
In-Game Story[]

«Thane Greymane is a Wolf Clan legend. He is the prince of the ruling Greymane clan, a revered Swordmaster, and the wielder of the mythical Hakonsblade. The young wolf’s talent and pedigree are undeniable, even to his enemies.

Thane takes to his reputation with gusto, and a healthy dose of overconfidence. He will do anything to prove his worth to the Wolf Clan. As such, he will stand fast, blade in hand, against any threat to that dream.

Behind Thane’s bluster hides a sheltered child of royalty. His lot in life was always as a trophy warrior for the royal line, while his father, and his older brother Fang, shouldered the burden of clan leadership.

This comfortable life was torn away from Thane when his father was killed and Fang was banished from the Wolf Clan. All of a sudden, the hopes and dreams of a thousand souls spun towards Thane for guidance. It was a burden which the young cub’s shoulders were perhaps not yet ready to bear.

Now, Thane strikes out into Armello. Tragedy has forced a dangerous duty upon him. With blade in hand, he howls a challenge out to all those that oppose him. Blademaster, tactician, spiritual adept, or steadfast loyalist, no matter what you may think of the Winter Wolf, he is here, and his effect on the Kingdom will be undeniable.»


Бандитский кланправить

Для поддержавших игру на Кикстартере авторы предложили уникальных персонажей — Бандитский клан — отличающихся не просто внешне, а тактикой, предысторией и всем, что составляет в игре персонажа. Это вызвало массовое недовольство игроков, которым игра была интересна вне Кикстартера: например, после выхода (чтобы не покупать кота в мешке); или тем, кто просто узнал о ней после Кикстартера. Многие игроки сообщили, что разработчики таким образом наказывают всех, кто по той или иной причине не поучаствовал в Кикстартере, и продают за полную цену не полноценный опыт. Когда ситуация достигла точки кипения, разработчики придумали опросить поддержавших их на Кикстартере, не готовы ли те отказаться от эксклюзивности. Подавляющее число голосов согласилось, и Бандитский клан решили сделать общедоступным, когда будет готова версия игры для мобильных устройств. У поддержавших Кикстартер останутся дополнительная эксклюзивная внешность для этих персонажей.

Версия для GOGправить

Во время Кикстартера игра объявлялась как имеющая версию на платформе GOG без DRM, привязывающего игру к платформе, что важно для многих спонсоров для Кикстартере и в особенности для многопользовательской игры. Однако версия для GOG сразу по выходу игры получила ограничения: авторы отказались добавлять в неё Бандитский клан («иначе эксклюзивный контент будет доступен всем»; DRM — одна из мер против «пиратства»), а также не обеспечили возможностью играть вместе пользователям из Стима и GOG

Также игра не поддерживала возможности клиента GOG Galaxy по смене языка приложения, хотя поддерживала такую возможность в Стиме.

Когда появилось первой платное DLC, авторы объявили, что они не станут портировать его на GOG и прекращают поддержку, за исключением обновлений стабильности и безопасности. Версия на GOG была переименована из «Armello» (как на Стиме и других платформах) в «Armello DRM Free Edition» (редакция без DRM). На вопросы, почему так, авторы отвечали уклончиво и сообщили, что всякий недовольный может попросить возврата денег через платформу GOG, и их возвратят. Поступок вызвал большой резонанс в сообществе GOG, как среди спонсоров Кикстартера, так и среди просто владельцев игры или имеющих её в списке пожеланий. Критика дошла до предположения, что авторы с самого начала не планировали поддерживать версию на GOG и просто использовали концепцию «без DRM» на Кикстартере, чтобы собрать больше денег, поскольку их отношение к пользователям GOG с самого начала было пренебрежительным. На внутреннем механизме GOG была подана петиция за удаление игры с GOG.


Armello был анонсирован в сентябре 2012 года как дебютная игра от австралийской независимой игровой студии League of Geeks, первоначально как эксклюзивная игра для iPad, которая должна быть выпущена в следующем году, прежде чем возникнут задержки. В разработке из 15 человек вошли четыре директора: Тай Кэри, Трент Кустерс, Блейк Мицци и Яцек Тушевски, чей общий опыт в игровой индустрии насчитывает 40 лет и 50 реализованных проектов. Кастерс заявил, что он был вдохновлен на создание игры после того, как услышал об успехе Грега Касавина в создании Bastion с такой небольшой командой. League of Geeks начала работу над игрой после восьми месяцев создания прототипов на бумаге и еще 18 месяцев работы над предварительной альфа-версией . Ранняя версия игры была представлена ​​на конференции разработчиков игр в апреле 2013 года, а затем на первой выставке PAX Australia в июле следующего года.

В декабре 2011 года и октябре 2013 года «Лига компьютерных фанатов» получила финансовую помощь от правительства штата Виктория . На Сиднейском кинофестивале 2012 года было объявлено, что « Армелло» был одним из 14 проектов, выбранных из 89, получивших дополнительную поддержку от австралийского федерального государственного органа, финансирующего Screen Australia .

При описании жанра и влияет на титул, в Kusters разбили его как «представьте себе Magic: The Gathering отвечает Final Fantasy Tactics , » и « Игра престолов встречает Кунг — фу Панда » также отметить , что он имеет компоненты настольные игры, карточные игры , и стратегические ролевые игры . Игра также сказал , чтобы обратиться к поклонникам Redwall и The Dark Crystal , а также анимационных работ студии Ghibli , в частности , Унесенные призраками , которая была названа в качестве большого влияния на Armello ‘ направлении искусства s и истории.

В апреле 2014 года команда запустила 30-дневную страницу проекта на Kickstarter, чтобы получить дополнительно 200000 австралийских долларов для помощи в разработке игры на постоянной основе, а также для поддержки выпуска на платформах Windows , OS X и Linux с использованием Steam. услуга. Также была добавлена ​​расширенная цель, расширяющая возможную поддержку планшетов Android и Windows . Также была установлена ​​ориентировочная дата релиза — март 2015 года. 8 мая 2014 года кампания достигла 305 360 долларов США, что позволило успешно профинансировать игру, а также выполнить все расширенные задачи, включая выпуски для двух дополнительных платформ, дополнительные языки, игровые карты и набор фишек зимней карты.

Card Anatomy[]

A sample card.


This symbol corresponds to a side of the Armello die. When burned, a card is guaranteed to roll a die corresponding to its symbol, if there are any dice left to roll. Be careful, if you burn a card with a symbol that is guaranteed to be a miss during your particular encounter, the die will effectively be wasted. This can also be used to get rid of cards that you do not need.


This specifies where and/or on whom the card may be played. This includes Heroes, NPCs, or any particular tile(s). Item Cards and Follower Cards can be equipped by dragging them into your inventory.


Most cards have either a cost or a gain associated with them. This is how much you will need to pay in order to play or equip the card. Majority of the cards cost either Gold or Magic to play, however a few may require some of your Prestige. A few cards will cause you to gain Rot upon playing or equipping them.


The bottom right corner shows you the type of the card. There are 4 card types in Armello:

Icon Name Description
Equippable You can equip this Item by playing it to an Item Slot in your Inventory.
Instant When played to the tile or character denoted on the card, this card’s effect will take place immediately.
Peril When played to the tile denoted on the card, this card will be played as a Peril. Any heroes that encounter that Peril on the board will have to match a number of dice equal to the card’s Peril Rating in order to escape the card’s effect.
Follower This colorful character can be recruited to your party by playing them to a Follower Slot in your Party.


When hovering over the flavor text icon, the card’s prevalence (or rarity) will be revealed. The levels of prevalence indicates how high the chance is of drawing a certain card. Cards labeled common may appear several times in one game, while uncommon cards are the slightest bit more elusive. Rare cards are far more difficult to find than its predecessors, though finding more than one is not out of the ordinary. Unique cards are the rarest out of the four before it, and very few are hidden amongst the other cards.


When hovering over the flavor text icon, a bit of lore involving the card will appear. Just below the text, from what or whom it is quoted from will also be visible.


The card’s artwork is almost always visible, performing its set animation loop during battle sequences, perils, or just plain gameplay. Usually associated with the card’s description (see above), the artwork may depict anything from wandering circus performers to a shining crown entangled by black vines. The type of card in question may signify what the artwork will look like (for example, Equippable Item Cards will more than likely feature a weapon or useful tool, while Spell Cards might show the magic or curse at work).

Hovering over the artwork will open a window crediting the artist and sometimes the animator.


Армелло воссоздает традиционную настольную ролевую игру, основанную на фантастическом мире, населенном антропоморфными существами.

Armello — это цифровая симуляция традиционной фэнтезийной настольной ролевой игры, в которой используются виртуальные кости и карты, которые позволяют игроку выполнять определенные действия. До четырех игроков берут на себя роль героя, представляющего определенный клан животных, каждый со своими уникальными сильными сторонами, с конечной целью штурмовать замок и стать новым королем или королевой королевства. Область игрового поля разделена на плитки в форме шестиугольника, которые содержат случайно сгенерированные элементы, такие как подземелья для исследования, квесты, которые необходимо выполнить, соперничающие герои для битвы или поселения, которые нужно захватить. По ходу игры игроки могут приобретать валюту для приобретения дополнительных способностей для своего героя, используя систему древа талантов, специфичную для каждого персонажа.

В игре используется пошаговая система, в которой игрокам разрешено выполнять такие действия, как экипировать предметы и покупать таланты во время хода другого игрока, чтобы сократить время простоя. Карты и кости используются для непосредственного взаимодействия с игровым миром и составляют основу боевой системы игры. Игроки используют карты, которые они берут из колоды, чтобы разыгрывать заклинания, нанимать соратников, лечить раны или использовать предметы, дающие особые способности. Карты также можно разыграть как «Опасности», которые можно положить на определенные плитки, чтобы действовать как ловушки для других героев, или использовать сразу в бою, а другие карты можно использовать для создания временных союзов. Армелло также имеет дневной / ночной цикл, в котором определенные герои получают преимущества в зависимости от времени суток, а определенные группы врагов появляются только в темноте или на свете.

Есть четыре альтернативных пути к победе, и каждый герой лучше всего подходит для достижения определенного, но каждое условие победы может быть достигнуто с каждым героем.


Elyssia is a white lop-eared rabbit with a large patch of gray over one side of her face, a color her ears also share. Her feet and paws also appear to be darker, and her eyes are colored a rich dark honey. She wears upon her head a yellow hat with a smoky brown-and-white feather.

She is clad in a buttoned white shirt and a grey vest with golden embellishments. A large white ruff encircles her neck, and around her legs are puffy striped pants. She is armed with several architectural tools, including a mallet, a ruler, a knife and a large measuring staff in paw.

Elyssia’s eyes are slanted slyly, suggesting this masterful Rabbit Clan builder isn’t all that she appears to be.

Special Decks[]

The Special Card Decks cannot be drawn from like the Main Decks, and instead will be drawn from randomly by the computer in certain situations. For example, if a treasure is rolled via Dungeon Exploration, a Treasure Card will be drawn randomly from the appropriate deck and presented to the finder. (This also applies to rolling a follower.)

Follower Cards

Follower Cards have blue symbols and can be found in Dungeons and through Quests, and may be recruited to a Hero’s party to provide unique bonuses. A Follower Card must be «equipped» to a Hero to take effect, and require the Hero to pay the indicated cost to use them.

Treasure Cards

Treasure Cards (often just referred to as Treasures) are shiny equippable Item Cards that shimmer with bright golden rays. Treasure Cards differ greatly from other equipment cards because their effects are usually much, much more powerful and unique, and furthermore, most Treasures cost nothing to equip. (Rot Treasures like Raven’s Beak Dagger, Poppet and Bane Blade are exclusions to this rule.)

Treasures are also rarer than Item Cards, and can only be encountered by successfully completing Quests or by Dungeon Exploration. (Amber’s Hero Ability makes finding Treasures much easier.)


Lunging animation, Combat screen.

Default pose, Combat screen.

Combat stance (animated)

Strike animation, preformed on Mercurio (Killing Blow).

Blocking animation, once again with Mercurio.

Thane from the debut trailer.

Thane from the «Horrors & Heroes» trailer.

Thane concept render (side).

Thane concept render (front).

Thane Minuature from

Thane miniature, sideview.

Thane miniature, old prototype.

Hakonsguard Thane skin

Thane on the Choose Hero screen

Hakonsguard Thane portrait

battle pose (Hakonsguard Thane skin)

Hakonsguard Thane (Animated)

concept art

concept art

Игровой процесс[править]

Игра проходит в землях королевства Армелло, представленного доской из шестиугольников, в каждом из которых может находиться город, подземелье, гора и другие объекты. Четверо героев, а также монстры и стражники путешествуют по доске, преследуя свои цели. Каждый ходит по очереди, имея определённое количество шагов.

У героев есть параметры (атака, сила, интеллект и дух), ресурсы (золото, магия, престиж и гниль), карты на руках, экипировка и спутники. Также у каждого героя есть уникальный талант. Двигаясь по карте, герои попадают в испытания, которые грозят им различными штрафами, сталкиваются с врагами, захватывают города, выполняют задания и исследуют подземелья.

Добиться победы можно одним из нескольких способов: убить короля и выжить при этом; убить короля, имея более высокий, чем у него, показатель гнили; собрать четыре камня душ, чтобы очистить короля; или иметь больше всех престижа, когда король умрёт от гнили сам.


  • Greetings: Shadows bless you.
  • Farewell: Farewell. Sleep deeply.
  • Oops!: Haste makes for error.
  • Bad Luck: Fate is unkind.
  • Thanks: I am in your debt.
  • Sorry: Veyest Dahn. I am sorry.
  • Mercy: I am not your target. Keep back!
  • Well Played: Well executed.
  • Laugh: Heh…
  • Go for X: X should be your target.
  • Truce X: X. We can help each other, you and I.
  • Threaten X: Sleep with one eye open X
  • Curse: Curse it!
  • Ouch!: Arh! That hurt.
  • Go for Self: Try stop me. It makes the kill sweeter.
  • Truce Self: I don’t do well with partners. They die. Often
  • Threaten Self: I’ll take the throne or lie dead at it feet.
  • Wow: Even I can be surprised.
  • Boast: Blade… Poison… Time… One way or another.


AI (or Artificial Intelligence) will control a Hero’s actions when a human player does not. In single player games, AI will be in control of the other three heroes. In multiplayer games, AI can be recruited when there are not enough players to fill all four slots.

Also, if a player leaves or «Disconnects» from the game, their Hero will perish and from that point on their actions will be overseen by AI.

It is worth mentioning that the AI is exactly that- artificial intelligence, a computer. Therefore, it will not play as tactfully or thoughtfully as a human player might, and for this reason it has been criticized. If played against for long periods of time, the patterns of the AI may become familiar to the player, gradually making winning against it easier.


  • No Items, Spells, and Trickery Cards

    However, Reddit users claimed some unexplained action supposedly caused Moonbite and other spells to have effect on the King. These claims were later proven to be false, as the players in this situation mistook a Spirit Stone Victory and River’s preemptive strike for a Spell.

    can be played on the King, as this would cause the game to end very easily.

  • It is revealed in the Prologue of Armello (and further explored in his Novella) that it was the King who united the four Clans.
  • As of v1.2.1, it is possible that the King and The Stranger have a bitter backstory. When a Hero enters the Palace gardens, the King orders The Stranger to «Begone, you foul creature». The Stranger, astounded, replies, «What!? That’s no way to greet an old friend!» before slinking from beneath his gaze.
  • In the Armello Novella The King, the King of Armello’s real name is Tau (even though it wasn’t his birth name).
  • He was exiled from his homeland by his brother Isoba.


Thane has a very high Fight stat, while all his other attributes remain average. As a nocturnal Hero, he is strongest during the night, and weaker at day.

Hero Ability

Thane’s special Hero Ability is Sword Master: Sword cards Burned in battle Pierce opponent’s defenses. This power behaves similarly to the cards Longbow and Hand Cannons, except both involve rolled Swords instead of Burned. This ability makes Thane deadly when he has Sword Cards to burn during Combat.


Thane’s ring selection primarily centers around improving his strength during the night or while on mountain tiles.

Wolf Clan rings grant its heroes benefits on Mountain tiles, or additional Magic or Gold after kills.

Name Effect Unlock
Sapphire Gain Stealth on Mountains, Day and Night. Default
Moonstone Gain +2 Magic for every Kill in Battle. After 2 games
Onyx Gain +2 Gold for every Kill in Battle. After 5 games
Celestite Ignore Mountain movement penalty. After 10 games
Rubellite +3 Fight while you have 3 or less Health. The Usurpers DLC
Chrysocolla Grants Scout on Heroes with 2 Health or less. The Rivals DLC


While Thane’s high fight makes him powerful in battle, his distinct lack of Wits render his Hero Ability nearly useless, and his count of 3 Spirit prevents him from playing many Magic Cards at time under normal circumstances. Although it is tempting to go for Fight Quests for a higher chance at claiming rewards, it’s usually a good idea to pick Wit, Spirit, or even Body challenges to boost his lower stats and make him more powerful in other aspects of the game. (Also, if you really, really want that Lionheart Breastplate on a 30% chance, search the Magic Deck for some buffs.)

Besides his advantage in combat, Thane’s evened-out set of stats allow plenty of options for types of Victories. Whilst Kingslayer Victories are popular and common amongst the Armello Fans for this sword of a wolf, Spirit Stone Victories, Rot Victories, and Prestige Victories aren’t out of the ordinary either, and are very possible.

Surrounding the palace with Trickery Perils, playing Cursed Lands on the Palace, and generally hindering other heroes with his massive fight makes for a lovely Prestige Victory (this works for most characters). Spirit Stone Victories will take a bit more legwork and dedication, searching the board for crystallized Spirit Stones and hoping the Quests will have mercy before ultimately banishing the King. Rot Victories will take time as well, but equipping the Spoil amulet will help in the long run.

In-Game Story[]

«Behind every great barrow hidden across the Rabbit Clan plains are a group of craftmasters and architects that lend their knowledge to bolster the power of the great kingdom. Elyssia is one of those masters in the shadows, but unlike them, she can be found at the front of each great barrow too.

Elyssia is the Warden of Warrens, one of the most vital posts in the burrows. She’s responsible for its defense against all enemies. Although an engineer and architect, this rank gives her enormous political sway, enough to bully her way around with impunity. She works, toils, and guides others to do the same. Under her wary supervision, and skillful implementation, many of the Rabbit Clan’s most ambitious projects have been realized. There is a place for those lonely artists held up in workshops developing tiny trinkets. But Elyssia’s dreams are bigger, and there is yet to be one that she has not achieved.

Amid the chaos of the battle for the throne, Elyssia emerges as a pragmatic candidate. What she has done for the Rabbit Clan alone is staggering. Her ambition is tempered by a loyalty to the artistic nature of her craft. Her creative soul is tempered by an unrivaled work ethic. With all the great clans united under her banner, the future of Armello is unlimited.»



Общий балл
Агрегатор Счет
Metacritic ПК: 75/100 PS4: 74/100 XONE: 80/100 NS: 80/100 iOS: 71/100
Оценка по отзывам
Публикация Счет
TouchArcade iOS:

Согласно Metacritic , Armello получил «в целом благоприятные» отзывы на Windows, Xbox One и Nintendo Switch и «смешанные или средние» отзывы на PlayStation 4 и iOS. GameSpot присвоил игре 8 баллов из 10, отметив, что, хотя в ней можно использовать некоторую «тонкую настройку», она остается «одной из лучших доступных виртуальных настольных игр». PlayStation LifeStyle также присудила игре 8 баллов из 10, заявив: «Это хорошо сбалансированный и красивый игровой процесс, который показывает, что оригинальность все еще возможна в формате, которому много веков назад». IGN был менее позитивным, выставив ему оценку 5,6 из 10, заявив, что «Армелло производит отличное первое впечатление, но у него дурная привычка заставлять вас чувствовать, что вы играете один».

Игра была номинирована на премию «Лучшее изобразительное искусство» на фестивале независимых игр 2016 года .


Hero Ability

Elyssia’s unique Hero ability allows her to secure any settlement she ends her turn on, erecting walls with double the amount of action points required to cross that hex for other players. Like mountain tiles, Elyssia receives a shield bonus on these enclosed settlements. These fortifications are permanent, and Elyssia can traverse these fortified cities without their associated movement penalty.


Rabbit Clan rings grant its heroes benefits while on Plains tiles, or provide additional Gold or Prestige.

Name Effect Unlock
Emerald In Battles and Perils, +2 Shields on Plains. Default
Pink Topaz Doubles Gold gained from settlements. Reach Hero Mastery Level 2 with Amber.
Diamond +1 Prestige per Equipped Treasure and Recruited Follower. Reach Hero Mastery Level 2 with Barnaby.
Sunstone In Battle and Perils at day, +1 Sun. Win 5 games for the Rabbit Clan.
Rainbow Quartz +1 Magic and +1 Gold every Dawn. Reach Hero Mastery Level 2 with Elyssia (from The Usurper DLC).
Spinel Get a 20% bonus in all Quests. Reach Mastery Level 2 with Hargrave (from The Rivals DLC).

Card Decks[]

The Main Card Decks can be drawn from on each hero’s turn if the amount of cards in their hand does not match or exceed their Wits stat. (Example: If a hero’s Wits stat is equal to 4, but they only have 2 cards in their hand, they may draw 2 more cards on their next turn.) The Card Decks are as follows:

Item Cards

Main article: Item Cards

Thane equipping an Item Card on the status screen.

Item Cards are drawn from the Item Deck and have yellow symbols. Items marked as «Equippable» are equipped to a Hero directly, and will provide the designated effect as long as they remain equipped. «Consumable» items, however, only provide an instantaneous effect, and are discarded immediately upon use. Most Item Cards cost gold to play or equip, however, some may cause you to gain rot upon using.

Spell Cards

Main article: Spell Cards

Mercurio playing a Spell Card on Thane.

Spell Cards are drawn from the Spell Deck and have green symbols. Spells can be used to either deal damage or cause ill effects to an opponent from a distance. They may be played on yourself or another Creature for instantaneous effect, or placed on a specific tile as a Peril. Most Spell Cards cost Magic to play.

Trickery Cards

Main article: Trickery Cards

Thane playing a Trickery Card as a Peril on a Settlement tile .

Trickery Cards are drawn from the Trickery Deck and have red symbols. They work much the same as Spells, dealing ranged damage or performing special actions from a distance, with the primary difference being that the cost is represented in Gold, Prestige, or Rot rather than Magic. Also like Spell Cards, they may be played on an enemy directly or on a tile as as Peril.


  • Greetings: Salutations.
  • Farewell: Goodbye.
  • Oops!: There’s always a margin for error.
  • Bad Luck: Bad luck. But that’s no excuse.
  • Thanks: You have my thanks. Don’t expect it again.
  • Sorry: My regrets.
  • Mercy: Don’t get in my way.
  • Well Played: An excellent strategy
  • Laugh: Hahaha! Oh. Ahem. Hmpf.
  • Go for X: We must end X.
  • Truce X: We can do more together X
  • Threaten X: X… You will curse me on your deathbed
  • Curse: Who’s fault was that?!
  • Ouch!: Ow! That. Ow.
  • Go for Self: Malcontents, come fight. Get it over with.
  • Truce Self: Alliance will only slow me down.
  • Threaten Self: Armello needs order. I must bring order
  • Wow: Speechless.
  • Boast: I will rebuild Armello.


Hero Ability

Zosha’s unique hero ability is Shadow: At Night, Zosha gains Stealth on any type of tile except palace tiles.

Shadow allows Zosha to hide her actions and more easily Ambush enemies at Night, which gives her a combat advantage along with her nighttime bonus die.


Zosha’s ring selection is designed to either give her an edge in settlement tiles or increase the rewards she gains from each kill, as well as give her the option to boost her Wits stat.

Rat Clan rings grant its heroes benefits on claimed Settlement tiles, or aid them in combat.

Name Effect Unlock
Black Opal Gain Stealth in Settlements, Day and Night. Default
Obsidian At Night gain Scout on all your claimed Settlements. Reach Hero Mastery Level 2 with Mercurio
Ruby First rolled Sword in Battle Explodes. Reach Hero Mastery Level 2 with Zosha
Turquoise Gain Evade and +2 Explode Pool. Win 5 games for the Rat Clan
Tanzanite +1 Gold when you escape a Peril. The Usurpers DLC
Cat’s Eye Get a 1 Gold discount on the first Trickery Card played each turn. The Rivals DLC


Born in the most ordinary of circumstances, Zosha’s beginnings didn’t hint at the story that lay before her. Though even now that there is one to tell, most of those who could tell it, well… are no longer around to do so.

It’s uncertain when or how she found her way from the streets to be the hand of the Night Mother, a shrewd, insidious matriarch within the Rat Clan, but it fast became known throughout Rat lands that Zosha’s mysterious appearance and the Night Mother’s increasing influence were no coincidence.

For years Zosha remained in the shadows, a quiet unassuming figure by the matriarch’s side, dropping a knee, lending her ear at the mere wave of a that jewel covered hand. Though before long, whispers and tavern tales began to find their way across wine soaked tables. It’s hard to tell folklore from fact, but some tales chill bones better than others.

Word of a Hare warrior, once informant to the clan, holed up in his home in the deepest of Rabbit burrows, impenetrable — the mark of the Night Mother found on his corpse before long. Or maybe the boar said to be the size of a house, tusks of ivory, singing songs of Rat favour in taverns, crucified at the very pass he boasted of meeting his Rat contact at. Or perhaps the ever-troublesome, increasingly powerful Bereste family, who having invited the Night Mother for dinner, received Zosha as both guest and executioner. The corpses of wolf rangers discovered in Splintwood Bog, the rat poet Gestan who’d ingested far too much of his mischievous ink, the drowned pups of the lowland raider Black Balkar, who was too stupid to accept the Night Mother’s ever-rare mercy.

As the tales of her mysterious pony-tailed shadow grew, so too did the matriarch’s hold over the clan but when her influence began to reach outside of the Clan Armello, an influence that the Rat Clan’s ruling families would not tolerate. As wherever there is power, envy is sure to be near.

The ruling families’ envy culminated in The Crimson Purge. Many aligned with the Night Mother greeted death that fateful Spring morning, but when they came for the matriarch it was Zosha who defended her surrogate mother, mother of her clan, mother of the night, mother of rats, there in the open streets. With every rotation of her glaive, with every felled betrayer, as the mud ran red with death, this unassuming bodyguard’s legend grew and grew.

The shadowy figure now had a name; the Whirlwind.

In the months after the Crimson Purge, her right to a place among the power-brokers of the Rat Clan unchallenged, the Night Mother, now drunk on power and her seeming invincibility, soon began to make mistakes. Mistakes that, thanks to Zosha, consummate in her abilities and influence, saw that they never saw the light of day. Buried in shadow, laid to rest with the corpses they arose from, these mistakes, these clan-shaking errors, remained Zosha and the Night Mother’s secret. Where orphan became assassin, and assassin became confidant, the Night Mother’s hand had now become her steward.

So when word of the King’s ails came to Zosha, the Night Mother was deeply offended that she was not invited to the meeting of The Four. So as the Heroes’ Call rung true across Armello in search of our next King or Queen, the Night Mother, as always, extended her hand, Zosha, the Whirlwind, but not just to end a life this time. The Whirlwind was to claim the throne, for Armello, for clan, for mother.

Time will only tell, whether Zosha, the Whirlwind will realise her true potential and find the Royal Throne just a little too comfortable to give up.

Сюжет и персонажи

Действие игры происходит в «темном сказочном » Королевстве Армелло, мире, наполненном антропоморфными животными, разделенными на многочисленные кланы. Когда нынешний король развращается темной силой, называемой Гнилью, представители этих фракций поднимаются, чтобы отправиться в путешествие, чтобы стать новым королем или королевой вместо него. Хотя теоретически игроки могут немедленно атаковать Короля, у них обычно больше шансов, если они сначала выполнят несколько квестов , которые включают в себя путешествие по доске и каждое связано с коротким повествованием.

Типичный экран результатов боя с персонажами волка Тана и кролика Барнаби.

Базовая игра включает 8 игровых героев, разделенных на 4 клана; Тейн и Ривер (волк), Эмбер и Барнаби (кролик), Меркурио и Зоша (крыса) и Сана и Брун (медведь). Дополнительные герои, в том числе еще два клана, были добавлены в платные расширения DLC. В полностью расширенной игре есть 24 игровых персонажа.


As one of the main parts of the game, each player must choose their Hero from the 24 available (counting the Bandit Clan and Dragon Clan ). The game will prompt you to select one from any of the four clans, and based on the stats that character has will affect the entire game from that point onward, as the Hero cannot be changed after the game has started.

Each Hero has a unique Hero Ability that can be used throughout the game. (Abilities cannot be disabled at any time and are always in effect.) These abilities provide special bonuses and options that effect the outcomes of different situations, or they bend the rules to allow actions that a hero otherwise would not be able to preform. For example, Barnaby’s Ability causes equipment to be switched out at will, as burning over already equipped items to be refunded to his hand with cost/gain removed.

All Heroes also start the game with a set amount of Gold, automatically determined by their built-in Gold Stat. Also, determined by their Spirit Stat (which can be altered pregame with the Feel Amulet) Heroes always start the game with a set amount of Magic to use before it is balanced at Dusk.


Eight heroes are available to those who purchase the base game:

  • Amber, the Far Seeker
  • Barnaby, Screwloose
  • Brun, Oakbreaker
  • Mercurio, the Grinning Blade
  • River, the Howling Arrow
  • Sana, Forest Sister
  • Thane, the Winter Wolf
  • Zosha, the Whirlwind

Four additional heroes are available with the purchase of the Usurpers expansion:

  • Magna, the Unbroken
  • Elyssia, the Wardress of Warrens
  • Sargon, the Death Teller
  • Ghor, the Wyldkin

There are also four other heroes that are available with the purchase of the Bandit Clan expansion:

  • Horace, the Iron Poet
  • Scarlet, the Bandit King
  • Sylas, the Fisher of Souls
  • Twiss, the Little Lightpaw

Another four new heroes are available with the purchase of the Rivals expansion.

  • Hargrave, the Thunder Earl
  • Griotte, the Butcher Baroness
  • Fang, the Exiled
  • Yordana, the Devourer

As of September 3, 2019 four new heroes are available with the purchase of the Dragon Clan expansion.

  • Agniya, the Revenant
  • Nazar, the Maniac
  • Oxana, the Sentinel
  • Volodar, the Wormchanter
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