Need for speed: world
- Araba kovalama sahnesi ve çok oyunculu online yarışlar
- Vehicles
- Driver Profile
- Iconoclasts (Русская версия)
- Customisation
- Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One. Deluxe Edition (Русская версия)
- FTL: Multiverse (Русская версия)
- Интересные факты
- Особенности Need for Speed World
- Геймплей
- Types of Cars
- Tavern Master (Русская версия)
- Fallout Equestria: Remains (Русская версия)
- Car chases and multiplayer online races
- Disciples: Liberation (Русская версия) / Disciples: Освобождение
- Patch History
- Gameplay
- Сюжет
- Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! (Русская версия)
Araba kovalama sahnesi ve çok oyunculu online yarışlar
Speed World İhtiyacı , popüler yarış oyunu serisinin ücretsiz çevrimiçi versiyonudur. Devasa çok oyunculu bir açık dünya oyunu (MMO), böylece dünyanın dört bir yanından diğer RPG tarzı seviyelendirme ve kilidini açmak için geliştirilmiş araçlar ile katılabilirsiniz. Yarışmalara katılmak veya birbirleriyle yarışmak için yeni arkadaşlar ekleyebilirsiniz.
Keşfetmek için büyük bir açık dünya
Need For Speed World oynamaya başlamak için bir kullanıcı hesabına ihtiyacınız var. Bir kez sahip olduğunuzda, bir sürücü profili oluşturun ve ilk aracınızı ilk küçük ve çok heyecan verici olmayan bir seçimden seçin. Diğer herhangi bir rol oynama oyunu gibi, deneyim puanları elde etmek için yarışları tamamlamaya başlayacaksınız. Seviyelendirme yapmaya başladığınızda, satın almak için daha iyi arabalar bulacaksınız.
Oyuncular, Hız Dünyasına İhtiyaç duymada serbestçe hareket edebilirler. Bir ara verirseniz, bu büyük dünyayı keşfedebilir ve yeni kurslar veya eğitimler okuyabilir, ancak arkadaş eklemek için entegre sohbet modülüne de katılabilirsiniz. Tüm zaman, sadece çevrimiçi ve çevrimdışı yarışlara girmek için bir fare tıklaması. Bunlar çok veya tek oyuncu olabilir ve hatta polis kovalarına bile girebilirsiniz.
Oyun ücretsizdir, ancak ekstralar değildir.
Speed World İhtiyacı ücretsiz, ancak herhangi bir ekstra ödeme yapmak zorunda kalacaksınız. Oyunda, örneğin aracınızı korumak için otomobil sigortası satın alabileceğiniz, belirli bir yarış için daha güçlü bir araba kiralayabileceğiniz ya da sahip olduğunuz güç için daha fazla güç alabileceğiniz entegre bir oyun mağazası vardır.
Sezgisel bir oyun
Hız Dünyasına İhtiyaç duymak oldukça sezgiseldir, ancak arcade tarzı işlem de özellikle doğru veya gerçekçi olmadığı anlamına gelir. Tam hızda veya yumuşak bir şekilde sürüklenerek dönüş yapabilirsiniz ve arabanızdaki inatçı rakipleri itmek için arabanızı artırabilirsiniz. Arabada herhangi bir görünür hasar olmayacak olsa da, zaman zaman bir çukura ihtiyaç duyacaksınız.
Darbeler ve morluklar olmadan güzel grafikler
Grafik olarak, Need For Speed World hakkında kötü bir şey yok. Arabalar parlak ve her zaman en iyi tarafını gösterir: hasar asla ortaya çıkmayacak, böylece herhangi bir ezik, çizik ya da yırtılmış çamurluk görmeyeceksiniz. Ses efektleri ve müzik, Need for Speed serisinde herhangi bir oyunda bulunanlara benzer.
Özetle: birkaç kusur ile sağlam çevrimiçi yarış
Need For Speed World, yarış oyunları tarzını yeniden keşfetmedi, ancak kesinlikle MMOG yarışında yeni bir bölgeye girdi. Oyun katı ve arcade tarzı daha az deneyimli oyuncular için mükemmel bir şekilde oynamaya başlamak anlamına geliyor.
Olumsuz bir notta, serbest moddaki diğer oyuncular sadece hayaletler olarak gösterilir ve bunlardan geçebilirsiniz. Çok az oyuncu etkileşimi var ve MMO topluluğu hissi neredeyse hiç fark edilmiyor, ancak bu küçük aksaklıklara rağmen, bir yarış oyunu meraklısıysanız, kesinlikle Need For Speed World evrenine dalmalısınız.
Bu program artık indirilemez. Yarış oyunları kategorisinde alternatifler arayabilirsiniz.
Main article: Need for Speed: World/Cars
There is a great variety of vehicles available including concept cars, convertibles, fictional cars, grand tourers, hatchbacks, hypercars, muscle cars, race cars, saloons, sports cars, super cars, SUVs, tuners and vintage cars.
Cars made available through the Car Dealer can be redeemed with either Cash () or SpeedBoost ().
Damage is shown for aesthetic purposes but can affect performance if a vehicle’s damage bar is depleted. Visual damage is shown in the form of scratches, dents, cracked windows and paint loss but it can be turned on or off in the options menu.
A vehicle will always sustain a small amount of damage upon the player’s completion of an event with that vehicle. With each event done, car durability is decreased by 5%. A vehicle’s performance will be reduced if its damage bar is depleted. A drained damage bar will denounce the increased vehicle performance given by all equipped performance parts.
The amount of damage a vehicle can sustain is shown in the form of a blue bar next to the vehicle’s current Heat Level. It is also shown on the bottom left of the screen when the player is in the Safehouse.
Players can use Cash to perform maintenance on a vehicle and refill its damage meter. The amount required for a full restoration depends on the vehicle’s Tier and damage amount. Players can also purchase «Insurance» for a vehicle at the cost of 350 SpeedBoost. Insurance will prevent a vehicle from incurring any damage for a one week after initial purchase.
Driver Profile
The Driver Profile keeps a running tally of how many events a player has participated in, won and lost as well as their average finishing position in both. Players can find details of their Driver Profile in the Safehouse section of the game.
Main article: Need for Speed: World/Achievements
Achievements were added to Need for Speed: World alongside the application of a patch on April 10th, 2013.
Reputation — also known as Rep — is the amount of experience a player has earned in Need for Speed: World.
The amount of reputation a player has is indicated by a large blue bar along the top of their screen. A player will increase their Driver Level by earning a certain amount of reputation.
Players can earn reputation by completing Circuit, Drag, Sprint, Pursuit Outrun, Team Escape and Treasure Hunt events. The amount of reputation a player earns differs depending on the specifics of each event type.
Circuit, Sprint & Drag — Players earn more reputation by; completing the race in a high finishing position and successful use of power-ups.
Pursuit Outrun — Players earn more reputation based upon; the total amount of disabled police vehicles, cost to state, pursuit length and infractions when they evade. Players will only earn a small amount of bounty if they’re busted.
Team Escape — Players earn more reputation depending on how many players cross the finish line and how many team power-ups are used. Players will earn the maximum amount of reputation if all four players cross the finish line.
Treasure Hunt — Players earn reputation by collecting all 15 gems that have been hidden at specific locations shown on the minimap.
Iconoclasts (Русская версия)
Робин мечтает стать механиком и помогать людям. Однако заниматься этим без лицензии — грех. Так, во всяком случае, считает Мать. Стоило Робин взять в руки гаечный ключ, мир словно сошел с ума. Наказание обрушивается на всех, кто ей дорог, а на нее саму объявлена охота. Надвигается что-то серьезное. Посерьезней, чем дефицит энергии или разрушение луны. И именно Робин окажется в центре грядущих событий. Iconoclasts — игра от независимого разработчика Йоакима Сандберга, над которой он работал семь долгих лет. Энергичные бои и уморительные шутки здесь соседствуют с трогательной, глубоко личной историей.
Main article: Need for Speed: World/Performance Parts
Performance Parts can be equipped to all purchased vehicles from the Performance section of the Aftermarket Store. All SpeedBoost redeemable vehicles are offered with a varying selection of performance parts depending on their style. Cash redeemable vehicles are not offered with performance parts equipped.
Skill Mods
Main article: Need for Speed: World/Skill Mods
Skill mods replaced the driver skills system on May 30th, 2012. They allow the player to customise individual capabilities of their vehicle for races or police pursuits. Each skill mod has a different effect, which is rated by a number of stars. One star rated mods can be purchased for Cash although mods with higher ratings are only obtainable by purchasing card packs and winning game mode events.
Drag, Juggernaut and Treasure Hunter style vehicles are offered with a special skill mod that can not be removed or purchased from the Aftermarket Store.
Main article: Need for Speed: World/Vinyls
All purchased cars except rented cars can be altered with a selection of vinyl packages within the Vinyl section of the Aftermarket Store. Some styles of cars available for purchase are equipped with exclusive or style defining vinyls such as Juggernauts and Treasure Hunters. The number of appliable vinyls in a single vehicle is limited to 31.
Main article: Need for Speed: World/Aftermarket Shop
All purchased cars can be customised with a selection of license plates, lowering kits, neons and wheels from within the Aftermarket Store. The available selection of body kits, hoods and spoilers differs between each vehicle model.
Main article: Need for Speed: World/Power-ups
There is an overall of twelve power-ups that can aid players in events and pursuits. Each has a specific effect and are designed to be utilised under a differing set of circumstances.
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One. Deluxe Edition (Русская версия)
Sherlock Holmes Chapter One расскажет предысторию одного из самых легендарных сыщиков в мире. Здесь Шерлок юн, задорен и также умен и эксцентричен. Молодая кровь так и толкает его к решению новых загадок. История начнется, когда Холмс отправится к побережью Средиземного моря. Шерлок попадет в город, где погибла его мать, дабы распутать это преступление. Здесь все прямо кишит ложью и обманом, так что явно требует вмешательства гениального детектива. Подход к разгадке задач в “Шерлок Холмс: Глава Один” можно выбирать самому. Где-то нужно обследовать местность и изучать улики, а где-то врать, следить или угрожать.
FTL: Multiverse (Русская версия)
FTL: Multiverse – мод с многочисленными исправлениями и изменениями в игровом процессе. Космический симулятор Faster Than Light получил множество нового контента. В открытом мире теперь существует больше фракций и рас, взаимодействующих между собой. Игрок способен опробовать свыше 100 добавленных звездолетов и столкнуться с 500+ кораблями соперников. Каждое судно обладает уникальной характеристикой и апгрейдами. Пользователь побывает в роли путешественника по Мультивселенной. Известный исследователь перемещается по забытым эпохам и временным линиям, чтобы добраться до новых реверсивных и футуристических технологий. Между пространствами развязалась война из-за конфликтов Федерации и Восстания.
Интересные факты
Интерес к игре вызывает еще и тот факт, что вы увидите в машине своих гонщиков, внешность которых также возможно видоизменить в процессе игры. А еще можно будет менять автомобили, окрашивать их в разные цвета. И главное – это следить как за своими собственными результатами в игре, так и за результатами ваших оппонентов. Классическая спортивная многопользовательская игра!
Особенности Need for Speed World
- Погодные условия. В любую погоду, на любом покрытии вы сможете испытать свой гоночный болид. А вот графика просто завораживает, когда погодные условия в игре резко меняются.
- Огромное количество машин. Игра предусматривает более полторы сотни разнообразных моделей авто. А вот тюнинговать их можно по вашему вкусу.
- Разные режимы. В игре вы должны обязательно пройти все игровые режимы, чтобы получить максимальное количество игровых очков. Ездите по кругу, по крутым извилистым трассам, гоняйте на полицейской машине, даже проедите в режиме на время – это всего один круг.
- Поиск скрытых объектов. Даже такой режим существует в игре, когда вашей задачей будет отыскать запрятанные объекты на трассе.
На этой странице по кнопке ниже вы можете скачать Need for Speed World через торрент бесплатно.
Набрав себе достаточное количество игровых очков, вы можете получить в свое распоряжение совершенно новые скоростные автомобили и испробовать их на трассах. А можно выбрать себе патрульную полицейскую машину и просто преследовать других опасных гонщиков. На машине копов вы также сможете заработать хорошие бонусные игровые средства. Каждый гоночный заезд – это команда из шести человек, если вы соизволите поиграть в многопользовательском режиме. Все ваши достижения фиксируются в игре, а ваша машина постоянно прокачивается по мере получения игровых очков. В игре Need for Speed World, скачать торрент которой возможно бесплатно на нашем игровом сайте, вы получите возможность прокачать автомобиль в мастерской. Но для этого нужно будет раскошелиться очками. Установите гаджеты, турбо наддувы, нагнетатели, чтобы ваша машина стала настоящим зверем на трассе.
Types of Cars
Standard Cars
Standard cars can be bought in the Car Dealer usually with either SpeedBoost or in-game Cash. It’s very common for the SpeedBoost versions of the car to either appear with street-tuned or race-tuned performance parts, with some also being pre-equipped with Skill Mods.
Cash versions, however, come completely stock with no pre-equipped parts.
Art Director
Art Director cars (or Custom cars) are specially tuned cars that usually come with unique vinyl liveries, Aftermarket Parts, performance parts and skill mods. Art Director cars can only be obtained by SpeedBoost since August 21st, 2012.
Need for Speed Classics
Need for Speed Classics (or NFS Classics in short) are Art Director cars that have been given a unique livery resembling cars from past Need for Speed games. The first NFS Classic edition was the Nissan Skyline GT-R V-Spec R34 «Underground» (resembling Eddie’s Skyline from Need for Speed: Underground) on December 9th, 2010.
Holiday Themed
- Main article: Cars/Holiday Themed
Holiday Themed cars are Art Director cars which have been given a unique livery for various holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Christmas and Easter. The first Holiday cars released were the Chevrolet Corvette Z06 and Lexus IS F, respectively «The Beast» and «The Beauty». These cars were both released on February 8th, 2011, for Valentine’s Day.
- Main article: Cars/Juggernaut Editions
Juggernaut cars are cars that have been tuned specifically for Team Escape and Pursuits. These cars come pre-equipped with race-tuned performance parts, 2-star Skill Mods (including a special Heavy Mass skill mod) and aftermarket parts. Most of the Juggernaut cars are available in two styles; Blue and Red. The first Juggernaut car released was the Dodge Charger SRT-8 Super Bee on March 29th, 2011.
Cop Editions
- Main article: Cars/Cop Editions
Cop Edition cars are specially tuned cars with unique cop liveries which are based on various police departments from the Need for Speed series and real life agencies. Most of the cop editions features flashing lights which a player can activate by pushing «L» on the keyboard. Some cop editions also features sirens as well which can be activated by pushing «K» on the keyboard. The first Cop Edition released was the Audi R8 4.2 FSi Quattro in late 2010 as a promotional gift. The first one with flashing lights was the Aston Martin V12 Vantage on the October 21st, 2011.
Treasure Hunters
- Main article: Cars/Treasure Hunters
Treasure Hunter edition cars are specially designed cars for the Treasure Hunt game mode. Treasure Hunters also come with an unique Treasure Hunter skill mod which makes it able to view the Treasure Hunt gems on the main map. The first Treasure Hunter was the Porsche Cayman S on June 18th, 2011.
- Main article: Cars/Elite Editions
Elite editions are specially designed cars that come with unique extensive visual modifications and high-end performance parts. Elite editions have very often been criticized for their very high price tags. The first Elite car released was the Koenigsegg CCX on December 14th, 2011.
- Main article: Cars/Drag Editions
Drag editions are specially tuned cars modified for Drag races. Drag editions also come pre-equipped with an unique Aero Drag skill mod which has been optimized for the best performance in Drag races. The cars also comes with unique aftermarket parts and in most cases with a special Drag Bodykit. The first Drag cars released were the Ford Shelby GT500 Super Snake «Pro Stock» and Toyota Supra «Street Mod» on October 16th, 2012.
Best In Class
- Main article: Cars/Best In Class
Best In Class (or short BIC) are cars that have been customized to hit the maximum overall rating within a class. The cars feature unique liveries and aftermarket parts as well as 3-Star Skill Mods. On some BIC-cars there are even unique performance parts pre-installed that cannot be obtained elsewhere. The first BIC-car released was the Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione «A-Spec» on December 16th, 2012.
World Vintage Series
- Main article: Cars/World Vintage Series
World Vintage Series cars (or short WVS) are Art Director vehicles that feature liveries resembling race cars from different time periods of the 20th century. The first car to be released under this series was the BMW 3.0 CSL GR.5 «Leicht» on September 6th, 2012.
Achievement Editions
Achievement Edition cars were made available on April 10th, 2013, where players will have to complete Achievements in order to obtain the cars. Players can obtain 5 different Achievement edition cars. The cars features a «REWARD» License Plate but no further performance parts or Skill Mods.
Tavern Master (Русская версия)
Tavern Master — симулятор средневековой таверны. Вы начинаете с очень маленькой комнаты, пары скамеек и столов и постепенно поднимаетесь до огромной успешной таверны с кухней, комнатами для гостей, группой преданных сотрудников и многим другим! Tavern Master – это симулятор средневековой таверны, в котором вы сможете построить с нуля свою собственную таверну и будете работать над ее развитием, торговать, заманивать в нее клиентов, и не только. Вы начнете играть по сюжету как начинающий владелец будущей таверны, и вам нужно будет организовать свой небольшой средневековый бизнес с нуля.
Fallout Equestria: Remains (Русская версия)
Fallout Equestria: Remains — захватывающая приключенческая RPG, где главные герои «My Little Ponies» попадают на просторы мрачного радиоактивного мира, населенного мутантами и полчищами вооруженных бандитов. Постарайтесь сделать всё возможное, чтобы выжить в крайне агрессивной окружающей среды, обзаведитесь внушительным оружейным арсеналом и классическим Пип-Боем (визитная карточка легендарной серии «Fallout»), прокачивайте персональные умения, обзаведитесь множеством перков, ищите секреты, а также насладитесь поистине неповторимой атмосферой. Добро пожаловать на просторы беспощадного постапокалиптического мира!
Car chases and multiplayer online races
Need For Speed World is a free online version of the popular racing game franchise. It’s a massively multiplayer open world game (MMO), so you will be able to join in with many other players from around the globe, with RPG style leveling up and improved cars to unlock. You can add new friends to enter contests or compete against each other.
A huge open world to explore
To start playing Need For Speed World, you need a user account. Once you have it, simply create a driver profile and choose your first car from an initial small, and not very exciting, selection. Just like any other role playing game, you’ll have to start completing races to get experience points. As you start leveling up, you’ll find better cars to buy.
Players can move freely in Need For Speed World. If you take a break, you can explore this huge world and study new courses or pursuits, but you can also join the integrated chat module to add friends. The entire time, you’re only a mouse click away from entering online and offline races. These can be multi or single player, and you can even get into police chases.
The game is free, but not the extras.
Need For Speed World is free, but you’ll have to pay for any extras. The game has an integrated game shop where you can, for example, purchase car insurance to protect your vehicle, rent a more powerful car for a specific race, or buy power-ups for the one you already have.
An intuitive game
Need For Speed World is quite intuitive, but the arcade-style handling also means that it’s not especially accurate or realistic. You can take turns at full speed or gentle drift, and you can boost your car to push stubborn opponents around. Although there won’t be any visible damage on the car, you’ll need a pit stop from time to time.
Nice graphics without bumps and bruises
Graphically, there’s nothing bad about Need For Speed World. The cars are shiny and always show their best side: damage will never show up, so you won’t see any dents, scratches or torn fenders. Sound effects and music are similar to those you find on any game in the Need for Speed franchise.
In brief: solid online racing with a few flaws
Need For Speed World hasn’t reinvented the genre of racing games, but it’s definitely entered a new territory in racing MMOG. The gameplay is solid and its arcade style means that it’s easy to start playing, perfect for less experienced players.
On a negative note, other players in free mode are only shown as ghosts, and you can drive through them. There is very little player interaction and the MMO community feeling is hardly noticeable, but in spite of these small glitches, if you’re a racing game enthusiast, you should definitely dive into the Need For Speed World universe.
This program can no longer be downloaded. You can look for alternatives in racing games category.
Disciples: Liberation (Русская версия) / Disciples: Освобождение
Disciples: Liberation – возвращение знаменитой серии тактичесих РПГ Disciples, которое ознаменует новый этап ее развития. Вас ждет мрачный фэнтезийный мир, пошаговые сражения, квесты и различные фракции, начиная от людей и заканчивая нежитью. Вам предстоит освободить земли Невендаар, а каждое ваше решение будет иметь последствия. Disciples: Освобождение – RPG с элементами стратегии и пошаговыми сражениями. Игрок перемещается по землям Невендаара, открывая засекреченные места, тайны и сражаясь с врагами. Каждое решение и выбор пользователя повлияет на дальнейший процесс и развитие сюжета.
Patch History
Main article: Need for Speed: World/Patch History
The game was regularly updated with new game content and fixes. Patch 5.00 was the largest update so far and added numerous new features including performance customisation.
Development Differences
Development — Some content may have altered during development.
- The Police Civic Cruiser only appears in pre-production builds and was replaced by the Dodge Charger SRT-8 Super Bee in the beta as well as the final release.
- The police vehicle sirens changed multiple times before release.
- Early closed beta testing sessions were limited to small portion of the environment compared to the final release. The available environment was expanded in later closed beta testing sessions.
- The Police Pontiac GTO vehicles appeared at Heat Level 3 during the beta but were replaced by the Police State Muscle Cruiser in the final release although they appear in some Team Escape events.
- Power-ups were free in early closed beta testing sessions.
- The Undercover Dodge Charger SRT-8 Super Bee police units had no light bars in early closed beta testing sessions but were added to the vehicle in later beta sessions.
- The Heavy Rhino SUV and Supercharged Rhino SUV featured the same livery as they did in Need for Speed: Carbon in early closed beta testing sessions.
- The loading screen featured a Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4.
- Car statistics were not portrayed by numbers.
- The Asian beta was only playable in Chinese.
- Player avatars consisted of human faces.
- Police vehicles were depicted on the minimap as blinking arrows.
- Traffic vehicles were only white and beeped at the player more frequently.
Need for Speed: World is set within the fictional Tri-City. The location is a mixture of Rockport from Need for Speed: Most Wanted and Palmont City from Need for Speed: Carbon.
Players progress through the game by participating in race events and engaging in police pursuits. Player’s progress is measured by their current Driver Level with a cap upon reaching level 60.
Players are offered a Lucky Draw Card Pack after completing an event or finishing a police pursuit.
Free Roam
Players are allowed to drive around both Palmont City and Rockport within free roam. Players can see other players driving around in free roam but are unable to collide with them in any manner.
were removed from free roam on November 16th, 2011 resulting in players no longer being able to initiate pursuits by ramming police vehicles. Police chases are only possible by joining Pursuit Outrun events.
Event Types
Need for Speed: World features a variety of gamemodes:
- Drag — Multiplayer Only
- Circuit
- Meeting Place
- Pursuit Outrun — Singleplayer Only
- Sprint
- Team Escape — Multiplayer Only
В игре есть много режимов. Это и сетевая игра, гонки по кругу, по прямой трассе, по извилистой местности. Но самое интересное в игре – это преследование полицейских. За вами будут гоняться копы, а вы, как профессиональный гонщик, должны ловко уйти от преследований. Далее вы тюнингуете свою машину, зарабатываете себе очки, чтобы прокачать автомобиль. А далее можно будет и участвовать в гоночных турнирах по локальной сети. В игре вы будете постоянно следить за состоянием своей машины и вашего пилота. Меняйте внешность персонажей, соберите команду профессиональных гонщиков и устройте настоящие крутые заезды на спортивных автомобилях. В игре вы не только будете просто гонять по трассам, вы будете постоянно зарабатывать рейтинговые очки, а также следить за рейтингом своих оппонентов по игровому процессу.
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! (Русская версия)
Психологический хоррор, какого вы еще не видели! Добро пожаловать в пугающий мир поэзии и мелодрамы! Сочиняйте стихи для своей возлюбленной и исправляйте допущенные ошибки, чтобы достичь хэппи-энда. Вы наконец узнаете, почему DDLC считается одной из лучших игр последних лет в жанре психологического хоррора. Вы играете за главного героя, который, сам того не желая, вступил в литературный клуб – и обрел там любовь. Вы пишете стихи, принимаете решения, очаровываете свою избранницу… и все глубже погружаетесь в ад школьной романтики. Удастся ли вам расколоть код отношений и добиться безоблачной концовки?