Army of two: the 40th day



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Рейтинг игр (X360) 74,13% (PS3) 72,39% (PSP) 46,40%
Metacritic (PS3) 74/100 (X360) 73/100 (PSP) 49/100
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IGN 8,5 / 10

«Армия двух: 40-й день» получила неоднозначные отзывы критиков. Сайты с агрегированными обзорами GameRankings и Metacritic дали версии Xbox 360 74,13% и 73/100 и версии PlayStation 3 72,39% и 74/100. Версия для PlayStation Portable получила отзывы 46,40% и 49/100 на GameRankings и Metacritic . IGN присудил ей 8,5 из 10: «Моменты морали могли создать более серьезные дилеммы, и ИИ все еще временами спотыкается, но в целом 40th Day — отличная игра, через которую можно пройти». Журнал PSM3 UK присудил ей 85%: «Это не самая прогрессивная или технически впечатляющая игра для PS3, но система морали, настройка оружия и совместная онлайн-игра повышают ее, и это один из лучших шутеров от корки до корки на PS3. «, в то время как PlayStation: The Official Magazine (США) присудил ему 9 баллов из 10, заявив, что» EA Montreal предлагает богатый, непревзойденный опыт общения с друзьями, который обеспечивает разумный выбор и жесткую, но веселую атмосферу, подобную Крепкому орешку , которая помогает облегчить мрачная, суровая атмосфера игры «. Журнал Hardcore Gamer Magazine раскритиковал незначительные улучшения игры и ее сходство с оригиналом, но отметил, что « 40-й день более серьезен, в нем отсутствуют моменты« какого черта », которыми была наполнена первая игра».

За первый месяц выпуска » 40th Day» было продано более 246 500 копий.

Economic downturns

Economic downturn can always be relied upon to create conditions of civil, political and international unrest. Hyper-inflation hit Germany hard in 1923-4 and facilitated the early development of Hitler’s career.

Although recovery was experienced, the fragility of the Weimar Republic was exposed by the global crash that hit in 1929. The ensuing Great Depression in turn helped to create conditions, such as widespread unemployment, that facilitated the National Socialist Party’s fatal rise to prominence.

Depositors try desperately to remove their savings from the Savings Bank of Berlin on Mühlendamm Street, 13 July 1931

Nazi ideology and Lebensraum

Hitler exploited the Treaty of Versailles and the dents in German pride that it and defeat in war had created by instilling a renewed sense of (extreme) national pride.

This was predicated in part by ‘us and them’ rhetoric that identified the German nation with Aryan supremacy over all other races, amongst whom particular disdain was reserved for the Slavic, Romany and Jewish ‘Untermenschen’. This would have dire consequences throughout the years of Nazi hegemony, as they sought a ‘final solution’ to the ‘Jewish question’.

The Nuremburg Rallies were used to whip up nationalist fervour by the Nazis

As early as 1925, through the publication of Mein Kampf, Hitler had outlined an intention to unite Germans across Europe in a reconstituted territory that included Austria, before securing vast tracts of land beyond this new Reich that would ensure self-sufficiency.

In May 1939 he explicitly referred to the oncoming war as being bound up with the pursuit of the ‘Lebensraum’ to the east, with this referring to the whole of Central Europe and Russia up to the Volga.

Adolf Hitler’s unbridled ambition would plunge the World into a war bloodier and more destructive than any in history. So one of the most important questions from our past is just how Adolf Hitler was able to come to power. Featuring renowned historian of the Third Reich Frank McDonough, and Nicholas O’Shaughnessy, a professor of communications at QMUL.
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  • Тайсон Риос — Тайсон Риос первоначально работал наемником в частном военном подрядчике SSC (Security and Strategy Corporation) со своим давним партнером Эллиотом Салемом. Позже они покинули SSC, чтобы сформировать собственную частную военную фирму под названием TWO (Tactical Worldwide Operations). Боевая жизнь Риоса в конечном итоге трагически оборвалась из-за взрыва автомобиля, который привел к тяжелой травме левой ноги и предполагаемой смерти Салема. Не имея возможности продолжать работу в полевых условиях, Риос командует ДВУМЯ оперативниками в качестве руководителя.
  • Эллиот Салем — Эллиот Салем вместе со своим давним партнером Тайсоном Риосом первоначально работали наемниками у частного военного подрядчика SSC ​​(Security and Strategy Corporation), а затем основали TWO (Tactical Worldwide Operations). Его действия появляются по выбору в « Армии двух: 40-й день» ; концовка выбрана у Ионы и является каноном для Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel . Салем сошел с ума после того, как, казалось бы, смертельный инцидент заставил его напарника и двух других ДВУХ оперативников, Альфа и Браво, бросить его, чтобы спасти заложницу Фиону. Это заставило его стать злодеем вместе со своим боссом Баутистой в Картеле Дьявола .
  • Альфа — один из двух игровых персонажей в Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel . Его имя не раскрывается, чтобы игрок мог «немного больше спроецировать себя на персонажа». Альфа считается фактическим лидером пары, так как часто именно он придумывает идеи и планы сражений. Он также держит своего вспыльчивого напарника Браво под контролем в сложных ситуациях и изо всех сил старается направить его в правильном направлении, чтобы завершить миссию.
  • Браво — еще один игровой персонаж в Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel . Его имя не раскрывается, чтобы игрок мог «немного больше спроецировать себя на персонажа». В то время как Альфа сосредоточен, спокоен и собран в бою, Браво — полная противоположность: он воодушевлен, крепок и всегда готов к бою. Кроме того, он в основном забавный и умный комик, который любит шутить и подшучивать (особенно над Альфой).


World War I

  • After the war, the Paris Peace Conference imposed a series of peace treaties on the Central Powers. The 1919 Treaty of Versailles officially ended the war. Building on Wilson’s 14th point, the Treaty of Versailles also brought into being the League of Nations on 28 June 1919. In signing the treaty, Germany acknowledged responsibility for the war, agreeing to pay enormous war reparations and award territory to the victors. It caused a lot of bitterness.
  • Austria–Hungary was partitioned into several successor states.
  • The Russian Empire lost much of its western frontier as the newly independent nations of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland were carved from it.

World War II

  • The war ended with the total victory of the Allies over Germany and Japan in 1945. The United Nations was established to foster international cooperation and prevent future conflicts.
  • The Soviet Union and the United States emerged as rival superpowers.
  • Although the totalitarian regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan were defeated, the war left many unresolved political, social, and economic problems in its wake and brought the Western democracies into direct confrontation with their erstwhile ally, the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin, thereby initiating a period of nearly half a century of skirmishing and nervous watchfulness as two blocs, each armed with nuclear weapons, faced each other probing for any sign of weakness.
  • The European economy had collapsed with 70% of the industrial infrastructure destroyed.
  • A rapid period of decolonization also took place within the holdings of the various European colonial powers. These primarily occurred due to shifts in ideology, the economic exhaustion from the war and increased demand by indigenous people for self-determination.


Gameplay will be further enhanced such as being able to feign surrender in order to outflank the enemy, using human shields, and automated covering. The refined controls now only require one button for any particular action. Melee has been mapped to a face button, and rifling through weapons can be done with one hand. There will also be a sprint function in the game. Partner AI has also been revamped to be more responsive and intelligent allowing the player to direct their partner into performing specific actions such as stealth kills or feigning surrender.

More weapons and upgrades will be available, adding interchangeable upgrades between weapons, such as adding the barrel of one assault rifle to another. The «pimped» option returns with new camouflage schemes. Weapons can now also be obtained from downed enemies, increasing the player’s arsenal to four weapons (up from three in Army of Two). Bullets will be able to penetrate weaker materials such as wood and sheet metal.

Co-op Playbook

Army of Two: The 40th Day expands on and refines the cooperative play featured in the original game. Unlike in Army of Two, where cooperative moments were primarily predetermined at particular intervals in the game, in Army of Two: The 40th Day, players can use co-op moves at any time. For example, players can mock surrender or setup simultaneous sniper shots. This is in addition to using Aggro as a mechanic for tactically engaging enemies in the midst of combat.


Aggro is a system that allows two players to tactically control the target of their enemy’s attacks. Aggro is measured by a HUD element that displays which player the enemy characters are currently focusing on. By performing aggressive actions, such as firing one’s weapon, a player generates aggro and in turn causes enemies to focus more of their attention on that player. While one player has Aggro the other is being ignored and as a result can then freely perform actions such as flanking. In Army of Two: The 40th Day, additional non-aggressive actions can affect aggro. For example, by performing a mock-surrender the enemy combatants will focus all of their attention (and aggro) on the player that is surrendering.

Morality Moments

In Army of Two: The 40th Day players are forced to make moral decisions that affect the story of the game. At pre-determined points in the game players will be presented with a choice, for example whether they should overtake a security guard and steal weapons or vacate the premises. The decision is not a vote between two players. but instead either player must decide while the other player is forced to accept the ramifications of that decisions regardless of what their preference was. The outcome and presentation of these morality moments takes the form of comic panels created by the popular artists Chris Bachalo and Jock.

Dynamic & Variety In Gameplay

EA Montreal has taken steps to ensure that the gameplay in Army of Two: The 40th Day is more dynamic than the original. This includes the environment, where some objects, such as wooden walls and crumbling mortar can now be penetrated by bullets. Likewise, there are now noncombatant NPCs that players will be forced to engage with. Players can simply ignore these civilian NPCs and allow them to be killed by combatants (or their own fire), or alternatively players can decide to deliberately rescue them. This sort of interaction can also occur in specific hostage scenarios where players must use coop moves to successfully overcome the situation. This is distinctly unlike the original Army of Two, where the enemies existed in the world solely to attack the player. There is also a lot more variety in characters, as there are more than twice as many different types of NPCs in Army of Two: The 40th Day, when compared to the original game.


Multiplayer mode in Army of Two: The 40th Day has received significant changes since the original. These changes included region-free play client-server connections (as opposed to the original Army of Two’s client-to-client connections), and an increased number of participants (up to 10).

Army of Two: The 40th Day maintains its focus on co-op play by requiring that players play in a partnership. Partners are a source for ammunition and are able to revive their fallen team mate.
There are a total of four multiplayer game modes:

  • Co-op Deathmatch pits teams of two against other partnerships.
  • Control awards points to teams for capturing and defending randomly spawned points.
  • Warzone has players battle over various objectives.
  • Extraction is a game mode where teams of four fight waves of increasingly powerful enemies in order to progress through areas of a map with the goal of reaching an extraction point.


После создания Trans World Operations (TWO) частные военные подрядчики Тайсон Риос и Эллиот Салем направляются в Шанхай, где им поручают встретиться со своим контактным лицом, JB. Он ведет двоих в переулок, чтобы собрать их снаряжение и оружие, прежде чем приступить к установке радиомаяков в стратегических точках Шанхая. После установки последнего маяка и встречи с чрезмерно усердными охранниками они перегруппировываются на крыше здания.

Хендлер Элис Мюррей по рации сообщает им, что они получат дополнительные деньги за увольнение JB; Риос и Салем могут либо убить его, либо солгать Алисе о его побеге. Следуя судьбе Джей Би, Шанхай подвергается нападению, опустошающему город. Риос и Салем едва покидают здание и сталкиваются с наемниками Инициативы 40-го дня, пытающимися их убить. Им удается связаться с Алисой, которая сообщает им, что она жива, но заперта в консульстве Южной Африки. Они направляются в консульство, отправляя группы наемников, а также встречают гражданских заложников, которых либо спасают, либо оставляют. В консульстве Риос и Салем обнаруживают, что Алиса находится в заложниках в офисе. Освободив ее, трое пробиваются в главный зал, где разбившийся вертолет позволяет им сбежать в подземные туннели.

Риос и Салем проходят через туннели и шоссе, спасая заложников и сражаясь с помощью наемников. Им удается добраться до Шанхайского зоопарка, где они встречают наемников и руководствуются сотрудниками зоопарка.

После выхода из зоопарка с Риосом и Салемом связывается Алиса, которой удалось добраться до безопасного места, и приказывает им найти вышку связи, чтобы просить о помощи. Риос и Салем борются через крыши, чтобы добраться до коммуникационной башни, но они находят только пустую комнату. Они решают продолжить поиски и прыгают на соседний балкон, но он внезапно уступает дорогу, и Салем падает на землю и теряет сознание. Салем просыпается через 24 часа в больнице, где их встречает доктор Ву, который просит их помочь в эвакуации пациентов. Риос и Салем защищают больницу от наемников, прежде чем отправиться в ближайший торговый центр.

В торговом центре пара находится в плену, пока не будет освобождена наемником по имени Брезнев, который затем инструктирует Риоса и Салема заложить бомбы, чтобы нарушить работу центра связи наемников. Эти двое успешно закладывают бомбы и расходятся с Брезневым. Выйдя из торгового центра, Алиса связывается с парой, говоря, что у нее есть вертолет, чтобы их вытащить. Несмотря на их усилия по уничтожению обороняющихся зенитных орудий, эвакуационный вертолет сбит и уничтожен, а Алиса считается мертвой.

Когда Риос и Салем отдыхают в бункере, они понимают, что не смогут сбежать, и вместо этого решают отомстить Инициативе 40-го дня, убив своего лидера, Джона Уэйда. Им удается отследить его до сильно укрепленного храма, и пара борется через него, пока не достигает внутреннего святилища, наконец встречаясь с Ионой. Затем Иона оправдывает свои действия насильственным социальным экспериментом, направленным на то, чтобы заставить мир отвернуться от разрушающего его морального разложения, при этом он держит в руках устройство, которое, как он утверждает, является спусковым крючком для ядерной бомбы, расположенной в глубине города.

Он предлагает Риосу и Салему выбор совершить «акт жертвоприношения», заставив одного из них выстрелить в другого, или выбрать убить его и его силы вторжения, которые взорвут бомбу, убив 7 миллионов человек. Независимо от сделанного выбора, Иона говорит, что бомба была подделкой. Убийство напарника завершает игру эпилогом, в котором оставшийся в живых напарник оплакивает жизнь своего друга, в то время как «Убийство Ионы» завершает игру эпилогом, в котором он размышляет о своих мотивах, когда силы ООН начинают двигаться в город.

The rise of extremism and the forging of alliances

Europe emerged from World War One a very changed place, with swathes of political ground being taken up by players on the extreme right and left. Stalin was identified by Hitler as a key future adversary and he was wary of Germany being caught territorially between the Soviet Union in the east and a Bolshevik Spain, together with a leftist French government, in the west.

Thus, he chose to intervene in the Spanish Civil War in order to bolster the right-wing presence in Europe, whilst trialling the effectiveness of his new air force and the Blitzkrieg tactics it could help deliver.

Hitler and Göring, flanked by Erhard Milch and Victor Lutze, admire the new German Air Force, April 1936.

During this time the friendship between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy was strengthened, with Mussolini also keen to protect the European right while gaining the first place from which to benefit from German expansionism.

Germany and Japan signed the Anti-Comintern Pact in November 1936. The Japanese increasingly distrusted the West following the Wall Street Crash and held designs on subjugating China and Manchuria in a manner that echoed Nazi objectives in the east of Europe.

Superficially, the most unlikely of diplomatic agreements was established in August 1939, when the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact was signed. In this act the two powers effectively carved up the perceived ‘buffer zone’ that existed between them in Eastern Europe and paved the way for the German invasion of Poland.


The official site describes the following features:

Pure Co-Op

Battling the world’s deadliest cartel is more than one man can handle, but you’ve got a partner. Whether you’re performing flanking maneuvers, creating diversions to take the heat off, or even giving him one last shot of adrenaline when things get a little too chaotic. Working together as a single engine of destruction is the key to laying waste to your surroundings and taking out enemies with overwhelming force. The more effectively you work together, the more cash you make and the more destruction you’ll cause. You may be outgunned and outnumbered, but the only number you need is T.W.O.

Lethal Cartels

T.W.O. has faced some tough enemies, but now you’re up against the most vicious cartel in the world. Take part in a T.W.O. operation against La Guadaña (the Scythe), a ruthless criminal organization that holds the people of Mexico in its murderous grip. The cartel rules through fear, violence, and intimidation, killing without remorse and corrupting the government for their own sadistic ends. Only you and your comrade can bring justice to the cartel. Failure is not an option when the soul of a nation is at stake.

Explosive Destruction

Become an instrument of mass destruction in Army of Two The Devil’s Cartel. As a member of one of the world’s most elite private military companies, you and your partner will be armed to unleash colossal amounts of destruction. As you lay waste to the enemy, you’ll build up Overkill, an ability that briefly makes you an invincible engine of absolute destruction. Walls, barriers, and buildings bow to the explosive power of your weapons, powered by the bombastic Frostbite 2 engine that powers Battlefield 3. Is your enemy hiding behind that truck and refusing to come out? Trigger Overkill and blast the truck into the dust… taking your enemies with it!

Weaponry and Equipment[]

Weapon Customization

A predominant feature in the Army of Two series is the ability to customize weapons using money that is earned in-game. As the official Army of Two blog describes it, «it’s like Lego with Guns every part of your weapon is customizable and interchangeable with parts from other weapons.” The changes to weapons are not only for appearance, but also affect the performance and the amount of aggro that they generate. Some weapon characteristics that can be changed are handling, accuracy, ammunition capacity, and power.
Rios and Salem wear ballistic masks as part of their combat gear. By logging into the Army of Two: The 40th Day website, the player can create custom designs that appear on their masks in both single and multiplayer.

Weapon Design Contest

Like for the original Army of Two, a community-oriented weapons design contest was run for Army of Two: The 40th Day. The contest challenged fans and enthusiasts from North America, Italy, France, and the UK to submit an image and brief description of a weapon that they designed. Two weapon designs were chosen as winners and will appear in the game for those players who have a saved game present on their game console from the original Army of Two. The winning entries were chosen on August 6, 2009. The winning entries were the AS-KR1 «The Ass Kicker» Rifle (submitted by the AngryJoeShow) and the «Grand Pinger» Sniper Launcher (submitted by Uberblargh).

Soviets Declare War, Japan Surrenders



21 Images

In addition to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan came under increasing pressure when the Soviet Union formally declared war on August 8 and invaded Japanese-occupied Manchuria in northeastern China. With his Imperial Council deadlocked, Japan’s Emperor Hirohito broke the tie and decided that his country must surrender. At noon on August 15 (Japanese time), the emperor announced Japan’s surrender in his first-ever radio broadcast.

On September 2, World War II ended when U.S. General Douglas MacArthur accepted Japan’s formal surrender aboard the U.S. battleship Missouri, anchored in Tokyo Bay along with a flotilla of more than 250 Allied warships. 

At the signing of the agreement that brought an end to 2,194 days of global war, MacArthur told the world in a radio broadcast, “Today the guns are silent. A great tragedy has ended. A great victory has been won.”

SEE MORE: World War II Ends: 22 Photos of Giddy Celebration After Allied Victory

The failure of appeasement

American isolationism was a direct response to the European events of 1914-18 that the US had ultimately become embroiled in. This left Britain and France, already terrified by the prospect of another war, without a key ally in world diplomacy during the tense interwar period.

This is most commonly highlighted in relation to the toothless League of Nations, another product of Versailles, which patently failed in its mandate to prevent a second global conflict.

Through the mid-1930s the Nazis re-armed Germany in spite of the Treaty of Versailles and without sanction or protest from Britain or France. The Luftwaffe was founded, Naval forces were expanded and conscription was introduced

With continuing disregard for the Treaty, German troops reoccupied the Rhineland in March 1936. Simultaneously, these developments added to Hitler’s legend within Germany and provided much-needed employment, whilst encouraging the Führer to push foreign appeasement to the limit.

Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister from 1937-40, is the man most closely associated with the appeasement of Nazi Germany. The retributive conditions placed on Germany at Versailles meant that many other potential challengers to Hitler chose to concede the German right to claim the Sudetenland and complete the Anschluss of Austria rather than confront him and risk antagonising war.

This attitude resulted in the signing of the Munich Agreement without question of Hitler’s demands, much to his surprise, which Chamberlain infamously celebrated on his return to Britain.

An overwhelming preference for peace amongst British and French citizens had continued to prevail in the years prior to 1939. This is highlighted by the brandishing of Churchill, and others who warned of Hitler’s threat, as a warmonger.

There was a sea-change in public opinion following Hitler’s appropriation of the remainder of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, which contemptuously disregarded the Munich treaty. Chamberlain then guaranteed Polish sovereignty, a line in the sand that was forced by the prospect of German domination in Europe.

Although many still chose to believe the now-inevitable prospect of war was unthinkable, German actions on 1 September 1939 signalled the start of a new major conflict in Europe only 21 years since finale of the ‘War to End All Wars’.

The German Army entered Poland on 1 September 1939, the act that sparked initiated World War Two.

Вооружение и снаряжение

Кастомизация оружия

Преобладающая особенность — это возможность настраивать оружие, используя деньги, которые зарабатываются за убийство врагов и выполнение заданий. Официальный блог Army of Two описал это как «как в Lego with Guns каждая часть вашего оружия настраивается и взаимозаменяема с частями другого оружия». Изменения в оружии касаются не только внешнего вида, но также влияют на характеристики и количество вызываемого им агро. Некоторые характеристики оружия, которые можно изменить, — это управляемость, точность, боезапас, агро и мощность.

Конкурс дизайна оружия

В рамках «40-го дня» проводился конкурс на создание оружия, ориентированный на сообщества . Конкурс призвал фанатов и энтузиастов из Северной Америки, Италии, Франции и Великобритании представить изображение и краткое описание созданного ими оружия. Два дизайна оружия (один из североамериканских и один из европейских) были выбраны в качестве победителей и появятся в игре для тех игроков, у которых на игровой консоли есть сохраненная игра из оригинальной Army of Two .

Победившие работы были выбраны 6 августа 2009 года. Победителями стали винтовка AS-KR1 «The Ass Kicker» (представленная ) и снайперская гранатомет «Grand Pinger» (представленная Uberblargh).

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«Армия двух: грязные деньги» , написанная Джоном Ней Рибером и иллюстрированная Брэндоном МакКинни, представляет собой графический роман 2008 года, в котором рассказывается о Риосе и Салеме через некоторые из их самых ранних миссий, совместно работая в качестве частных военных подрядчиков. Сюжет повествует о коррупции в компании, в которой они работают. Риос и Салем работают вместе, как «армия из двух человек», пытаясь выжить и раскрыть заговор внутри компании, в которой они работают.


Мини-сериал из шести выпусков под названием Army of Two: Across the Border был выпущен в январе 2010 года компанией IDW Publishing и совпал с выпуском продолжения игры Army of Two: The 40th Day , события которой происходят между первой и второй игрой.


В 2008 году появилось сообщение о том, что Universal Pictures приобрела права на экранизацию игры, ссылаясь на желание Universal «ускорить реализацию проекта до начала производства в 2009 году» и наняв Майкла Манна для написания сценария и постановки. Ничего не вышло, и проект закрыли.



Type 77 : Given at the start. Very weak, takes many shots to kill. Small magazine and low power makes this a terrible choice.

Desert Eagle .44 : 12 round mag. Decapitates foes in one shot, unless they are utilizing a helmet, then it takes two. Very useful against Shotgun Heavies, Gatling Superheavies, and Grenadier Superhevies.

G18 : Machine pistol, fully automatic. Weak, but automatic fire makes up for it. Burns though reserve ammo rapidly. Use as backup only. Can only be unlocked by having all good morality choices(Press A/X to kill, B/O to spare type choices) from the start of the story until the start of the Hospital, in the Armory. You will be notified if you have or have not had all good choices once at the Armory.



Type 05 SMG: A weak, inaccurate SMG with a high rate of fire. Given at the start of the gam


MP5: Weak but accurate SMG with low recoil. Produces less aggro than most weapons. Costs $15,000

P90: Average damage with low recoil and medium accuracy. Fixed magazine capacity to 50 rounds per mag. Unlocked in Chapter 2 Vertigo when sniping the guys who are holding hostages

TDV .45 SMG: A powerful SMG with average accuracy and high fire rate. Cost $35,000

Assault Rifles

G36C: All-purpose assault rifle. Given at game start. Places many shots on target easily. Used by many 40th Day mercs and can be found everywhere for use as a temporary weapon.

AK-47 : Hard-hitting assault rifle with low accuracy, slow fire rate and harsh recoil but decent handling. Cheapest assault rifle available. Cost: $1,100. Can be modified to reduce recoil to a medium level while maintaining power.

QBZ-03 : All round assault rifle with good damage and accuracy, but the incredibly fast fire rate makes it very easy to empty the magazine. Cost $12,000

M4 : All-purpose assault rifle. Average damage and very accurate, low/medium amount of recoil.

FELIN 2C : Highly Accurate but has average damage and handling but high fire rate. Unique weapon parts when in customisation.

SCAR-L: Highly accurate assault rifle with medium damage. High rate of fire. Initial rifle is extremely precise. Places most shots on target with greatest ease.

M416: All-purpose assault rifle. Very reliable, has medium Accuracy, Recoil, and high Power. Obtained by doing a bad morality choice early in the game, but is unlocked for purchase at the beginning of chapter 3. Very well rounded assault rifle.

AS-KR1: Unlocked by having a save game file from the previous Army of Two. The secondary weapon on this gun is a shotgun almost identical to the AA-12 due to same rate of fire and power. Can’t be upgraded, but fairly strong and has a built-in scope. Cost $300,000. Built for looks, not performance.


Masterkey Shotgun : Front mount weapon, can be attached to assault rifles and the MK 6 Grenade launcher. Cost $30,000

Remington 870MCS: Pump-action shotgun, high power. Costs $2,100

FSB Shotgun : Pump-action shotgun, high damage and fair amount of recoil. cost $15,000 Best with shield in front.

HM shotgun : Magazine-fed, able to upgrade ammo capacity. Low fire rate (semi-automatic), Medium to High damage and medium recoil. Can be unlocked by stealing the weapons in chapter 2 Murray

AA-12 : Initially comes with an 8 round magazine, though the 20-round magazine is highly recommendable as you will find yourself reloading far too often otherwise.. Fire rate of 300 rounds pr. minute (fully automatic), High damage and low recoil. Costs $50,000


M249 SAW : A powerful but inaccurate heavy machinegun. Has decent recoil and high rate of fire, can be reliable in most situations but burns through ammo quick and comes with an atrocious reload speed. Cost $22,500

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