so don’t panic.

Mafia 2 Playboy Locations Chapter 6-8

Chapter 5: There are three playboys in this chapter, although they’re not in the same positions as the demo. Note that they are all tied to the brewery assassin though.

Playboy #11 is above your starting point with the machine gun. When they run downstairs, go upstairs and grab the playboy magazine lying on the floor.

Playboy #10 is on the first floor of the brewery. It’s in the office on one of the racks. Grab it after you cleared the floor. Note that the office is basically sealed off by the fire on your way out, so grab it now.

Playboy #12 is just past the fat man on the fourth floor. After he gets killed walk past him and look at the back corner. Pick up the magazine while Joe picks up Harry.

Chapter 6: It sems that a few playboys made it into prison. There are 3 inside.

Two are in the prison yard. Make sure that you don’t go to Leo’s position, since that makes you leave the yard.

Playboy #13 is off to the right side of the starting point. It’s behind a small bleacher to the right. Look for the sleeping prisoner on the ground.

Playboy #14 is just off of the basketball court. Go across it and look for the big shed. There’s a little niche on the far side of the shed. Grab the playboy off of the ground.

Playboy #15 is in the laundry area. When you go in for the fight on your work day, just win the fight. Before you talk to the guard, look to the left side. It’s sitting on top of a sink/washing machine.

Chapter 7: There are playboys in this reunion chapter and one involves one heck of a drive.

Playboy #50 is at the top of Joe’s apartment building. Don’t just follow him out. Go up the steps until you reach the top. Grab the playboy.

Playboy #17 is literally right in your path. It’s on an end table on the second floor of your new apartment building.

Playboy #16 is a tough one. It’s all the way over at Harry’s Military Surplus store. I don’t believe it’s there earlier (post in the comments if I’m wrong). When you get the car to go buy a suit, make the long drive and go inside. Walk down the steps and pick up the playboy. It’s at the foot of the steps.

Chapter 8: There are four playboys in chapter 8.

Playboy #19 is in the foundry. It’s after the first cutscene when you move past the blockade of cars (and one tries to run you down). Move to the shack on the left and look for it on top of a drum.

Playboy #21 is also in the foundry. After you fight the first group in the new area, move forward to the corner and follow the tracks. After the tracks end, watch the left side for a playboy.

Playboy #20 is the one you’ll probably miss. After you pick up #21 and officially end the battle, walk toward your allies at the gate, but don’t go to them and trigger the meeting. Walk to the left under the stairs and into the little camp. It’s under the cot in back.

Playboy #46 is potentially on your kitchen table when you go back home after the mission. Note that some players have reported seeing it after they came home in chapter 7 (Skipping the cutscene ending the chapter for me, so I’m not sure).


Bayou Fantom

  • March 1962 issue inside a shack southeast of the Catfish Queen.
  • June 1962 issue inside a shack on an isolated island just east of the southern tip of Delray Hollow.
  • June 1968 issue inside a shack on the western tip of an island south of the northern most Trago Gas Station.
  • July 1968 issue on a picnic table between two shacks, just north of the Central Market.
  • August 1968 issue inside a shack on an isolated island shaped like a lobster claw.

Barclay Mills

  • September 1963 issue inside a shack home in west central Barclay Mills.
  • November 1963 issue on the back porch of a house in south Barclay Mills.
  • February 1964 issue on the back porch of a house in central Barclay Mills.
  • January 1964 issue on a work bench inside the Truck Repair Shop in east central Barclay Mills.

Delray Hollow

  • May 1964 issue in the Double Barrel Bar in Delray Hollow.
  • August 1964 issue in the basement of Sammy’s Bar.
  • August 1966 issue in the office of the Everyday Laundromat.
  • November 1967 issue inside a green house in the southwest corner of Delray Hollow.


  • December 1964 issue inside a Hangar Supply Co. building along the southwest shore.
  • April 1965 issue in a portable building behind Shaker’s Club and Bar.
  • November 1966 issue in the northeast underground canal area of Downtown.
  • January 1967 issue in the auto service garage behind the northwest Best Oil.
  • June 1967 issue in the flower bed at General’s Circle.

French Ward

  • April 1961 issue inside a nondescript brick warehouse along the eastern shore.
  • February 1962 issue in the side yard of a brown two story house along the north shore.
  • February 1967 issue in the garage behind a two story peach house in the north central area of the French Ward.
  • November 1968 issue in an alley in the central part of the district.

Frisco Fields

  • March 1965 issue under a pergola in the back yard of a house in southeast Frisco Fields.
  • September 1965 issue inside a shack house the southwest corner of Frisco Fields, across from Fareham Grocery.
  • March 1967 issue in the back yard of a house in east central Frisco Fields.
  • April 1967 issue on the dock at the Southern Union Cabin.
  • October 1968 issue on top of the overlook at Cleavon Duvall State Park.

Pointe Verdun

  • July 1965 issue on a park bench overlooking the bay in northern Pointe Verdun.
  • August 1965 issue inside a garage behind Blarney’s Pub.
  • October 1965 issue in a portable building behind the New Bordeaux Police Department.
  • November 1965 issue on a chest of drawers in front of a mobile home just north of Sweetwater Distillery.
  • May 1967 issue in the workshop at Burke’s Iron & Metal.
  • August 1967 issue inside a single-story green house in the northwest part of the district.
  • September 1968 issue on the second floor of a nondescript industrial building just south of Sweetwater Distillery.

River Row

  • May 1963 issue in the back room of Baby Bear B.B.Q..
  • July 1964 issue inside Bayside Shipping, in the northern tip of River Row.
  • February 1966 issue on the second floor of a nondescript building in north central River Row.
  • May 1966 issue in the stairwell of a building behind the Louisiana Shipping Company warehouse in central River Row.
  • June 1966 issue inside the Fresh Crab stand at an open air fish market.
  • October 1967 issue inside a house in the southwest corner of River Row.
  • December 1967 issue on the back porch of a house along the southwest shore.


  • March 1966 issue inside a room at the Pearl Diver Motel.
  • April 1966 issue on a rooftop next to the Catfish Queen.
  • September 1967 issue in the stands of the Neil A. Arthur Stadium.
  • March 1968 issue inside a green house in northwest Southdowns.

Tickfaw Harbor

  • July 1962 issue on top of a building behind Blarney’s Pub at the northern end of Port Bourbon.
  • August 1962 issue inside a portable building at the southern end of Port Bourbon.
  • May 1965 issue in a portable building just north of the Best Oil Racket.
  • September 1966 issue behind the bar inside Shooter’s Bar.
  • July 1967 issue inside a small brick building in the rail yard in north Tickfaw Harbor.

Глава 4

Журнал 9: После короткой перестрелки в маленьком книжном магазине, следуйте за Джо через дверь и поднимайтесь по лестнице. В верхней части этой лестницы вы найдете следующий Playboy.

Журнал 2: Сразу же после получения предыдущего журнала, Джо будет кричать вам про лестницу. Вместо этого идите налево от лестницы. Поверните направо, когда дойдете до зоны входа, и увидите журнал, скрывающийся у стены.

Журнал 8: После перестрелки с полицейскими на крыше, следуйте за Джо через эту дверь. Идите налево и бегите прямо вперед. Следующий номер находится на полу рядом с набором полок.

Журнал 7: Вернувшись в дом Джо, не заходите внутрь. Вместо этого спуститесь по лестнице к воротам в вестибюле. Следующий номер ждет вас на полу рядом с ними.

Глава 12

Журнал 33: Сразу после начала перестрелки вы побежите вверх по лестнице. Пройдите в узкий коридор, вы увидите журнал, лежащий на полу справа от вас.

Журнал 31: После перестрелки на складе вы окажетесь на погрузочной площадке. Поверните налево и спуститесь по этой лестнице. Пройдите по этому переулку. В конце переулка посмотрите налево. Журнал будет спрятан рядом с заросшим мусорным баком (вы также можете найти его в начале этапа).

Журнал 32: От погрузочной платформы направьтесь к центру внутреннего двора и поверните направо после прохождения грузовика. Пройдите прямо мимо газовых насосов, и вы увидите контейнеровоз, припаркованный рядом с другим погрузочным доком. Следующий Playboy лежит прямо за ним.

Chapter 10

Playmate 25: When you reach the hotel garage, Joe will stand around waiting for someone to come and open the shutter door. While he’s doing that, wander off to the left of the locked door to find the one that’s wide open.

Once you’re through, immediately hang a right to enter a hallway full of industrial dryers, then a left at the next doorway. Walk forward a bit and you should see this office doorway to your left:

Go through that and look to your left. The chapter’s first issue of Playboy is sitting on the corner of a desk at the far end of the room.

Playmate 27: After Joe’s installed the bomb, you’ll be prompted to follow him up a stairwell. Go down it instead.

At the bottom, you’ll find a metal gate blocking the way. The next issue is lying next to it.

Playmate 26: Before you hit the switch to bring up the window-washer platform, look to its right. You’ll see the next issue lying on the floor, partially hidden by the railing.

Playmate 48: When you’ve finished up at the hotel and gone back to Vito’s place, take a look at his bathroom floor next to the tub. It wasn’t there when Vito left the house at the beginning of the chapter, but the next issue of Playboy will have magically appeared.

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