Tapkin games

The Isle не запускается. Ошибка при запуске. Решение

The Isle установилась, но попросту отказывается работать. Как быть?

Выдает ли The Isle какую-нибудь ошибку после вылета? Если да, то какой у нее текст? Возможно, она не поддерживает вашу видеокарту или какое-то другое оборудование? Или ей не хватает оперативной памяти?

Помните, что разработчики сами заинтересованы в том, чтобы встроить в игры систему описания ошибки при сбое. Им это нужно, чтобы понять, почему их проект не запускается при тестировании.

Обязательно запишите текст ошибки. Если вы не владеете иностранным языком, то обратитесь на официальный форум разработчиков The Isle. Также будет полезно заглянуть в крупные игровые сообщества и, конечно, в наш FAQ.

Если The Isle не запускается, мы рекомендуем вам попробовать отключить ваш антивирус или поставить игру в исключения антивируса, а также еще раз проверить соответствие системным требованиям и если что-то из вашей сборки не соответствует, то по возможности улучшить свой ПК, докупив более мощные комплектующие.

In Real Life

Although its remains are incomplete, Giganotosaurus was a large predator, with the known two individuals being 12.4 and possibly 13.2 meters (41-43 feet) in length, around 3.7 meters tall and weighing around 7 tons (15,400 lbs), making it up 90 cm longer, but significantly lighter, than «Sue.» The larger of the two specimens has been considered closer in scale to the type specimen than linear scaling would produce. It has been hypothesized that it may have simply had a larger dentary, rather than actually being significantly larger.

It probably hunted large sauropods such as Andesaurus, Argentinosaurus, Limaysaurus and Nopcsaspondylus, as well as other mid-sized animals like Ekrixinatosaurus or juvenile sauropods.

At safest top speeds, Giganotosaurus could have probably moved at 31 miles per hour (50km/h), making it a fairly fast animal for what it was hunting.

Giganotosaurus was probably proportioned similarly to closely-related Mapusaurus and Carcharodontosaurus. The arms appear to have been proportionally small and relatively immobile, similarly to its relative Acrocanthosaurus. Its bite wasn’t as powerful as derived tyrannosaurs, meaning it more likely used its jaws to inflict large bleeding wounds.

In The Isle

Its claw attacks can deal massive amounts of damage and it can run very quickly. It has relatively low health and can be killed by a Tyrannosaurus in three bites, so it is best to avoid them along with other apex predators (unless you are an experienced player).

When in combat, it is best when directly facing your opponent. The tail is the most vulnerable spot, so players should make sure that predators don’t get to it. The best way for it to avoid trouble is to be intimidating, threatening to attack and displaying aggressive behaviour if carnivores get close. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work since some predators are not easily intimidated by the screeching, although due to the damage a Therizinosaurus can do, it might lower their chances of attacking.

Most animals will not want to come close to as Therizinosaurrus are extremely fast and do a lot of damage. The only dinosaurs that will try to hunt are mostly apexes. When fighting apexes it is advised to get behind them (without getting hit) and tail-ride them. Although if players do not want direct confrontation or engage in combat with an apex, the option to run away is suitably advised as Therizinosaurus can outrun all apexes. Before attempting to fight Apexes in survival mode, players best practice in sandbox mode.

It is currently playable in Sandbox mode, but can be nested in the Survival mode.

The Isle, скачанная с торрента не работает. Решение

Такие версии игр использовать не просто неудобно, а даже опасно, ведь очень часто в них изменены многие файлы. Например, для обхода защиты пираты модифицируют EXE-файл. При этом никто не знает, что они еще с ним делают. Быть может, они встраивают само-исполняющееся программное обеспечение. Например, майнер, который при первом запуске игры встроится в систему и будет использовать ее ресурсы для обеспечения благосостояния хакеров. Или вирус, дающий доступ к компьютеру третьим лицам. Тут никаких гарантий нет и быть не может.

К тому же использование пиратских версий — это, по мнению нашего издания, воровство. Разработчики потратили много времени на создание игры, вкладывали свои собственные средства в надежде на то, что их детище окупится. А каждый труд должен быть оплачен.

Поэтому при возникновении каких-либо проблем с играми, скачанными с торрентов или же взломанных с помощью тех или иных средств, следует сразу же удалить «пиратку», почистить компьютер при помощи антивируса и приобрести лицензионную копию игры. Это не только убережет от сомнительного ПО, но и позволит скачивать обновления для игры и получать официальную поддержку от ее создателей.

In Real Life

A large apex predator of Late Cretaceous North America, the Tyrannosaurus rex was the largest known member of the tyrannosaurids. It hunted down a variety of large herbivores such as Edmontosaurus, Triceratops — all thanks to its crushing bite; estimated at 35,000 to 57,000 N (7,868 to 12,814 lbf) of force in the back teeth, which makes Tyrannosaurus rex have the most powerful bite of any terrestrial animal that has ever lived. The cranial structure has been estimated to withstand forces ranging from 183,000 to 235,000N, appropriately distributed along the length of the jaw.

As a Tyrannosaurus grew, it occupied different niches. Juvenile Tyrannosaurus were fast, preying on nimble animals such as ornithomimids and dromaeosaurs, before transitioning into the bulky, far less agile adult form. However, most Tyrannosaurs never lived to experience their first hunt, for their infant mortality rate was high.

Despite recent debate, Tyrannosaurus was likely not covered in dense feathering due to thermoregulation issues and the lack of evidence found on other Tyrannosaur genus (Yutyrannus is not a Tyrannosaur). Recent evidence also points that Tyrannosaurus was likely a slow animal; estimated by the anatomical dynamics and the animals overall weight, a study points out that Tyrannosaurus could run up to 30 KM/h; slower than a human, but still fast enough to catch herbivores such as Triceratops.

Tyrannosaurus is concluded to be a rather slow theropod, in fact recent estimations found out that a human could easily outwalk an adult tyrannosaurus; iit was not an agile, pursuit predator.


3ds Max Models, Animations:

  • Finished ( Model, Animation ). Still have to be implemented: ( playable in Survival and Sandbox )
    • Stegosaurus (Reworked)
    • Pteranodon
    • Deinosuchus
    • Troodon
    • Hypsilophodon
    • Minmi
    • Beipiaosaurus
    • Compsognathus
    • Tenontosaurus
  • Dinos, which need animations:

    • Spinosaurus (Reworked)
    • Kentrosaurus
    • Monolophosaurus
    • Protoceratops
    • Magnaraptor
    • Brachiosaurus ( may be playable in Sandbox; AI in Survival )
    • Carcharodontosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Rugops
    • Magyarosaurus
    • Oviraptor
    • Deinocheirus
  • Non-Dinosaurian Reptiles:

    • Rauisuchus
    • Titanoboa
  • Fish

    Coelacanth, Catfish, Channel Catfish, Gar, Bluegill, Muskellunge, Hoplostermum, Longear Sunfish, Forktailed Rainbowfish

  • Other / Old Models:
    • Tarbosaurus ( a joke )
    • Corythosaurus ( Was later used for the Parasaurolophus model, may be scrapped ) 

3D Model: ( Backlogged )

  • They got a low priority, some will maybe added later after its release.
    • From Punchpacket, 05.02.2019:
    • Brontosaurus, Plateosaurus, Styracosaurus

In Real Life

Carnotaurus lived during the lower Maastrichtian age of the Late Cretaceous, and inhabited what is now Argentina between 72 to 69.9 million years ago.

Carnotaurus is notable for being the fastest known non-avian dinosaur, reaching speeds of up to 56 kilometers per hour. This is due to a massively enlarged caudofemoralis muscle, which allowed the leg to be pulled back faster and, in turn, granted greater speed. This also meant that the Carnotaurus had to turn the hip and tail simultaneously in order to make turns, although turning was probably unnecessary as the Carnotaurus likely ambushed its prey in a straight sprint. Despite these powerful leg and hip muscles, its arms were incredibly small, and probably became vestigial due to lack of purpose.

In Real Life

Dilophosaurus was a giant theropod for its time, the early Jurassic period; it measured around 7 meters (23 ft) long and may have weighed 400 kilograms (880 lbs). It seems to have been a fast, agile runner.

The most distinctive characteristic of Dilophosaurus is the pair of rounded crests on its skull, made up of extensions of the nasal and lacrimal bones. These are considered to be too delicate for anything but display purposes.

The diet of Dilophosaurus has been controversial; originally thought of as a predator of terrestrial animals, due to its relatively weak jaws it was then commonly believed to have been a piscivore or scavenger. It’s possible that Dilophosaurus was a generalist carnivore, preying on whatever it could.

Despite common depictions, Dilophosaurus is not known to be venomous, and it lacked a neck frill.

The Isle лагает. Большая задержка при игре. Решение

Многие путают «тормоза» с «лагами», но эти проблемы имеют совершенно разные причины. The Isle тормозит, когда снижается частота кадров, с которой картинка выводится на монитор, и лагает, когда задержка при обращении к серверу или любому другому хосту слишком высокая.

Именно поэтому «лаги» могут быть только в сетевых играх. Причины разные: плохой сетевой код, физическая удаленность от серверов, загруженность сети, неправильно настроенный роутер, низкая скорость интернет-соединения.

Впрочем, последнее бывает реже всего. В онлайн-играх общение клиента и сервера происходит путем обмена относительно короткими сообщениями, поэтому даже 10 Мб в секунду должно хватить за глаза.

Звук в The Isle отсутствует или пропадает в заставках

  • В трее нажмите ПКМ по значку динамика;
  • В открывшемся меню необходимо выбрать пункт


  • Следом необходимо выбрать устройство (это могут быть либо динамики, либо наушники) и
    нажать на


  • Перейти на соседнюю вкладку


  • Отыщите меню под названием

    «Формат по умолчанию»

    , чтобы задать значение, но
    оно должно быть ниже текущего;
  • Нажмите


    , откройте The Isle и проверьте результат проделанной
  • Вновь в трее ПКМ по значку динамика;
  • В меню отыщите функцию под названием

    «Пространственный звук»

    , чтобы
  • Остаётся лишь перезапустить The Isle и проверить результат.

Behind the Scenes

The first model used for Carnotaurus was purchased by Dondi from “The Stomping Lands”. Interestingly, when it was implemented into The Isle, its running animation did not change.

Carno Growth Morph can be downloaded here.


  • Carnotaurus walking animation can be downloaded here
  • Carnotaurus running animation can be downloaded here
  • Carnotaurus blind animation can be downloaded here (A new animation that will occur when blinded by the Hypsilophodon)
  • Carnotaurus idle animation can be downloaded here
  • Carnotaurus eating animation can be downloaded here
  • Carnotaurus drinking animation can be downloaded here

Behind the Scenes

The Deinosuchus had been in development for many years, going through a number of entirely different models and animations. Its unique swimming mechanic is what caused its development to last for so long.

With its release, is the first ever semi-aquatic creature added to the game, designed to inhabit the swamps and rivers of both Isla Spiro and Isla Spero.


Deinosuchus was added as a playable creature in «Update #3».

The creature is featured in the new «New Heights, New Depths» Update #3 Trailer.


  • Deinosuchus Crouch-Walk (Crawl Animation) can be downloaded here
  • Deinosuchus Growth Morph can be downloaded here
  • Deinosuchus 90 degree turn can be downloaded here
  • Deinosuchus 180 degree turn can be downloaded here

Behind the Scenes/gallery

3D Render of a Deinosuchus

Deinosuchus head model

Alternate skin for the Deinosuchus

Deinosuchus model

View of the underbelly

Deinosuchus early running animation

Deinosuchus concept art by Tapwing

In The Isle

«Stalk the plains as the terrifying Carnotaurus, the absolute nightmare of every small critter as this ravenous mouth-on-legs blitzes across the island. Whilst it lacks maneuverability of the nimble Utahraptor, its insane speed and ability to knock others down more than makes up for it. Be sure to look left and right before crossing the street!»

-Official The Isle Roadmap

Carnotaurus is the fastest running dinosaur in the game, but has great difficulty turning while running. Nonetheless, their great speed allows them to ambush and catch nimble creatures such as the Dryosaurus and Tenontosaurus. A well-aimed charge attack should stun medium-sized prey for roughly 2-3 seconds.

Additionally, the great speed of the Carnotaurus grants them few natural predators; it can quickly outrun anything that poses a threat, although the occasional Deinosuchus may prove deadly, should the Carnotaurus ever drink.


  • Fastest running creature in the game
  • Can stun medium-sized creatures with a charge attack
  • High stamina
  • Strong Bites
  • Good bleed resistance and fairly good bleed heal


  • Is easily killed by larger creatures (especially the Stegosaurus)
  • Has difficulty turning while running
  • Loud — its footsteps can be heard before it is seen
  • Very bad stamina regeneration

General Information


  • Highest bleed damage, stamina andsecond highest base bite damage and speed of any survival Apex, only behind Tyrannosaurus.
  • Quick alt-turn speed.
  • High bite rate.
  • 3rd best trot speed in survival-after Gallimimus and Maiasaura.
  • Regenerates stamina while walking or standing, unlike Tyrannosaurus. 
  • High hunger time (Fully grown adult).
  • Can overpower a Tyrannosaurus if given the chance.
  • Good Sub Adult stage
  • Sub Giga can often overpower Suchomimus and Sub Tyrannosaurus.
  • Sub Giga when running has the best turn radius in survival (which allows it to dodge direct attack at it).
  • Sub adult giga is the best non-apex survival dinosaur. (in terms of combat)
  • Arguably the best hunter in the game as it can track down nearly anything over long distances if it is good enough at following its preys footprints.
  • Extremely good turn speed when trotting. (it’s very difficult to buttride a giga that is constantly toggling between trot turn and z-turn)
  • Best bleed damage in the game, including non survival dinosaurs.


  • Has a relative long stamina regeneration time.
  • Hard to hide due to its large size.
  • Easily outrun by Tyrannosaurus, however, the Giganotosaurus trot is faster and has higher stamina. 
  • Juvenile and Sub Gigas are slow and have mediocre Stamina, along with quick food and water loss.
  • Slow run, mediocre ambush (30.6 kph, 39.8 kph).
  • Can be killed by Tyrannosaurus if given the chance.
  • Having a slow sprint during its sub-adult stage makes it easy to be caught by full-grown apex predators.

In The Isle

«Beauty and grace define the Tenontosaurus. These herbivores prefer to live in peace but don’t let their appearance fool you. They can be as dangerous as they are elegant. Sporting sizable claws on all four limbs, a massive tail, swift speed and one fierce attitude when provoked.»

-Official The Isle Roadmap

The Tenontosaurus is a hardy herbivore with an array of different attacks for different situations. Bites and claw attacks are fast and land easily, clipping away at the health of small creatures such as the Utahraptor, while slow but powerful kicks and a massive tail slam deal crushing damage and apply a 2 second stun to anything hit by them.


Left Mouse: A simple bite that deals moderate damage. This costs no stamina, can be used while running.

Left Mouse + Alt: A claw attack that deals moderate damage and bleed. This costs no stamina and can be used while running, but will slightly slow down your running.

Right Mouse: A powerful backwards kick that knocks away and stuns creatures. There is a rough 0.3 second delay before the move actually activates, so time your attack well. This move does cost stamina, and can be used while running.

Right Mouse + Alt: A crushing backwards tail slam that deals huge damage and stun, but has a 0.5 second delay. This move costs heavy amounts of stamina, and cannot be used while moving at all.

Combat Tips:

— Claw attacks are generally superior to bites due to the extra bleed offered. However, bites don’t slow down your running speed, making bites excellent in chases.

— When you stun an opponent, try to land as many tail slams as you can before they can move again. The sheer amount of damage dealt from continuous tail slams should kill them even within that brief period of time — especially Carnotaurus, which die from only four tail slams.

— Nimble creatures such as the Utahraptor may prove too difficult to land a kick or tail slam on. Try to claw them instead.

In The Isle

«Flying through the skies as one of the most majestic animals to inhabit the island. Whilst its fragile form is Pterable in a fight the Pteranodon is graced with the luxury of flight, allowing it to easily circumvent most threats. The Pteranodon’s diet primarily consists of fish and scavenging from carcasses.»

-Official The Isle Roadmap

Learning how to fly can be difficult at first, but once mastered, the Pteranodon is arguably the easiest and most efficient creature to grow in the game. Flying high over terrain and resting on mountains, the Pteranodon keeps itself safely aloft and away from any danger.

Though primarily a piscivore (fish-eater) and a scavenger, live dinosaurs are certainly not off the menu for the Pteranodon. It is amply capable of killing small creatures, striking from above with a volley of pecks. However, this is risky, as the Pteranodon risks crashing against the ground, and a grounded Pteranodon is vulnerable to anything — even the juveniles it may be hunting.

You cannot pick up and drop dinosaurs as the Pteranodon.



Creatures can Call out, to make sounds for different purpose, by pressing the following (default) keybinds:

Default Keybind Type Function
1 Broadcast Generally used to expose your position andor presence.
2 Friendly Used to show non aggressiveness if you are of no harm.
3 Aggressive The Opposite of the Friendly call (the 2 call), used as a sign of disliking, sometimes used to scare others away from food, and is often used to start fights or scare off predators as well.
4 Help/danger Used to show discomfort, and/or to call for help. (implying the caller is in danger)
F Normal (Often known as the «F call») This call has no real common usage, it’s simply a short noise made by your creature, It’s also used as the call you produce when you talk in chat.

Hunger and Thirst:

E: Press and hold E over a water lake or pond to drink.To eat press and hold E over a bush or a dead body / Carcass.Point the camera at it while doing so.Though the player may have to try this more than once over smaller dead bodies, because it may glitch sometimes.Once a body has been turned into a corpse, it depends on its which carnivore can eat it.

Note:- You can not drink from seawater at all.- When your stomach is full, you can not eat.

Status:- You can turn them to «static» under options.- There are hunger and thirst icons in the bottom right corner of the screen. They start off full but become emptier the hungrier, and thirstier the dinosaur becomes.


Left and sometimes right mouse click: To attack another dinosaur, left click on your mouse. Some dinosaurs also attack by pressing on right-click. For example:

Some have two attacks, a bite at head level and a bite at ground level. Eg. the bite at ground level lands a better hit on small prey such as the Gallimimus and Austroraptor.

The Puertasaurus rears up on its hind legs and smashes down on the ground like the Shantungosaurus. However, it also has a backward attack where it kicks out its hind leg and flicks its tail on the right click. Similarly, the Stegosauruscan swing its tail in two directions; to the left and right.


1h & 45mins ; 105mins

( Hatch — Adult )

Running Speed

( Hatchlng 0,167% ) . 24.6 km/h

( Hatchling 25% ) . 32.8 km/h( Juvenile 50% ) . 39,2 km/h( Sub Adult 75%) . 42.4 km/h( Adult 100% ) . 45 km/h

Thirst , Time ( in Minutes )

Damage ( per Bite / Hit )


( Hatchlng 0,167% ) . 1N( Hatchling 25% ) . ?N( Juvenile 50% ) . ?N( Sub Adult 75%) . 13.8N( Adult 100% ) . 25N


( Hatchlng 0,167% ) . Undefined( Hatchling 25% ) . Undefined( Juvenile 50% ) . Undefined( Sub Adult 75%) . Undefined( Adult 100% ) . 250N


( Hatchlng 0,167% ) . Undefined( Hatchling 25% ) . Undefined( Juvenile 50% ) . Undefined( Sub Adult 75%) . Undefined( Adult 100% ) . 360N

В The Isle нет звука. Ничего не слышно. Решение

The Isle работает, но почему-то не звучит — это еще одна проблема, с которой сталкиваются геймеры. Конечно, можно играть и так, но все-таки лучше разобраться, в чем дело.

Сначала нужно определить масштаб проблемы. Где именно нет звука — только в игре или вообще на компьютере? Если только в игре, то, возможно, это обусловлено тем, что звуковая карта очень старая и не поддерживает DirectX.

Если же звука нет вообще, то дело однозначно в настройке компьютера. Возможно, неправильно установлены драйвера звуковой карты, а может быть звука нет из-за какой-то специфической ошибки нашей любимой ОС Windows.

Что сделать в первую очередь

  1. Скачайте и запустите всемирно известный CCleaner (скачать по прямой ссылке) — это программа, которая очистит ваш компьютер от ненужного мусора, в результате чего система станет работать быстрее после первой же перезагрузки;
  2. Обновите все драйверы в системе с помощью программы Driver Updater (скачать по прямой ссылке) — она просканирует ваш компьютер и обновит все драйверы до актуальной версии за 5 минут;
  3. Установите Advanced System Optimizer (скачать по прямой ссылке) и включите в ней игровой режим, который завершит бесполезные фоновые процессы во время запуска игр и повысит производительность в игре.

Файлы, драйверы и библиотеки

Практически каждое устройство в компьютере требует набор специального программного обеспечения. Это драйверы, библиотеки и прочие файлы, которые обеспечивают правильную работу компьютера.

  • Скачать драйвер для видеокарты Nvidia GeForce
  • Скачать драйвер для видеокарты AMD Radeon

Driver Updater

  • загрузите Driver Updater и запустите программу;
  • произведите сканирование системы (обычно оно занимает не более пяти минут);
  • обновите устаревшие драйверы одним щелчком мыши.

существенно увеличить FPSAdvanced System Optimizer

  • загрузите Advanced System Optimizer и запустите программу;
  • произведите сканирование системы (обычно оно занимает не более пяти минут);
  • выполните все требуемые действия. Ваша система работает как новая!

Когда с драйверами закончено, можно заняться установкой актуальных библиотек — DirectX и .NET Framework. Они так или иначе используются практически во всех современных играх:

  • Скачать DirectX
  • Скачать Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
  • Скачать Microsoft .NET Framework 4
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (32-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (64-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (32-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (64-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4
  • Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2013

Movement and camera


To move use the W, A, S, and D keys. To sprint, hold the Shift key while moving, to change the camera angle, and the direction of the dinosaur the mouse is used. You can also turn around while standing, first press and hold ALT and then the W, A, S, or D keys. Dinosaurs cannot sprint when they have a broken leg.


Space: Some dinosaurs, such as the Gallimimus, Herrerasaurus, Utahraptor, and Austroraptor, can jump by pressing Space.

Crouch / Ambush ( sprint ) :

C: All Carnivores and some herbivores, such as the Gallimimus, Austroraptor, Carnotaurus, and Tyrannosaurus rex can crouch by pressing C.Carnivores can Ambush by waiting some seconds till a little dino run Symbol shows up, at the bottom right of the screen, over the dinosaur’s Thirst.

Walk slowly:

Z: While walking slowly dinosaur’s turning radius is very good.Most dinosaurs can switch between a trot and walk by pressing Z.The 2 dinosaurs Shantungosaurus and Maiasaura do swap between walking on two legs to four.


Q: Scent is accessed by pressing and holding Q for some seconds. ( 2-5 sec if you go, 10 sec if you stand )- Lakes, ponds and rivers will light blue.- Footprints of your and other dinosaurs that they have left will light up in a yellow color allowing you to track them down.- The blood prints will be a red color if that creature is bleeding.Notes:- In the Nightvision ( N ) you always see all footprints.- If you spawn or sit around for some time, you must walk a bit, until you make a footprint. Then you can sniff.


N: In the Nightvision, you can see a defined area in a white lightIn the Nightvision, you always see all footprints.While the night vision range is a little different by each dinosaur, Dilophosaurus has the best Nightvision.

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