Civilization vi

Civilopedia entry[]

Most see the shoreline as an end. For the Dutch, the coastline was a challenge and an opportunity. The Netherlands spent 800 years reclaiming a country from the sea, using dikes, canals, levees, and pumps. Polders are the low-lying bits of land revealed when the water recedes.

The Dutch constantly maintained their polders to prevent the sea from reclaiming the land. Over the centuries, they mastered the art of keeping water out and reversing the effects of erosion. Today, more than a quarter of the Netherlands remains below sea level, leaving the country in a continuous game of tug-of-war with the North Sea.

Earning experience[]

Every time a unit enters and survives combat (whether it attacks an enemy or itself suffers an attack) it will gain XP. The exact amount gained differs from the type of combat the unit was engaged in (melee or ranged), and may be further affected by a number of factors. For example, land units trained in a city with an Encampment with specialized buildings in it will earn XP at an increased rate.

Much of the information here is originally from a CivFanatics info page by Victoria, and has been updated and expounded upon by editors of this wiki.

XP from battles between units

The base amount of XP a unit can receive after a battle is calculated by dividing the Combat Strength of the enemy by the Combat Strength of that unit. If one of the units is dead, the base XP is multiplied by 2. For example, a Warrior (20 Combat Strength) attacks a Spearman (25 Combat Strength):

  • The base XP the Warrior will receive is 1.25. If the Spearman dies, this will be 2.5 XP.
  • The base XP the Spearman will receive is 0.8. If the Warrior dies, this will be 1.6 XP.

Next, additional XP will be added to the base XP as following:

  • +1 XP if this is a ranged battle.
  • +2 XP if this is a non-ranged battle.
  • +1 XP for the unit that initiates the combat.

So back to the initial example:

  • The Warrior that attacks and kills the Spearman will gain 5.5 XP.
  • The Spearman that defends and kills the Warrior will gain 3.6 XP.

Lastly, this amount of XP will be further modified by other percentage-based XP modifiers, mainly from appropriate buildings, Great General and Great Admiral retirements, or other miscellaneous special abilities. After this last step, the real acquired XP will be rounded up or down to the next closest integer (0.5 is rounded up to 1). In the previous example, if both the Warrior and the Spearman are built in a city with a Barracks:

  • The Warrior that attacks and kills the Spearman will gain 6.875 XP, rounded up to 7.
  • The Spearman that defends and kills the Warrior will gain 4.5 XP, rounded up to 5.

Note that combat XP granted in battles between units is capped at 8 XP maximum. Also, fighting Barbarians and Free City units only obeys the XP rules up until the units reach level 2 (first Promotion). Afterward, every battle against Barbarians and Free City units only grants 1 XP, regardless of situations.

XP from city combat

A few important rules to know about XP gained from city combat:

  • XP gained from city combat is not capped at 8.
  • Base XP gained from capturing cities is 10, with percentage modifiers applying afterward.
  • Base XP gained from attacking cities is 3, with percentage modifiers applying afterward.
  • Base XP gained from defending from city attacks is 2, with percentage modifiers applying afterward.
  • The attack that reduces the city’s HP to 0 always grants 10 XP before modifiers. That means a siege unit shot that depletes the city’s HP grants 10 XP, similar to a melee unit dealing the final blow to capture the city.
  • Extra attacks dealt to the city after its HP reaches 0 grant no XP. That means even when a melee unit captures a city when its HP is already 0 will gain 0 XP from doing so, just like other ranged shots in that situation.

Miscellaneous rules

  • When combining units, the newly formed corps, fleets, armies and armadas earn XP as a new, individual unit. It will retain all previous Promotions earned by its members before the formation, which means two units with opposite promotion paths make the optimal combination for a formation. However, only the highest XP percentage modifier among the members is retained.
  • Fighter-class airplanes count as melee when attacking and defending against aircraft (dogfighting) but count as ranged when attacking cities and other units.
  • Scout’s attacks are melee, while all other upgraded recon units are ranged.
  • Captured units (by Sea Dogs, Genghis Khan or Hunahpu & Xbalanque) will forfeit all percentage XP modifiers it had before.
  • Recon units gain 10 XP from discovering a natural wonder and 5 XP from clearing a Tribal Village.

Ancient Era[]

Main article: Ancient Era (Civ6)
Technology Prerequisites Eureka Infrastructure Units Effects
Pottery None None Granary, Mekewap (Cree only), Great Bath Allows harvesting Maize, Rice, Wheat
Animal Husbandry None None Pasture, Camp, Kurgan (Scythia only) Reveals Horses. Allows harvesting Cattle, Sheep, Deer
Mining None None Mine, Quarry Allows chopping Woods and harvesting Copper
Sailing None Found a city on the Coast Fishing Boats Galley, Viking Longship (Harald Hardrada only), Bireme (Dido only) Allows Builders
Astrology None Find a Natural Wonder Holy Site, Lavra (Russia only), Shrine, Stonehenge
Irrigation Pottery Farm a resource Plantation, Stepwell (India only), Palgum (Babylon only), Hanging Gardens Allows clearing Marsh and harvesting Bananas
Writing Pottery Meet another civilization Campus, Library, Seowon (Korea only), Observatory (Maya only)
Archery Animal Husbandry Kill a unit with a Slinger Temple of Artemis Archer, Pítati Archer (Nubia only), Hul’che (Maya only)
Masonry Mining Build a Quarry Ancient Walls, Pyramids, Great Wall (China only), Nubian Pyramid (Nubia only), Canal (Qin Shi Huang’s China only) Battering Ram Allows harvesting Stone
Bronze Working Mining Kill 3 Barbarians Encampment, Barracks, Basilikoi Paides (Macedon only), Ikanda (Zulu only), Thành (Vietnam only) Spearman, Hoplite (Greece only) Reveals Iron and allows chopping Rainforest
Wheel Mining Mine a resource Water Mill Heavy Chariot, Maryannu Chariot Archer (Egypt only)

Управление, локализация, музыка и звук

Одним из явных недостатков Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 является управление. Разработчики как будто забыли о пользователях персональных компьютеров, предлагая им безудержно тыкать мышью или пальцем в меню, иконки и гексы. Особенно это раздражает во время управления юнитами. Очень раздражает, когда комбинации горячих клавиш не работают, а ведь сообщество привыкло к раскладке управления из Sid Meier’s Civilization 5 и Firaxis Games стоило ее адаптировать.

Однако самые большие недостатки управления выявляется на заключительных стадиях игры. После постройки всех зданий в городе нужно каждые 5 ходов задавать тип конвертируемого производства, просто потому что он сбрасывается. Кого посетила такая гениальная идея? Еще каждый ход сильно растягивается из-за того, что все время нужно двигать армии проповедников и воинов.

Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 полностью переведена на русский язык, так что вы можете читать статьи из «цивилопедии», слушать ролики и диалоги на родном языке. Качество перевода практически идеальное, имеются лишь мелкие недочеты. Благодаря стараниям студии-локализатора качество озвученных диалогов и роликов также почти идеальное. В этом плане можно только порекомендовать поддержать авторов рублем, купив эту игру.

Музыка в серии Sid Meier’s Civilization всегда выделялась, так что Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 не стала каким-то исключением. Есть как композиции общей тематики, так и персональные для каждой цивилизации, исполненные для мирного и военного времени. Каждая мелодия была записана с привлечением симфонического оркестра, а потому они не надоедают и сразу запоминаются. Общая протяженность саундтрека превышает 4 часа! Прослушать каждую композицию вы можете на официальной странице игры в YouTube или на видео ниже.

Sid Meier’s Civilization 5Civilization: Beyond Earth


  • Menelik’s diplomacy screen shows the Fasilides Castle, a castle within the Fasil Ghebbi palace complex during the afternoon.
  • Menelik’s leader ability references his creation of Ethiopia’s first cabinet of Ministers towards the end of his reign, while his leader agenda is named after the rugged, mountainous area that dominates central and northern Ethiopia.
  • Menelik recycles some animations from Cyrus.
  • Menelik’s preferred religion is portrayed as Eastern Orthodoxy. In fact, the historical main Christian denomination in Ethiopia is the Miaphysite or Oriental Orthodox Church, which is not represented in the game.

Сондок Кореи

Краткое описание: расширение Rise & Fall, середина игры, шахты, губернаторы, оптимизация города.

Корея возвращается из Civilization V как научная цивилизация, хотя в Civ 6 с менее выраженным преимуществом, чем раньше. Шахты дают науку соседним районам кампуса Сеовона, которые уже дают +4 науки отдельно (и +2 для каждого специалиста).

Начиная с обновления Лето 2018 года, действующие губернаторы в городах предоставляют + 3% культуры и науки за каждое полученное продвижение, включая первое (ранее это было + 10% культуры и науки для любого губернатора независимо от повышений). Хотя технически это изменение является нерфом, это изменение позволяет игрокам более подробно планировать, какие города они хотят оптимизировать в полной мере, вместо того, чтобы просто давать фиксированный бонус. Эта специализация в сочетании с отрядом дальнего боя Хвача делает среднюю по размерам корейскую империю среднего уровня лучшим шансом вырваться вперед и победить всех в научной гонке.

Не заморачивайтесь на дипломатии

Дипломатия в Civilization 6 имеет множество недостатков. ИИ ведет себя совершенно неадекватно, просто будьте готовы к этому. Он может предложить напасть вместе на одного врага и хорошо вам за это заплатит, после чего на следующем ходу осудит за милитаризм. Или, имея хорошие отношения, нападет на вас через ход после заключения союзного договора.

Вполне «логично», что пацифисты оказываются самыми большими захватчиками и разрушителями, а милитаристы ни на кого не нападают всерьез. Мало войск — осудили, много войск — осудили, распространил религию в своем городе — осудили, не распространяешь религию — осудили, построил шахту для добычи редких ресурсов — осудили, нет редких ресурсов — осудили.

К концу игры вы вряд ли будете иметь хорошие отношения с ИИ-игроками. Единственное, что стоит учитывать — ИИ уважает сильные цивилизации, причем сильными на море и на суше, даже если не имеет доступа к морю или суше сам.

Тедди Рузвельт Америки

Резюме: всплеск в конце игры, защитный бонус, легко адаптируемый

Америка действительно сияет после середины игры, а это значит, что она должна черепахить в начале матча. Их способность защиты дома дает им +5 боевой силы на их родном континенте и помогает им отражать входящие атаки, в то время как их наследие дает им правительственные бонусы в два раза быстрее, чем у любой другой цивилизации, помогая им добиться процветания.

Как только будет достигнута современная территория, уникальные военные подразделения Америки смогут победить любого современника — наземный отряд Rough Rider получает +10 боевой силы во время сражения на холмах и имеет более низкую стоимость обслуживания, чем другие подразделения, в то время как самолет P-51 Mustang имеет +2. дальность полета, получает +5 к атаке против истребителей и набирает опыт в два раза быстрее, чем обычно. Обязательно вкладывайте средства в науку и технологии, чтобы иметь возможность разместить эти подразделения как можно скорее.

Будучи довольно разносторонней и ориентированной на позднюю игру, Америка не имеет многих ограничений по местности и легко является одной из самых адаптируемых цивилизаций в игре. Также легко достижимы победы в области культуры и науки.

Уилфред Лотье из Канады

Краткое описание: Цивилизация Gathering Storm была сосредоточена на дипломатическом превращении холодного негостеприимного климата в очень гостеприимный.

Мастерская победа над мертвой лошадью, Civilization VI’s Canada — империя, ориентированная на дипломатию. Помимо очевидного блага (и недостатка) невозможности объявить Войны-сюрпризы или объявить о них, наши северные друзья, любящие кленовый сироп Содружества, также получают +1 дипломатическую услугу за каждые 100 туристов, которые они получают, и на 100% больше наград от мира. Чрезвычайные ситуации в Конгрессе и соревнования — фактически удваивают то, что получают все остальные.

Если этого было недостаточно, их уникальный район Хоккейного катка генерирует +2 привлекательности, что способствует увеличению жилья для ваших граждан и увеличению туризма в более поздние эпохи, позволяя крупным империям с развитыми городами накапливать туристические точки — и, следовательно, более дипломатическая услуга.

Если ваша цель — дипломатическая победа, не думайте дважды; Надень свою красную куртку, надень шляпу и иди обними лося — Канада здесь, чтобы остаться.

Production Overflow[]

Overflow can happen during feature removal (Woods, Rainforest) or resource harvesting ( Stone) and to a smaller extent at the end of player turns. If the Production gain is enough to finish the current unit or building the remaining overflow will go into the next item.

Prior to the Gathering Storm expansion, any overflow gained while using Production-enhancing policies was kept (e.g. 50% for and with Agoge, 100% for Walls with Limes, 100% for ships with Maritime Industries). This allowed for strange situations where players would build units or Walls to 1 turn before chopping with the policies active to generate very large Production overflows into more valuable projects like Districts and Wonders. This has since been changed, and now all overflow gained from Policy Cards is lost if the unit or building is completed. This makes chopping effective only for expensive items that can fully benefit from the bonus provided by the Policy Card.

This means there are 3 situations the player might find themselves in when using a Builder to remove a feature or harvest a resource while using Production-enhancing policies:

  • If the policy-enhanced Production is not enough to finish the current unit or building, the policy is fully effective.
  • If the base Production is enough to finish the current unit or building WITHOUT the policy card, the policy will have no effect as the overflow is not carried over (but overflow from the base Production will, of course, carry over).
  • If the Production is enough to finish the current unit or building only WITH the policy card, the policy is partially effective in that it helped finish the current project, but the next project will have no overflow.

For example, with 220 Production Medieval Walls, the Limes Policy Card and a 100 Production chop:

Production toward Walls Overflow Efficiency
0/220 0 (200/220 Production) 100%
20/220 100%
60/220 60%
90/220 30%
120/220 0%
160/220 40 0%
219/220 99 0%

Note that base overflow available for next item can be enhanced by Policy Cards. (Chop a nearly completed unit and start Walls with Limes slotted.)

Note that the same is true with Great Engineers that provide Wonder Production.

However, production overflow was fixed in February 2019 Update (Release of Gathering Storm). If you use a policy card that boosts the production of walls +100% (Limes) and are actually building a wall, only the part of the chop that’s actually used for the wall is boosted. If you select a land unit next (or have it in the queue), the remainder of the chop only applies normally. But if you have the Limes card and build a land unit while chopping, any leftover from the chop will be boosted if you select a wall next.


Mobilization, a Modern Era civic

Main article: Civic (Civ6)

Social policies have been removed and replaced with civics, which are unlocked with Culture via a research-style civics tree. Civics grant bonuses, unlock buildings and wonders, give you policy cards, and open up government types. In single-player games, the discovery of each civic (and tech) is accompanied by a famous quotation from history that is voiced by Sean Bean.

Policy cards

Main article: Policy card (Civ6)

Policy cards, once unlocked via the civics tree, are placed in your policy card deck. From there they may be selected to customize your government. The government’s card configuration can be changed at any time for a Gold cost, or for free whenever a new civic is completed.

These cards come in four types:

  • Military
  • Economic
  • Diplomatic
  • Wildcard


Democracy, a Modern Era government

Main article: Government (Civ6)

All civilizations begin with the Chiefdom government upon researching Code of Laws; further government types are unlocked via the civics tree. Anarchy is not present when changing government types unless reverting to a government which has been previously chosen.

Each government has a unique bonus, an additional legacy bonus earned by keeping the government type for an extended and unbroken period, and a different configuration of policy card slots.

Additional slots

Certain wonders and abilities award additional, free policy slots. These can be filled with cards of the appropriate type, regardless of a civilization’s current government.


  • Frederick Barbarossa’s Holy Roman Emperor ability
  • The Alhambra


  • Big Ben
  • Industrial-era Great Merchant Adam Smith (vanilla only)
  • Kublai Khan’s Gerege ability


Potala Palace


  • Greece’s Plato’s Republic ability
  • The Forbidden City

List of unique experience modifiers[]

This list excludes all common modifiers, such as Encampment buildings, Harbor buildings and Aerodrome buildings.

Civilization bonuses, leader bonuses and unique units

  • Gilgamesh shares XP with allied units within 5 tiles when at war with a common enemy,
  • Nubian ranged units earn 50% more XP.
  • Mapuche units trained in a city with a Governor earns 10% more XP, going up to 30% if that city is not founded by the Mapuche.
  • The American P-51 Mustang earns 50% more XP.
  • The Zulu Impi earns 50% more XP.

Government and policy cards

  • Oligarchy grants 20% XP to all units.
  • Survey military card doubles the XP gained by recon units.
  • After Action Reports military card grants 50% XP to all units (incorrectly labelled as 25% in game).
  • Elite Forces Dark Age card grants 100% XP to all units.
  • To Arms! Golden Age card grants 50% XP to all units.

Great Generals and Great Admirals

  • Himerios grants +25% XP gained for a naval unit when retired.
  • Laskarina Bouboulina grants +50% XP gained for a naval unit when retired.
  • Togo Heihachiro grants +75% XP gained for a naval unit when retired (Vanilla only).
  • Sergei Gorshkov grants +100% XP gained for a naval unit when retired.
  • Clancy Fernando grants +200% XP gained for a naval unit when retired.
  • Timur grants +25% XP gained for a military land unit when retired.
  • John Monash grants +75% XP gained for a military land unit when retired.
  • Sudirman grants +100% XP gained for a military land unit when retired (Vanilla only).
  • Vijaya Wimalaratne grants +100% XP gained for a military land unit when retired.

Civilopedia entry[]

The term “industry” often calls to mind the Industrial Revolution, with factories filled with steam, and dangerous, whirring machines. But long before the growth of what William Blake called “dark satanic mills”, rulers saw the advantage in bringing people together to intensify their labor. In Classical antiquity as well as beyond, those working in such industries were often those without their own property – most significantly serfs or enslaved peoples (though the workshops surrounding the Egyptian pyramids, contrary to the popular narrative, were worked by wage laborers). As feudalism gave way to the guild system, and then to early modern capitalism, private individuals gained enough money and status to open their own industries, and the stage was set for the history of economics to begin.

List of Units By Era[]

Era Ancient Classical Medieval Renaissance Industrial Modern Atomic Information


Spec Ops

Okihtcitaw (Cree)

Warak’aq (Inca)

Highlander (Scotland)





Line Infantry


Mechanized Infantry

Eagle Warrior (Aztec)Gaesatae (Gaul)Sabum Kibittum (Babylon) (doesn’t replace)

Hypaspist (Macedon)Immortal (Persia)Legion (Rome)Ngao Mbeba (Kongo)Toa (Māori)

Berserker (Norway) Khevsur (Georgia) Samurai (Japan)

Conquistador (Spain)

Janissary (Suleiman)

Garde Imperiale (France) Redcoat (Victoria)

Digger (Australia)



Field Cannon

Machine Gun

Pítati Archer (Nubia)
Hul’che (Maya)
Maryannu Chariot Archer(Egypt)

Saka Horse Archer (Scythia)

Voi Chiến (Vietnam)
Crouching Tiger (China) (doesn’t replace)
Keshig (Mongolia) (doesn’t replace)

Hwacha (Korea)(replaces Field Cannon)

(Replaced by Hwacha in Renaissance Era)



Pike and Shot

AT Crew

Modern AT

Hoplite (Greece)

Impi (Zulu)

Carolean (Sweden)





(Replaced by Hetairoi in Heavy Cavarly class)

Black Army (Matthias Corvinus)

Oromo Cavalry(Ethiopia)

Malón Raider (Mapuche) (doesn’t replace)

Cossack (Russia)
Huszár (Hungary)
Llanero (Gran Colombia)

Mountie (Canada) (doesn’t replace)

Heavy Chariot




Modern Armor

War-Cart (Sumeria) (doesn’t replace)

Hetairoi (Alexander)(replaces Horseman)
Varu (India) (doesn’t replace)

Maryannu Chariot Archer(Egypt) (doesn’t replace)

Mamluk (Arabia) Mandekalu Cavalry (Mali)

Tagma (Basil II)

Winged Hussar (PolandRough Rider (Teddy Roosevelt)

Giant Death Robot





Rocket Artillery

Domrey (Khmer)





Viking Longship (Harald Hardrada)

Bireme (Phoenicia)

Nau (Portugal)




Missile Cruiser

Dromon (Byzantium)

Jong (Indonesia)(replaces Frigate)

De Zeven Provinciën (Netherlands)(Also replaced by Jong in Medieval Era)

Minas Geraes (Brazil)(replaces Battleship)

(Replaced by Minas Geraes in Industrial Era)



Nuclear Submarine

Barbary Corsair (Ottoman)(replaces Privateer)

Sea Dog (England)

(Also replaced by Barbary Corsair in Medieval Era)

U-Boat (Germany)

Aircraft Carrier



Jet Fighter

P-51 Mustang (America)


Jet Bomber

Added in the Rise and Fall expansion pack.

Added in the Gathering Storm expansion pack.

Support Units

Support class units do not upgrade linearly like other classes. There are four separate upgrade paths.

Upgrade Path Ancient Classical Medieval Industrial Modern Atomic Information
Walls, Health, and Movement Battering Ram Medic Supply Convoy
Siege Tower
Siege Range Observation Balloon Drone
Anti-Air Anti-Air Gun Mobile SAM
Military Engineer Military Engineer


Resource Enables Base Yield Modifier Improvement Notes
Horses Pre-: Horseman, Cavalry

: Horseman, Hetairoi, Courser, Black Army, Oromo Cavalry, Keshig, Cavalry, Cossack, Huszár, Llanero

+1 Production, +1 Food Pasture Tech not required to see. Revealed by Animal Husbandry. Found on flatland Grassland and Plains.
Iron Pre-: Swordsman, Man-At-Arms, Knight

: Swordsman, Hypaspist, Immortal, Ngao Mbeba, Legion, Knight, Mamluk, Mandekalu Cavalry, Tagma, Man-at-Arms, Berserker, Khevsur, Samurai, Cuirassier, Winged Hussar

+1 Science Mine Revealed by Bronze Working. Found on Hills.
Niter Pre-: Musketman, Line Infantry, Bombard

: Musketman, Bombard, Frigate, Conquistador, De Zeven Provinciën, Line Infantry, Garde Impériale, Janissary, Redcoat

+1 Production, +1 Food Mine Revealed by Military Engineering. Found on flatland only.
Coal Pre-: Ironclad, Battleship

: Ironclad, Battleship, Minas Geraes

+2 Production Mine Revealed by Industrialization. Found on Hills.
Oil Pre-: Tank, Aircraft Carrier

: Infantry, Artillery, Modern Armor, Rocket Artillery, Submarine, Destroyer, Missile Cruiser, Biplane, Tank, Mechanized Infantry, U-Boat

+3 Production Oil Well, Offshore Oil Rig Revealed by Steel ( Refining). Found both on land and at sea.
Aluminum Pre-: Bomber, Fighter, Jet Bomber, Jet Fighter

: Bomber, Fighter, Jet Bomber, Jet Fighter, Helicopter, P-51 Mustang

+1 Science Mine Revealed by Radio. Found on Plains and Desert.
Uranium Pre-: Nuclear Devices, Nuclear Submarines, Modern Armor

: Nuclear Devices, Giant Death Robot

+2 Production Mine Revealed by Combined Arms. Found everywhere.


CIVILIZATION VI — Domination Win (Victory Movies)

To achieve a Domination Victory, you must conquer the original Capital of every other civilization, whether or not they are still in play. A strong military is obviously highly recommended, as are the necessary technologies to have up-to-date units.

It is advisable to use the appropriate Casus Belli to avoid the worst warmongering (or Grievance) penalties. Additionally, conquering the last city of any civilization will result in a very large warmongering penalty, practically ensuring that every other civilization will hate you for the rest of the game.

Since waging war also carries a cumulative penalty to Amenities, it is useful to build Entertainment Complexes, gain access to more or simply take a break in the fighting every now and then; otherwise your cities will sooner or later revolt and start mass-producing barbarians.

There is a sixth, related form of victory, identified simply as «Victory.» This occurs when all other players have been defeated. This is usually only the case when a game is started without the Domination Victory condition and the player defeats all other players. In this case, the Domination Victory is shown.

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