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Ошибка DirectX в Castle Crashers

«DirectX Runtime Error»




  • Первым делом необходимо установить «чистую» версию драйвера вашей видеокарты (то
    есть не стоит сразу спешить устанавливать тот же GeForce Experience, ничего лишнего
    от AMD и аудио).
  • При наличии второго монитора попробуйте отключить его, а также отключите G-Sync и
    любые другие виды дополнительных/вспомогательных устройств.
  • Воспользуйтесь средством проверки системных файлов для восстановления повреждённых
    или отсутствующих системных файлов.
  • В случае если используете видеокарту от Nvidia, тогда попробуйте включить


    в панели управления видеокартой.
  • Часто причиной ошибки служит перегретая видеокарта, поэтому для проверки её
    работоспособности рекомендуем воспользоваться программой


    . Если это оказалось действительно так, тогда следует
    понизить частоту видеокарты.

  • Если вдруг столкнулись с другими ошибками, тогда рекомендуем переустановить DirectX,
    но перед этим лучше на всякий случай удалить старую версию (при этом обязательно
    удалите в папке перед переустановкой все файлы начиная с






To use a sandwich, select it in the usable items menu, then press the / button. While in Beefy Mode, players can deal increased melee damage and can move specific heavy objects. The effect lasts only for 10 seconds.

Players must be beefy to:

  • Move a large boulder in the Tall Grass Field that leads to Burly Bear and the Fish weapon.
  • Open the gate in Lava World.
  • Fight the Volcano in Lava World.
  • Open the front door to the Industrial Castle.

While under the Sandwich’s effect, the player can:

  • Run through the spiky traps after the poison gas projectiles easily without getting knocked back in Industrial Castle.
  • Windmill the Necromancer and Conehead Groom infinitely, but only on the PS3 version, where the player does not get off the ground after getting in a few hits.

Upon Completion

When you beat the game on this mode, your character will show a golden skull instead of a white one on the selection screen.

On the grand majority of the versions of Castle Crashers, Open-Faced Gray Knight, King, Necromancer and Cult Minion are unlocked by playing specific levels on Insane Mode. The Xbox 360 version is the only version that differs from this as it offers these characters as downloadable content.

Character PS3 / Steam / Xbox One / PS4 / Nintendo Switch Unlock Method Xbox 360 Availability
Open-Faced Gray Knight Complete Catfish on Insane Mode King Pack DLC
King Complete Pipistrello’s Cave on Insane Mode King Pack DLC
Necromancer Complete Industrial Castle on Insane Mode Necromantic Pack DLC
Cult Minion Complete Ice Castle on Insane Mode Necromantic Pack DLC

Что сделать в первую очередь

  1. Скачайте и запустите всемирно известный CCleaner (скачать по прямой ссылке) — это программа, которая очистит ваш компьютер от ненужного мусора, в результате чего система станет работать быстрее после первой же перезагрузки;
  2. Обновите все драйверы в системе с помощью программы Driver Updater (скачать по прямой ссылке) — она просканирует ваш компьютер и обновит все драйверы до актуальной версии за 5 минут;
  3. Установите Advanced System Optimizer (скачать по прямой ссылке) и включите в ней игровой режим, который завершит бесполезные фоновые процессы во время запуска игр и повысит производительность в игре.

Boss Slayers

Boss Slayers are playable characters that have the ability to kill any boss baring the Troll Mother, Bear Boss, Conehead Groom (one exception), Giant Troll, Volcano, Dragon and Sock Puppet (one exception), Corn Boss, Frost King, and Necromancer (one exception) extremely quickly or at the very least at a tolerable rate. They tend to be generalists, due to this.

Here are the following boss slayers in no particular order:

  • Fencer
  • Industrialist
  • Fire Demon
  • Brute
  • Snakey
  • Ninja

Honorable mentions

  • Red Knight (very loosely, but he kills the Conehead Groom and Necromancer quicker than any other boss slayer; warranting his spot here as the ultimate specialist Boss Slayer.)
  • Killer Beekeeper (kills the Dragon and Sock Puppet and the Alien Ships quicker than any of these boss slayers; also useful in Final Battle, when Phase 1, 3, 4, and 5 of the Evil Wizard is active, major downside is that his «Bee Rain» Splash Attack is extremely fragile, thus, Killer Beekeeper is the weakest Boss Slayer in the game.)

поиск неисправностей

  • Они необходимы реликвии и / или инструменты для уровень прыжка ?Нет, они тебе не нужны уровень прыжка . Однако я предлагаю использовать оператор что вы получили все реликвии y инструменты .
  • Они нужны Последователи остаться в живых и дойти до конца уровней сообщений de control ?Нет, Последователи не нужно дойти до конца уровней пунктов de control . Пройдите уровень, оставив в живых хотя бы одного игрока (возможно, оператор) достаточно, игра запишет уровень как «просроченный» для всей группы. Однако существуют исключения, если вы хотите получить серебряный / золотой череп или разблокировать дополнительных персонажей, вы можете прочитать раздел Череп / разблокировка персонажа и вход Некромант в разделе ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНО: Список всех персонажей Para obtener más información.
  • Какой уровень опыта следует Последователи за пропуск уровней кампании?Для Последователи , вы можете дойти до конца игры, оставив своего персонажа на уровне 1. Однако оператор сильный (уровень 50+) сделает все намного проще и быстрее.
  • Работает ли процедура с локальной игрой?Да, вы можете прыгать по уровням в локальной игре. Используя клавиатуру и три контроллера, вы можете максимизировать количество разблокируемых персонажей для каждой завершенной кампании (то есть 3 новых персонажа на кампанию).
  • я бил Final Boss но я не получил серебряный / золотой череп и не разблокировал дополнительных персонажей.Возможно, вы не соответствовали дополнительным требованиям к нему. С дополнительными требованиями вы можете ознакомиться в разделе Череп / разблокировка персонажа этого руководства.
  • Я преодолел Промышленный замок но я не разблокировал Некромант .Судя по опыту многих пользователей, игрок должен быть жив до того, как ударит последний босс. Во всяком случае, лично я не проверял, потому что разблокировал Некромант регулярно играя в режиме кампании.
  • Какого персонажа лучше всего использовать в качестве оператор?Каждый персонаж можно использовать как операторпри условии, что оператор разблокировать все уровни на карте. Если бы я предложил персонажа, я бы сказал: Красный рыцарьпромышленностьфехтовальщиксиний рыцарь. Первые три символа обладают хорошей магической силой для «control масс », синий рыцарь также это хорошо, но потеря магической силы при использовании еще хуже. Кроме того, имейте оператор сильный (уровень 50+) должен упростить и ускорить процесс.
  • Любые другие предложения?В разделе БОНУС: Как я пропустил уровни кампании , Я описал свой личный опыт работы с пропуск уровней , включая несколько дополнительных советов.


  1. The music that plays outside of Industrial Prince’s castle is Winterbliss by cycerin. The song sounds similar to Röyksopp’s «Poor Leno» from Melody A.M.
  2. The music that plays inside of the castle is _-={Dark Skies}=-_ by MaestroRage.
  3. The music that plays during the fight against the Industrial Machine is Second Thoughts by DavidOrr.
  4. This level may a reference to the game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (other being the Alien Ship boss). Many of the obstacles which the players have to confront, and the overall design of the level, are very similar to the Technodrome level (stage 5) of that game. The Elemental Turret looks and behaves almost identical to the laser guns in that game. The electric barriers which turn on and off, and which you must carefully cross in between, also make an appearance. And the elevator ride looks almost identical too (although here it goes up, and in the «Turtles» game it goes down).
  5. It is possible to rush through the electric fence area, but with max agility and perfect timing.
  6. It is up to the player whether they play this or Lava World first because when you beat the Cyclops’ Fortress level you unlock Volcano Store.
  7. This level is one of the few levels where the works after the game patch but only in the Original versions of Castle Crashers.
  8. This level may be challenging for Hatty Hattington players.
  9. In the game on Roblox, called Tower Defense Simulator, a remix of the song Winterbliss is heard during The Frost Event called It’s Getting Frosty


  • Aliens provide references to the game they appeared in, in the 2002 and 2004 games titled Alien Hominid.
    • Aliens being killed in one hit is a reference to Alien Hominid and classic shoot ’em ups such as Metal Slug.
    • The buff in health from the Necromancer fight on Insane Mode could be a reference to the Alien Prisoner. The Alien Prisoner, the final boss of Alien Hominid, is a buffed Alien that takes longer to kill. The Alien Prisoner also makes a reappearance in Alien Ship, but does not have the same physique as the final boss from Alien Hominid.
    • The «Comet» Splash Attack is a reference to the Alien’s charge laser attack in Alien Hominid.
    • The «Laser Gun» Magic Projectile and Air Projectile is a reference to the Alien’s regular laser attack in Alien Hominid.
    • In addition, both the «Comet» Splash Attack and «Laser Gun» Magic Projectile and Air Projectile have a similar fire rate to that seen of the Alien’s regular laser gun in Alien Hominid.
    • The «Tractor Beam» Magic Jump is a reference to the Alien’s use of the tractor beam when in alien ships in some appearances in Alien Hominid.
    • Aliens being stuck with using the Alien Gun is a reference to Alien’s lack of using any different weapons in Alien Hominid. But, the Alien in Alien Hominid could change their ammo-type.
    • The grenade as their shield is a reference to the Alien’s use of grenades as his regular kit in Alien Hominid.
  • Alien is a mixed character. It is the only character of its type to have both Fire and Non-Elemental Magic.
  • Alien is one of only two characters in the game that use objects for shields, instead of an actual shield, the Alien uses a grenade, and Ninja uses the mug of ale.
  • Alien, prior to Title Update 2 in the Xbox 360 Version of the game, used to have a , in the «Armor Pierce» Elemental Infusion.
  • He’s the only character to not switch weapons, but he can switch to a pitchfork by doing the pitchfork glitch.

Персонажи серии

Их можно разблокировать, пройдя игру определенными персонажами.

Изображение Имя Как разблокировать
Королевская гвардия Завершите режим кампании с помощью Зеленый рыцарь .
Сарацин Завершите режим кампании с помощью Королевская гвардия .
скелет Завершите режим кампании с помощью Красный рыцарь .
нести Завершите режим кампании с помощью скелет .
Промышленное применение Завершите режим кампании с помощью синий рыцарь .
Фехтовальщик Завершите режим кампании с помощью промышленность .
Огненный демон Завершите режим кампании с помощью Оранжевый рыцарь .
Ниндзя Завершите режим кампании с помощью Огненный демон .
Лицо печи Завершите режим кампании с помощью Серый рыцарь .
Пчеловод-убийца Завершите режим кампании с помощью Bдревесный .
змея Завершите режим кампании с помощью вор .
Гражданский Завершите режим кампании с помощью Фермер .
скотина Завершите режим кампании с помощью Ическимо .

Это список всех серий:

  • Зеленый рыцарь Королевская гвардия Сарацин
  • Красный Рыцарь Скелет Медведь
  • Синий рыцарь промышленник фехтовальщик
  • Оранжевый рыцарь Огненный демон Ниндзя
  • Серый рыцарь Печное лицо
  • Варвар Пчеловод-убийца
  • Вор Змея
  • Крестьянин Гражданский
  • Ическимо Брут


You first need to stop by the Flooded Temple and go to the Marsh level immediately afterwards as it instantly unlocks after you’ve entered the aforementioned Flooded Temple.

Wave 1: 5 Skeletons.

Quickly run to the right and knock the Skeleton off the dead Peasant and start to fight 5 Skeletons.
2 Peasants will watch your bravery and aid you in your battle.

  • Wave 2: 4 Skeletons.
  • Bonus Wave: Up to 6 Skeletons.

Continue to the right; fight the 4 Skeletons that are alerted by a crow.

Wave 3: 8 Skeletons: 4 Regular, 4 Beefy.

Moving along, your 2 same Peasants that aided you will run right through the encounters of both the Necromancer and Evil Wizard once again. 8 Skeletons will rise from their gravestones with help from the Necromancer and 4 will be turned into Beefy Skeletons with help from the Evil Wizard. Don’t be afraid to use a Sandwich if you have one to combat these foes, unless you’re playing on Insane Mode, in which using a Sandwich is a terrible idea.

  • Wave 4: 3 Snakeys.
  • Wave 5-6: 3 Snakeys; however, 3 more Snakeys can be encountered if first sneaking in the back of the houses, triggering the Snakeys in the tree, and turning back to the house but this time also running towards the front of the house.

After the Beefy Skeletons Fight, make your way to the right where you will face off against 3 sets of 3 Snakeys ready to fight the player(s).

Wave 7: 4 Snakeys, 1 Troll Mother, and an infinite supply of Trolls.

Continue on your way through, and the 4th set will instead hold 4 Snakeys that drop from the decayed looking castle wall. These 4 Snakeys will be paired up with the Troll Mother and her Trolls; Be sure to take out the Troll Mother when it appears as it will spawn Trolls infinitely until it’s killed.

Wave 8: 4 Snakeys.

After the time consuming fight with the aforementioned Troll Mother, you’ll fight another set of 4 Snakeys, this time however, a Peasant will aid you in fending off against the Snakeys.

Wave 9: 4 Snakeys.

Afterwards, that same Peasant will run through a cutscene where there’s 1 Peasant and 2 Civilians fighting again, another set of 4 Snakeys. You will also see a pet just waiting out in the open seemingly for you, just don’t forget to touch it in order to unlock it.

Wave 10: 4 Snakeys.

Finally, you’ll fight your final set of 4 Snakeys, with assistance provided by the aforementioned Peasant and the 2 Civilians. After your last set of 4 Snakeys, move towards the massive grouped corn stalks and into the next level. .

Beefy Skeletons Fight

Now there isn’t really much to talk about this fight on Normal Mode, aside from the expected damage output that the Skeletons do, but on Insane Mode this fight is challenging and is one of the most hardest parts of the game. Beefy Skeletons can kill you in 3-4 hits, most of the devastating attacks come from a deadly combo of punching and throwing, doing a good 600+ damage per combo.

There are many ways to go about this fight:

1. Play aggressively towards killing the first, quick lead Beefy Skeleton. This will lead to the other Beefy Skeletons turning into assist and support characters. You can do this by using the Beefy Juggle.2. Splash Attack spam efficiently.3. Use Health Potions sparingly. It may seen like you’re nearing death after getting hit twice by a Beefy Skeleton, but you should really only heal when you see your character get pulled from out of the air by a Beefy Skeleton.4. Arrow spam. This is a slower method involving the exploitation of the Beefys getting stuck on a wall. You really have to only look out for 2 things: the lead Beefy Skeleton coming towards you and the assist and support regular Skeletons using their , , , and .5. Play aggressively towards killing all 4 Beefy Skeletons. You die fast, you kill them faster in return.



Iceskimos makes their debut after the player has traversed deep into Full Moon after killing multiple Stove Faces in the level, slowly replacing them. Many Iceskimos are seen heavily fortified in their snow piles and icicle towers in Snow World, where they spam snowballs, which can be a minor annoyance. Right after, 3 Iceskimos are seen working with Frost King to prevent the player(s) from rescuing the Blue Princess in Ice Castle. Finally, an Iceskimo is resurrected by the Necromancer in his room in Wizard Castle Interior to fight the player.


Iceskimos serves the Frost King, as they try to fend off the player from reaching him and rescuing the Blue princess in three levels.


The Iceskimo wears a hood resembling the Thief, despite the lack of a real connection between the two. Icekismos takes the appearance of human figures with a blueish hoodie. Their hoods are all pointing up, and also covers their entire head. Also, what was to be their face is fully deepened (the hood), with some visible deep marks/lines, possibly for them to breathe, see, use their scent, etc. Or just to not show what their face looks like. Icekismos features fur on their hoods (in the back) and torso clothes, dark gray sleeve garters and leg wearing, normal gray pauldrons on the arms, and Shoes possibly made out of metal. Their torso and hoods have a color similiar to bright sky blue, while the front and bottom sideviews have are more likely light blue.

Their Beefy versions features a different type of hoodie without fur, as well as a belt. Their arms that were a dark gray color, were also replaced with a rosy finch color.

They hold a Shield fully made out of Ice; and they contain a spike on their front.

Iceskimos are one of the main antagonists of Back Off Barbarian, along with Fire Demons and Barbarians.



Brute is a good boss slayer with a good Beefy hitting ratio with his «Thorny Vines» Splash Attack. Hitting the Beefy up to knock down.

Castle Crashers

Capitalize on Magic as soon as possible. Weapon choice almost doesn’t make a difference due to how fair the «Thorny Vines» Splash Attack is. Brute, as well as any boss slayer in the game, bar Fire Demon and Red Knight, truly only struggles against massive amounts of enemies or a very quick heavyweight such as in Thieves’ Forest and Wizard Castle Interior and Conehead Groom, respectively. Especially if the Brute player can not utilize Juggling at all to save his/her life.

Late game, Brute is above average. Recommended to use a Strength heavy weapon or a Magic heavy weapon that does not reduce Strength. Animal Orb selection does make a bit of difference. The top 5 Animal Orbs in Snoot, Burly Bear, Hawkster, Piggy, and BiPolar Bear will suffice.


Brute is one of the best characters in Arena. «Thorny Vines» Splash Attack comes quick, which leads to easy resets, catches, and a strong middle game.


Blue Knight

Once Blue Knight has you in a reset, you’re done. Be sure to move around a lot to counter act his tools. Difficult match-up.


Restrict Saracen’s options, to several 50/50s. but counter with a Shield bash. Watch out for his Magic Projectile because it is unblockable.

Pink Knight

Splash Attack has long range and comes out quickly. Air Projectile and Magic Projectile can Critical Strike and can be converted to a reset.


Restrict Necromancer’s options to a 50/50. Watch out for his Magic Projectile and Air Projectile because they are the fastest in the game.


  • The chicken in Peasant’s character portrait bears a resemblance to The Behemoth’s logo, the creators of Castle Crashers.
  • Peasant is the only character in the entire game that holds an animal in his character portrait.
  • Charred remains of Peasants and Civilians can be seen in Lava World.
  • It is assumed that Peasants are resurrected as Skeletons by the Necromancer in Lava World and Marsh, respectively.
  • Peasant is the only Arena unlocked character that is never fought; Snakeys are fought in the Peasant Arena instead.
  • A dead Peasant scavenged from Cardinal in Marsh has a Fishing Rod.
  • NPC Peasants use multiple weapons: Fishing Rod, Pitchfork, and Skinny Sword.
  • The Peasants in Marsh can die, whether to Skeletons or Snakeys in either Mode.
  • On the Corn Boss level, a Peasant and a Civilian will stand still during the fight unless the player(s) lure(s) the Corn Boss to directly burrow onto the NPCs, in which they retaliate by attacking regularly and now pair with the player(s) to take out the boss or if the Corn Boss’ whip attack is in range of striking both the Peasant and the Civilian, in which they, again, counteract by attacking the boss and sticking close with the player(s).
  • Peasant, along with Civilian, are the only NPCs in the entire game that help out the player(s) in fighting a boss, but that’s only if they’re hit by said boss.
  • Peasant, along with Civilian, and Conehead Groom, are the only characters in the entire game that use musical instruments. In this case, in Home Castle and Final Battle.


  • There are a total of 25 Stove Faces to fight in both Normal Mode and Insane Mode in the original versions of Castle Crashers. There are 24 in Castle Crashers Remastered. However, if you keep going up and down the ladders, you will fight less Stove Faces.
  • On Insane Mode, NPC Stove Faces can Critical Strike for a whopping 970-999 damage with the Gladiator Sword.
  • Stove Face holds the title of having the most health of all normal sized enemies. He has 400 health on Normal Mode and 4,000 health on Insane Mode.
  • In Full Moon, It is actually a Beefy Stove Face throwing the rocks down the mountain as you can see it in a throwing position for a split second. The Stove Face also glitches out for a bit showing a regular Stove Face before reverting back into a Beefy.
  • Stove Face and Killer Beekeeper

    However, the enemy Stove Faces only appear in Full Moon; while dead bodies of Killer Beekeepers can be seen in the Necromancer’s Room sublevel in the Wizard Castle Interior level.

    are the only playable enemies in the entire game that appear in only one level to fight in.

  • Stove Face can be resurrected by the Necromancer in Lava World as a Skeleton.But that could also be Conehead since they got the same armor and sword.
  • Since Stove Face’s starting weapon is the Gladiator Sword, he, at Level 1, can switch to a different weapon and switch back to the Gladiator Sword.
  • NPC Stove Faces are the heaviest characters in the game and cannot be juggled through conventional means.
  • Stove Faces are the only characters who appear once in the entire game. This makes sense because at the end of the game during the credits and during the Necromancer fight, no dead bodies of stove faces were shown.


  • If the sandwich is used before kissing any princess except the Orange Princess, the player immediately returns to their regular form. However, the countdown timer will continue. If it reaches 0 seconds during the kiss, the player exits the kiss and can walk around until they return to the map.
  • If the player kisses Tricky the Clown immediately after undergoing transformation, they will be immune to her knockback. After the effect wears off, they will be able to use Arrows, Bombs, Health Potions, Horn, Magic, Weapons

    To remain in this state, the player should avoid pressing the jump button.

    , and Sandwiches, even after the «The End» screen pops up.

Звук в Castle Crashers отсутствует или пропадает в заставках

  • В трее нажмите ПКМ по значку динамика;
  • В открывшемся меню необходимо выбрать пункт


  • Следом необходимо выбрать устройство (это могут быть либо динамики, либо наушники) и
    нажать на


  • Перейти на соседнюю вкладку


  • Отыщите меню под названием

    «Формат по умолчанию»

    , чтобы задать значение, но
    оно должно быть ниже текущего;
  • Нажмите


    , откройте Castle Crashers и проверьте результат проделанной
  • Вновь в трее ПКМ по значку динамика;
  • В меню отыщите функцию под названием

    «Пространственный звук»

    , чтобы
  • Остаётся лишь перезапустить Castle Crashers и проверить результат.

Magical Attacks

The Brute, the Barbarian and the Stove Face are three non-elemental characters

Magic as shown in the Magic section of How to Play.

Magic is used to perform non-standard attacks. Elemental magics are specialized and more useful on some targets than others. Non-Elemental magic is general-purpose and will be equally effective on almost every type of enemy. The combos are listed below.

Note: Since your character will always have 1 Skill Point filled for Magic, the Skill Point or Magic Level requirement for the other combos will be listed normally plus the actual cost in game.

Splash Attack

To Perform: + / +/ /

Effect: The Splash Attack deals damage to multiple enemies. As the Magic attribute gets upgraded, more damage and range can be attained (Extra segment every 5 Magic Skill Points). Opponents can’t block most splash attacks with their shields.

Magic Level Requirement: 1 Skill Point (Unlocked by default)

Magic Projectile

To Perform: + / +/

Effect: Magic attack that focuses on a single enemy, but has higher damage than the Splash Attack. Its damage increases with the character’s Magic level. This attack can be blocked by shields. Can also be used in the air, with some kickback.

Magic Level Requirement: 5 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 4 Skill Points)

Air Projectile

To Perform: ++ / ++/

Effect: A basic mid-air magical attack with a slanted angle of 45° (22 characters total have this trait) or 60° (5 characters total have this trait) with 4 exceptions. Damage increases with Magic level.

Magic Level Requirement: 10 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 9 Skill Points)

Elemental Infusion

To Perform: / / /

Effect: Melee attack imbued with the power of your character’s element. Damage is determined by the character’s Strength and Magic levels.

Magic Level Requirement: 15 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 14 Skill Points)

Elemental Infusion (Level 2)

To Perform: / /

Effect: Elemental Infusion with an extra attack at the end, good for killing bosses.

Magic Level Requirement: 15 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 14 Skill Points)

Character Level Requirement: 50

Magic Jump

To Perform: + / +/

Effect: Lets you perform a magic-assisted jump, allowing you to jump higher and damage any enemies standing under you.

Magic Level Requirement: 20 Skill Points (Actual amount of Skill Points into Magic needed: 19 Skill Points)

Player Statistics

Player Statistics is the third option in the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of Castle Crashers. Player Statistics will show off a character’s level, weapon, animal orb, gold, health, and stat attributes with the maximum being 25 in Strength, Magic, Defense, and Agility.

Reset Save Data

In order to activate Reset Save Data, press /. After pressing the appropriate button, there will be a prompt that says «This Save Data will be reset. Are you sure you want to continue?». To confirm this prompt press /. To remove the prompt press /.

Reset Save Data will reset the game to its default state, getting rid of the player’s additional 27 characters (20-26, depending on the DLC characters purchased and installed into the game) leaving only Green Knight, Red Knight, Blue Knight, and Orange Knight to be playable; getting rid of the player’s additional 80 (62-79, depending on game version and DLC purchased) Weapons; getting rid of all the Animal Orbs collected; getting rid of the Gold accumulated with all characters/each individual character; and leaves the starting Knights at level 1. Because of this, it is highly recommended to NEVER INTERACT with the Reset Save Data option if you wish to keep all 31 Playable Characters, all 84 Weapons, and all 29 Animal Orbs within an account.

Reset Character Data

In order to activate Reset Character Save Data, press /. After pressing the appropriate button, there will be a prompt that says «This Character Data will be reset. Are you sure you want to continue?». To confirm this prompt press /. To remove the prompt press /.

Reset Character Data will reset the selected character’s statistics to their default state. Removing their selected weapon and animal orb. Reset Character Data will also leave the selected character at Level 1 with no progress to the XP bar. Because of this, there are a few reasons as to why someone would interact with the Reset Character Data option:

1. To reset any character to their default stats, stimulating the replay value of the game.2. To remove any skulls of any kind on any character.3. To get better with a character.4. Practice with said character.



Alien is one of the worst characters in the game. A downside of using Alien is its lack of adaptability as Alien can not switch out its Alien Gun for anything else. In addition, despite its potent spamming potential, the «Comet» Splash Attack is notably weak in large crowds of enemies, despite having the potential to knock back several enemies.This is most notably seen in the Troll Mother fight in Thieves’ Forest and Marsh, and the Necromancer fight in Wizard Castle Interior, respectively.

Castle Crashers

Alien can be stat attributed to Strength first. Has an easy time with the levels besides Desert and Full Moon. Animal Orb selection does make a bit of difference. The top 5 Animal Orbs in Snoot, Burly Bear, Hawkster, Piggy, and BiPolar Bear will suffice.


One of the weakest characters in Arena. Alien can’t knockback other players using the «Comet» Splash Attack.


Blue Knight

Once Blue Knight has you in a reset, you’re done. Be sure to move around a lot to counter act his tools. Difficult match-up.


Restrict Saracen’s options, to several 50/50s. but counter with a Shield bash. Watch out for his Magic Projectile because it is unblockable.

Pink Knight

Splash Attack has long range and comes out quickly. Air Projectile and Magic Projectile can Critical Strike and can be converted to a reset.


Restrict Necromancer’s options to a 50/50. Watch out for his Magic Projectile and Air Projectile because they are the fastest in the game.

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  • После нужно нажать на «Управление настройки» в открывшемся разделе
    спуститься до пункта «Параметры защиты от вирусов и других угроз».
  • В новом окне отключаете «Защиту в режиме реального времени» и следом «Облачную защиту» чуть позже система вновь включить защитник, но у вас будет время
    проверить игру на наличие ошибки.
  • И если окажется, что проблема действительно заключается в «Защитнике Windows», тогда необходимо добавить
    exe-файл игры в список исключений этой программы.

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  • Открываете в Windows 10 окно «Параметры», используя меню


    сочетание клавиш





  • Далее открываете раздел под названием «Приложения» переключаетесь
    на вкладку «Автозагрузка», где необходимо проблемный exe-файл и отключить его.

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  • Откройте «Командную строку» от имени администратора (для этого в поиске просто введите «Командная
  • И как только откроется соответствующее, окно введите команду sfc /scannow после чего нажмите


    все найденные ошибки будут автоматически исправлены.

Измените значение в реестре

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    в окне «Выполнить» введите команду regedit нажмите


    после чего в окне «Редактор
    реестра» отыщите раздел, представленный ниже.

  • И если он присутствует, тогда необходимо следом отыскать параметр LoadAppinit_DLLs – далее в нём нужно
    изменить значение опции с 1 на 0 после необходимо применить
    настройки и перезагрузить систему.

Другие способы

  • В обязательном порядке попробуйте вручную установить драйверы для графического процессора. Причём это
    касается не только интегрированной видеокарты, но и дискретной.
  • Проверьте наличие всех актуальных распространяемых пакетов «Visual C++», поскольку это программное
    обеспечение влияет на многие процессы.
  • И, наконец, иногда причина этих ошибок заключается в службе «Microsoft Office Click-to-Run» – специальная
    технология Microsoft, которая сокращает время, необходимое для установки Office. Поэтому рекомендуем удалить эту
    программу и проверить игру на наличие ошибок.



Thief’s respective «Arrow Rain» Splash Attack and «Knife» Magic Projectile and Air Projectile make him a member of the fan nicknamed «Arrow Rainers». Bland and common characters that show off nothing special at all. These are considered to be the gold standard for Castle Crashers, as they are painfully below average and are not unique, unlike the characters below them. These are the aforementioned Thief, Stove Face, Peasant, Civilian, and Open-Faced Gray Knight.

Castle Crashers

Mediocre character in Castle Crashers. Struggles in difficult levels like Desert and Full Moon. To make the best of Thief, it is advised to use a high Strength weapon or a high Magic weapon that does not reduce Strength. Attribute to Magic for the Elemental Infusion first, or attribute to Agility first. The top 5 Animal Orbs in Snoot, Burly Bear, Hawkster, Piggy, and BiPolar Bear will suffice.

The gold standard of Arena. The Splash Attack is not reliable for hitting opponents or for resets.


Blue Knight

Once Blue Knight has you in a reset, you’re done. Be sure to move around a lot to counter act his tools. Difficult match-up.


Restrict Saracen’s options, to several 50/50s. but counter with a Shield bash. Watch out for his Magic Projectile because it is unblockable.

Pink Knight

Splash Attack has long range and comes out quickly. Air Projectile and Magic Projectile can Critical Strike and can be converted to a reset.


Restrict Necromancer’s options to a 50/50. Watch out for his Magic Projectile and Air Projectile because they are the fastest in the game.


  • Hawkster is considered to be a better alternative for farming for new players, as it can be obtained somewhat early in the game (assuming the player has the Horn) and has the ability to deal only 1 point of damage repeatedly, which is the lowest amount of damage possible, which means more attacks per enemy and thus more XP.
  • Hawkster is generally considered to be one of the most useful Animal Orbs for Insane Mode among other good options such as the Piggy, Snoot, BiPolar Bear, and Meowburt Animal Orbs.
  • Hawkster makes an amazing alternative for health potions if the player doesn’t have any.
  • Hawkster will not pick up fruit depending on how an enemy dies.
  • Other players and Thieves can steal the fruit Hawkster retrieves. 
  • Hawkster is one of the two pets obtained from blowing the horn, the other being BiPolar Bear.
  • The food that Hawkster carries will never expire, so it is recommended to save the food until it is really needed.
  • Hawkster’s name comes from the Hawk, a group of medium sized birds of prey which belong in the family Accipitridae, and -ster, which is a suffix used to describe someone with a quality or in an activity, in this case being a hawk.
  • Hawkster bears a resemblance to the Harris’s Hawk (Parabuteo unicinctus) as it is brown with dark eyes, yellow talons, and a yellow curved beak.
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